An interview with Caroline Hickman

Caroline Hickman is an eco-anxiety and climate psychotherapist. She is also a lecturer at the University of Bath, UK, and international authority on climate psychology. She delivers talks and workshops about the climate crisis and its impact on mental health.

Watch Caroline’s video to find out more about her job, what eco-anxiety is and how it might feel.

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Comments (41)

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  • Hi Caroline it's so great to hear your wise words. You have spoken so well and you have also made me think different about eco- anxiety or climate crisis. So looking at eco-anxiety and what causes it is fear we all feel like the world is coming to an end instead of being scared we all try to make the world a better place and try avoid those activities that brings climate crisis. What I actually learnt was one of the ways we managed mental health is looking at our ability to respond to external reality, things like ice melting rising of sea levels, is not what we should be terrified of but they are things that we needed to take seriously and take action on.

    1. I agree because... climate change affects our mental health in two major ways:
      - Psychological responses to direct exposure. Example, living through disasters like floods and earthquakes.
      - Indirect exposure: This involves watching a disaster unfold from a distance.
      These psychological responses are called 'distress reactions'. They include insomnia, irritability and substance abuse.

  • Hey Caroline, great to hear from you. I once heard someone say "if a flower doesn't bloom, do you blame the flower or its environment" I feel like this explains a lot about the situations around us and how these situations affect our mental health and physical strength. As someone who has and still suffers from mental health issues, I feel it is very important for you to have a clean and healthy environment to grow up. The ongoing changes in our environment and pollution are causing a lot of anxiety in people. According to one survey, mental health issues were raised at 13%, which is a big number. So I think it's really important that people understand eco-anxiety and how these environmental changes affect our mental health.

    1. Thanks for sharing this fantastic_song. The Hub is a public website, which means aren't able to control who sees the comments. Please make sure you only write things that you're happy to share publicly, and reply to this comment if you change your mind.

      1. Hey Alicia,
        Just wanted to let you know, I'm cool with the Hub being a public spot. I feel good about what I share it here because I really think it's super important for folks to be open about mental health stuff. You know, a lot of people dealing with mental health issues get a bit hesitant to share what's on their minds, thinking it's kind silly or not normal. But we got to emphasize that feeling this way is totally normal. And I'm very convinced that having these calm discussions about mental health can create a space where people can feel more at ease and realize that they are not the only ones going through this. Many people face mental health issues at some point, so talking openly not only spreads the message, but also helps address and reduce the frequency of these issues. I believe these conversation can play a role in reducing suicide. It’s crazy that over 8% of people attempt suicide because of mental health issues. By being authentic and understanding, we have the potential to save lives and work together to build a healthier, more supportive society. For everyone's well-being, including our own, let's make mental health meetings a priority.
        We need to be open.🙂

        1. Hi fantastic_song! Thanks for sharing your thoughts -- we agree that it's important to talk about mental health so that the topic feels safe and open. You shared a number in your comment which I'm not sure is right. Could you share your source please?

          1. Hey Katie, I wanted to share some information about the risk of suicide related to mental health issues. And the risk of suicide due to mental health issues .And the percentage mention their .I found this data on the National Institute of Health's website (gov), specifically in the Journal List of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (PMC6165). The article provides a brief overview of mental health issues. I hope this helps clarify any doubts.

    2. I agree because... agree because your courage is quite commendable to speak out, I'd also like to say that if you're comfortable with it you could make a club in your school about eco-anxiety, you'd actually be surprised the amount of people that have eco anxiety but are to scared to speak up. Your club could be like a safe space where you all will talk generally about individual experiences that way you are raising awareness on this issue thereby helping and giving back to your community. You all can then further create an Instagram account, Facebook or even YouTube and drop daily motivational quotes or videos on how to get over eco anxiety e.g Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future." -- Deepak Chopra.

