versatile_molecule has not published standpoints yet. Comments by versatile_molecule Comment Post Date Comment: A perspective that has been very important to hear from in Olivia and Tom. This is because their... Post: #44 - VIPs (Very Important Perspectives) Date: 17/7/20 Comment: What inspires my ideas for art? Well something I find helps is looking at objects from a... Post: #43 - What inspires your ideas? Date: 10/7/20 Comment: I would really like to see a dedicated Coronavirus issue. I have chosen this because the... Post: #42 - In the Hot Seat Date: 03/7/20 Comment: I think promoting an interest in art across the world would be a good idea. I think this because... Post: #41 - Ideas to Include Date: 26/6/20 Comment: THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM IS OPENING On the 18th of June the Natural History Museum is... Post: #40 - An Advert for Art Date: 19/6/20 Comment: My festival would run over many weeks. This is to prevent lag and any crashes that might occur.... Post: #39 - Your Virtual Festival Date: 12/6/20 Comment: I think that scepticism is an important skill to have if you are a journalist because as a... Post: #35 - Skills for success Date: 14/5/20 Comment: Also, as extreme weather is global, do you talk to the people who have been effected by extreme... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 27/4/20 Comment: A question I would like to ask is: how to you retain an objective approach when giving both... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 27/4/20 Comment: My question is: When researching on extreme weather how to you find the most reliable and... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 27/4/20 Comment: My title is 'what we human have done, what tears we humans have caused. I have chosen this title... Post: #32 - Give it a title! Date: 23/4/20 Comment: My seven word answer is: It informs us of many current affairs. I think this is important... Post: #31 - Say it in Seven! Date: 17/4/20 Comment: I would say: Thank you so, so much for stepping up to save lives, that is a very selfless thing... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: Sorry I pressed enter, continuing: I have said this because many volunteers will be anxious and... Post: #29 - Write an inspiring speech - Winners Announced! Date: 03/4/20 Comment: The good News story I would like to share is that some pupils are writing emails to the local... Post: #28 - Good News Stories - Winners Announced! Date: 27/3/20 Comment: I think an improvement to the NHS would be an app that any NHS patient could use an app on their... Post: #27 - Ideas for Improvement Date: 20/3/20 Comment: The most important fact I have learnt about the NHS so far in BNC is: In December 2019, every... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 13/3/20 Comment: "73% WOULD PAY MORE TO SAVE THE NHS" - Daily Mirror# It is trying to make us think that more... Post: #25 - Behind the Headlines - Winners Announced! Date: 05/3/20 Comment: My message would be: you do more than help us you save us and for that you should truly proud,... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 28/2/20 Comment: The hardest thing to make up my mind about in the issue so far was: Who has more power in our... Post: #23 - I Can't Make My Mind Up - Winners Announced! Date: 21/2/20 View more >