respectful_music has not published standpoints yet. Comments by respectful_music Comment Post Date Comment: Truly, the doctor's words made me feel upset. I don't understand how any one could not... Post: A doctor's words Date: 08/12/22 Comment: Big "No", I wont eat bugs, because in my country, bugs are usually linked with dirty places and... Post: Bug burgers and critter curries... delicious? Date: 07/11/22 Comment: In my country Palestine, many kinds of food items are produced and consumed locally and are not... Post: What's on your plate? And where's it from? Date: 07/11/22 Comment: Honestly, I believe that the world leaders are not doing enough to solve the food problem, even... Post: Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? Date: 03/11/22 Comment: I feel like 95% is the correct number for the percentage of teenagers who use social media,... Post: Competition #1 Interpreting statistics Date: 03/11/22 Comment: Honestly, for 450 thousand dollars, I will buy the 4000 boxes of support boxes that would... Post: Money, money, money! Date: 03/11/22 Comment: I think that the people that gets least use of the space innovations are the poor, because... Post: Space innovations: what do you think? Date: 02/11/22 Comment: The thing that amazed me most is that in the past, the greatest reason for pay inequality was... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 02/11/22 Comment: Yes, I think that songs arre a good method to share a message, because songs can seed feelings... Post: Protest songs: what would you choose? Date: 02/11/22 Comment: I believe that everyone should be allowed to access the internet because it is not only used for... Post: Should the internet be a human right? Date: 02/11/22 Comment: Of course, I would love to be out there to explore Space, and the area that I would like to... Post: What makes space 'out of this world'? Date: 02/11/22