jubilant_dinosaur has not published standpoints yet. Comments by jubilant_dinosaur Comment Post Date Comment: I think Dean is the odd one out because it not only affected him, but his staff too, and... Post: #43 Odd one out Date: 15/7/21 Comment: I think picture B, because it represents a person being rubbed out by the cancellers, why he... Post: #41 Picture this! Date: 02/7/21 Comment: I agree with C because you should always speak up and share you're opinion, but I also agree... Post: #39 Pick one! Date: 17/6/21 Comment: I nominate reflective_arctic_fox for an award as I believe they have been working hard all year... Post: #38 The BNC Awards! Date: 10/6/21 Comment: To help the environment and try and stop climate change, I would create a new job called the... Post: #36 Work for the world! Date: 27/5/21 Comment: My rule is that everybody has to stop driving, chopping down trees, dropping litter (you could... Post: #35 Make a rule! Date: 20/5/21 Comment: my caption is that the earth is the only thing left and there is nothing left if we destroy it.... Post: #34 Caption this! Date: 13/5/21 Comment: hi, it's jubilant_dinosaur here. For my invention, i would create a Eco litter system. what... Post: #33 Invention test! Date: 06/5/21 Comment: Future(a brighter one) Realise that we all need to help(climate change) Eco freindly local... Post: #32 A fresh start! Date: 29/4/21 Comment: My robot is a teacher. It will be programmed to help children and know and remember answers. It... Post: #10 - Design a robot! Date: 13/11/20 Comment: The most important thing that I have learnt (from Reggie Love) is that whatever you do, it will... Post: #7 - Listen to learn! Date: 22/10/20