Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy A | United States of America Student Comment Post Date methodical_kiwifruit I agree to complete this survey because it is a helpful way to know me and what has been... Tell us what you think! 30/1/24 loyal_mandarin Opinion A says that “If a prison is bad it would be better if they just let the prisoners go.”... What if prisons aren’t working? 30/1/24 credible_power I'd like to suggest The Israel-Palestine conflict is a long-standing dispute over land and... Suggest a discussion 30/1/24 protective_nation I agree because with youths from all over the world sharing ideas, we will have an extensive... Balanced discussions on the Hub 30/1/24 clever_ladder During a class discussion about my involvement in the student hub, a classmate raised an... Classroom spy! 30/1/24 hilarious_petal I feel that there will always be a need for an education system even if AI is rapidly... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 inspired_elderberry I agree with this because this can help collect data to see how much people have grown from the... Tell us what you think! 30/1/24 supportive_wildcat I agree because i believe schools should only be controlled by humans. AI has limitations in... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 capable_yuzu If I made an AI robot, I would want the robot to be able to go into the field of education. This... AI companion 30/1/24 vivacious_flower A particular question caught my attention and made me pause to reflect. The question was, "Can... Test your knowledge 30/1/24 inspirational_lake I agree because although I am pretty sure that humans will still be in school, I am not completely sure. Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 calm_measurement I believe we should encourage more people to join. Maybe with an email inviting people. We can... Balanced discussions on the Hub 30/1/24 insightful_cello One thing people can do more to change the Earth is to start recycling stuff instead of throwing... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24 inspirational_lake I agree and you make very strong, valid, intelligent points. Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 inspirational_lake I believe that although AI will be taking over many of the jobs in the future however schools... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 affable_plantain While machines can provide incredible information and facts there will always be a unique value... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24 flowing_moose A comment from another student on student hub that changed my mindset about A.I. in the... Competition #2 winners 30/1/24 credible_power If a developer was making an AI robot just for me, I would like it to be trained to help me with... AI companion 30/1/24 insightful_cello People don't change their behavior to change the planet for multiple reasons. Number 1 is people... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24 calm_measurement The students that made me think differently were my 5th grade beta club members. We did toys... Competition #2 winners 30/1/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 42 43 >