Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
hardworking_hippopotamus Hey peaceful mode, your opinion is really important to this discussion! I agree because that... Are journalists the answer? 21/2/24
hardworking_hippopotamus I pick a 6 for agree, because while the opinion of everyone is important, since women are still... Are journalists the answer? 21/2/24
engaging_twilight .Hello discreet_harmonica I also chose option A. Businesses should try their best to address... Businesses v the environment 21/2/24
engaging_twilight Hello vivacious_engine , I agree because America is a free country and can give you free... Fair or unfair? 21/2/24
idealistic_assumption I agree because many would not want to change their habits, especially in a society that doesn't... Why don’t people change? 20/2/24
courteous_honeyberry I agree with opinions D and B, but I disagree with opinion C. Opinion B supports that women... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
miraculous_yuzu One thing that shocked me is that 380 million women and girls live in poverty due to gender... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
daring_passionfruit I think that a hub discussion such as "Should students be able to interfere and speak up about... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
unique_expression For years and years, there has been stereotypes both for men and women. Although, these... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
amazing_river I am completely in agreement with statement A. Women's day is a very significant part of our... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
amazing_river Hello! I received a 9/12. I did not know the businesses could not legally tell people who to... The business and politics quiz 20/2/24
daring_passionfruit I think not. There are countless and numerous reasons why children shouldn't get the opportunity... Suggest a discussion 20/2/24
curious_orange In my perspective and being the owner of the global business there, I would withdraw from... Countries behaving badly 20/2/24
motivated_rainforest The information that surprises me the most is the fact that for every dollar a man earns, on... Gender inequality: have your say! 20/2/24
dependable_juniper People who can influence adults with women could be the media in general having a detrimental... Who has the power to stop social bias? 20/2/24
insightful_idea The caption could be "One in a lifetime". People are barely seen trying to resolve climate... Caption this! 20/2/24
insightful_idea Greetings everyone! Climate change is a major, intensifying problem us as a society is facing.... Climate change and inequality 20/2/24
discreet_harmonica All of this information surprised me but, what surprises me the most is women not being able to... Gender inequality: have your say! 19/2/24
discreet_harmonica I agree with option A. International Women’s Day is a great day to be reminded of the... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
spectacular_rock Hi, I feel an angry confusion. I mean like, why?! Why would you [try to] deport immigrants all... Poll: the UK’s Rwanda Bill 19/2/24