How could businesses make positive change?

Phyllida Swift is the CEO of Face Equality International. She is a Festival 2024 expert on business and politics.

Phyllida has worked with businesses on campaigns that get people thinking about the political and social issue of positive representation. Watch her video to find out more about why this topic is important to her, then have a go at her challenge questions.

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  • One of the ways a business can have an immediate positive impact is by helping out in their local community. Taking part in an existing initiative or starting one of their own means they can have an immediate and visible local business impact on an issue affecting the community.for example , when someone notice that in his community , they lack petrol and there is a need for that , he or she could sell petrol and this would help his \ her community and this can also cause development.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, @motivated_elephant. What do you think might motivate a local business to donate petrol to the community? What kinds of benefits do you think that buying petrol for a local community can have, beyond that they can drive more?

      1. Interesting insight Sarah @economics.
        I believe a local business donating petrol depends on the owner of the business itself.
        First of all petrol is a big source of income to lots of businesses,so donating it is more or less to impossible.
        The only factor i can consider is the reduction of the petrol price,
        Free donation of petrol could cause loss of profit and capital.
        But the reduction of price could allow the commodity (petrol)to be adequately utilised and scarcity is reduced.

        1. I understand your perspective loving_honeydew,You're right that donating petrol for free can be challenging for businesses since it's a valuable commodity. However, some businesses may choose to support the community by reducing the price of petrol. This can still allow for its adequate utilization while also helping to alleviate scarcity. It's all about finding a balance between supporting the community and maintaining profitability.

          1. I agree with you because petrol is a resource that is very expensive especially down here and so no company will ever give that out for free but to help in improving the means of transportation in the country, they can reduce the price of fuel especially so everyone can get it at any amount they can use for they everyday work and activities.

            1. I agree with you that increasing the fuel subsidy can help develop a country. But this must be done knowing that Nigerian economy largely depends on crude oil. Removal of subsidy simply every other thing in the market will experience a high rise especially food commodities. This has led to a serious suffering as i write this piece.

          2. I disagree because... The reduction of price Will bring about loss in the business that is to say it would affect the business negatively which might cause the business to shutdown.

        2. Hi loving_honeydew
          I totally agree with you instead of donating free petroleum the price can equally be reduced. Reducing the price of petroleum would help a lot of people all over the world. Petroleum is a huge source of income all over the world reducing the price would help everyone one way or the other. In a local community if the have petroleum in excess they can donate it, but the have to wise while donating in order to make sure the won't run into a loss.

          1. I agree with you clever_redcurrant because reducing the price of petroleum would help a lot of people in the world because people need fuel for a lot of tasks they do in their daily lives.
            People need petroleum for transportation,
            People need petroleum for light that is for their generators.
            THANK YOU

            1. I disagree with you saying if the price of petrol reduces it will help a lot since we use it for lots of tasks because... except for transportation, petrol is not that useful. Petrol is famous because of its use in vehicles like cars. I think it would help a lot because we use vehicles everyday-When going to work, to school, to the market etc. This is going to reduce the amount of money spent by parents, schools which have buses, uber drivers etc.

            2. Hi, intensive signature
              Did you really agree with reduction in petroleum cost,have you considered petroleum A very important resources, and of cause will be of no good to helping the nation resources?

            3. I disagree because...If not for car petrol is not that useful because back in those days people use generator to do work in office and at home but now people now use solar in stade of generator because solar is now one of the most popular technology which makes work easier because in stade of westing their time going to on generator to do an important job on the process it will off petrol has finished solar will do it without offing and you will not west your money.

        3. I agree because... The whole point of businesses in our society is to help those who do not have the necessary resources to help themselves. Also we have businesses in our society so that we can have access to many scarce natural resources , like petrol as you say. In some parts of the world, many countries are well developed as look as if they have everything, but they are still struggling because of scarcity of petrol. In fact, some countries even have the natural resources, but do not want to use it. We have to take up the responsibility of using our natural blessings for the growth and development of our economy because if we do not do that, we will suffer the consequences.

        4. I believe you are correct since, to start, a local company's ability to provide out gasoline rests on the proprietor. Second, given that a litre of petrol is expensive, the firm may fail as a result of the enormous loss they incurred from providing free fuel to the community.
          In my view, lowering the price of gasoline could make it possible for a company to give back to the community.

        5. I totally agree with you. For me it's impossible a business to donate petrol. Petrol is economical power and as you said a source of income. Wars have begun to control it and be the owner of it. From my perspective it would be out of this world if businesses would donate it freely.

      2. A local business can be motivated to donate petrol to the community due to the fact that petrol is expensive due to its several uses and functions in our everyday life. Therefore, donating petrol to the community would help to save money to buy petrol for the mean time and it can be used to make different fuels like diesels, and can also be used for agricultural purposes to produce electricity and also used as lubricants for vehicles. It would benefit the community a lot as petrol would occupy and solve most of the problems in the society.

      3. Interesting question Sarah @the economics.
        I believe buying petrol for a local community is more or less to impossible.
        In a sense that,the populace of a town is close to 5000 People approximately,then a local community could have an approximate total of 1000 people.
        Buying Petrol for an entire community would not only increase the scarcity of petrol,but it would also affect the stock of the country
        Every commodity has a vital role it is playing in the country,each commodity has a hand for the improvement of the country.(development)
        Also, buying an entire community Petrol would cause some suspicios,it would also increase the scarcity of petrol thereby inflating the price of petrol.
        Sincerely speaking, buying Petrol for an entire community is out of it.
        But reducing the price,would enable not only the community but the country at best have a better chance at utilising Petrol efficiently.
        Enabling them to drive more and run other factors involving the use of petrol

    2. I really don't understand your idea about a business having an immediate positive impact by helping out in their local community. and i also don't understand how petrol can cause development in a local community. here's a question for you; is petrol mostly one of the issues affecting a community?

