Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
witty_cheetah Actually from my own point of view I sincerely think that the right opinion is option A, my... Businesses v the environment 16/2/24
intelligent_nectarine Is imprisonment still effective in punishing an offender? Imprisonment is no longer effective... Suggest a discussion 16/2/24
intelligent_nectarine I totally agree with you articulate moment but have you ever asked yourself whether environment... Businesses v the environment 16/2/24
bright_philosophy Hi Yes boycotts can be really helpful in bringing about change. They give people a way to... Are boycotts helpful? 16/2/24
bright_philosophy Hi They should offer extra training to prison staff would be beneficial. It would enhance... Prison staff 16/2/24
educated_harmonica Thanks for that wonderful comment but I strongly believe and that think that when businesses... Businesses and elections 16/2/24
educated_harmonica Actually i concur with the first option which say that their payment should be increased, I... Prison staff 16/2/24
educated_harmonica well i think that it depends on the situations, but boycotts can be a powerful way to bring... Are boycotts helpful? 16/2/24
unbiased_planet When immigrants commit crime in the country, do you really think it's good to give them second... What are the benefits of immigration? 16/2/24
unbiased_planet Nice point from you fearless mandarin. My question is do you really think that they will be more... Why so divisive? 16/2/24
unbiased_planet You made a very good point in that say but how do you think the prisoners can be made... How should prisons be run? 16/2/24
polite_pomegranate Yes Artificial intelligence built with so much coding and programming has the ability to... Will AI transform the emerging world? 16/2/24
passionate_reindeer I'm not sure about this because... AI does not have fellings for humans so it can not be used as... Will AI transform the emerging world? 16/2/24
witty_cheetah Actually all what you are said are true but for your comment I personally have a question for... Will schools exist in future? 16/2/24
polite_pomegranate Hi Tiff The surrounding and it's happenings is better off when reported in order to take quick... Challenges to journalists 16/2/24
nice_eagle According to my own opnion, i think reformaton and security should be the basic factors to... What’s the purpose of prisons? 16/2/24
polite_pomegranate I think I know where you are coming from, businesses relating to policies could be tackling,... Countries behaving badly 16/2/24
passionate_reindeer zestful_dolphin what makes you think that if the company have full control of the celebrity they... The “face” of a business 16/2/24
witty_cheetah Actually I agree with the facts which you have stated in your above comment, which states that... Freedom v safety? 16/2/24
intelligent_nectarine I agree with you but imagine if there was a situation where the brand can no longer relocate due... Countries behaving badly 16/2/24