Comments by students of Boutcher CofE Primary School B | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
shining_chameleon In my opinion, the negative impact of AI is that it can worsen the inequality between having an... Will AI transform the emerging world? 13/2/24
shining_chameleon In my opinion, I think that AI is bad for planet as th making of AI can release greenhouse gases... AI and the planet 13/2/24
successful_library We could combine the use AI and human to get best education by helping each other and AI can... Will AI transform the emerging world? 13/2/24
fabulous_duck In my opinion, I think that not enough normal people are changing their behaviour to protect the... Why don’t people change? 12/2/24
successful_library I agree with C because it’s true that you have to be more careful if not then you will get... AI accident: who is responsible? 12/2/24
thoughtful_agency I think there should be a hub discussion post about what you do to help the environment and... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24
believable_power More good because the can help us pick up litter and whenever they see any thing bad they can... AI and the planet 12/2/24
believable_power I would teach the robot to do good things and make them have manners and everything good AI companion 12/2/24
believable_power The negative because when we know what the negative is then we can make a huge difference and change Too much negative news? 12/2/24
peaceful_nature Hello Eva, ... Will schools exist in future? 12/2/24
peaceful_nature I think we all can make a change by limiting the waste and recycling our trash. We can use less... How to make a change 12/2/24
peaceful_nature I think schools will exist in the future but there will be robot teaching assistants and the... Will schools exist in future? 12/2/24
enchanted_emotion I think there should be a discussion on eco-anxiety. A lot of people all around the world still... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24
enchanted_emotion If I had an AI companion, I would use it to give money to charities, help the needy and give... AI companion 12/2/24
fabulous_duck Well I think there should be a discussion about the weather. Because of climate change, which... Suggest a discussion 12/2/24
fabulous_duck In my opinion, I anticipate that as the years past on, if the world is still very sick, we... Too much negative news? 12/2/24
fabulous_duck In my school, each child had a paper, which told us our roles in the world. Some children were... Report back 12/2/24
thoughtful_agency I scored a 8\10 in the test. It tested my knowledge and it helped me to know more things. For... Show what you know 11/2/24
generous_mood Hey everybody I got 6-10 and I do agree with fantastic song because people do need to know that... Show what you know 11/2/24
thoughtful_agency I agree with you because yes this quiz really helped me regain my knowledge of AI. I want to... Test your knowledge 11/2/24