Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
motivated_elephant I think it is not just journalists that is the answer . I agree but their voices also needs to... Are journalists the answer? 20/2/24
unbiased_planet I agree with option A because on the international women day, if it's in the schools where... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
polite_pomegranate I totally and confidentially agree with option A. The celebration of women's day in the world is... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 20/2/24
passionate_reindeer I agree because... in a country we’re the is a serious war like in 2022 when Russia and Ukraine... Freedom v safety? 20/2/24
intelligent_nectarine Hi eloquent pie, Do you think if other countries in the globe have different rules it will stop... Why are there rules about immigration? 20/2/24
passionate_reindeer Thank you for that wonderful comment but in my own oppinion, I don't think that robots teaching... Will schools exist in future? 19/2/24
educated_harmonica Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe that school will definitely exist... Will schools exist in future? 19/2/24
talented_cicada Wow that's a wonderful thing you've just said you really enjoyed your class. But I don't really... How did the lesson go? 19/2/24
witty_cheetah I solely and independently go with option A the reason is because, Women are or rather should be... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
talented_cicada I don't really agree with you because the country minimizing the numbers of the asylum seekers... Fair or unfair? 19/2/24
educated_harmonica I strongly agree with option A, this is because as we celebrate the international women’s day it... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 19/2/24
witty_cheetah Actually I personally agree with you, but don't you think that the ability to think critically... What's your reaction? 19/2/24
resourceful_leopard Does AI really help in the enhancement and development, because we human have the ability to... What's your reaction? 19/2/24
resourceful_leopard They would choose a candidate based on those that person would promote their company if they... Businesses and elections 19/2/24
educated_harmonica I agree because... This will also help those that were soppose to make the ridges to be free... Catch up on the live lesson 18/2/24
polite_pomegranate AI has the coded ability to transform the world, well said but it doesn't carry out all those... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
polite_pomegranate AI will not transform the emerging world 🌍. If AI should transform the emerging world there will... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
polite_pomegranate Yes of course, examples of surgeries which can be done by AI machine is the robot used to carry... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24
bright_philosophy Hi Eva This is a good question to answer It can help them aside from pay through it's... Prison staff 18/2/24
bright_philosophy Yes the can find an example of AI being used in surgery like the da Vinci Surgical System. The... Will AI transform the emerging world? 18/2/24