      1. Well, in my opinion yes because petrol is used in making different cooking gas like kerosene and vehicle powering fuel such as diesel, so like 40% of our daily lives depend on petroleum products. Come to think about it, even the body lotion we apply are made from petroleum products such as petroleum jelly and the likes of others. I hope you understand the use of petrol in the community.

        1. You said that 40%of our daily lives depend on petrol so what about 60%of our other daily needs . Yes I understand what you mean by our daily lives depend on petrol but what about the other things that human beings need to survive that cost a lot more higher than that of petrol. You also said that petrol is important with it's products . Don't you think that there are other mineral resources that human beings depend on ,example: limestone products like cement that people use in building houses?

    3. Hi motivated elephant
      In your view did you really think a business could be started up in a local community,have you considered starting the business in an area where it suit's the business view?

  • Many people express a desire for positive changes in political and social issues like climate change, inequality, and education. If big businesses or brands share opinions on these matters, it could influence public perception and potentially drive meaningful conversations.

    Businesses can contribute by adopting sustainable practices, promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and supporting social initiatives. Beyond statements, tangible actions such as philanthropy, ethical sourcing, and transparent business practices can make a lasting impact on societal issues.

    1. Can you give an example of a business taking these actions?

    2. I agree that a lot of well-known and prosperous companies face social and political challenges that could hinder them. One option to help solve the financial issue is through fund raising, thus I would advise the company to start doing so in order to raise more social standing.

    3. I think that many people may desire for these changes but the campaigns that companies release still don't address these changes that many people have asked for.

      In most circumstances no matter how hard we try businesses will still want that perfect campaign that they may not get if they listen to the public's concerns. So we should all still try to make them see the problems but it may be a dire endless cycle that we won't be able to change.

  • Business can cause lots of gain in the society but it is mostly a gain. It can actually help us in our daily life by the meanss of obtaining money. If there are businesses in the society, people will obtain money, and if there is money, we can pay our bills. As said earlier, business can affect us negatively or positively. Negatively, we can be cheated in businesses. Business can also help our lives by providing employment because if there is unemployment in the society, people will not be able to have jobs. And there is a saying that “an idle man is a devil’s workshop”. I stand on my gound saying that business impact our lives positively rather than negatively.

    1. Is there a particular political or social issue you think businesses could help with if they were to share their opinion on the issue, and why?

      1. I actually think that some political issues like bribery(for example) Bribery is being done because of inappropriate or little circulation of money. If business men or women should bring an idea and execute it, it could generate more money and could counter the access to bribery in the society. What do you think Hemma?

        1. Hi inspirational_rock, you make a good point. I think if businesses could implement some sort of anti-bribery policy and showed zero-tolerance towards corruption, this would help in some way to prevent bribery happening. This could go a long way towards people trusting the businesses.

      2. In my view, when we discuss social difficulties, we should discuss the need for money. Many large corporations have the opportunity to voice their opinions on this matter, since many people in my own nation have experienced societal ills as a result of their financial needs. Many large businesses in Nigeria may positively impact the lives of many by using their influence and authority. They can not only share their money but also their opinions, which has helped many individuals in the country who are struggling financially.

  • Businesses and brands speaking up would have a great impact on people and society as a whole. People would listen to them and try to do the same thing. It can really help those facing difficulties due to wounds and other issues because it will give them hope that they are still part of society and that discrimination against them will not exist. This may also give them more energy to go farther and perform well.

    1. I agree businesses and brands have great impact in the society as you have said. If people in the society are going through hard times and they see that the businesses which are well known/people go to a lot, equally going through the same challenges but those businesses did not shut down however the looked for ways to solve the problem that the are facing it helps people to have hope and confidence that the can overcome whatever challenge the find themselves in. This would be an inspiration to people.

    2. Can you think of an example of a business/brand speaking up about an issue?

      1. An example of a brand speaking up about an issue is Patagonia, a popular company that sells outdoor clothes and gear, often speaks up about protecting the environment. In November 2018, they said they'd give away $10 million they saved from tax cuts to help environmental groups. This showed how much they care about the environment. People talked about it, saying companies should be responsible for the world around them. Patagonia's strong voice on environmental issues has made more people want to buy from them, especially those who care about the environment.

    3. How can businesses team up with local communities to tackle specific problems ?

      1. Business can team up with local communities in different ways. Most companies need electricity to operate, clean water, good road in other for their business to grow and for their distribution chain. But if the community where a company is built lack this facilities,I think the company have to take it upon there self, instead of relocating to areas that possess this facilities,they should promote that area by helping them purify water, repair the road, provide good power supply by asking the government to provide electricity in that area and construct drainage .

        With this they have teamed up with local communities,it will be beneficial to the company and society.their business will yield productivity because they have the right resources to operate.

    4. It's great that you are calling on businesses to speak up, @lovely_planet. What issues would you like to see businesses in your community speak up on?

