An interview with Raman Rai

Expert interview

Raman Rai is a Product Manager and Global Changemaker, who works in artificial intelligence. She is on a mission to drive digital inclusion for marginalised communities involving women and children around the world.

Watch her video to find out more about her job, why she’s excited about the future of AI and what advice she has for anyone interested in careers in AI.

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  • Thank you Raman,I was so inspired by you..I never really thought about how AI could useful in helping people and when you pointed out one of your favourite job that AI did was translating words into sign language for deaf children that was really nice hearing and honestly made me very happy.I had a discussion with my friends and I'm not completely agreeing that AI can't be used for good..Yes ofcource,AI can be used for making our lives better....As you stated in the video,AI is indeed something that excites us but also scares us because it is something new and we might not know much about it..The examples you gave really changed my point of view..But,I have still have many concerns about AI like you said AI is being used positively to make an impact 'our life' and 'the world' and also AI can be used in healthcare to detect cancer at an early stage....but how can this be implemented everywhere? What about the cost and accessibility particularly in developing countries where resources may be limited?...Just like 'fantastic_plantain' said I also think there will be end number of possibilities and advancements in the field of AI in the future...Thank you!

    1. It's wonderful to hear that Raman's insights inspired you. In your discussion with friends, what were some contrasting views about AI?

      1. Thank you for asking!During our discussion about AI,my friend expressed was quite skeptical tbh about the potential for AI to be used in harmful ways,both in terms of its potential for causing physical harm and the possibility of it worsening societal inequalities...On the other hand,another friend was more optimistic about the potential of AI to solve some of the world's biggest problems like wildlife conservation like by tracking animals mobility,they can understand their patterns and movements which can help in tracking their homes and predicting the extinction of endangered animal species like in this case she had shown us a piece of news about a new app called Trailguard AI which helps to detect and prevent wildlife poaching...soon new ideas came up like how AI could further provide information regarding climate change on wildlife by developing an accurate plan and that AI significantly assists in preventing illegal animal trade on social media..In the discussion ig the big argument we had was on How AI could possibly destroy our physical health..Many of them said in the future because of AI (including other technologies)could lead to a sedentary lifestyle (or as they named it the couch potato life)and eye strain..We argued back saying that technology(mainly AI) can be used to promote physical health like fitness apps and wearable devices(bands,watches etc)..We also told that this new so-called 'fashion' trend has been accelerating since the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to grow...I also feel it saves the money used for gym memberships because most of the people who take them up tend to drop it halfway and lose their money(because most gym memberships are non-refundable or partially refundable only)...At the end of the discussion i think there were 2 take-home messages
        a,It is also important to consider the risks and challenges associated with its development and implementation.
        b,Maybe not all results of AI are bad or against humans and we just need time to accept the truth AI will be working with us(or for us) and not the other way around

    2. I completely agree with you. AI may have it's negative consequences but the best part about it is that it can help the people in need. It can be very useful for the disabled ones or the differently abled people. Many people believe that if AI is used for working for mankind, Humans may become too lazy and dependent. I do agree with this point of view but still it can help the people who are already dependent for their basic needs and AI would infact make them independent. It can completely change the life of a disabled person and make it much better. It would make living much easier for them. As you also mentioned the early detection of cancer and cure to several fatal diseases also proves the role of AI to make the world a better place to live in.

  • First I would like to thank you for the words you have just added to my dictionary. Such as the words Digital inclusion and marginalised communities. Now when it comes to AI we all know that they have the brains to help with many simple jobs. Ai's would be great for things such as Waiters, Farmers, and Cashiers. And yes, although they will benefit us, the opposite will also happen. I know me and many teens are now growing up, and accustomed to getting jobs like Cashiers. So as Ai develops they will force us out of the choices, possibly making it hard for many teens.

    1. Thank you for your comment and I agree with you as AI is creating and doing many jobs in the world. It is making our daily activities easier and faster. And I want to add that AI is also helping students to do their work, presentation etc. But it might lead to bad effects such as being lazy to do the work and giving AI to do it, losing creativity and more.
      I am also a teen and I want to get a nice job when I'm a older. But AI might control the jobs and we might not get opportunities.

      1. Thank you for the reply. I would also like to comment on what you said about us being lazy. Yes, it has been known that more people are starting to work online. A study showed that "The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that around 27% of the U.S. The workforce was working remotely at least part time as of August and September 2022, while a handful of academic surveys have suggested that the number is closer to 50%". This means that Jobs such as Youtubers, Twitch Streamers, and Stock Salers are progressing. A study stated "One of the biggest changes we can expect to see on YouTube in the coming years is an emphasis on more personalized and interactive content. With the rise of virtual reality and augmented reality technology, creators will be able to create more immersive experiences for their viewers". So Yes, I do agree that if Ai advances, teens and all kids will become more lazier.

  • What excites me about artificial intelligence is its ability to reason like us humans and make our jobs easier. We can see this in farming, the introduction of AI -powered tools has increased the productivity 0f farmers. Meaning there will be an increase in the the harvest. Also in education if we have AI powered tutors in remedial classes for the slow learners

    1. I agree because AI these days has been of great contribution in both agricultural and health sectors e.g drones are used to:
      1: Spread seeds, fertilizers and pesticides to a wider coverage in a very little amount of time in agriculture.
      2: In health sectors drones can be used for vaccine delivery in quarantine areas for example during the covid
      - 19.

      1. Great examples of sectors where AI is used. Can you give an example of where AI is being used in agriculture?

        1. There are many places that AI can help in agriculture, examples are: AI machines like tractors used in making ridges, mowing machines used in cutting grasses in the farm can also help to make work easier for humans.

          1. Great suggestions!

          2. Yes,I agree to this,Ai has really been of great help in our society,not only in education or agriculture. It has being of great help to so many disabled people such as blind and deaf people.
            Some Ai voice technologies like Alexa,Siri and echo this can help people who can't move Freely ,do thing without having to go through stress.others are wheel chair, prosthetic limbs and hearing aid.
            Ai has been of help to the blind,their families can keep track of their location with the help of an Ai tool.
            Al is also a security tool,so many house make use of the Ai security tool which can easily identify and spot intrusion.
            And it has been of help to does who leave the kids at home,the can easily see what going on in their apartment.
            I think Ai has really done a lot in our country,this is should also be protected,their should be laid down rules and regulations on how to use them.

            Thank you .

            1. I totally agree with you concerning disabled people. That would be a major breakthrough if we could help these people and make them feel more free and independent. We have seen that with AI people with no movement at all under their neck can use their eyes connected to a computer device to communicate. Also AI can help people that have lost some.part of their body like an art or a leg.
              Prosthetic legs and arms are now so technologically advanced that the moments their robotic arm can do is so similar to a human .
              For all these reasons AI should be totally benefial to them

            2. Nice comment admirable_butterful.
              AI has been of great help to society in various ways. Here are a few examples:
              - Improving healthcare: AI-powered diagnostic tools and systems can analyze medical images, detect patterns, and assist doctors in diagnosing diseases.
              - Enhancing transportation: AI can optimize route planning, reducing travel time and fuel consumption for logistics and transportation companies.
              - Advancing education: AI can assist teachers in administrative tasks, grading, and data analysis, allowing teachers to focus on teaching.
              - Enhancing cybersecurity: AI-powered security systems can detect and respond to cybersecurity incidents faster, protecting individuals and organizations from cyber-attacks.
              AI also improves language translation by using advanced algorithms to analyze and understand the context, grammar, and vocabulary of different languages. It can then generate accurate translations in real-time, making it easier for people to communicate across language barriers. With AI, language translation has become faster, more accurate, and more accessible to people all over the world. However, it is important to ensure ethical and responsible use of AI to address any potential challenges or risks that may arise.Overall, AI has the potential to improve various sectors of society, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, accessibility, and decision-making capabilities.

        2. Where is AI used in agriculture?
          Farmers can use AI-powered systems to detect insects and plant diseases more quickly than humans. For example, an AI-powered system could detect an infestation of aphids on a crop of strawberries, send the data back to the farmer's mobile phone, and then suggest what action should be taken next.Automated farm machinery like driverless tractors, smart irrigation, fertilization systems, IoT-powered agricultural drones, smart spraying, vertical farming software, and AI-based greenhouse robots for harvesting are just some examples.AI's integration into farming is a game-changer for sustainable agriculture.

          1. Hello helpful personality.
            Nice point you really have here though. I strongly support your opinion due to the fact that most individuals now see farming as a stressful and poor man's job but they don't realize the presence of AI has made it more easier and the amount of income people get from being large scale farmers although there may be few risk being beared.
            AI helps in farming in the aspect that not everything is needed to be done manually like in the ancient times. Ther are now machines that help, for example some machines{tractors} in agriculture have been specially designed for spreading fertilizers, watering plants, and even during the period of harvesttime, efficiently help in harvesting matured crops.
            Some AI's even help in accurate collecting of data and guaranteed way of storing and retrieving information which to me, is really a good and helpful advantage of AI.
            Thank You...

