Comments by selfassured_bat

Comment Post Date
Hello, According to me all of them are fair because as in the first case of Germany, Germany... Fair or unfair? 14/2/24
Hello, The way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is through economic growth and... What are the benefits of immigration? 13/2/24
Regarding the different rules for different people, In my perspective, it is imperative to... Why are there rules about immigration? 13/2/24
Hello, Well According to me countries implement rules and policies regarding immigrants for a... Why are there rules about immigration? 13/2/24
Hello I think that Superman from DC Comics can solve a real-world issue. With his superhuman... Competition #4 winners 13/2/24
Hello Well recently i heard about this "Canada will soon launch a citizenship path for... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24
Hello Well recently i heard about this "Canada will soon launch a citizenship path for... Why are there rules about immigration? 12/2/24
Hello I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the "Impact of immigration on local... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24
Also the ongoing farmers protests in India, particularly in states like Punjab and Haryana, have... How might the news affect businesses? 11/2/24
Hello, So well in my country India many situations have affected businesses like First, the... How might the news affect businesses? 11/2/24
Hello, Well according to me in terms of prioritization, safety, punishment (justice ) and... What’s the purpose of prisons? 11/2/24
I believe that in situations like these, individuals must take responsibility for their actions.... Freedom v safety? 09/2/24
Hello Well, According to me it actually depends on the condition whether it is right to... Freedom v safety? 09/2/24
I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Who Can be more responsible to curb This... Suggest a discussion 09/2/24
Definitely, The reasons you have mentioned are absolutely correct. In my view, Another reason... Women's sport 08/2/24
Hello According to me Fans, Media, Government all are somewhere or the other responsible in... Women's sport 08/2/24
Hello In my view, I think that The Festival Topics AI : Education and the future of work and... Competition #3 winners 08/2/24
Hello I think there should be A Hub discussion about "Rising prices of medicines and Daily... Suggest a discussion 08/2/24
In my view, News outlets should aim for a balanced representation of diverse perspectives on... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 02/2/24
Hello According to Joycelyne Longdon The factors the affecting eco-anxiety due to Their... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 02/2/24