Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
spectacular_rock Quite indeed, thoughtful_hedgehog and chatty_nature! chatty_nature said boycotts can have... Are boycotts helpful? 19/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello, pioneering_impression, I agree with you because having extra training can have a... Prison staff 19/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello, helpful_idea I strongly agree with you. With everything you have stated in your... Prison staff 19/2/24
insightful_idea Hello everyone! I choose option A. Everybody being able to contribute would help the world so... Climate change and inequality 19/2/24
insightful_idea I believe there should be a hub discussion about how us humans can apply AI to our daily lives.... Suggest a discussion 19/2/24
insightful_idea I choose option A. The topic connects with the topic on whether or not everybody should be... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
discreet_harmonica Hi Eva, thank you for replying to me! At first, I just thought that the training involves... Prison staff 18/2/24
discreet_harmonica I think the clink charity in the UK because, after they leave prison, they would be able to get... Reformation 18/2/24
discreet_harmonica I think that all options would be a great help to keep the staff feeling comfortable. But, if I... Prison staff 18/2/24
discreet_harmonica A part of the video that felt important to me was when the person talked about how many people... "Climate anxiety is a failure of the systems of power." 18/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello, there are negatives and positives in boycotting, but sometimes there are both in any... Are boycotts helpful? 17/2/24
friendly_newspaper I agree. As much as people would like influencers to be honest about products since most times... The “face” of a business 17/2/24
friendly_newspaper I agree. Boycotting doesn't work at times and the incident is usually forgotten by everybody.... Are boycotts helpful? 17/2/24
idealistic_situation Low wages are the main cause of immigration. It is important to pay workers fairly, especially... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 17/2/24
unique_expression From a perspective of a girl who grew up with parents who were immigrants, I strongly agree as... What do you know about immigration policies? 17/2/24
amazing_river I agree because I also believe that businesses should do their best to address environmental... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
courteous_honeyberry I think that it depends. If a business is a big company like for example, McDonalds, they should... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
discreet_harmonica AI might transform the emerging world by having more control in jobs. There would be some... Will AI transform the emerging world? 17/2/24
courteous_honeyberry I think a positive effect of a boycott would be that it would bring awareness to whatever if... Are boycotts helpful? 17/2/24
discreet_harmonica My headline would be, "Fighting Against Rising Poverty" The word "fighting" and poverty" would... Create a headline 17/2/24