Comments by respectful_song

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I do not think that athletes should be stripped of these unfair advantages such as more time to... Unfair advantage? 02/3/24
You are right in a way .But in other countries some sport matters than others But. here in... Which sports “matter”? 01/3/24
I agree because... In addition to what you said the athletes should be restricted on when to... You make the rules! 01/3/24
I think that the statistic one in six represents gender inequality because some women don't have... Competition #6 winners 29/2/24
I think he found his/her evidence by maybe news or just exaggeration or maybe he/she did a... Do you feel represented? 24/2/24
In considering who presents the news we watch or how people like us are depicted in news... Do you feel represented? 23/2/24
The information that shocks me the most is education because It's incredibly disheartening to... Gender inequality: have your say! 23/2/24
Amazing point jazzed_tamarillo, I feel some people see bad news as a call to action and people... Climate change: regular reminders 23/1/24
Wow, this is such an interesting question. I feel when it comes to presenting negative climate... Too much negative news? 23/1/24
In my opinion, in countries that are seriously affected by the negative effects of climate... Too much negative news? 23/1/24
I choose the two people discussing on the rooftop, one of them said “The world is changing” and... Climate change: regular reminders 23/1/24
I agree with what spirited_concept has said. Another job that could be at risk is the... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
One job that I feel may be at risk due to the development of robots with AI in the future is... Jobs of the future 22/1/24