Comments by students of Mary N. Raptou School | Greece Student Comment Post Date fair_land Hallo, i think if prisons doesnt working many bad people will be free and no one cant stop... What if prisons aren’t working? 05/2/24 educated_instrument It is a common knowledge that our planet is suffering. Although it is true that more a d more... Why don’t people change? 05/2/24 clever_land I think that picture D represents more my country. Climate change has started to affect... Climate change in your country 05/2/24 peaceful_road In my opinion wealthier people can of course help by donating money to organizations stopping... Climate change and inequality 05/2/24 peaceful_road One caption I thought of is Keep our planet Earth close to us! We can see how each person ... Caption this! 05/2/24 friendly_song For me everybody is responsible for keeping the environment safe. Yes somebthings can cost a lot... Climate change and inequality 05/2/24 friendly_song One caption I would suggest is HOLD OUR EARTH ALIVE!! With this title I I want to emphasize... Caption this! 05/2/24 educated_thought Last years, criminality has risen. In big cities in every corner you can find some type of... What if prisons aren’t working? 05/2/24 peaceful_mode It is a rather difficult choice. It all depends on whether the company puts first profits or... Countries behaving badly 05/2/24 peaceful_mode I think that the brand in a way should control the celebrity. It is the product that they... The “face” of a business 05/2/24 terrific_opinion Hi! My opinion is that citizens must be informed about the news in their city. If they were not... Responsible citizens 05/2/24 fantastic_morning Yes,.I agree with you. We mostly write on our notebooks at school and teachers are overloaded... AI and the future of education 05/2/24 friendly_cherry Being informed about local news make each person part of a community and you feel more... Responsible citizens 05/2/24 friendly_cherry This is a nice distinction. What happens to those who have access to the information and ignore... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 05/2/24 fantastic_morning I totally agree with you. The excitement you get during a school trip is one of the most... Will schools exist in future? 05/2/24 educated_revolution Greece is mainly in the temperate zone with the Mediterranean climate, resulting in mild wet... Climate change in your country 05/2/24 fair_land One piece of news that made me feel concerned is the one I heard on TV about sea level rising.... Finding a balance 05/2/24 faithful_brain Hello, yes I am into your point of view. Augmented reality and virtual trips cannot represent... Will schools exist in future? 05/2/24 faithful_brain Opinion B has a point. Prison act as a punishment but if it's bad then prisoners will just... What if prisons aren’t working? 05/2/24 incredible_message In my belief, animals are into a cycle of life. Bigger animals eat smaller animals and people... Animal rights 05/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 46 47 >