Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
comfortable_conclusion I don't believe that augmented reality is a good replacement for school trips. School trips are... Will schools exist in future? 30/1/24
hardworking_hippopotamus I agree with you on opinion A because the point of a prison is to detain those who are... What if prisons aren’t working? 30/1/24
discreet_harmonica I agree that AI are very creative and could generate books and illustrations better than humans,... People v robots 30/1/24
engaging_twilight I totally super disagree with opinion A. Point A, states that “ If a prison is bad it would be... What if prisons aren’t working? 30/1/24
engaging_twilight There are several reason why humans don’t do anything to protect and make the planet better.... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24
unparalleled_blueberry What I think prisons should make their top priority is security. I think they should prioritize... What’s the purpose of prisons? 29/1/24
discreet_harmonica AI would be better than humans as an architect. AI are very precise and accurate, unlike humans... People v robots 28/1/24
hardworking_hippopotamus I feel that a good topic to discuss is whether or not robots will replace us and most of our... Suggest a discussion 28/1/24
insightful_idea Hello everyone ! I chose something else because I have mixed feelings about AI. AI is a machine... What's your reaction? 28/1/24
insightful_idea The topic I would love to suggest is climate change. Climate change is the long-shifting of... Suggest a discussion 28/1/24
unparalleled_blueberry I agree with opinion B. Why I agree with opinion B is that even though technology can improve... Will schools exist in future? 27/1/24
hardworking_hippopotamus One of the debates I had with my classmates was about how AI will affect the future of... Classroom spy! 27/1/24
insightful_idea I scored 15 out of 16. This quiz enhanced my knowledge about AI as it introduced me to the fact... Test your knowledge 27/1/24
objective_persimmon I received a score of 15 out of 16 on the quiz. Question 6 caught my attention as one of the... Test your knowledge 27/1/24
engaging_twilight I believe that probably in the future some educational systems will change due to artificial... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
free_armadillo I strongly agree with opinions B and C because I agree that AI will be able to teach students... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
objective_persimmon Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to create new career paths. However, it will also... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
insightful_idea I strongly agree with opinion B. The use of AI every time help is needed will leave everyone... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
insightful_idea Hello everyone! In my class, we had a discussion about jobs and debated whether AI would take... Classroom spy! 26/1/24