  • It's really nice to hear someone talking about anxiety and mental health. Many people are suffering from it, but they don't know how to open up themselves and talk about it with others. You made me understand that anxiety is actually not bad. It only means that you are thinking about the matter more importantly. From here I got an idea to turn all of my anxieties into action and overcome it. I keep overthinking about my fear but now I get the strength to convert my anxiety into strength. Thanks for the help. Mental health is like a part of ourselves. So we mustn't ignore it. I think having eco-anxiety is good. Because it helps you to think about the climate and through this thinking you might discover something beneficial for the climate and the whole world. So in my point of view, eco-anxiety is not a thing to fear. It's a thing to have a deep thought about it and work to overcome it.

    1. Thank you for this comment, joyous_piano. It's great to hear that you are inspired to turn your anxiety into strength. Do you have suggestions, things that you might do or that others could do, to put this into action? What steps might you take?

      1. Yeah. I do have a plan about turning my anxiety and fear into strength. Firstly, I want to be true to myself. If I can't understand myself then whose goanna understand me.? Being honest with myself, I want to face my anxiety and fear. I don't want my anxiety to make me lag behind of others. I will have a deep thought about it, and I believe I can go over through it. Having believe in yourself is important. I will make myself emotionally and mentally stable to take any steps to overcome my fear and anxiety. We cannot let our anxiety to destroy us. I know it's hard to forget the fear, but I believe that if we try and have the urge to get over it, we will definitely succeed. Lastly, choose what is best for you. It's your duty to make ourselves happy and overcome your anxiety. Thanks...

  • Caroline's words definitely inspired me, especially when she spoke about how eco anxiety can actually serve as a good feeling, knowing that you are only worried because you care about the state of the Earth. I also loved how she spoke about the media and, how they need to tell the truth. It is true that those behind the posts we read online about our environment are people like us and they also may have fear of what could happen next. I agree with her point in saying we need to tell the truth on social media especially when it comes to news on the eco system, etcetera because someone may read a statement that lacks accuracy, and begin to get emotionally overwhelmed on whatever that statement says, believing it's true as it's on the internet.
    Another part I liked and that inspired me a lot as well, was the ending where Caroline said that the media can actually help people with these fears. This is by creating content on our eco system in creative ways that appeal and interest people. I would definitely love to watch an online series on actions I can take to impact the climate if it's interesting and I'm sure others my age would as well. Storytelling is something I love to do, and this interview has inspired me to write a fictional story on action we can take to help the Earth, as well as think creatively so that I can get the attention of young students like me. Thankyou Caroline.

    1. This is a great reflection - what other creative ways can people learn about this?

      1. Well Alicia, there are a lot of talents as of now that people can use to showcase what is happening in terms of climate. From plays, to interpretative dances, to drawings, to even just public speaking at events that are highly favored by youth. Even puppet shows can send a message. Nowadays, there is always a special talent one can use to interest and grab attention of others.

      2. Other creative ways are through drama.
        People often learn more by watching plays because some actors delivers their roles excellently thereby passing their message. Another way is speaking to someone like the saying goes a problem shared with the right person (or people), at the right time and with the right intentions, is a problem half solved or basically joining groups where y'all meet and discuss both your fears and worries concerning climate change. It really helps! Most especially hearing from those who have been there and passed that stage.Their experiences and how they got passed that stage (eco anxiety) or basically publishing it only as a book for the book lovers pictures inclusive or as an instagram post, part by part to capture the viewers interests thereby making it fun

    2. I agree because... just recently I was watching this video after speaking with one of my friends and I realized how eco-anxiety isn't actually all bad and this helped me to more properly help my friend who experienced it as he had his friend’s house washed away by floods, and after speaking with them about it they told me how much better they felt and it also made me feel very good as I too has had that kind of experience and helping someone with their trauma gives me that feeling of doing a good deed.

  • Hi Coraline!
    It is mostly talked about how we are causing climate change and polluting the planet. However, the climate change was going to happen anyway, regardless of our actions. We just accelerated it. For example, the ice age existed until some different global warming melted the ice. So now, are we just worrying over something that was supposed to happen anyway? I am seriously concerned about the fact that so many people are getting Eco-anxiety over something that isn't really their fault and they can't do much about it. I have seen how debusoleted some people became, because it all seems hopeless. Another awful fact is that while some people are sacrificing their mental health trying to figure out a solution on this matter, some simply just live their life, disrespecting other people's effort. What needs to be done, so it all becomes more balanced?