    5. Hello,
      I agree with you because I also believe that businesses do have a great impact on society. As you mentioned, people will start listening and being influenced by brands because almost everything we own and buy is from brands. Clothes, food, furniture, you name it! They can have a positive change in society by spreading awareness about groups of people with less privilege by adding slogans or information on the packaging of their products to show their support, or even about animals who are being mistreated by saying they are cruelty-free on the packaging. As society pays more attention to these issues, we are closer to the problem being resolved, as more people are showing support by supporting these businesses.

    6. Businesses can be a form of mass media by helping the society express its feelings to the government. How? Well, using their products, they can pass round encouraging, patriotic and protestive messages among the people. For example, clothing lines could make shirts with protests quotes such as 'Fix the roads', indirectly organizing a peaceful protest and yet attracting more customers for themselves. It makes the government more aware of the public opinion of the people. Businesses can also help to remind the government on their unfulfilled promise(s).
      Government can also encourage eco anxiety and promote sanitation in the society. For example, bottle making businesses can encourage the citizens on waste management and recycling, encouraging eco friendliness. Clothing lines can also produce shirts, face caps and sweaters with motivating messages such as 'Keep Earth clean!'

    7. I completely agree with you! When businesses and brands use their platform to speak up and take a stand on important issues, it can have a powerful impact on people and society. Their influence and reach can inspire others to follow suit and make a positive difference. By showing support for those facing difficulties, such as wounds or other challenges, they can instill hope and a sense of belonging. This can boost their morale and motivation to overcome obstacles and excel. It's amazing how a simple act of speaking up can create a ripple effect of positive change!

    8. I agree with you that businesses would have a great impact on the society, by creating awareness to different types of people who might not really know about the things going on and it will also be of great help to people as they know where most of these things are being sold and would not have to travel a long way just to get such things. Yes, this may also give them more energy to go on and be willing to perform better.

    9. I agree with this point because if brands and businesses address these issues than people will follow this idea. I think those who face these difficulties due to scars or many other issues are shown more as models or faces of companies then the idea of society discriminating against them will slowly stop as these faces pop up more. For example, a modelling buisness could hire more people with these problems to promote equality and show how strong thee people are instead of the prejudice of them bieng fragile or horrible people. I think the idea of discrimination will never completly stop existing but it may dwindle to bieng very uncommon for these amazing people.

  • Businesses have a lot of power and influence in the world, and they can use it for good or for evil. There are possible ways businesses can make positive change.

    - They could adopt ethical and sustainable practices, such as reducing their environmental impact, paying fair wages, respecting human rights, and supporting social causes.
    - They could innovate and create products or services that solve real problems, improve people's lives, or advance knowledge and culture.
    - They could foster a diverse and inclusive culture within their organizations, where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered.
    - They could collaborate and partner with other businesses, governments, NGOs, and communities to address global challenges, such as poverty, inequality, climate change, or health.
    - They could be transparent and accountable for their actions, decisions, and impacts, and communicate honestly and openly with their stakeholders.

    Of course, there are many more ways, and each business has to find its own purpose and vision. But the important thing is that businesses realize that they have a responsibility to society and the planet, and that they can make a difference.

  • I think that businesses could help in solving the issue of lack of peace, a very good example of such are Adidas, Gap, and Balenciaga who have closed closed their collaboration with Kanye West over his antisemitic post on social media, and also his appraisal of Adolf Hitler who created the World War 2, which killed many people, these big brands were showing lack of partiality, peace making skills and equality, in order to stop another war from starting.
    In conclusion businesses can solve social and political issues such as wars and poverty, and even more in the society, this entails that apart from profit making, businesses can also perform other roles in the community.

    1. Interesting ideas, @devoted_television. Can you think of examples of what businesses can do to solve social and political issues such as war and poverty?

      1. Hello!!! Chloe@ Topical Talk.
        Firstly a business is an organisation that aims to make profit through producing and selling of goods and services. Apart from these, businesses can perform other activities such as peace making as earlier, stated and can also help in solving political and social issues such as war and poverty by:
        1. POVERTY: Businesses can help to tackle poverty by giving job opportunities to the unemployed, so that the unemployed people may gain income, they can also help by giving donations to poor people to help start their own mini businesses in order to gain income for themselves.
        2. WAR: I think that businesses can help in reduction of wars, for example, the war craft making businesses can shut down so that the people at war cannot have what to fight with and settle their differences by dialogue and not by killing people. Businesses can also help in solving possible wars by possibly punishing their workers if they say negative think about people. Big businesses can also help in solving crime by giving speeches to stop the war.
        THANK YOU.

      2. Hey Chloe! I totally agree with you. Businesses have the potential to make a positive impact on society by addressing political and social issues. When it comes to poverty, businesses can create job opportunities, providing income for the unemployed. They can also support poverty alleviation by donating to those in need or helping them start their own small businesses. In terms of war, businesses can contribute by promoting peace and dialogue instead of manufacturing war-related products. They can also discourage negative talk and promote understanding among their employees. It's great to see how businesses can play a role in solving these important issues!

  • I think by making some businesses, you can earn money and become rich HOWEVER you also have to pay money for others but also, you may get positive things about your business like people saying that you have the best things and maybe just maybe, you will earn more money for yourself. So I think there are some positive changes of making a business because you will get money and positive reviews

    this is kind of hard to explain

    1. Good idea jolly glacier,but did you think business is all about making money, generating a business does not mean you will only make all about satisfying your consumer and workers, because without them you can't have a business.a business should not endanger the life of the workers and does in the environment.

      Some companies produce toxic substances which is unhealthy to human health,why should such company focus on earning money instead of the company to make the environment a healthy environment for the people and workers.

