Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
unbiased_planet Yes! To help in improving this issue, it will be good to organise women education awareness... Meet our Festival topics! 25/1/24
prodigious_globe Like invigorated Ateater, Decisions like this has always been difficult for people like me.It's... Show what you know 25/1/24
resourceful_leopard exactly cause if everyone has a fair say in this, talking on this platform will be way more... Balanced discussions on the Hub 25/1/24
educated_harmonica I used to feel so much worried about climate change and its effect in the society but after the... Report back 25/1/24
intelligent_nectarine I agree about the decision of bad news in as much bad news is not what one will always like to... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
bright_philosophy I agree with you. I am also from Nigeria, Nigeria is the 3rd richest in resources like crude... Meet our school communities! 25/1/24
witty_cheetah I agree also because it was also so hard for me to decide whether to say "people should listen... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
polite_pomegranate Jobs Like robotics engineering are works that can never be taken over by AI because no matter... People v robots 25/1/24
nice_eagle I strongly agree with what cheerful journalist stated yesterday because we literally did the... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
nice_eagle According to my understanding, Artificial Intelligence has enhanced healthcare, finance, and... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
prodigious_globe I was once thinking about designing a robot and what it would help me to do, after hours of... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
unbiased_planet Yes There are some undeveloped areas where women are being discriminated simply because they... Meet our Festival topics! 25/1/24
unbiased_planet There are many places that AI can help in agriculture, examples are: AI machines like tractors... An interview with Raman Rai 24/1/24
intelligent_nectarine I think it will be about the eco system of the world and also global warming concerning... Meet our Festival topics! 24/1/24
talented_cicada That was a marvellous comment phenomenal technology because Nigeria is a good and populated... Meet our school communities! 24/1/24
prodigious_globe There is something i thought about sometime ago.We can actually have access through unlimited... What's your reaction? 24/1/24
enigmatic_singer I agree because all this are important it can make other schools interested in the topical talk... Balanced discussions on the Hub 24/1/24
unbiased_planet Hi I think the topic should be disadvantages of not training women in the world. How about that? Meet our Festival topics! 24/1/24
resourceful_leopard artificial intelligence in my opinion will be will be better jobs that involves repetitive task... People v robots 24/1/24
witty_cheetah Actually I agree to what you have said that yes AI has helped and still helping us the humans... Jobs of the future 24/1/24