Comments by students of Vidhya Sagar English School | Nepal

Student Comment Post Date
tidy_photograph Indeed, green skills that young people should focus on developing are Renewable Energy... Are green skills the future? 07/2/24
great_science I think there should be a hub discussion about ''Tax reform'' since this topic relates to how... Suggest a discussion 07/2/24
dedicated_snow I do agree and support for your statements. I do so, for you had stated that demand of more... Competition #3 winners 07/2/24
tidy_photograph Well, it's everybody's responsibility to end the climate change. It's true that the wealthier... Climate change and inequality 07/2/24
great_science The news can affect business in many ways, both positively and negatively. Some examples of... How might the news affect businesses? 07/2/24
witty_desert Hi everyone, its a pleasure to talk to you all. And by the topic, I think there should be a Hub... Suggest a discussion 07/2/24
witty_desert Hello focused_strawberry. You have written a beautiful comment and I totally agree with you. It... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24
great_science The brand should have no control over the celebrity in order to maintain authenticity. It is... The “face” of a business 07/2/24
balanced_starfish If I had a AI robot I would use it to help me in my works and others in case they need (like in... AI companion 07/2/24
tidy_photograph Well, if I owned a global business, even if the country A behaves aggressively, I would... Countries behaving badly 07/2/24
hardworking_cherry Age restrictions are often in place for safety and legal reasons, aiming to protect individuals.... Suggest a discussion 07/2/24
hardworking_cherry In my opinion, everyone should be responsible for supporting women in football. Rather than... Women's sport 07/2/24
cheerful_tiger The news talks about climate change, which is about how the Earth is changing. Sometimes,... Too much negative news? 06/2/24
thankful_concept I personally think that everyone is responsible for helping to stop the climate change . For... Climate change and inequality 06/2/24
tidy_photograph Well, I think businesses and brands should focus on the world criticizing issue. The businesses... How could businesses make positive change? 06/2/24
polite_drum The topic I'd choose for discussion is "mobiles phones and effects of it in environment". So as... Suggest a discussion 06/2/24
polite_drum In my point of view I think the most responsible for supporting women in football needs to be... Women's sport 06/2/24
nice_ocean In today's generation while artificial intelligence has the potential or power to automate... Jobs of the future 06/2/24
genuine_starfruit In my opinion the three topics "AI: education and future of the work", "Business", and... Competition #3 winners 06/2/24
tidy_photograph Well, I believe that the company should not get complete control over the celebrity. The... The “face” of a business 06/2/24