        3. Farm management is a very exhausting task in agriculture, but with the emergence of AI it can be easier. For instance, a farmer want to create his planting plan for a new year, but he/she is having difficulties in what type of crop to plant. If the farmer makes use of AI, the AI could make a good plan based on predictions of how the climate of the year is going to be. It could also suggest crops that are in demand in the market i.e crops that will produce more profit, and those crops that will grow well in the predicted climate.

          1. Great ideas. This would be a helpful use of AI.

          2. Good point hilarious_morning, the use of AI in farm management will yield productive results. It will help in agricultural insurance and financing by weighing all conditions involved with the finance of the farm which will reduce losses, increase profit and help the farmer to reach out to potential customers. The capabilities of AI is not just limited to agriculture, the AI knowledge of finance can also be employed in planning of budget, not just for the farm but also for the country, it will give a detailed layout of risks, potential sources of income and will be a super boost in the country's economy. Utilizing AI in the country's budget will cancel errors and mistakes of low budget in different sectors which will go further to achive various SDGs especially SDG 1,2 and 4 which is no poverty, zero hunger and quality education respectively.

        4. AI can help farmers fertilize soils, by using animal waste and rotten vegetables , soils will be naturally fertile for growing healthy crops. Due to humans negligence many waterbodies have been polluted, with the of AI waterbodies can be purified and used for waterng farms. AI can be useful by checking the condition of the soil and knowing what kind of plant can survive. AI can help reseachers find better ways of using pesticide for crops.

          1. I agree because apart from helping farmers with fertilizers, they also help with keeping farm records in their systems to reduce the stress of farmers recording records paper based with can easily be destroyed.

        5. AI has a great use in agriculture. The growth of AI and modern technology is staggering. In my opinion in the near future or right now AI could detect the composition of soil and find out what nutrients may be missing. It can also be used to find the perfect season for vegetables and crops. Currently, AI can also detect crop diseases and find out the possible solution for the disease. AI-powered system could also detect an infestation of aphids on a crop of strawberries, send the data back to the farmer's mobile phone, and then suggest what action should be taken next. With the current rate of growth for AI the possibilities are endless.
          That's my opinion.
          Thank You!

        6. AI can be harnessed in the field of agriculture in aspects such as:
          -Crop and soil monitoring: AI can be used to analyze and use many features to access soil health and crops well-being.
          -Livestock health monitoring.
          -Encouraging precision agriculture, and so forth.

        7. AI is used to develop the efficiency and productivity of the crops being produced from using driverless tractors, weather and price forecasting.
          Farming has always been labor-intensive, and it still involves considerable human help. Many examples of AI in agriculture allow farmers to understand their crops faster, at scale and at a more faster level.

    2. I disagree with you resounrceful_leopard about AI helping in remedial classes for slow learners. This is because, if AI was supposed to be incharge of these classes, they will be programmed to specific tasks, Thus if the students in the class ask questions that is not programmed into the AI, how will the students learn efficiently.
      Moreover, AI cannot convey emotions nor have creative skills, thus if the students are in emotional or creative crisis, hw will the AI help? This increases the chances of the students having psychological problems, and their inability to express their creative side

      1. as you said they would be programmed to perform a specific task and in your own opinion what do you think those tasks would be? I am not disagreeing with you that they have no emotions but it is possible that your data has been put into the AI and it changes its content based on your data will enable better understanding, have you tried looking at this from a different view perspective let's say Google, for example, it was programmed right? and it is an aspect of AI if you asked it a question would it answer you, then imagine a robot that was specifically programmed to carry out educational function, especially for remedial classes.

        1. As you said, Google was programmed, but there might be some occasions where you can't get the accurate information you are looking for from Google; that is the same as AI, since Google is an aspect of Google. Remedial classes are for students who have difficulties in learning, thus what will happen if they don't get the accurate answer they are looking for? AI can't break down information and give vivid explanations better than human teachers.

      2. I agree with you devoted_starfish because AI can only do what they are programmed to do as you said so therefore they cannot pass the capability they were created for and thereby not be efficient for the work.

    3. I am not sure about your point because the slow learners are the people that don't understand right away. So if AI becomes their tutor, the AI won't be able to make the slow learners understand faster because the AI is only limited to what they have in their programming. But if it is a teacher they can explain to the slow learner in the way he or she can understand.

      1. "I agree because teachers have a unique connection with students that AI cannot replicate. Students tend to feel more comfortable around teachers than AI. Moreover, we should remember that AI is programmed and not naturally designed to exhibit emotions."
        AI can help teachers improve education by providing high-quality resources and engaging students in tutoring and problem-solving.

    4. I agree, now a days Ai has been a great help and it is exiting to think about what might come next. Tough the Ai will be more advance and better in the upcoming times, we should be careful how to instruct and develop it as it might become a double-edged sword for us humans.
      Thank you :)

    5. I agree because... Its ability to analyze vast amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make predictions has transformative potential across various fields. From healthcare advancements and personalized recommendations to autonomous vehicles and innovative problem-solving, AI is shaping the future. The continuous evolution of AI technologies also sparks curiosity and drives breakthroughs in machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics. The prospect of creating intelligent systems that can augment human capabilities and contribute to solving complex challenges is indeed inspiring.

    6. I agree with because what you said about agricultural purposes when AI doing the work it becomes easier and it also gives humans time to think.

    7. I agree because... it is true that not all people are fast learners therefore remedial classes for people that are not fast learners will be good. The use of AI in remedial classes will be good because an AI doesn't get tired or frustrated. I believe that when a student gets a vibe of tiredness or frustration from his/her teacher it could have a terrible effect on the students performance and mind. Also AI's are known for their ability to avoid human mistakes and be accurate in all their doing, meaning that if AI were to help students in remedial classes they will avoid certain mistakes which teachers could make that could lead the student astray. Lastly something that makes an AI's remedial classes superior to that of a human is its ability to be mobile. For example a student travelling who's teacher is not with him/her and is having a challenge in his or her learning will be able to make use of an Ai to assist his/her learning process because the AI can be taken to wherever the student wants to go.
      Thank You.

      1. Interesting, do you think there is are any dangers in relying on AI tutors too heavily?

        1. Yes I agree with you that relying on the AI tutors to heavily has dangers/disadvantages . Firstly relying on AI has generally been discussed and established that we are not meant to allow AI take our place and also not be over reliant on them because they were created only to assist us. Also when we rely too much on AI for tutoring, there may be a glitch in the building of the AI which could result in it using wrong languages, inaccurate calculation, or just generally teaching the student the wrong thing. Finally over reliance of AI for tutoring could make teachers lazy. For example a teacher who knows that there is a tutoring AI may make use of it to teach the students but after some time the teacher may begin to abuse the AI by using it so that he/her may cut classes.

  • The field of AI offers numerous possibilities and advancements. Whether it's the potential for solving complex problems, automating tasks, or creating innovative applications, AI has the capacity to transform various industries and improve our daily lives.
    I have enjoyed interview with Raman on AI

  • What also excites me about AI is relieving of stress. Some teachers often waste time marking register and all those works but AI is capable of doing all those things within minutes and will be accurate.

    1. I agree because... aside from assisting the marking registers, AI also AIDS teachers in promptly and accurately grading test and exam papers. I believe that the combination of AI and teacher involvement in the educational system will lead to greater achievements and elevate the education system to new heights.

      1. I agree because... Besides AI assisting teachers in grading and test and exam scripts, it also streamlines the resolution of compilation tasks. This makes it easier for teachers and schools to compile student report sheets accurately within a short period of time.
        Another example is the use of technology in our external exams (JAMB) taken by students to enter universities. This has made it easy for examiners to easily identify issues without difficulties. This has taken the teaching profession to greater height as you've mentioned and has significantly improved the overall efficiency.

      2. I agree because not only is AI helping in the educational aspect but every aspect of life from accounting to farming to entertainment. If we only learn to work together with AI and stop trying to limit its development we would be better in everything we do.

      3. I agree with you polite_king because not only does Artificial Intelligence helps us in the educational aspect and every sector of life from farming , health to entertainment to engineering and many more... If we learn how to work together with Artificial Intelligence, we would be better in everything we do as a result of team work.

      4. I agree with your comment polite_king, apart for aiding teachers in grading tests and exam papers , AI can also help teachers by having zooming meetings when teachers are feeling under the whether. AI can also asisit teacher with making presentations and posters. AI can also help by being evigilaters in external exams , with AI's advanced features , it can easily detect any signs of cheating. Al can also interact with students and help improve their problem solving skills and critical thinking.

    2. I respect your perspective! The use of AI in grading certainly streamlines the method, supplying greater time for instructors to interact with students individually. This collaboration holds a significant promise for advancing education. Thanks for sharing!

    3. Yes, AI also helps in the economy as they aid in the production industry applying very good efficiency when handling chemicals and pharmaceuticals not only boosting production but also boosting health as more and more drugs will be produced.