  • To me eco-anxiety is a terrible type of anxiety, that is it falls under the class of anxiety that is negative simply because this emotion is making people to think that every action they take is affecting the environment. But it is good to note that it is not every action you take that affects the environment, to some people some of the preventive measures that are given to them to stop the issue of climate change are dangerous, so we all should work together to destroy this emotion because if the problem of eco-anxiety is solved, our work to protect this world will be made easier.
    So in conclusion, eco-anxiety is an emotion that is psychologically affecting our actions against climate change. If this emotion can be dealt with in the minds of many people, climate change can be stopped so this world can be a better and healthier place to live in

  • First of all, I would like to thank Caroline for the valuable discourse on the matter. As mental health and climate change have switched from taboo topics to the main talk of the town, it is important and creative to find connections between them.

    Regarding eco-anxiety, based on personal experience and, generally, how and why humans feel anxious, I believe that much of the fear regarding climate change is not solely fueled by the material reality of the phenomenon ("Forests are burning, the ice is melting"), but also by the sheer lack of a plan. Yes, everyone knows the drill: you should recycle, ride a bike to work, buy an electric car, etc., but the world leadership as a whole seems disjointed and not actually willing to solve the problem. For instance, all the COP summits declare a new global temperature change target, only for them to change it later when they realize it is unachievable. Politicians are more willing to keep traditional fossil fuel-based economies running, proven by actions such as Mr. Trump withdrawing the US from the Paris Agreement or Mr. Sunak expanding drilling operations in the North Sea. Seeing how lackluster our leaders are when addressing the matter, what are we expected to feel, besides anxiety? The situation fuels feelings of fear and hopelessness.

    On the bright side, I believe that humans are in the end pushed by their anxieties and fears to solve an issue. World leaders *today* might be out of touch and not interested in solving the issue, but they are about to be replaced by a new generation which has lived with climate anxiety since childhood. When you have groups of anxious people in positions of power, they will do as much as possible to solve the issue they are worrying about, so I'm quite certain that the new generation of leaders will take much better action. My point is supported by the growing popularity of Green parties in countries such as Germany, or the rise of popular figures like Greta Thunberg.

    I am worried, however, about what could be done about apathy regarding climate change. People might actually accept it as a fact of life and quit working to prevent or ease its consequences. I am eager to hear what Caroline's proposals to prevent 'climate apathy' are. However, if I had to make an educated guess, we can prevent apathy on the environmental crisis by proposing and, more importantly, *implementing* valuable solutions that remind citizens that things can be done and are being done. Furthermore, awareness on the issue is also important, especially if we emphasize how people's local landscapes and lives will be affected.

    1. I agree with you! The world leadership itself is disjointed while dealing with climate crisis. The only time we could agree commonly upon a single solution was in deciding the ban the CFCs, which I remember to be in the 1987, in the Vienna Convention. Post that, we have had world leaders going as far as to say that "Climate Change is fake"
      They raise the topic of climate change, only to deviate the concerns to war and fuel their own political agendas. I refrain from taking any names, out of respect for a national platform, but I believe we as citizens can only do so much.
      The world needs to keep aside it's political and economical gains for OUR sake, for the sake of the FUTURE of this world, and unite into deciding common reforms for world-sustainability. And the future leaders, everyone on this platform, and worldwide even, needs to recognise, that once they hold the throne, once they have power enough to make decisions that impact the world, they must do A LOT towards preventing global warming, keeping aside all political gains out of a clear conscience. The world needs to realise that it does not belong to a single person, that his actions will impact the world throughout, so he needs to keep himself in check.

  • Greetings Caroline, I am delighted to have listened to your insightful explanation of eco-anxiety and its effects on people, especially teenagers. This talk has made me see things differently when approaching any issue of climate psychology, by taking a step backward and openly talking about our fears regarding the earth's future so that we can achieve a more positive outlook. Moreover, I would also have to say that I fully agree with your statement about how the media should be taking responsibility for fueling eco-anxiety.
    Now on to what I consider your most important talking point: How can one deal with eco-anxiety? I must first say that I can't thank you enough for the methods you have shared, as they will likely help me. In my country, you can often find people who feel angry or sad about deforestation. In some forests, perfectly healthy and mature trees are cut down without authorization, while authorities are turning a blind eye to the situation. As I have mentioned before I can name at least ten of my acquaintances who experience eco-anxiety, and with the help of meaningful and insightful conversation, I can at least try to make them feel better or see things differently.