      If anything should go wrong your company can get sued ,and I don't think money will save such company.

      Thank you.

      1. Nice idea Adimarable_Butterfly but if you get sued, you can hire a lawyer to help you win the case for some reason or before sued, they could put your buisness into a trust or incorping it

        1. I don't think you will be able to win a case that is putting a lot of life in danger, everyone of us have the right to clean environment,if something go wrong in the community due to release of toxic substances,did you think such company will be set free.

          In everything we do we should consider other people,and life matters a lot it can't be bought with money.
          Thank you

    2. Yes the main aim of business is making profit. But as a business grows in riches and reputation, its influence on people also grows. Some particular businesses may affect a particular category of people. For example fashion brands may influence females more and car brands may influence males more. This simply means that they can use that influence to make a change. For example the clothing brand can start making clothes with organic materials to help the environment. Likewise car companies can start manufacturing electric cars. This will have a lot of influence on people and they might develop interest in what the business is trying to do and they might join in to help. When a business has influence, it should be used for the right purposes and not for selfish gain.

  • Greetings,
    I think that businesses whether they are small or big can make a really big and positive change and impact on this. In my opinion,I think that big brands could make a huge and positive difference in the way people think. If big brands support natural beauty and hire every people that has the capability and is beautiful in their own way without discrimination the way people think can change a lot . I think that it would make a positive difference and make people more motivated if they support natural beauty. I think that every person is beautiful and talented in their own way which they should know. The social issues I would like to see change are bullying, unequality and discrimination. These activities shouldn't be done as everyone is equal. Everyone should deserve to live life normally.
    Thank you

    1. I exceedingly agree with you gusty_starfish, this is because you are right about stating that big brands could make a huge and positive difference in the way people think.
      These big brands have a great influence over society and can change how their fans think, thus by these brands supporting natural beauty and hire people that is beautiful in their own way and has capabilities, it can change how some people think; as you stated, it would make people more motivated to support natural beauty.
      A typical scenario can be a model who has vitiligo. Some people have the image of a model being perfect, so if there is a model who has vitiligo is signed to a big brand, society might have a change of mind and help create awareness for people with that condition and may even put an end to discrimination due to the huge influence the brand has over people.
      This positive influence can even lead people who have been discriminated confident and believe in themselves and their true beauty.

  • I believe there would be a massive impact if big brands or buisnesses were to share and opinion on the issue because they can share their views worldwide which can create positive impacts on polpe across the globe. I think that if a large makeup brand for instance wants to be inclusive in regards to Face Equality they can find models that have scars and are unique, instead of the usual perfect skin and perfect face models that we more commonly see.

    Having these so-called perfect models leads to people being uncomfortable in their own skin from a very young age, which also has consequences like people becoming insecure about the way they look. So businesses having many different kinds of models can help people feel more confident in themselves.

    Diverting back to the original question of 'What impact could it have if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on the issue?' , I think it would lead to people becoming more confident and happy with how they are and not having to feel as if they have to hide.

    It may lead to more people purchasing a brand's products if they know that they are inclusive and support everyone and not just the stereotypically perfect people.

    So in conclusion, I think brands should share their opinion on the issue as is will help people feel more included and happy to be them.

  • Hello everyone!!! My opinion on this topic, is that businesses are ways people see the world. They are, basically, the founder's need to make a change( as small as it may be). When a person has a dream, society might try to stop them, saying that what they want to achieve is impossible. However, in reality, a dream is the change we want in the place we live in! That's what a business is in my point of view. What I would like to see in contemporary society, is to stop overpromoting the big brands and start understanding the meaning of small start-ups! This is because, so may new entrepreneurs aspire to became strong, powerful and famous, which on many occasions doesn't happen and these people( who 9 times out of 10 are true talents) are left hopeless! Isn't society supposed to help improve the current state of these businesses?Our world can be a much better place, if everyone contributes to it in a good and positive way!

  • Personally, I would love to see a further change in how females are portrayed, as I am very passionate that we can still go further with stopping sexism, as well as how people who wear glasses are portrayed.

    I believe that if a big brand or business were to share their own opinion on sexism and how it is wrong, simply through social media or advertisement, it would help spread the message a bit quicker. Yes, I am aware that many businesses, such as apple, have fair pay and treatment for women and men who work for them, I believe that more advertisements need to be done. Throughout the last few years, the amount of encouragement that females have received for playing sports that are supposedly 'male' is huge and has had a big impact on women in sport. More enthusiasm like this, portrayed in the media, in multiple different situations would really help support this matter. For me, popular businesses could set up more campaigns and advertisements to showcase this as many people admire what these businesses think so this could lead to a more equitable society for both men and women.

    Next, I believe that how people who wear glasses are portrayed in the media needs to change. In most cases when it comes to the media, people who wear glasses can be shown as vulnerable, nerdy (intended in a bad way) and irritating. However, most of us know that in reality this is not the case whatsoever. As someone who has had reading glasses since the age of 10, I believe that major businesses can emphasise to everyone that this is not the case. If these businesses were to show their opinion, this stereotype would soon wear off and people can be known for their personality rather than what is sitting against their eyes. Similarly to my previous point, I believe that campaigns and multiple new advertisements can really aid this change because they will reiterate to people that you can't judge someone based off what they wear and what they don't have much choice but to wear. In addition to this, if major film production companies were to promote this, having more films where this traditional stereotype is ignored would significantly help too.