    4. I agree because... The rapid advancement of AI suggest a future where AI's manage various aspects of life, including transportation and education. This progress is expected to ease human tasks, reducing stress and providing assistance in multiple areas. AI's have the potential to benefit not only individual lives but also contribute to the global improvement.

    5. Motivated elephant, I partially agree with you in the sense that yes, teachers spend time marking notes and they are not always accurate. But AI is capable of doing the work within minutes but they are not always accurate.

    6. Yes i agree but AI cannot just do it by itself after all it does what it is proggrammed to do. Proggramming the AI and Testing it a lot of hardwork and gives proggrammers great mental stress. So what I want to say is that while AI might relieve one's stress, it will give another one more stress.

      1. What do you mean by that? Can you give an example?

        1. Lets take the simplest things as example, scanning items. When items are scanned the price is shown into the computer screen exactly how it was in the tag. Almost all of the price tags have decimal number in it. In proggramming (c), to add decimal number you have to use "float" and "int" is used to write integer numbers. If a proggrammer mistakenly uses "int" instead of "float", then the numbers after the point (.) Wont show, only the integers before the point(.) Will be shown. These simple mistake will cause the company alot of losses. This shows how careful proggrammers need to be. Even the AI that is used to relief your stress needs to be proggrammed perfectly or else it might give you more stress and to make sure this AI is proggrammed perfectly, proggrammers will have stress.

          1. A great example to illustrate your point of view!

  • Thank you Raman! It was so interesting! I will definitely follow your advice and talk with my teachers and classmates about AI. But is there a boundary concerning AI? I mean maybe humans should place some limits concerning where AI can go us! If it is for positive development ok, but should we use AI in military purposes?

    1. I highly doubt we should use AI for war or military purposes because although the AI will be programmed to fight, it can get out of control and even turn against those who created them which can cause more disaster than ever.

  • What excites me about artificial intelligence, is that will design ways to help students with learning disabilities to find their footing in their various classes. It could also replace humans in places like dangerous environments like replacing a soldier with AI during a war . AI doesn't get tired and doesn't need to be paid .

    1. You say AI could help students with learning disabilities. Could you say a bit more?

      1. In my opinion,AI can help students with learning disabilities by eliminating the need for reading and writing.Most students find this task challenging,stressful and bothersome.Writing can be eliminated by the use of voice assistants.AI's can also analyze a child's learning process and teach that child based on His/Her strengths and weaknesses.

        1. I strongly agree with allowing _peach. But in my own opinion AI can help students with learning disabilities by reducing the act of reading so many notes for exams which students find stressful. So by including AI technologies in education students can be able to learn and understand more pressing issues and AI can also be of assistance in learning of languages. So AI have the potential to create more inclusive and effective learning environments for students with diverse learning needs.

          I am awaiting other suggestions, thank you.

          1. I agree because AI can help students who find it hard to read by reading out all written text like using voice over, it can help struggling readers. Having speech to text helps the struggling reader to convert his voice to written text. I want to suggest reducing the cost of AI devices making it affordable to less privileged people that will increase the number of people being helped by AI.
            We should consider helping people above profits when setting the price of AI devices. I am excited to see the future with AI devices unleashed.

          2. I just wanted to express my gratitude to Raman Rai for creating such informative and helpful videos. I truly enjoyed the way she explained everything in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, particularly for someone like me. I eagerly look forward to watching more of her videos, hopefully with even more examples that can aid my learning. The bees were undoubtedly interesting, but I am genuinely excited to learn about the other impressive capabilities of AI!

        2. Firstly I really love this video made by Raman Rai, it has made me think about how AI can make this world an even better place in the next decade, thank you very much for this your effort.
          I agree with your point allowing_peach.But I would also like to add up to your point about AI helping to educate disabled people.
          AI can also know perform brain surgeries which means that some paralysis diseases can possibly be dealt with, a living testimony to this is KEITH THOMAS who received a brain transplant after suffering with quadriplegic disease for a very long period of time, so I feel AI can help disabled humans to be almost the same as humans who are not disabled and reduces the risk of discrimination and loneliness, which further leads to crime.
          THANK YOU.

        3. allowing_peach ,I agree with you because Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to greatly assist individuals with disabilities. AI technology can be used to develop innovative solutions that cater to the specific needs of people with disabilities, making their lives easier and more inclusive. For example, AI-powered devices can help individuals with visual impairments by providing them with real-time audio descriptions of their surroundings or by converting text into speech. Additionally, AI can assist individuals with physical disabilities by enabling them to control their environment through voice commands or gesture recognition. By harnessing the power of AI, we can create a more accessible and inclusive world for people with disabilities.

          I would love for you to reply and give me a questions about this subject of (AI)
          THANK YOU

          1. Great points, breathtaking_harp. Can you think of any ways that AI might make the world less inclusive?

            1. Ms. Katie, there are always two sides to a story.There are numerous ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) could potentially hinder inclusivity in our world. One such way is through biased algorithms that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. If AI systems are trained on biased data or programmed with biased instructions, they can inadvertently reinforce existing biases and prejudices. This can lead to unfair outcomes in areas such as hiring, lending, and criminal justice, where AI systems are increasingly being used. Additionally, AI can exacerbate the digital divide by widening the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This can further marginalize already disadvantaged communities and hinder their ability to participate fully in the digital age. It is crucial that we address these potential pitfalls of AI and work towards developing inclusive and unbiased AI systems.

              Feel free to ask any additional questions you may have.

              THANK YOU

      2. Gone are those days when people could not attain good educational information due to their disabilities and peculiarities. Artificial intelligence has made learning exciting and enjoyable for even students with disabilities. In the past, a lot of disabled children didn't find it interesting to go to school because they would be ridiculed by their schoolmates but not anymore. AI has helped build the confidence in them. When we say disabilities we are referring to the inability to perform actively with others. There are children who cannot read and understand because they might be visually impaired, or cannot efficiently combine letters to form words to make meaning. This can slow their understanding ability,but with AI,there are now means of teaching and learning where people who are audio learners (especially the visually impaired)could hear and make sense out of it. Even the mobile devices now can read out text and translate them into audio so they aren't left out. Others can watch educational videos with tutorials other than the regular ones.

      3. It's true that AI helps students in learning and makes their study easier and comfortable. It's also came to great help of the students with learning disabilities. If a student is unable to understand the topic in the school, he can learn it at home by the help of AI. AI comes to great help in summarizing the note for the exam and to complete the syllabus. We can also give voice command if any of the student in unable to write. The most interesting thing is AI never gets tired no matter how many times you make it say the same topic. So, you can learn anything with time without hesitation. For slow learners, AI helps to make the topic a lot easier. You can also convert your lessons in audio format by the use of AI which helps the blind student to learn anything. The most interesting point about AI is that it is your personal teacher. It will never get tired of your questions and will always help you to learn more comfortably.

  • A.I has made a lot of advancements in the evolution and innovation of humanity though it might also prove to be our downfall has caused almost quarter of the human race to lose interest in the daily activities that a person is meant to carry out. So, I would like to ask this question will A.I be our downfall or our uprising.

    1. Firstly, to answer your question charming_artist I will go for the party that says "AI could be our downfall, because humans no longer do anything themselves, please don't get me wrong by saying AI isn't meant to help us in our daily tasks, but what I am trying to say in conclusion is that humans could possibly go extinct because AI is gradually taking over the order of the day.
      So in conclusion we should use AI moderately and not make it do everything for us, but use it in duties that are time consuming and have a lot of risks.

  • WOW!!!!! Raman Rai's point of view is very exciting, and she has definitely changed my point of view when dealing with AI, she has definitely inspired me for the better when using AI. Raman gets it straight to point as she tells us about moderation when using AI.

    1. I totally agree with your point because Raman Rai has a very deep understanding of AI, she also said that we should not let AI get the best of us rather we should get the best out of it .I feel we can get the best out of AI by using it as a support, but not to replace human creativity and also Raman has captured my attention with her video and has won me over to the side of AI . I am open to other suggestions.

    2. I agree because... Raman Rai has indeed inspired us by showcasing the positive impact of AI, alleviating concerns and encouraging us to embrace its potential. Her examples such as a AI detecting cancer earlier than humans highlight its significant contributions to fields like healthcare.

  • Thanks a lot. You have really changed my vision on AI. I totally agree with you that we need rules and regulations to use AI. We need to maintain protocols while using AI so that we can ensure the safe use of AI. I think now we need more than ever to make a proper rule of using AI alongside developing AI. I would like to request those who are working on building and developing AI to make a protocol to safe AI from going in the wrong hands. It's our duty to make the best use of AI without making it harmful. And it's really important for us to learn the basic of AI before making any comments on it. It's the nature of us that we can't accept change easily. But now it's time to accept the change and move forward in the era of AI making the best use of it.

