Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
bright_philosophy Hi Eva That is a good question to answer Prisoners can change in a positive way, by... Reformation 18/2/24
nice_eagle I agree that immigration is a major way of enhancing economic coexistence among countries, it... What do you know about immigration policies? 18/2/24
talented_cicada Thank you very much reflective _cymbals, your comment was an educating and a lovely one. But I... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
talented_cicada I'm not sure about this because you can't comfortably tell me that the world has not been... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
talented_cicada I don't think I actually agree because if the AI should transform the emerging world there is a... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
bright_philosophy I'm not sure about this, I want ask you question about what you have just said, should ... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
educated_harmonica thank you for that wonderful comment that i think that the main reason why some people do not... Why don’t people change? 17/2/24
enigmatic_singer I'm not sure about this because... Why would a company sell their products in an unhealthy... Businesses v the environment 17/2/24
enigmatic_singer What I think is that as long as AI is developing posetively there must be a negative aspect of... AI and the planet 17/2/24
educated_harmonica Thank you very much for that wonderful comment, but I think that the primary objective of any ... Prison staff 17/2/24
educated_harmonica okay, as for me I will chose the first option, this is because as we all know that some people... Reformation 17/2/24
unbiased_planet Why I believe that it will benefit farming is because in some places where they don't use... Catch up on the live lesson 17/2/24
unbiased_planet I agree with you on your comment because to me politically engaged does not necessarily means... Are young people politically engaged? 17/2/24
unbiased_planet I think that the potential effects of AI in future work should occur in some works like farming.... Catch up on the live lesson 17/2/24
witty_cheetah Hi, Actually I will concur with the option A why because, as the survey went 42% of the people... Prison staff 17/2/24
witty_cheetah Educated harmonica I actually concur with what you are saying why because, perhaps like in... Prison staff 17/2/24
enigmatic_singer I think it's right to restrict their movements. It's the responsibility of the government to... Freedom v safety? 17/2/24
enigmatic_singer I choose option A because everyone is responsible for their environment we all need to minimize... Businesses v the environment 16/2/24
witty_cheetah I totally agree with you and hope that all business in the world will live up to the standers to... Businesses v the environment 16/2/24
witty_cheetah I totally and solely disagree with you on the point where you said, that cleaning the... Businesses v the environment 16/2/24