  • In this climate issue I share very similar opinions with Caroline. I almost fully agree with your words. But here are the things that I share a bit different opinion about. Its true that mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed of but reality is different for everyone, some people might be supportive but it's not always the case. Sometimes when you are not ashamed to share your mental health issues, YOU ARE FORCED TO. Many makes us uncomfortable and thinks we are seeking for attention. In this case shame is not really a choice. Now lets go to the climate change part. Again, I really have to give it to you for expressing these issues. These were really well expressed. The way climate is changing, yes we know, we know how ice is melting and the earth is heating. We indeed are worried and should take action but, is necessary action being taken? Many people might be taking steps towards this issue but it is not enough. Majority is ignoring this issue. This was not to oppose anyone but to aware my friends. We teenagers can still protect our future. We, if we really want can take the necessary actions. Let's start with simple things like putting trash in restricted places, minimising use of plastics, limited use of AC, and switching to more eco friendly methods.

  • Climate change has caused and exacerbated extreme whether events world wide such as drought,flood, hurricanes and wild life fires.
    People are increasingly awear of the negative effects of climate change on the planet and human health,but this knowledge can often come with significant affective responses,such as psychological distress,anger or despair.
    Experiencing major negative emotions like worry, guilt and hopelessness in anticipation to climate change has been identified with the term eco-anxiety.
    Researches have found that experiencing low level of anxiety and emotions in the face of climate change is a response to a stressful reality. And as such there's no mental diagnosis of eco-anxiety will feel genuine distress that can limit their daily activities and lead to serious depressive and anxious symptoms.
    Here are some tactics that can help you develop healthy coping skills around climate change;
    1. Focus on what you can control, because climate change is a complex issue.
    2. Avoid overload; do not work on too many climate project or advocating for too many.
    3. Talk to someone about how you are feeling because eco-anxiety is a real experience, and it's not something you have to go through alone.

  • Hello,
    Caroline has definitely made me see past the barrier of anxiety and helped me to think differently about climate crisis. In summary she says we should take it slow and steady. She has really inspired me to do something about climate crisis because... she makes me realize i am not too small to make a difference. Caroline has hit the hammer on the nail, and it just means a lot to me she clears all my doubt about whether eco-anxiety can actually go away with her answer of ''it's actually based on you.''

    1. I agree with this comment. The way Caroline addresses the situation really does provide some sort of comfort. When she said she is expressing her fears by talking to us like this, really showed me that anxiety is not a problem that we can't combat.

    2. I agree with you on we not being too small to make a change in our environment because we are the ones who will later come and either regret our actions of reacting to climate change early or late, if we also start from this young age we will become adapted to taking care of our environment. Some of the ways we can start are by:
      1.Convince people to use renewable and clean energy.
      2.Deal with waste properly.
      3. We should keep on learning.
      THANK YOU.

  • I am curious to know if Caroline has encountered a community that opposes deforestation particularly in areas where firewood is commonly used for cooking in rural settings. If she has interacted with such people ,they likely felt concerned and apprehensive about how to transition away from using wood for cooking. In such instances, what initiatives did she undertake to reassure and motivate the community ? Additionally what practical solutions the she propose and how the the community respond to and eventually adopt these alternatives?

  • I really learnt a lot like the fact that eco-anxiety is a fear that occurs when we know the fact that we are not doing enough to save the planet. People need to know the truth about what is happening to our planet. Something that really touched me was the fact about social media hiding the truth. Instead of facing facts and trying to save the planet, scientists are thinking of ways for us to survive on other planets. I really love the earth and I do not want to leave it. We cannot just give up on our planet especially when 95% of the problem is from us. People on social media need to start speaking the truth not to keep hiding it under the rug. The earth is at stake and we are the only ones that can save it. The only way to do that is by reducing our carbon footprint. One person alone cannot save the earth. We need to work together. The fastest way we can do that is by speaking the truth where everyone can see it and what better place than social media? So I believe we should be more honest about our environment on social media.