  • What interests me about AI is that; AI's has the potential to carry out tasks effectively, they improve productivity and also make our lives more convenient. AI's can also be of great help in creativity such as art, music and writing etc. And finally the usefulness of AI lies in it's ability to improve income, help in difficult issues, and also enhance safety and security. ( When I say enhance safety and security I mean that AI can be used for surveillance, facial recognition, and fraud prevention).

    Thank you.

  • So from this video I came into a conclusion that AI can be used in both good and bad ways. They can be used to solve difficult problems. But at the same time can be used to do bad works. Another thing if they solve problems for us won't it make our brains lazy?

    1. I agree because if we start using AI everywhere we might lose our creativity and when everyone starts using AI to get the answer...Every answer will look almost the same because it was generated by a machine and AI only provides answers according to the data which was already there/fed by somebody...We must not forget it doesn't have it's own creative minds like human and it lack the ability to think of the box or feel emotions..But it all depends on us if we are ready to accept the change like 'joyous_piano' said and use it for the positive improvement of our lives..Thank You!!!

    2. In my perspective , I feel it is based on our use as humans that determine whether it will make us lazy or not ; because , it was created as an aid to minimize human error and ensure a safer working environment ; but not to completely leave all the work to AI's.

      1. But not all people think like us. They don't really think about their consequences. They will think they are made to solve our problems. Just like some students are using it to write essays.

  • Hi
    Indeed RAMAN has made me think differently about AI. Before when the rumor about AI spread everywhere, I keep hearing about AI, i thought its something that I can never have anything to do with, something that will never make any sense or get my attention. At a time I heard about this program and decided to try it out despite the fact that I had no much knowledge about it, then the interview with Raman opened my eye to a lot of things that I don't know about before. Indeed Raman is a role model, I really do admire what inspired her to be what she is.

  • What surprise me about AI is how it helps artists in the production of arts.
    AI is changing artists approach the creative process. AI is revolutionizing the way people make Art. By providing news tools and techniques for artists. It's transforming the creative process in a way that were previously Impossible.
    One of the most significant impact of AI on art is actually the ability to process and analyze vast amount of data. In this way, AI is helping to expand the boundaries of what is considered art and enabling new form of creative expression.
    However as with any disruptive technology, there are concerns about the impact of AI on the art world, for example, some argue that AI art is not actually Art and that the technology will ultimately replace human artists and graphic designers.
    The rise of AI in art is a fascinating development that is transforming the creative process in many ways, while there are concerns about the impact of AI on the art world. This technology has shown to provide benefits by making artists with new tools and techniques that previously don't exist.

    1. I disagree because... Art can be defined as a way of expressing one's feelings which AI or robot could not assist with, unlike we humans we have the ability to express our feelings through art. This creates a big gap between humans' capabilities in art and that of AI, though AI makes good artworks but it's still not as good as the original.

      1. I strongly agree with you industrious_shark because.... Art can also be defined as way of life.
        And as you have said AI can't create artworks based on emotions because they are programs, highly sophisticated programs so how can AI create artworks based on emotions they lack the ability to feel,but we humans have the ability to feel and create artworks based on our feelings or emotions also AI can only perform task on what they have been programmed with or what they have processed from another website. Artworks created by humans can also be used to teach and impact values and believes into someone's life. So as u have said AI can create arts but can't be as original as that of a human.

        Thank you

      2. But at one day they will know which paintings please humans and would also know the meaning of emotions. So they can make art that will go famous. Brain is nothing but an ultra complex organ. If you read about emotional brain, you would know we built emotions from brain mutation. Which we cam use in AI to make them have emotions.

  • Thank you so much Raman Rai for the information. My whole mindset about AI has changed to a new perspective that there are many people working, sharing their knowledge and bringing up AI solutions. One thing that excites me about AI is that it is always available to answer your questions anywhere, anytime and anyday. There can be always worries about AI because most parents think that modern day AI can corrupt the minds of their children but every issue has it's solution. Students can be taught how to use AI and say no to using it for negativity. Thank you

  • Rama's submission excites me, and I acknowledge that AI has the potential to boost productivity across a variety of industries, including those in the fields of engineering, sports, and health. My initial perspective on the fact that the dependency on AI regarding the future of jobs leading to redundancy in several professions has immensely changed after watching her interview. I have been enlightened about the fact that AI has rather been introduced to make jobs easier, and I cannot imagine a world without AI.
    Nonetheless, there's this pressing concern lingering in my thoughts: how will the use of AI tools in the educational sector, especially for learners, help improve and inculcate requisite skills in their educational pathway as the majority fall on these tools to solve their assignments? Isn't it rather deterring their ability to be creative or their reasoning skills? I hope that all stakeholders will ensure that the use of AI among learners to aid their education is rigorously monitored. For instance, educators and parents could hold regular pep talks aimed at raising awareness so that we, as learners, can recognize the appropriate use of AI in aiding our studies rather than completely relying on it.

  • My mindset about AI has been changed thanks to Ram Rai interview, now I know the bring of AI is going the world for the better. AI can help advanced education for students and improve cures and treatments for diseases and ill patients. AI can help humans with climate change by spreading awerness. AI can help improve students writing skills . AI can help researchers find why in stop carbon emissions. AI can help humans build ecosystems by planting more seedlings. AI can also help humans find better ways to recycle plastics and wastes.

  • 1: What excites me about AI (Artificial Intelligence) is that It can do a lot of things, just like a human does. From answering complex questions and supporting DIY to helping doctors research and do surgery .
    2: There are real worries , But also great opportunities . Despite all this benefits , we should not forget that AI has dangerous potential , and business is not our only concern . So keep in mind what AI do for us , but the good and bad , and we'll be more prepared to embrace a future where anything can happen .
    3: Many jobs in AI require a bachelor's degree or higher. For some entry-level positions, you may only need an associate degree or equivalent skills and work experience. Often, AI professionals obtain undergraduate degrees in computer science, mathematics, or a related field. And my mom always tells me this everyday because you need self esteem and there is no one that can be you , so be yourself (e.g. So one day I was doing my class work and I was not too sure about by skills so I peeped into the persons not and I wrote the persons answer , when the teacher marked it the answer I cancelled was the correct one , so I had to start believe in my self) so don't let anyone tell you what you are capable of , because I trust you can do it . And if you tried it once and it failed keep on pushing because it is not the end of the world , if it is your dream chase it because you will make it .

  • Raman Rai's presentation has greatly improved my opinion of AI. Prior to watching this video, I held the belief that AI was a awful innovation for humanity. However, after looking at rai's perspective, I now realize that while AI may have it's drawbacks, it also offers several advantages. I am grateful for this experience thank you.

  • After watching the video she made me realize that AI has a lot of job opportunities and career choices for people. I also got to understand that before we make comments about AI we should have an in depth analysis of it and also we should have had an opportunity to communicate with it and use it before judging it. I've also learned that its exciting to work and have a relationship with AI. The thing that excites me about AI is its ability to create innovative solutions for various problems and also help humans in their various job fields. For example, now there are AI that have been produced to assist teachers in things like making results, attendance registers and making lesson notes. It can also make the learning life of students with learning disabilities much easier and interesting. Also AI has helped a lot in medical sector as they help in making more accurate diagnosis of various diseases. I believe that the combination of human effort and AI would lead the world to greater level of achievements and enable this generation of human race become more efficient.

  • What exites me about AI is how it helps in the healthcare sector; how it helps doctors.
    AI has become a large part of our lives on a regular basis and its presence in the healthcare sector will only add to the list of how technology has made life easier.
    Here are some of the ways that AI has been helping doctors;
    1. Detect diseases early on; AI has been very successful with the early detection of various diseases such as cancer. Radiology results have long presented a challenge to healthcare providers for two reasons
    • Accountability.
    2. Elderly care; a large part of growing older is dealing with various health issues. Monitoring health conditions has never been easier with recent technological advancement have been made in the world of AI, with human design been produced that can interact socially with these older patients and help them stay cognitively strong.
    Hence, AI is not here to replace physicians care but improve it. AI, afterall, would not be possible without the help of a physician. Embracing new technology in the part has proven to be advantageous. Allowing a computer to take part in your may be daunting to start, but the extensive benefits will soon settle any prior misgivings.
    Other way in which AI help doctors are;
    • medical imaging analysis; analyze medical image e.g X-rays.
    •Clinic decision support; AI can analyze patients data.
    Although, the use of AI in the healthcare also encompasses ethical challenges. Accountability plays a very crucial role in the medical sector. AI trains itself on on input data provided, we can hardly understand how it will provide results.

    1. AI are capable of treating human beings but at the same time, they are not. Humans can keep learning as much as they want until they eventually die. Robots only work and know with what is imputed into them, therefore humans may possess as much medical knowledge as they want to but AI can only perform according to what they are programmed to do which makes humans far better than robots when it comes to the field of medicine.
      Thank you.

  • The interesting and exciting part about AI is able to use its various teaching ways to help the ones who have a little difficulties reading. Keep in mind that students are often regarded as 'failed' or 'below average' because they cant learn the regular way like your class toppers. Some students have a hard time learning and artificial intelligence helps to entertain them and give them knowledge at the same time.
    Thanks and i would answer your questions if you are curious.

