Comments by students of Cantonment Public School and College | Bangladesh

Student Comment Post Date
joyous_piano I think learning will be more fun and easier with the help of AI. With the help of AI, we can... AI and the future of education 22/1/24
loving_brain So, Guys we are talking about AI then, we should also talk about how we can prevent or solve... Suggest a discussion 22/1/24
joyous_piano I partially agree with opinion 2. In this world, there is no end of learning. Learning is... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
logical_tsunami The news story that caught my attention most was about the Metro rail timings arroud the world.... Competition #1 winners 22/1/24
fantastic_song I think the most important thing for people to understand about eco-anxiety is that what it... Show what you know 22/1/24
beloved_octopus I went with option A because to me it is more reasonable. Sure, good news makes you happy and... Too much negative news? 22/1/24
loving_brain We also need to talk about one thing that is "How to create AIs?" Which can be used to increase... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
loving_brain You have a strong point, But I have a opinion that, do you know how advanced AI are made? They... People v robots 22/1/24
joyous_piano I think a new kind of job will be created that to control and monitor the AI. Humans will never... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
fantastic_song I believe that the education system in the future will be better than it is today due to the... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
fantastic_song In my opinion the professions of the future will require changing skills. Soft skills such as... Jobs of the future 22/1/24
fantastic_song Hey Caroline, great to hear from you. I once heard someone say "if a flower doesn't bloom, do... An interview with Caroline Hickman 22/1/24
fantastic_song Although I do not support any of the views or options presented to me today. Because I think... Too much negative news? 22/1/24
beloved_octopus Everything has a good side and bad side. Ignoring something only because of its bad sides will... AI and the future of education 22/1/24
beloved_octopus I think there should be a discussion about "what should be done". Because, we often see a lot of... Suggest a discussion 22/1/24
beloved_octopus AI, the latest invention, currently most trending. When it was first introduced, I felt a roller... What's your reaction? 22/1/24
beloved_octopus The job sector is a critical sector, new jobs come and replace the old ones very easily. In... Jobs of the future 22/1/24