  • Lately i have been really interested in reading articles and newspaper but i recntly read about the global average surface temperature has increased by more than 1.6 degrees
    And the impacts of rising temperatures aren’t waiting for some farflung future the effects of global warming are appearing right now. The heat is melting glaciers and sea ice, shifting precipitation patterns, and setting animals on the move, also i read that the ice is melting world wide especially at the earth‘s pole. All those news made us relise that „alone we can‘t do much but if we put our hands together we can do anything“ the earth was made to satisfy our needs not ugliness
    Thank you!!

  • Greetings everyone!,
    Caroline you made me think of anxiety and eco-anxiety twice. That how they are interrelated with eachother. The climate crisis going on the world today is stressful for everyone.
    I was not known about existential anxiety before.I think every people in the world are suffering from existential anxiety. It is because everyone is overthinking and stressing about a natura change happening in the world.

    For this everyone should make a concept to make us and our environment anxiety free. Everyone should be in the concept to make the world better place to live.

  • Hi Caroline, I think you are undoubtably right. Climate change is both negative and positive. Negative because it leaves fear and worry in people about the environment which makes people gain eco-anxiety. I also think positive because it motivates people take action and help the environment. We must see our anxiety about the environment not only as a curse but a blessing because it is simply must not only be a weakness to us, but it should help us try to make our environment better.

  • anxiety. From the video I got to learn that if you have eco anxiety you shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed of it because it shows that we are humans and we truly care and feel for our climate and earth in general. It's great to see someone talk about this topic as it is quite a sensitive one and is widespread. There are so many ways to deal with eco anxiety and through this video i understood that the media has a huge role to play in it. If the media don't tell the truth about what is really going on with the planet eco anxiety would surely continue. Also the media should learn to balance the level of negative and positive new showcased. Caroline has made understand that eco-anxiety is not a bad thing at all instead its a different way whereby some humans express their caret toward the negative thing going on with the planet. Another way to cope with eco anxiety is to acknowledge the difficult feelings and understand its normal to feel overwhelmed. You can also talk to someone ab out your feeling instead of keeping it all to yourself. Practicing deep breathing also help alleviate stress.

  • Hey
    Caroline made me understand more about Eco anxiety. Before when I witness wirl wind, pollution, erosion, I feel like it's just normal thing of the nature without knowing what the world is turning into. The climate change is really affecting us down here, and it is from the sun because the sun seems to be so harsh everyday that I began thinking if the world is about to end without knowing that it is as a result of climate change. But now, Caroline has made me understand the reasons why some things happen the way they do and also work with our strength and knowledge to help to improve those climate change. Thank ou so much for inspiring me dear Caroline.

  • I learnt that every good thing has side effects and every bad thing also has the it's good side. Now, everyone is focused on the bad side of the news heard about the climate change, but we should also know that the side effects of this climate change cannot kill everybody in the world. I thought the climate is something that is about to kill the whole world in a day but caroline has also made me forget my fears and see also that there are lots of good sides of this climate change. I got inspired by Caroline.

  • The main thing is "changes come with problems." With every change we face different problems. Just like we use engines that use fuel. These engines help us do production, communication and many things. But also it releases Greenhouse gas which heat our atmosphere. Everything has problems with them. But without fearing them we should face them with braveness. Because after a problem becomes very dangerous after sometime the time would feel like it went in a blink of eye. So, we shouldn’t just wait for others to work we should also go forward.

  • Hello!
    As someone who suffers from social anxiety, I can proudly say that I deeply relate to this video. The constant overthinking, the overflow of emotions, the urge to isolate myself and the self-consciousness have all taught me something valueable. This is; that it is better to be safe than sorry. Although most times, it is just my mind trying to play tricks on me, on some rare occasions, I end up being right about what brings me fear.
    Eco-anxiety, however, is a whole new world of my deepest fears coming to life. I sometimes even experience nightmares about how the world would look like when it has had enough or what would happen when we are too late. Everytime, I see heaps of smoke rising into the atmosphere or when I see recyclables in the trash, I worry.
    The best advice I can give to anyone is to do what you can (to the best of your ability). Recycle when you see the opportunity to do so. Encourage others to help the world. Whether it is through social media or face-to-face interactions with others. It doesn't have to be in an obnoxious or in-your-face manner. But in order to access some peace of mind,
    make some efforts and reach your limit so that you would know that you have done your part.