    Thank You....!

  • I am very thrilled about AI because of its ability to think and reason like humans, it makes jobs and work easier. Well AI these days have been of great help to us humans in sales and marketing, in agricultural, in the health sectors, product and service development and etc.., according to my research 64% of businesses believe that Artificial Intelligence increases productivity and etc.., meaning that AI will be of great use and in education as well.

  • What amazes me about AI is how it has grown the ability to reason like we human and makes our jobs easier and a great help to many companies which i am thrown to when i remember that saying "As I visualize a time when we will be to robot what dogs are to we human.
    I am strongly rooting for machines.

  • Yes my view towards AI is changed due to the various discussions done in this topic. Initially I used to think AI just as a machine with limited accessibility. But is has developed a lot in a period of time that it is now able to do the jobs that are considered to be impossible for humans. In many cases they have already replaced human manpower due to their efficiency and accuracy. We have been hearing that AI are being used in metros these days. There is less chance of mistakes in work done by AI that makes them more convenient in any sector. But the points to be considered lie here that AI were initially developed by humans and they are being modified by humans only. So, we can say that AI are being more advanced day by day due to humans and it will be unfair to say that they can replace humans in terms of creativity.

  • Raman tells us about the dual nature of AI, saying that even though it possesses many threats, it has incredible utility. Raman makes me feel that it is okay to worry about the future challenges, but it's important to recognize the positive impact AI has on our lives, which helps balance the perspective. AI is a valuable tool that simplifies life by making everyday tasks easier. So I think we should also take a moment to appreciate how AI comes in handy in times of need. Ultimately, the role AI plays in our lives is shaped by our choices and responsible usage.

  • Ai might taking jobs but they are creating jobs like data science.

    1. Can you give an example?

      1. What do you mean
        By giving an example do you want me to say what jobs are they taking? Are you asking me what jobs they are making

  • I am excited about AI. there are rules that have to be set to guide the use of AI such as banning hackers from using AI and not using AI to commit crimes. AI offers a lot of benefits than risks. It can help make your work a lot easier, improve farming and help in education.
    In the case art, AI art comes from real artists work and this is like coping without permision and cause the artist to loose money. There are also deep fake video made by AI used for crime.

  • I have learnt new things about AI thanks to Raman Rai, she has taught me AI can help with healthcare detecting. If there are cancerous cells in the body it tells you if you have one. AI can also help the deaf children translate words into sign language so they can understand better. It’s also important that we have rules using AI. We need rules so we can feel safe about AI. I have learnt so far coding is the language of machines.

  • What amazed me about AI is how it helps journalist in the media house.
    AI-powered tools are enhancing content creation by suggesting relevant topics, headlines, and even generating engaging headlines. Sentiment analysis helps journalists gauge public opinion, while machine learning algorithms assist in personalizing news recommendations for readers.
    Moreover,AI contributes to media organizations' efforts in combating misinformation by identifying false or misleading content and verifying sources more rapidly. Overall, AI is a valuable ally in improving efficiency, accuracy, and innovation within the field of journalism.

    1. That's an interesting comment, caring_spring. To challenge your thinking, can you think of ways that AI might make news less accurate?

      1. In my point of view , I feel AI's may not be able to comprehend the use of sarcasm , Irony and other hyperbole's ( extravagant exaggeration ). If they get that kind of information , they could give false news based on such information .

        1. Can you give an example?

      2. AI or artificial intelligence, has undoubtedly transformed various aspects of our lives, including the way news is delivered and consumed. While AI has brought numerous benefits to the news industry, it also poses certain challenges that can contribute to inaccuracies in news reporting.

        One way in which AI can impact the accuracy of news is through contextual blind spots. AI models, despite their advanced capabilities, may struggle to grasp the broader context or historical nuances of certain events. This limitation can result in misinterpretations or incomplete reporting, leading to inaccuracies in the representation of complex issues.

        Another factor to consider is algorithmic sensationalism. AI-powered content recommendation systems often prioritize sensational or emotionally charged stories over more balanced or nuanced reporting. This emphasis on sensationalism can distort the accuracy of news coverage and influence public perception.

        The lack of transparency in algorithmic decision-making is another concern. When AI algorithms influence editorial decisions, the lack of clarity regarding how these decisions are made can create confusion. Journalists may find it challenging to understand why certain stories are promoted or demoted, which can impact the overall accuracy of the news ecosystem.

        Furthermore, unintended amplification of bias is a significant issue. Despite good intentions, AI models can unintentionally amplify existing biases present in society. This can lead to a skewed representation of events or communities, further contributing to inaccuracies in the portrayal of diverse perspectives.

        Lastly, the rapid dissemination of misinformation is a pressing concern. AI-driven automated systems, if not equipped with robust fact-checking mechanisms, can inadvertently propagate misinformation at a faster pace. This can undermine the accuracy and reliability of news reporting, potentially misleading the public.

        In conclusion, while AI has brought advancements to the news industry, it also presents challenges that can impact the accuracy of news reporting. It is crucial for journalists, news organizations, and AI developers to be aware of these challenges and work together to ensure accuracy, transparency, and accountability in the news ecosystem. By addressing these concerns, we can harness the power of AI to enhance news reporting while upholding the fundamental principles of accuracy and truthfulness

  • Raman Rai has made me understand and has given me more knowledge about AI and how they operate. She has shown how helpful robots can be and how dangerous and harmful that they can be in the society.

  • Ms. Raman has made me see the infinite possibilities of AI, I can’t help but feel hopeful about the future, however the problem it poses - lack rules and regulations is a genuine one.
    I remember I read a news report about how a man had won a global photography competition which was extremely competitive and later revealed that it was an AI-created photo he entered into the competition, like how insane is that? I also recall reading multiple newsletters and videos about how to breach restrictions placed on AIs like ChatGPT for example to get it to reply to inappropriate, evil and terrible things, that prospect scares me.
    I also discovered a lot of careers associated with AI that I didn’t think were before, so I decided to do some research and as it turns out AI is so much more assignment-solving, problem-solving or overpowering tool we choke it up to be. Tools as simple as google ads and YouTube suggestions use AI to give you content related to you and what you like to search or watch, many wonder how ads on animations - for example, pop up whenever they search things like ‘how to animate’ or ‘how to become better at animation’, it’s all AI. Even TikTok isn’t exempt (the videos you scroll through are not random).
    In general I find AI very fascinating and alluring and want to see more of it in the future, and if we use it even without realizing don’t you think there is a possibility we might not be able to stop this growing beast?

    1. I'm really interested in your example about the photography competition. If the photographer had been honest, do you think they should have been allowed to take part?

      What about on the Topical Talk Hub? Should students be allowed to use AI systems to comment?

      1. I appreciate your intrigue, your questions are ones that has been on my mind since I saw that news as well.
        Firstly, just because he was honest doesn’t make what he did fair. There were rules in the competition, rules that had no real means to strictly enforce them if he was able to win with an AI product - another problem with AI, plus that AI photo was not his own as he used another way to get it - it was not his original idea or his creative work and I think that is enough to disqualify him. His honesty, on the other hand, was good but not when he could have never entered the competition in the first place with that photo in order to give others a fair try.
        Additionally, if he had been honest in the first place I think the judges would have been intrigued and captivated by the work but wouldn’t allow him because others got to work really hard to get theirs done and he just had to type a few sentences, they would have commended him but not let him enter – my opinion.
        Secondly, when it comes to comments on this hub I think students should be allowed to use AI as an ASSISTANT not directly coping and pasting whatever it types out, that is detrimental and undermines the whole essence of ‘personal opinion or experience’ and it is almost like you are doing it for the stars when the whole experience and learning should be your priority. It gives you an unfair advantage and is even a disadvantage to you as you don’t get to share what you truly think, you don’t get to think critically, creatively or try to view things from other people’s perspective, it’ll make the whole discussion robotic and uninteresting. However, using AI as an assistant can help you expand your thoughts and come up with a more constructive way to deliver your comments.
        Thirdly, I would like to share an occurrence that happened within my school. So, my school had a poetry competition one day and participates were told to submit their poems within the school hours to avoid use of AI. Sadly, this rule wasn’t enforced strictly and some people were still able to submit theirs later on. As it turns out the winner of the poetry contest had used AI to write it, however, this time around the person did not report it – no one did and he went on to receive his award. The second best felt cheated out of his win. He felt unjust at the thought that someone could use the AI, no one would know and the person would get away with it – these problems with using AI as an unfair advantage are honestly infuriating but as at now no one has really come up with a good way to detect the use of AI text. I think the best way is to know how a person writes, draws, talks and acts regularly, only then would you know when it isn’t the persons work if you see an anomaly. Who knows maybe there would be another AI that can scan all your original works and be able to detect the use of AI in any other one.
        Lastly, I have thought of using AI to help with my comments, however, when I saw it’s response I knew that relying solely on AI would be too obvious and lackluster.