    1. I agree. I don't just want to see change in the way females are viewed, I want to see change when it comes to inequality. When I say inequality I don't just mean gender inequality, I also mean things like racism, nepotism and so on. You might ask how businesses can impact in situations like these. The first thing they can do is by making sure these problems are not found in their respective businesses. This can be done by making sure everyone has an equal opportunity, by implementing fair wages and supporting the ideas of other workers and employees. Discriminatory laws should also be eliminated in a business environment.
      Just like how Patagonia used their tags to pass across information and how Avon decided to stay in Russia for their employees, other influential companies like adidas, nike, prime, puma, etc. can also use their products to pass across information about inequality. Companies are really influential. Businesses have very great influence when it comes to politics. They help to determine government priorities, and most importantly how the public views issues. If businesses can get the public to view inequality as an issue that needs to be tackled, both government and civilians will try their possible best to stop it.

  • Hello,
    I want to see a social change in being more open to the LGBTQ+ community. Throughout the years we have seen more acceptance for the LGBTQ+ community but that doesn't mean they don't still struggle with discrimination and hate crimes. Since businesses have more power and influence than regular people, businesses spreading awareness of the struggles the LGBTQ+ community faces can make a greater difference in allowing them to be able to express who they are and how they feel without the fear of being negatively targeted. I have seen many harmful stereotypes of the LGBTQ+ community and some people think that all of them live up to those stereotypes which isn't true. Making more movies/shows , ad commercials, and products with the involvement of the LGBTQ+ community that won't add to the stereotypes will educate more people and hopefully change their views on the LGBTQ+ community, resulting in less hatred towards them. Thank you.

  • What else could business do to help?
    Business can help us eliminate poverty from our country. As you all know that our country "India" is a overly populated country, so business can provide those with employment who are unemployed with good wages or salary, also giving them social security like PF, Insurance policy, Pension etc. This will lead to a higher standard of living and more purchasing power, which will increase the demand for goods, as the demand will increase the production will increase, as the production will increase the business will also increase, if the business will increase it will increase the employment and ultimately it will end up eliminating poverty in our country. Business can also work for social welfare by building schools, hospitals etc. And taking care of the environment as this will not only help in eradicating poverty but will provide business with a more educated and healthy work force.

  • A political issue that I'd like to see changed is electoral malpractice. In politics, we hear of a lot of cases of bribery, unfulfilled promises, rigging and so on.
    Elections can sometimes be somewhat of a tense affair because of electoral malpractice. After an election, one might find people complaining that the election was manipulated. It's not fair because it cheats people of their entitlement to a better society. It is a violation of the right of an individual to vote and be voted for. It makes people lose hope. I have heard of people who don't vote anymore because they feel that their vote doesn't count. Some people even broke their voters' cards because they felt cheated of their rights.
    I feel that people should have the right to choose their leaders, knowing fully well that the majority actually have their way and the minority actually have their say. They should be able to say, at the end of the election, whether the politician they supported or not won, that the elections were free and fair. Elections should be a process devoid of any form of violence or malpractice.
    The advantage of a democracy is that power has been granted to the people to choose their leaders based on morals, character, integrity and who they think is the most suitable. If that power has been taken away from us, how can we be sure that our government is accountable? This is a problem that needs to be addressed if we want to make the society a better place.

  • Well, I think businesses and brands should focus on the world criticizing issue. The businesses and brands opinion and effective support would be motivational and would encourage the citizens and maybe government to take actions on the condition. The famous brands should make an advertisement on the criticizing issue or would assist people on some conditions. Al these acts results positive impacts on the local society and encourage government to execute actions on the rising issue. Sometimes an educational programs can be conducted by brands on local community and attract the local citizens for better education.

  • A political event that I want to change is wars like Gaza and Israel that make innocent people and young children get murdered and taken away from their families. If companies spoke on the Gaza and Israel conflict or had an opinion that said "Israel should stop attacking!" they would most likely lose Israeli customers/supporters and would earn more pro-Palestinian customers. But if a company says "Support Israel!" and donates to Israel with the money that customers give they might get boycotted (which means you stop doing an action with that company and as an effect, they could lose customers/money) and lose money and then they would earn more pro-Israel customers.
    What companies could do to help in this war is to donate to the country that they support.

    1. I'm not sure about this because... if you are to be atack't by a country what will you do , will you continue your business or will you face the war.

  • Business have positive impact in a community, because business provide job opportunities for the needies and it helps in reducing crime in a society there are some important positive impacts like.
    1.Business is a source of peace and happiness in a society.
    2. Business help people to get what they will feed their family.
    I am looking forward to corrections.
    Thank you.

  • Businesses can play a crucial role on changing perceptions in the world, especially when their brand is recognized in every part of the world.
    They have the power to influence on different issues. A positive representation of them may help countries that are in war, experience aggressiveness and unfairness from other counties. If top brands share a fair opinion on them, their consumers will follow this perception.
    Additionally businesses have the power to implement social issues like equality or even environmental ones.

  • Businesses and brand would make a great impact on the people and society. For example a person that study catering in the university he can still open his own restaurant and employ workers in his restaurant that means he's self-dependent.And through that way anybody can make a great impact on the people and society.

  • One issue I'd like to change in my area is the problem of electricity with NEPA. It is very unreliable even with the government efforts. I think business is could help by investing in alternative energy sources like renewables and selling it at lower prices. This would solve our electricity problems and give people cheaper options for power. Plus it will help fight climate change.