    1. Thank you for sharing, hilarious_nature.

  • Yes, Caroline had made me feel very different about the climate crisis that is taking place. I have been inspired by her to start being more eco friendly and to stop being so wasteful when it comes to nessceites that are man mad/ factory made.I wouldn't like to reply to her because i couldn't find the answer to her question but I would love to answer them some day. Thank you Caroline!

    1. I agree because... Caroline has changed my point of view about climate crisis ; and has made me to realize that we should use our education as a benefit towards climate crisis but not by allowing it to put more fear into us .

  • I agree with Caroline that we need to be proud of eco anxiety. It Is a way to deal with ourselves against nature and its environmental problems. Our fears can be transformed into awareness. If we stop having fears maybe will stop caring about climate change. And if we work collectively to protect our planet then our fears will get smaller.

  • First of all, I would like to thank Caroline for the information because I didn't know much about eco - anxiety. Also, she has taught me that I should not fear about problems on Earth but rather come up with solutions. She has made me think differently that I should be proud of my eco anxiety which shows I care. I would like to reply to her saying thank you and that she should also kindly share some real life experiences she has had with people about eco- anxiety.

  • I couldn't agree more with Caroline. We cannot just live with the fear that one day our ecosystem will be extinct, and we'll die in a flood because when the sea levels were rising, no one bothered paying attention to it. We need to channelize our apprehension in the right direction and voice our concerns to the right people. This planet is our home, and also to those who are ignorant about this catastrophe. Increasing temperatures, melting glaciers in the Arctic, extinction of several biodiversity species, and so much more are just the tip of the iceberg. This will only get worse if we remain uninformed or passive. Which is why we, those know what it feels like to be anxious about the future of this planet, should be proud of our capability of bringing about a meaningful change with our awareness. We need to develop technology that can efficiently combat climate change and give us measures to preserve our biodiversity, political leaders who are more than passive onlookers, and above all, journalists and reporters who do not sugarcoat the climate crisis. Our anxieties are a sign, as Caroline rightly points out, of our concern. We should use our fear as motivation and make this world a better place. Thank you, Caroline, for imparting this perspective towards eco-anxiety!

  • Hi, Caroline .
    Your suggestions was great. But , which think make me so eager that is power of
    eco-anxiety. I learned from your suggestions that‌ If we make everyone concerned about eco then many people will be aware of environment protection . If we make a organization for it . We can also give post on online social media. I would like to ask you a question that if we all hold a discussion online and build an organization in all the countries of the world then will we be successful in saving the earth. Hope you understand both my opinion and question. So, we should take necessary steps as soon as possible for saving our world and our country.

  • After my research I figured out that climate change have done a little good to politics this has created fear in the hearths of government to help our fix our world. On the other hand global warming has harmed not only physically but emotionally. According to the high rate of farmers hit 400 at 2020.This made me think what could happen if it gets worsens death rate of farmers would hit 1600, and food production would reduce from (wheat) 750,000,000 to 750,000.

  • Hi Caroline So happy for the important information I watch In video and I need your help.Last year when the earthquake hit Turkey and Syria lebanon was affected and from that time I become more stressful, the fear of happening another earthquake is always in my mind, how can I get away from this feeling and stop thinking of what will happen later
    Thank you

    1. Hi impartial_armadillo, that must have been very difficult. Often things happen that feel out of our control and this can worry us.

      When very worried about something like this, I'd suggest:
      -Sharing your feelings with family or a teacher.
      -We constantly learn from events that happen. Remind yourself that adults will have plans in place should something like this happen again.
      -There are lots of websites and Apps for young people which give expert advice around dealing with stress and feeling worried. For example, in the UK, we have Young Minds and Apps like ClearFear. Talk to your teachers about some places to look.