  • Interesting! Ramani Rai has gave some very good point that have valid examples . She has shown us the things AI for instance, help deaf kid to translate word into sign language and also how it helps the ecosystem . She stated that learning coding, which is the computers language, could help some interested in creating their own AI platform . This video really inspired me to make own Ai platform

  • Absolutely I agree with Rai, the impact of AI extends far beyond secondary sectors like education and agriculture, making significant strides in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities. For the visually impaired, AI-powered assistive technologies, such as screen readers and object recognition apps, have opened up new avenues for independence and accessibility. These tools use machine learning algorithms to interpret and relay information from the visual world into auditory or tactile feedback, allowing blind individuals to navigate their surroundings, read text, and even identify objects. Similarly, for the deaf community, AI-driven speech-to-text and sign language recognition applications have facilitated improved communication and integration. These advancements not only break down barriers for individuals with disabilities but also underscore the inclusive potential of AI in creating a more accessible and equitable society. As technology continues to evolve, the transformative impact of AI in enhancing the quality of life for diverse populations remains a testament to its positive contributions to social progress.

    1. I agree due to the fact that AI really helps in most aspects and even to be called an aid to life itself. Here, you mentioned about disabilities, right? As technology continues to advance, the transformative impact of AI in developing the standard of life for diverse populations remains a testament to its positive contributions to social progress. At the same time, its due to the empathy of an individual that he/she came up with an idea and way of using AI to help the handicapped/disabled which to me, is really an act of HUMANITY, honestly. For example, screen readers, object recognition apps, AI-driven-speech-to-text and sign language even mere medicated glasses due to the fact I use one which believe me, is very helpful and corrective to my eyesight.

  • AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is making a big impact on the banking industry. It's like a game-changer, helping bankers do their jobs better and providing awesome experiences for customers. Let's dive into some of the ways AI is doing this.

    First off, AI is all about personalized customer service. You know those chatbots and virtual assistants you see on bank websites? They're powered by AI. They can give instant support to customers, answering questions and helping with banking stuff. This frees up bankers to handle more complex issues and makes things easier for everyone.

    Next up, AI is great at sniffing out fraud. It can analyze huge amounts of data and spot patterns that might mean someone is up to no good. This helps bankers catch fraudsters and protect the bank and its customers. It's like having a super-smart detective on the team!

    AI also helps with risk assessment and credit scoring. It can look at things like credit history, income, and spending habits to figure out if someone is a good candidate for a loan. This helps bankers make better decisions and manage risks more effectively. It's like having a super-smart calculator that knows all the tricks!

    Automation is another cool thing AI brings to the table. It can take care of boring tasks like data entry, document verification, and compliance checks. This makes things faster and more efficient for bankers, so they can focus on stuff that really matters. It's like having a super-fast assistant that never gets tired!

    Last but not least, AI is a whiz at investment and portfolio management. It can analyze market trends, historical data, and even customer preferences to give personalized investment advice. This helps bankers make smart decisions and offer tailored strategies to their clients. It's like having a super-wise advisor who knows all the secrets of the stock market!

    So, as you can see, AI is doing some amazing things for bankers. It's making their lives easier, helping them serve customers better, and making banking more efficient overall. It's an exciting time for the industry as AI continues to evolve and bring new possibilities. The future is bright, topical talkers!

  • Ai has contributed a lot ,and it still has more to offer.
    Ai can also be used in sales and marketing.Ai enable marketers create ads, products recommendations and personalized messaging for their customers to see from their comfort zone , through the help of Ai products.

    Using generative Ai shopping assistant enable consumer to order for goods online.
    Before the introduction of Ai technology, consumer and retailers will go to the market to purchase goods physically even when the weather is unfriendly.
    But now, with Ai you can order your goods at anytime,anywhere regardless of the location.
    They are food delivery app,that uses Ai to analyze consumer preference and recommend dishes based on their taste .we have some of this app in our country Nigeria,e.g Jumia,Glovo and chowdeck they are all delivery app.
    It has also contributed to banking,you can make transaction from your house without going to bank . Many online bank have been invented,banks like opay,palmpay, PayPal e.t.c. you can make transaction to your relatives that are far from home.

    In conclusion,I will say Ai has created a good supply chain within sales and marketing sector.

  • This video made me think differently about AI. I learned that AI is being used for many amazing things like treating cancer, finding solutions to ensure bees do not go extinct and much more. I used to think that AI was a dangerous tool that could do more harm than good. I used to believe that up until now we have been living without much need for AI so we could continue doing so in the future too. However, this video made me realise that AI can be a very helpful tool. From healthcare to space projects, AI is everywhere. Since this is just the start, I believe the future of AI is very bright. This video inspired me to look at AI more positively and do more research about it. Listening to Raman, I realised that so many people are working behind the scenes to ensure AI is used for the good of the people. Hence now I have so many hopes for the future of AI.

    1. I share a similar perspective on AI, because after exploring its potential in a video, it's evident that AI is poised to shape the future positively. Its capacity to address challenges, generate job opportunities, and contribute to fields like medicine and finance is noteworthy. It's crucial to acknowledge the dedicated individuals behind these advancements and actively support their endeavors. As we embrace the future, fostering understanding and collaboration between humans and AI can lead to transformative outcomes that benefit society at large.

  • Wow, that was genuinely interesting. Hearing her point of view about AI taught me a lot. And so much new information, about bees, healthcare, innovations, new jobs and many more. This was very fun to watch and a learning experience at the same time. Thank you for this.

  • While watching the video I've noticed the mention of sign language. That immediately caught my attention as last year senior students from college had came to our class for their project. Their project included sign language and implementation of AI in sign language. All of my classmates including me were a part of that project. They had us do basic sign language Infront of a camera while it was being recorded. It then translated our movements into readable transcript. I found that really interesting as they used AI to translate our signs into text. I have definitely been inspired by Raman, she has managed to implant this sense of curiosity as to what I myself could do with the help of AI. I have always wanted to learn coding because it always seemed so vast. I believe with coding you can do basically anything in the virtual world. We can easily make many tasks automatic by using codes. We can create many websites, games, apps, etc with coding. We can even makes servers and storage system by using codes and old unused computers or laptop. The possibility of AI powered technology is endless. I believe it could ever make our dream of flying a reality. There is already some repulsion technology that makes us able to fly but it can definitely be improved with AI in the future.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the legal landscape, providing lawyers with powerful tools that enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and deliver valuable insights. This technological transformation is evident across various facets of legal practice.

    **Legal Research Advancements:** AI-powered tools revolutionize legal research by swiftly analyzing vast databases of case law, statutes, and regulations. This accelerates the identification of relevant precedents, significantly improving the accuracy and speed of legal arguments.

    **Document Review and Automation:** AI simplifies the laborious task of document review. Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms analyze and categorize legal documents, enabling lawyers to quickly extract crucial information and identify potential issues. Document automation tools further expedite the creation of standardized legal documents with precision.

    **Contract Review and Management:** AI enhances contract review by identifying key clauses, risks, and inconsistencies within legal agreements. Additionally, AI-powered contract management platforms efficiently organize, track, and maintain a portfolio of contracts.

    **Predictive Analytics in Law:** AI employs predictive analytics to forecast legal outcomes based on historical case data. This strategic tool assists lawyers in making well-informed decisions regarding case strategy, settlement negotiations, and potential litigation risks.

    **Virtual Legal Assistants:** AI-driven virtual assistants support lawyers in managing schedules, prioritizing tasks, and handling routine administrative duties. This allows legal professionals to dedicate more time to complex legal analysis and client interactions.

    **Due Diligence in Mergers and Acquisitions:** AI accelerates due diligence processes during mergers and acquisitions by efficiently reviewing large document sets. This ensures timely identification of potential risks and opportunities, contributing to smoother transactions.

    **Legal Analytics Insights:** AI tools provide legal analytics, offering insights into trends, judge rulings, and opposing counsel strategies. This data-driven approach empowers lawyers to make informed decisions and enhances overall legal strategy.

    **E-Discovery Efficiency:** AI is integral to e-discovery processes, aiding lawyers in navigating extensive electronic data to identify relevant information for legal cases. This not only reduces time and costs but also ensures a more efficient discovery procedure.

    **Compliance Monitoring:** AI assists lawyers in monitoring regulatory changes and ensuring compliance. By automatically tracking updates to laws and regulations, AI tools help legal professionals stay informed and adapt to changes with agility.

    **Natural Language Processing for Legal Writing:** AI-driven Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications support lawyers in legal writing. They suggest improvements, check for consistency, and ensure that legal documents adhere to specific standards and language conventions.

    In essence, AI is a transformative force for lawyers, offering a suite of applications that optimize diverse aspects of legal practice. From research and document review to predictive analytics and administrative support, AI enhances efficiency and contributes to more informed decision-making in the dynamic field of law.

