placid_physics has not published standpoints yet. Comments by placid_physics Comment Post Date I am curious, sad, worried, and excited at the same time and this is because AI is an... The future of AI: poll results! 20/3/24 Proportional representation is a system for distributing parliamentary seats following the... Ensuring fairness in Indian elections the case for proportional representation. 18/3/24 Leaders have an essential role in inspiring, motivating, making difficult decisions, effectively... Future leaders: poll results! 18/3/24 The electoral system in India is facing a wide range of issues, such as corruption, biased... How does the Indian election work? 17/3/24 Halting all forms of armed conflicts and military engagements is crucial for the advancement of... Should countries hold elections during wartime? 17/3/24 I believe that it is expected of them to fight for a country that gave them hospitality when... What are the benefits of immigration? 22/2/24 To begin with, social bias refers to tendencies or preferences towards certain groups, ideas, or... Who has the power to stop social bias? 20/2/24 I agree with your response to option D because the extent to which the rights and capabilities... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24 Listening to other people's views is important for many reasons, such as cognitive diversity.... Why so divisive? 18/2/24 I feel that debates are essential for advancing and driving change. For example, in a case of... Why so divisive? 16/2/24 I disagree with your comment because it is one sided and it ignores the basic principles of... Why are there rules about immigration? 13/2/24 One of the reasons why countries have policies about immigrants is to protect public health and... Why are there rules about immigration? 12/2/24 I think you are right about the value of green skills for our country and the planet. Students... Are green skills the future? 11/2/24 I feel that brands should be more worried about is consumer loyalty because it is a key factor... An interview with Phyllida Swift 09/2/24 I think that brands should be careful about engaging in political issues, because they might... An interview with Phyllida Swift 09/2/24 Hi, I think that we can only tackle the huge problem of climate change by working together.... Climate change and inequality 06/2/24 Hi, The news of businesses leaving Nigeria has a negative and devastating impact. These... How might the news affect businesses? 06/2/24 Hi, There are a lot of way to curb environmental concerns when all these sophisticated... How to make a change 05/2/24 Hi, Nigeria is a country that cares about the environment and encourages young people to create... How to make a change 04/2/24 Hi, A prison officer (PO) also known as a correctional law enforcement officer or less formally... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24 View more >