  • Hi Caroline, It's really good to learn from. you have explained very well about eco-anxiety or climate crisis. I have learn many things about eco-anxiety . Eco-anxiety is not only bad for us it can be good for the environment. For example, eco-anxiety helps people to be aware about the changes happening in the environment and solve them.

  • Hi guys,
    To me Eco-anxiety is a fairly new term and I understood that it is used to describe the passions of stress,fear and helplessness that we witness when faced with the ongoing climate extremity and its implicit consequences...There's limited exploration on eco-anxiety but some studies suggest that it's a growing concern among individuals especially youngish generations who are more likely to be exposed to information about the climate extremity through social media and other online platforms...A study published in the journal Global Environmental Change states that eco-anxiety is a licit and wide cerebral response to the climate extremity,affecting individuals from all walks of life..Another study published in the journal Society and Natural Coffers states that anxiety can motivate individuals to take action to address the climate extremity but it can also lead to passions of despair and forlornness if individuals don't feel like they're making a difference..Overall, it's important to admit the feelings associated with anxiety and find healthy ways to manage it while also taking action to produce positive change...This can involve making particular changes to reduce our carbon footmark,championing policy changes that address climate change or getting involved in community sweats to promote sustainability...It's fully accessible to witnesses-anxiety in response to the ongoing climate extremity...The state of our earth and the implicit consequences for our future can be inviting,leading to stress and anxiety...It's important to admit these feelings and find healthy ways to manage them while also taking action to produce positive change...I think that every donation,no matter how small,is precious in the fight against climate change,whether it involves conforming to our particular habits or championing more significant policy changes..Eco-anxiety is a honest emotional response to the ongoing climate extremity..The present state of our earth and the prospects of our future as a species can feel inviting causing anxiety and stress...It's v.imp to treat these passions and find 'healthy' ways to manage them while also taking action to effect positive change...Every trouble counts in the battle against climate change,whether it entails small-scale life changes or championing more substantial policy reforms...I am keen on hearing you opinions too..Thank you

  • Caroline taught me that sharing my anxieties lessens the worry. Before, I felt embarrassed confiding in friends, fearing they'd make fun of me. After watching her video, I now feel more confident expressing my feelings. It's essential to know that opening up can make us feel better and more supported. Thanks to Caroline, I've learned the importance of sharing our worries with others.

    1. I agree because... I agree with you also because as the saying goes that problem shared is problem solved.unlike before when I always want to be in my shell which sometimes makes me sway and sometimes it leads to emotional trauma which is not good for both young and adult.
      And also when start to share your problem, you start to feel as if you have been released of a heavy load and solution to your problems comes when you start to share your problems. Thank you so much for making me see sharing my anxiety as a way of reducing my burden.

      1. I'm glad it has been helpful to you, educated-harmonica!

  • Hello Caroline, I feel privileged hearing your wise words, and you have made great points.
    You helped me shed a new light, to the anxiety I feel anytime I hear about the climate crisis. I'm also glad to hear its normal and it means I care for my planet, which I do.
    I have decided to look at it from a different perspective, not one filled with worry and anxiety alone. I also learned just cause I'm anxious, I shouldn't lose my eco anxiety, but find ways to tell the truth to people and put the topic in a new light, find ways to spread awareness on the climate crisis.

  • Caroline's insights have indeed shifted my perspective on eco-anxiety and the climate crisis. Her explanation of anxiety as a form of caring about the world resonated with me. Viewing it not as a problem but as an uncomfortable emotion born out of genuine concern is a refreshing perspective. It's a reminder that feeling anxious about the environment is a sign of empathy and connection to the world around us.

    I appreciate Caroline's emphasis on the importance of not feeling shame about mental health difficulties, drawing a parallel with physical health issues. This normalization encourages open conversations about mental well-being, crucial for fostering a supportive community.

    Her call for the media to tell the truth and creatively share stories is insightful. The idea that turning fears into constructive actions, like engaging in discussions or talks, is empowering. It made me reflect on how collective action and honest storytelling can be catalysts for positive change.