  • AI is revolutionizing the world of photography, topical talkers!.It's like having a super-smart assistant that helps you capture stunning shots and enhance your photos. Let me tell you some of the ways AI is making photography even more awesome.

    Firstly, AI-powered cameras can automatically detect and track faces, ensuring that your subjects are always in focus. No more blurry portraits or missed moments! It's like having a personal photographer who never misses a beat.

    AI also helps with image recognition and scene detection. It can analyze the content of your photos and automatically apply the best settings to make them look their best. Whether you're capturing a beautiful landscape or a vibrant sunset, AI can enhance the colors, adjust the exposure, and even remove unwanted objects. It's like having a magical touch-up artist!

    Another cool thing is that AI can help with post-processing. It can automatically sort and organize your photos based on their content, making it easier to find that perfect shot. It can also suggest edits and enhancements, like cropping or adjusting the brightness, to take your photos to the next level. It's like having a personal photo editor at your fingertips!

    AI is even making its mark in the world of photo editing apps. There are now apps that use AI algorithms to automatically enhance your photos with just a single tap. They can remove blemishes, smooth out skin tones, and even add artistic filters to give your photos a unique look. It's like having a whole team of professional editors in your pocket!

    So, whether you're a professional photographer or just love taking pictures for fun, AI is definitely a game-changer. It's making photography more accessible, helping us capture and create stunning images effortlessly. The possibilities are endless, topical talkers.

  • Hey there! AI is actually playing a pretty cool role in the fashion industry. It can help designers with things like trend forecasting, fabric selection, and even creating virtual prototypes. It's all about using technology to enhance the creative process!
    So, with trend forecasting, AI can analyze huge amounts of data from social media, runway shows, and street style to predict upcoming fashion trends. This helps designers stay ahead of the game and create collections that are in line with what people will be into.

    When it comes to fabric selection, AI can analyze the properties of different materials and suggest the best options based on factors like durability, comfort, and sustainability. This helps designers make more informed choices and create garments that not only look great but also feel great to wear.

    And as for virtual prototypes, AI can generate 3D models of clothing designs, allowing designers to see how they'll look and fit without having to create physical samples. This saves time and resources, making the design process more efficient.

    Overall, AI is revolutionizing the fashion industry by providing designers with valuable insights and tools to unleash their creativity. It's pretty amazing stuff!

  • I am very exited to see how Ai will be used in the future. In my opinion Ai can really be helpful for travellers and learners. AI can really be a great help towards easy life.
    Thank you :)

  • Hi, Raman
    Your questions and answers were amazing. It interested me . I think Al is a amazing technology for any work . Especially, Al-Artificial intelligence is a great technology for agriculture. It help us to increase in the agriculture sector . Al is making new Agricultural machinery . Which are so important for increase our agriculture sectors . Al also helpful in
    medical sector, communication sector, trade sector and education sector . Al is a great way for making a bright future for our world and our country. I think Al will help ease our workload . Thanks for read my opinion.

  • Nowadays AI is being used in agriculture to a significant level. It makes farming way more efficient and there is a lot less wastage with pre analysation of weather.
    I feel it is the most important proffession not just because more than 50% of the world population is into agriculture but also because everyone in the world is dependent on it.AI algorithms can analyze the chemical composition of soil samples to determine which nutrients may be lacking. AI can also identify or even predict crop diseases. AI in irrigation is useful for identifying optimal patterns and nutrient application times, while predicting the optimal mix of agronomic products. In short AI is a really useful tool in the field.
    The problem with AI in agriculture is it is too expensive, not all farmers can afford it. Especially in India, not even all farmers can afford basic technology like tractors, let alone artificially intelligent applications and machineries. With this unbalance in society the people who can't afford technology would have a lot of loss and would have trouble supporting their families.
    I do believe that change is necessary as we move along but we need to be mindful about each and every thing the change causes and not just the benefits.

  • Raman has indeed provided valuable insights into the considerations surrounding AI, particularly in the context of Nigeria. Her perspective has prompted me to think more deeply about the global impact of AI and its potential implications on various aspects of society.

    I appreciate Raman's balanced approach, acknowledging both the excitement and concerns associated with AI. Her mention of the need for responsible and inclusive integration aligns with my own sentiments, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that AI advancements benefit everyone, leaving no one behind.

    I haven't just learned about the challenges and opportunities within Nigeria but also gained a broader understanding of how diverse perspectives contribute to the global conversation on AI. Raman's thoughtful response has inspired me to consider the implications of AI not only in my local context but also in the larger, interconnected world.

    1. Well done for paying close attention. I'm glad you've gained a better understanding from Raman's answers!

  • AI is revolutionizing the field of accounting, making it more efficient and accurate than ever before. Let's explore how AI is helping accountants:

    Firstly, AI-powered software can automate repetitive tasks, such as data entry and bookkeeping. By analyzing financial data and applying algorithms, AI can accurately process large volumes of information in a fraction of the time it would take a human. This not only saves accountants valuable time but also reduces the risk of human error.

    Additionally, AI can assist in detecting anomalies and fraud. By analyzing patterns and trends in financial data, AI algorithms can identify suspicious transactions or irregularities that may indicate fraudulent activity. This helps accountants in preventing and detecting financial fraud, protecting the interests of businesses and individuals.

    AI is also improving the accuracy of financial forecasting and budgeting. By analyzing historical data and market trends, AI algorithms can generate more accurate predictions and projections. This enables accountants to make informed decisions and provide valuable insights to businesses, helping them plan for the future and optimize their financial strategies.

    Furthermore, AI can enhance the audit process. Auditing involves analyzing vast amounts of financial data to ensure compliance and accuracy. AI-powered tools can efficiently review financial records, identify inconsistencies, and flag potential errors or risks. This streamlines the auditing process, making it more thorough and reliable.

    Moreover, AI is enabling accountants to provide more personalized and strategic advice to their clients. With AI algorithms analyzing financial data, accountants can gain valuable insights into their clients' financial health and performance. This allows accountants to offer tailored recommendations and strategies to help businesses optimize their operations and achieve their financial goals.

    While AI is transforming the accounting profession, it's important to note that human accountants still play a vital role. They provide the critical thinking, professional judgment, and ethical decision-making that AI cannot replicate. Accountants are needed to interpret the data provided by AI, communicate insights, and provide strategic guidance to businesses.

    One way AI is assisting accountants is through the use of natural language processing (NLP) technology. NLP allows AI systems to understand and interpret human language, which is essential for tasks like analyzing financial documents and extracting relevant information. By using NLP, AI can help accountants quickly review and categorize documents, saving them time and effort.

    Another area where AI is making a difference is in tax preparation. AI-powered tax software can automate the process of calculating taxes, identifying deductions, and ensuring compliance with tax regulations. This not only speeds up the tax preparation process but also reduces the likelihood of errors, helping accountants provide accurate and reliable tax services to their clients.

    AI is also being used to improve data analytics in accounting. With the vast amount of financial data available, AI algorithms can analyze and identify patterns, trends, and insights that may not be immediately apparent to human accountants. This enables accountants to gain a deeper understanding of their clients' financial performance and make more informed decisions.

    Additionally, AI is helping accountants in risk management. By analyzing historical data and market trends, AI algorithms can identify potential risks and help accountants develop strategies to mitigate them. This proactive approach to risk management allows accountants to better protect their clients' financial interests.

    It's important to note that while AI is transforming the accounting profession, human accountants still play a crucial role. They provide the expertise, judgment, and personal touch that AI cannot replicate. Accountants use AI as a tool to enhance their capabilities and provide better services to their client's.

    In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing the field of accounting by automating repetitive tasks, detecting fraud, improving forecasting, enhancing auditing, and enabling more personalized advice. The integration of AI technology is enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and value that accountants bring to businesses and individuals. It's an exciting time for the accounting profession as AI continues to reshape the industry.

  • What excite me about artificial intelligence is that It can do a lot of things, just like a human does. From answering complex questions and supporting and helping doctors research and do surgery. One of the latest examples is AI robot that imitates human. As robots become increasingly integrated into human lives.AI has the potential to improve various sectors of society, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, accessibility, and decision-making capabilities. Also AI help us humans in our education and help in making research's about our assignment given by the teacher.

  • Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has emerged as a powerful tool for entrepreneurs, offering innovative solutions and transforming the way businesses operate. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, entrepreneurs can gain a competitive edge, streamline processes, and unlock new opportunities for growth.

    1. Data Analysis and Insights:
    AI can assist entrepreneurs in analyzing vast amounts of data and extracting valuable insights. Machine learning algorithms can identify patterns, trends, and correlations, enabling entrepreneurs to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies. This data analysis can help in understanding customer preferences, market trends, and identifying new business opportunities.

    2. Automation and Efficiency:
    AI-powered automation can significantly enhance operational efficiency for entrepreneurs. By automating repetitive and mundane tasks, entrepreneurs can save time and resources, allowing them to focus on more strategic aspects of their business. AI can automate processes such as data entry, customer support, inventory management, and even social media management, freeing up valuable time for entrepreneurs to innovate and grow their ventures.

