Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy A | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
insightful_cello Wow. This is so educational. I love it! Why don’t people change? 30/1/24
supportive_wildcat The age limit for Voting in my opinion should be 18 because then you will have a basic... Age restrictions 30/1/24
analytical_lime Point B, says “A bad prison can make crime worse instead of better.” I completely agree with... What if prisons aren’t working? 29/1/24
clever_ladder The primary concern when it comes to prisons should be security. It is crucial to ensure that... What’s the purpose of prisons? 29/1/24
clever_ladder The issue of prisons and their effectiveness is a complex one, and I have developed a balanced... What if prisons aren’t working? 29/1/24
calm_measurement I agree with this because it is a good way to get to know everyone. It is also a good idea that... Tell us what you think! 29/1/24
clever_ladder I think that a balanced approach is crucial in presenting news about climate change. The current... Too much negative news? 26/1/24
clever_ladder I've always been an avid reader of articles and newspapers, and recently I came across some... Finding a balance 26/1/24
clever_ladder Hello, Reminders about climate change evoke a mix of emotions in me. On the positive side, I... Climate change: regular reminders 26/1/24
fun_mandarin A is highly incorrect, simply because there has to be someone to put information into the AI.... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
fun_mandarin I think a topic we should talk about is mental health, as well as disabilities . I feel that... Suggest a discussion 26/1/24
clever_ladder Yes. I believe that teaching is a great example of a job that humans will always excel at... People v robots 26/1/24
fun_mandarin I got an 8 out of 10 on the quiz.The most important thing I learned was that climate anxiety is... Show what you know 26/1/24
engaging_emotion A news story in my lifetime that caught my attention was the Elisa Lam case. Typically, I would... Competition #1 winners 26/1/24
comfortable_rock The news story that caught my attention most was Deepwater Horizon in 2010. It stood out to me... Competition #1 winners 26/1/24
dedicated_forest I support the idea enigmatic leopard, this is because the questions help us remember and I... Tell us what you think! 25/1/24
fun_mandarin My choice was bad news. Simply because you will never know what is really going on around you if... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
methodical_kiwifruit Wow! This is such an amazing story, a lot was learned from it and I do agree that Tiktok is a big deal. Competition #1 winners 25/1/24
fun_mandarin “The news story that caught my attention most was the Earthquake in Japan on March 11 , 2.011 It... Competition #1 winners 25/1/24
clever_ladder The news that caught my attention was the Russia-Ukraine war. It has come to my attention... Competition #1 winners 25/1/24