  • One social issue I want to change is the insecurity in my area. If businesses and brands speak up about it, it could make a big difference. It would get government and people's attention, raising awareness and pushing the government to take action.
    Also businesses and brands could help by providing food, medicine or money to families affected by insecurity or to areas facing this problems. This support could improve people's life and make our communities safer.

  • The political or social issue that I would like to change if I am at the liberty to do that are numerous but the most important of all is the issue of the political candidates making promises and not fulfilling it. A candidate going for campaign and rally will promise to serve the people by providing what they need in the country like water, light, good roads, good health especially but immediately they get the power, they will ignore the people and forget all the promises they had made to the people. If I am at the liberty to be a leader, I will try to make promises and fulfil them for the betterment of the country.
    If any big brand should share their opinion on this issue, they will make it look serious by stating why they want this issue to be stopped and after that it will make the people with power to stand to their feet and make their promises come to life again which will lead to the improvement of the country also.

    1. I completely agree with you because...
      Here in Nigeria there are many political and social problems that I would like to change. In the political aspect, during the last presidential election there was a case of rigging during election which led to many economic problems such as scarcity of money, food and also increase in price of commodities which led to hunger issues in the country. And also politicians make all kinds of promises such as good roads, electricity, good water, free education and free health care but after they are voted for they do not fulfill their promises. So if I was a politician I would also fulfill all my promises to the people. In the social aspect, here in Nigeria there is insecurity in the sense that a good number of people die everyday because of killing, robbery, theft, inter and intra ethnic clashes. So if I was a politician I would provide my country with tight security. So brands should make and fulfill promises they would lead to the improvement of the people's welfare. I am open to questions. Thanks.

      1. The presidential election of last year, do you really mean that it did not improve anything rather it brought damage?
        Also how are you going to change those problems if have the chance?

        1. Hi unbiased_planet,
          Thank you for the question. According to my own point of view, I mean that yes the last presidential election did not really improve anything rather it brought more damages. During the election there were cases of food scarcity, money scarcity, unknown gun men, killings everywhere, insecurity and also there was a case of goods inflation which led to the poor living conditions of the less privileged. It led to malnutrition, poverty, hunger and we all lost a good number of people due to the insecurity. There was also a case of rigging which when the president was announced people were all in doubt and disbelief. So , if I was given a chance to make a change in my country, I would first of all create free education, free healthcare, job opportunities, provide social amenities, and provide food especially to the less privileged. Then I would go ahead to provide tight and reliable security for my country. And finally, I would make a report that the INEC officials should perform their duties very well by not being bribed by politicians and also making sure that the right number of votes are presented to the people. I hope I have answered your question. Thanks.

  • Hello, I have many ideas on how businesses can improve so I am just going to jump in:

    I believe that businesses can make a more positive contribution by making their buildings as green as possible. This could be done my changing their energy usage from things like fossil fuels and carbon emitters to greener alternatives like solar or wind power. They could also try to make their buildings greener by doing things like adding planters if they are selling vegetables or having green roofs which contain plants or even small trees (if they have room).
    They could also try and switch up packages to different things such as paper, cardboard or even mushroom packaging which actress Emma Watson has already done already.

    They could also try and see where their trade is coming from and make sure they are reliable. For example, 4% of the worlds cheeses are stolen each year and are sold to businesses.

    Thank you for listening.

  • Amercans could buld a bussiness that could sell healthy foods in there restaurants for like people dat would like to eat something but not gain any calrios and could make a garden called victory garden. And not waste so much resouces with the garden.

  • tesla uses batteries because the environment is full of gas and smoke so using batteries helps the environment this is how they made a positive change

  • Businesses can make a change and help the world by spreading awareness to the public. Spreading awareness to a controversy can help give the people a say in the matter and give them the opinion to make a change, a positive change. Especially with big businesses such as Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, ect... They would be able to spread information faster due to their sources. If they shared their own opinion likely their users would agree. They would be able to make a faster change with their opinions. They can also bring awareness to a big problem on our planet today, pollution. They'll be able to bring a bunch of people together quicker and help make a positive change to restore our planet to how it once was before. Businesses have power with their own users to be able to make a good change.

  • Big businesses can help very well with this situation. The positive change would be to maybe not always give an opinion about certain topics unless it is asked of them to do so. Also businesses can help by supporting their customers and being on their point about their company and customers.

  • businesses could make a positive change by providing us with new things. Businesses could make their own products that we didn't even know could exist. For example One person created a phone and now there are multiple businesses that make them. Businesses even make a change in the future by giving us electronics, sports equipment, ect. Imagine if some businesses didn't exist we could lose stuff we use in our everyday life, we wouldn't be right here if some businesses didn't work or existed.

  • Businesses can have a great impact on society and resources to positive changes . It can have local organizations to develop on community. Supporting social enterprises can create good solutions or change many businesses. By expressing for positive changes in political and social issues.

  • businesses could make a positive change by providing us with new stuff.Business could make their own product that we didn't event know could exist.

  • Amercans could build a bussiness that could sell healthy foods in there restaurants for like people dat would like to eat something but not gain any calrios and could make a garden called victory garden. And not waste so much resouces with the garden.Bussiness could also make new products and sell them more the what it actully costet to make. Bussiness could also make good services to people treat them good so they could probaly invest the company.

  • Businesses could increase the efficiency of work processes, which can make for more satisfied customers as well as employees. They have the power to influence different issues. Your business strategy becomes your vehicle to translate purpose into substantial outcomes. Push your industry forward by increasing availability and accessibility (giving customers more affordable products). Also an ethical company that prioritizes integrity could make a huge impact (in more ways than one).

