Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
educated_harmonica I agree because... prevention is better than cure. The government should concentrate more on... Prevention or protection? 02/2/24
nice_eagle The student that made me think differently is Methodic harp. I was so amazed of what he/she said... Competition #2 winners 02/2/24
bright_philosophy A comment from another student on the student hub that changed my mindset about A.I.... Competition #2 winners 02/2/24
polite_pomegranate In countries like Nigeria animals are treated inhumanly. The rate at which animals are been... Animal rights 02/2/24
passionate_reindeer no it will not be good because humans understand their self more better than AI bots replying to... AI bots on the Hub? 02/2/24
prodigious_globe A bad prison can actually make crime worse instead of better, considering the case of Feto as a... What if prisons aren’t working? 01/2/24
educated_harmonica I agree with you because the main reason why majority of people engage into many evil act is... Prevention or protection? 01/2/24
passionate_reindeer I agree because... if prisoners are set free the will go after the innocent citizens of the... What if prisons aren’t working? 01/2/24
enigmatic_singer I am from Nigeria Nigeria is the best country ever in my most of the mineral resources you can... Meet our school communities! 01/2/24
witty_cheetah Actually, I strongly disagree with opinion C which says that “If a prisoner is able to escape... What if prisons aren’t working? 01/2/24
intelligent_nectarine AI will be more good than bad when it comes to the aspect of industries because it will increase... AI and the planet 01/2/24
motivated_elephant I think allowing and involving youths in the political views in the country because they have... How to make a change 01/2/24
bright_philosophy I agree because... There are many reasons why people would not want too change their behaviour... Why don’t people change? 01/2/24
unbiased_planet Here in my community, lots of efforts has been put into consideration in order to protect the... How to make a change 01/2/24
motivated_elephant I scored 9 out of 15 and I learned that in many countries people are at overfull , this means... Show what you know 01/2/24
witty_cheetah The student that made me think differently is free fish when he talked about the phrase "too... Competition #2 winners 01/2/24
resourceful_leopard That's an amazing comment there, because prisons should avoid the use of physical punishments to... How should prisons be run? 01/2/24
motivated_elephant I think the age limit for voting in an election should be 18. There are smart youths who will be... Age restrictions 01/2/24
witty_cheetah I agree because yes, the phrase "too old" is used to indicate something or someone that has... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 01/2/24
talented_cicada I strongly disagree with you,because if an offender is not taken to the prison, there is a... What if prisons aren’t working? 01/2/24