    Caroline's perspective has inspired me to embrace eco-anxiety not as a burden but as a call to action. It's an emotion that can drive meaningful change if channeled into positive and constructive efforts. I appreciate her encouragement to find ways to cope, deal with, and navigate eco-anxiety, turning it into a force for positive engagement.

    In response to Caroline's message, I'd like to express gratitude for shedding light on the importance of our emotional responses to the climate crisis and providing a hopeful outlook on turning anxiety into a force for good.

  • Thank you, Caroline, for all your advice! Watching this video made me see things very differently. Also talking about the media helped me understand it is a major factor that can influence our eco-anxiety. For example, if a news channel displays only bad news as they often do, then people who are anxious will become even more anxious, and that is because they won't have support from family, friends, or other people in their situation. This is also because one might withstand a news about a flood for example, but, as often happens, these news are being shown one after another, and it leads to the creation of a seemingly endless disaster. And there is no way that wouldn't cause anxiety. On the other hand, if positive news is also being displayed, then other people, who maybe are not able to handle their anxiety alone, will see that it is possible to make things right, and that will give them the strength to act and, in turn, inspire other people.

  • It was really inspiring to hear your wise words. You have really opened my eyes to a new way of looking at eco-anxiety, climate change and environment.
    You have made me look at anxiety and negativity in a different way. Sometimes things are not always what they seem, we shouldn't be judging a book by it's cover, tha same way there are thing that can be seen to as both good and bad.
    We all no that too much negativity isn't good for us as it may affect our minds, or body and our health, there is a chance that it may even lead us into depression.
    But there are always two sides of a coin, to understand about a situation perfectly we must look at all it's aspects.
    Another aspect of negativity can be positive negativity, where fear is the key. Making people realise about things by scaring them is actually a quick way to motivate them to make a change.
    I agree with Caroline and I would also like to add that sometimes too much of anything is not good, so as long as we keep a perfect balance we can really make a change with something considered by most as bad.

  • This video has made me think differently about eco-anxiety. Caroline made me realise that eco-anxiety is nothing to be scared of. I think this is the first time I've heard someone say to be proud of it. I loved her perspective on this. I think it is true that if we are worried about the environment and we feel anxious about it, it is because we care. it is because we feel for our planet. So eco-anxiety is not something to be scared or worried about but something to be proud of.
    Also, she mentioned that there's nothing to be ashamed of when dealing with mental health problems. just like our physical health, mental health problems are and can be common. So, Caroline inspired me to be more open about mental health issues and I'm very glad that the world is gaining awareness regarding this.

  • I now have a better knowledge of eco-anxiety and the climate problem thanks to Caroline's views. Her point of view has informed my body of knowledge, but as a machine learning model, I am neither moved or inspired personally. I'm available to help if Caroline has any specific questions or if there's anything she'd like to talk about further.

  • Hi Caroline!
    You have made me think differently in the way that now I will think more about the situation of the planet to be more responsible and that won’t stress me because it is something good. Also I have learned that we need to navigate through the eco-anxiety instead of just trying to get rid of it.
    Finally, I would like to say thet I think you have explained very well and the information you wanted to transmit is necessary for many people that stress too much because of eco-anxiety.

  • I have learned that you should always release your feelings because if you don't then you will never have a free mind

  • Thank you Caroline for all the information explained so well. The truth is I didn't know before the expression Exo-Anxiety. Of course I knew what are our environmental problems and some of the suggested solutions . I do know that most people feel anxious about what the future will be because of climate change but I couldn't find the correct word.
    Eco anxiety is a daily feeling that we don't need to feel ashamed of it. We can express it, talk about it and find the correct methods to make us more relaxed about it.

  • I agree with Caroline because mental-health problems affect all people around the world and we need to be informed about them. I also agree with the social-media answer because we need to be informed of what is happening in our world, because some people don't really care maybe because they don't experience the natural disasters by themselves or their country is just more developed than others,but be informed of the news is really important in order to start acting against climate change.And,as she said suffering mental health problems(in this case eco-anxiety) is not that bad because it shows that we are worried about the world, and that is a positive thing although it brings negative consequences to people´s health or daily life.

  • Wow. Thank you Caroline you made me aware that not everybody has the ability to speak out on things even when they want to. Everybody should come together and find some way to speak out.