  • One Way businesses could make a positive change is they could help kids and teens get off electronics all the time . They could make commercials and start doing events in the park to get them outside more. It also can help them engage in the real world . I feel like apple should make a commercial because most kids and teens spend their time on apple devices instead of making friends outside their making friends on the internet that could possibly catfishes.
    They should do cookouts and build more parks so kids can get outside more . For teens they should build more out door activities like more outlets and things

  • One political or social issue I would like to see is healthier options. The impact I think having healthier options if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on the issue would be good for the most part and could potentially attract customers. If big restaurants and cooperations were to speak goodly about this topic and decide to make a change, restaurants would have more options. As for people who are trying to be healthy and don't want to make food, they can order it really accessible if restaurants could open up their options.

  • Businesses could make things for children. Which would mean that it would get more popularity because if u get children outside that could take more stress off of parents.

  • So basically they could make an ad for targeted the age appropriate audience like children's place. It can be like for kids and have things kids like and what kids need to learn. For teens it can show them getting a job or selling something that shows them being independent.

  • restaurants can add more healthier options to stop amercan obesity the 36.6% of amercans that are obese and they can make less soda products and less surgery drinks and make junk food more expensive so less amercans can make it more healthy because 1 in 3 adults are obese in na american famliy 1 in 11 amercans famliy deal with famliy obesity

    1. I think this is a really good point, businesses have the power to try and help some of the larger problems in our societies. As you have said if restaurants change some of their dishes to include healthier ingredients, then it may help decrease obesity rates.
      Companies that make furniture for instance may be able to promise that any trees that they cut down, they will re plant. Small changes like these will end up making significant impacts on wider society.

  • Business could make a positive change by provided us with new satf, Business could make their own products that we didn't event know could exist

  • Political and social issues could impact how we acquire our money and the way things will be in the future. As businesses make more gas and engine made cars the atmosphere is being destroyed everyday we drive gas cars.

  • Maybe buisinesses with like 100 million pounds could donate money to poorer companies that have less money than them. This could help the world and change countries poorer countries like Africa and send money to charities and could balance the money between different countries and Different companies.

  • I would like to see people helping homeless people and children because not everyone starts and end life the same and people should try and give money, food and every day objects. But not just homeless people, children in need.

  • The Political issue that I want to see change is facial difference and discrimination among people. Normally don't want to accept people with facial differences so easily because they have made them villain in their mind eye. The skin care company should make product not to change oneself but to make feel confident about themselves and accepting and loving oneself the way they are. Instead of making whitening product, they should focus on making product for all skin type to keep the skin moisture and tender. The entertainment and fashion company should normalize facial difference by giving better role to dark people or people with facial scar. The motto of skin and fashion company will be not to change oneself but to accept and love oneself with all of his flaws and strength. Since the business has a huge impact on people's mind. So, they can play the pivotal role in normalizing facial scar and difference.

  • Hey Phyllidia!
    First of all, I am like super inspired by you that you are the CEO of such a strong initiative and I completely agree that scars are badge of honours. Scarred people are warriors who have survived a lot more than the literally unscarred people, and they deserve all the respect in the world.
    The one issue I would like to see change would be that of how change is glorified. People who are different , or basically, people who don't "Shine" among others - be it due to their physique, appearance or introverted, quiet personality, are expected to get that "Glow Up", where they become more beautiful/handsome and viola! They have all the success in the world! I disagree. I think that we are all unique. To be successful, we don't have to CONVERT this uniqueness to match the crowd. We just have to hone it to the point that we shine, and we shine much more differently.

  • First of all I want to comment that I was amazed of the strength of Phyllida. She made her scar problem into a statement! Big businesses have a tremendous impact on people.I think they need to change their role models and include a big diversity of them as our humanity is. Beauty is not only promoting the ideal standard of a Barbie, for example, as they used to do but choose real people to represent them. In my opinion this tendency is the future trend.

    1. I totally agree with you. We need more real models from brands and especially role models that have a unique story to share. These stories can set good examples to young people. We have been bobmarded with so many fake images and fake lifestyles that this made us fill our life's with unreliable goals.

  • There are so many things I would like the companies and brands to change!! Unfortunately even if we have seen some brands supporting diversity and trying to conquer discrimination I think that we didn't succeed so much. That's because social media influence young people a lot to achieve beauty standards and fast money. For instance we can see on Instagram many celebrities promoting brands . But these influencers use daily filters to change their face or body and make them a perfect image. Businesses use this image to achieve recognition.
    Would it be the same if they used a disabled person or a blind one?

  • Businesses can make positive change in many ways. LikeDisruptive leadership Adapting to change and encouraging experimentation can drive innovation and bring about positive change.
    Creativity can lead to success, especially when it comes to planning and executing a business strategy.
    Effective communication can help a company communicate organizational goals and expectations to employees. It can also create a transparent company culture that fosters innovation.
    A positive work environment can help attract and retain employees. It can also help employees feel valued and heard, which can boost morale.

  • I would love for cyber issues to be changed specifically social engineering. According to, social engineering is one of the threatening hacking strategy. It would make a huge positive and beneficial if big businesses and brands shared an opinion on the issue so there could be more attention and maybe find people who may have good ways to end cyber issues in general.

  • To help businesses could try to announce that this is a big issue and they need help trying to put it to an end. For example, they can create fundraisers, put them as ads on websites, add onto billboards and other ways to promote the issue to the community.