    3. Personalized Customer Experiences:
    AI enables entrepreneurs to deliver personalized customer experiences at scale. Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by AI can interact with customers in real-time, providing instant support and personalized recommendations. AI algorithms can analyze customer data to understand preferences, anticipate needs, and offer tailored products or services. This level of personalization can enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately drive business growth.

    4. Enhanced Marketing and Sales:
    AI can revolutionize marketing and sales strategies for entrepreneurs. AI-powered tools can analyze customer behavior, social media trends, and market data to optimize marketing campaigns and target the right audience. AI algorithms can also assist in lead generation, customer segmentation, and predictive analytics, enabling entrepreneurs to identify potential customers and improve conversion rates.

    5. Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection:
    AI can help entrepreneurs mitigate risks and detect fraudulent activities. AI algorithms can analyze large datasets to identify potential risks, predict market fluctuations, and assess creditworthiness. This can aid entrepreneurs in making informed decisions, managing financial risks, and safeguarding their businesses against fraud.

    Artificial Intelligence has the potential to revolutionize entrepreneurship by empowering entrepreneurs with valuable insights, automation, personalized experiences, and enhanced decision-making capabilities. As AI continues to advance, entrepreneurs should embrace this technology and leverage its potential to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth. However, it is essential to consider ethical implications,

  • I solidly agree with what resourceful leopard said, yes, miss. Raman has made explored many things to me especially the powerful tools AI uses to make jobs easier and faster to we humans especially the way it has enhanced the level of productivity in farm in the sense that farmers no longer go to farm again because they are assure of the job the AI tractor machine will perform in the farm.

    AI has made slow learners in schools today cope up with their mates through chart GTP, Siri bacause it provides vivid and tentative fact imformations about a particular topic.
    In conclusion, I think is the best way to train students.
    Thank you.

  • I solidly agree with what resourceful leopard said, yes, miss. Raman has made explored many things to me especially the powerful tools AI uses to make jobs easier and faster to we humans especially the way it has enhanced the level of productivity in farm in the sense that farmers no longer go to farm again because they are assure of the job the AI tractor machine will perform in the farm.

    AI has made slow learners in schools today cope up with their mates through chart GTP, Siri bacause it provides vivid and tentative fact imformations about a particular topic.
    In conclusion, I think is the best way to train students.
    Thank you.

    1. How else do you think Chat GTP is beneficial to students?

  • In a way, I find AI unfamiliar due to it not being a major part of our society until now, however it has to begin somewhere and so far it has had many positive impacts on the world and a great positive for people with needs and disabilities. Along with this, it is a great opportunity to communicate with a variety of languages and people as AI understands all of us. Considering it has not been very long, it has done a huge amount for our community and helped us to discover things beyond human ability and no doubt will continue to as it grows. Although it is a frightening thing to think about its future power it could gain, this is also a great increase in the better way humans are living as it is contributing in operations which humans could not successfully go through beforehand, meaning more people are well and surviving.

    1. I agree because despite it being an unfamiliar source, the way it has improved society is extremely substantial. It has helped people with disabilties feel much more included, with the support of things like prosthetic limbs, text to speech software, ect.

      With the overall knowledge of the earth, it has helped scientists discover much more than before. Technology has been able to reach parts of the ocean and space, allowing us to find much more than previously.

      The fact that we can communicate with others globally without actually knowing their language is extremely helpful. It helps reach negotiations and find commonalities between people regardless of the language block.

      AI being so powerful is definitely a scary concept, however, the perks are well received and immensely helpful.

    2. I agree because... As although it is new, it will bring huge improvements to our world in the future. Along with this, It will help humans understand and discover things they couldn't without Artificial Intelligence.

    3. I agree as ai is a true positive for the future. I believe that in the future we could use ai for many tasks that could lead to lives being saved and quality of life being improved. Ai is also a great help to those who have limitations in life such as not being able to read and write as it can read aloud and offer assistance to those who need it.

  • What excites me about artificial intelligence is its ability to reason like us humans and make our jobs easier. It helps us in our daily life and school. In schools Ai is done for attendants and it help teacher to explain the concept to the students . It make that student learn the concept easilly and it can used in agriculture field and help the farmers .AI is really helpful to us . It makes our work accurate also

    1. Thanks for your comment, can you think of other ways that AI can be used to help in the classroom?

  • Hello Everyone,
    Honestly speaking, from the time I have learnt about what AI exactly is, I have been worried about how it may take over the world and how it is very dangerous to give the world another component to be careful of and why we just cannot have a normal life without such complication, but now, when I've learnt that it is not only me who is worried, and that there are many teams who are working on making this safer for us, I am at ease feeling that it may not be all that bad. One thing about AI that excites me is, that as the usage of AI increases, it will also increase opportunity for us to interact with one another and prove ourselves and our skills, for example, due to better connectivity and internet, this Topical Talk has been held, teaching us students new things and helping us interact on a global scale. It will also make education and resources for it better, making research easier.
    Thank You!!!

  • I would ask her the disadvantages and advantages of AI

  • Hello! Raman Rai has really changed my perspective on AI. Before, I was scared that AI might take away people's jobs, leaving them without work to support their families. But now, I understand that AI wasn't created to steal jobs; it's meant to help people with their workloads.
    After listening to Raman's advice and learning more about AI, I'm inspired to become an engineer who creates AI myself. For instance, I could design an AI that cooks gourmet meals, so nobody has to worry about what to make for dinner again. Or, I could make an AI that helps with chores around the house.
    I'd like to thank Raman Rai for teaching me that AI does more good than harm. It's opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me, and I'm excited to explore them.

  • Raman Rai's work is incredibly inspiring and eye-opening. It's easy to think of AI as a purely technical or scientific pursuit, but she has shown that it can also be a force for social good. Her work with marginalised communities is really impressive, and it's clear that she's passionate about using AI to improve people's lives.
    I'm impressed by her dedication and commitment to making a difference in the world, and I think her work is a great example of how AI can be used for positive change.
    I think one of the most interesting aspects of Raman's work is the way she's using AI to empower women and children. By using AI to create educational resources and tools, she's helping to break down barriers and create more equitable access to education and opportunity. This is so important, especially in countries where women and children face unique challenges and lack of resources.
    I also admire the way she's using AI to help people tell their own stories and share their voices with the world. It's a powerful way to use technology to amplify the voices of those who might otherwise be unheard. What do you think about this approach to using AI.
    Topical talkers, What's your take on Raman's work and its potential impact on the world?

  • Thank you Raman! I didn't know that AI could be used to help to bee extinction. That's awesome. And you're right AI ir really extraordinary especially when it helps in cases such in deaf people. But it needs rules so AI can be used properly to every case. If we overuse it , we will lose our abilities to think if everything is ready made.

  • Thank you for that wonderful interview Raman it really changed my point of view in AI. When I first heard that AI was making a lot of progress in the world I was really scared. Will we have books or even go to school in the future. Thoughts like this kept on running through my head, but after this interview I felt very happy about AI. Well if Raman said not to be scared and that there were many jobs AI would make better than I would not worry. When Raman said that there were so many jobs to help AI be made safer and better and the one that really inspired me was to be a coder. This would mean that I could programme AI to be as safe and as good as possible. I really agree with Raman that AI would make more jobs and even help many jobs because AI has a lot of knowledge in there heads and they could really help find out things on google quickly. Also AI could be made in different shapes and sizes and this could really help doctors in operations.

  • Thanks Ramen Rai.
    Your discussion made me think about artificial intelligence (AI) in a completely different way. I gained new knowledge about artificial intelligence. Basically, the contribution of AI is beyond words. Different types of problems have arisen at different times in the world. Many problems have been solved and many have not been possible. But AI has solved all kinds of important problems in the world. According to many people, AI has reduced human employment which has taken away many jobs. But I think that artificial intelligence has created many times more new jobs than it has taken away from the world. In my opinion, also Ramen Rai inspired me a lot about AI. I understand that AI is slowly becoming useful to help humans. It is trying to make work in every field like education, medicine, research, agriculture etc. easier and faster for people. For example -language translation, diagnosis of various complex diseases, virtual meeting, virtual class, rapid sowing of seeds, soil monitoring etc. Also, AI is playing an important role to do various risky tasks quickly and easily. I think in the future, AI will make problem free, simple and modern life.
    Bye. Thanks a lot.

  • Hi!
    Raman has made me to think differently about AI. AI is very important in our today’s life. We can work so much more through AI. Again Some teachers often waste time marking register and all those works but AI is capable of doing all those things within minutes and will be accurate. AI is used in almost all sectors in the world.
    I have been inspired by Raman. I thought that AI can help us little. But, Now I know that AI helps us a lot. In future, we can do a lot of things through AI.
    I can think that AI will be more advanced in future and we can enjoy so many things. AI will make our life more easier.
    Thank you!