  • The business is something working with the probability like when you thing that this product will be good and lot's of people will need it so you try to sell it but if they didn't like it it's unlikely to earn money from it, so it's a bad luck and this is the most thing happen in business.

    In fact, there is some people have better luck and their product is sold with big numbers, so they earn money. Some people is only training by selling products one of this products or maybe more success and earn the owner lot's of money. Some times develop the products and sell them and earn lot's of money.

  • Id like to see poverty, unemployment and corruption to change because, these are one of the major issues that brings us down. Business would really help unemployment and poverty because the more that businesses the more people would be employed and the more people are employed, the less poverty will be. Business gives you your own freedom to pursue your dreams .It also allows you create your own success story thereby making yourself independent.

  • A great way a business can have a positive impact for those with facial differences is by promoting them, Ms. Phyllida mentioned Winnie Harlow who is a beautiful model and a role model for those with facial differences, I feel that companies and businesses can raise people suffering around the world because of how they look, facial differences make them unique, and I think that companies should support them so that the world will see them for who they truly are and see their differences as their uniqueness.
    What impact could it have if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on the issue?
    Now to answer this question I think that the impact it would have on the world will be large, imagine a person that has a facial difference modelling for big clothing brands like Louis Vuitton or Versace, it would be wonderful, or if movie producers made people with facial differences their heroes or the people who assist the heroes, imagine the impact it would have on the people and children watching these movies, they will start seeing those with facial differences as role models and finally see their true beauty. So yes, I think that the impact it will have will be very large.
    What else could businesses do to help?
    Well to answer that question businesses can make products that reveal the inner beauty of those with facial differences, imagine that big cosmetic companies like Nivea, L'Oreal S.A and many others promoting those with facial differences wherther in their ads or the packaging of the product it would be very nice, or restauraunts, cafes, diners and many others making their packaging supporting those suffering hardship because of their facial differences.
    Thank you for reading.

  • Political or social issues that I would like to see being changed is Inequality between colour. I have seen in some areas that the company does not take any black or brown colour employee they reject just by seeing their colour, even not at all taking their interview but those people afterwards turn out to be best. So I think that this colour discrimination should be stopped. The government should take actions for this.

  • Hello,
    If I was left with a choice, I would really love to see to the stability of food security. Food security is the availability of food in a country and the ability of individuals within that country to access, afford, and source adequate foodstuff. I think that this issue could be significantly reduced if businesses and brands would share their opinion. Businesses and brands have one of the biggest influential powers in the world, and if they were to talk plenty things could happen.
    I think that brands are making attempt to stop these issues because of a strong, clear stance can help attract customers who share those values, creating a sense of community around the brand. Sure, it's important for brands to listen to feedback and criticism, but it's equally important to stay true to their beliefs and not be swayed by every minor complaint.
    I feel like other things that brands can do to help these issues are:
    -Donating to local charities.
    -Encouraging volunteering.
    -Using their expertise to handle issues within their range.
    -Buying and hiring locally to improve job opportunities.


  • Hi
    I think think the political issue that i would like to see a change in is election misconduct. In Nigeria Election misconduct is no longer a thing of news. Sadly, it is becoming normal for Nigerians to record some kind of misconduct during every election. I would like businesses especially those in Nigeria to share their opinion on issues like this because they have a way of drawing customers close to them. Businesses can convince their customers not to engage in misconduct and that will work very well. The can also form a union that will serve as watchdogs during elections to discourage people from engaging in electoral malpractice.

  • They create job opportunities. ...
    They get more money circulating in the local economy. ...
    They keep taxes close to home. ...
    They build community identity. ...
    They're involved with the community. ...
    They innovate and diversify the local marketplace. ...
    They're better for the environment. ...

  • In reality, I think that businesses ought to endeavour to bring down their product pricing. This is one of Nigeria's biggest issues. I have never witnessed a product's price in Nigeria rise and subsequently fall in my home nation. It is no longer the case to find something for a low price. This is a situation that I genuinely hope will change. In my country, I would like to see prices rise and then fall. If this occurs, it will be an indication that our nation is developing. If they did, it would indicate that they have empathy for the populace.

  • In my country, we face political issues such as widespread corruption that affects the daily lives of Nigerians, conflicts arising from political competition, and roadblocks. I strongly desire to witness positive changes in these areas.
    When big businesses or brands express their opinions on political issues, it can have a significant impact. These businesses often have a large audience and followers, which enables them to raise awareness about social issues like corruption among the general public.
    Moreover, businesses can play a crucial role in addressing conflicts and roadblocks by taking various actions, including collaboration and supply chain responsibility. These actions can contribute to finding solutions and making positive changes in society.
    THANK YOU! 😊

  • Hello,
    It is important for businesses in every industry to give back to their community. By reducing the surplus of properties for sale, we can make them more affordable for our country. For example, boosting production may limit affordability, but decreasing supply can create a more balanced market. Thank you

    1. Hello.
      You are right inspired_volcano, it will be a development for, Nigeria if prices that have increased should decrease, in my own opinion, brands often decrease the price of their products and reduce their quality, this is a problem!There is the problem of adulterated goods, some people make fake and adulterated goods going for short term gains at the expense of the customers. So I completely agree with you when we should balance the increase and decrease in the prices of products for a valid reason.

    2. I agree because if the prices of things are reduced, many people will buy their goods and they will have more goods and more money and it will persuade them to continue to sell more goods and even start to sell some goods that they did not sell before. So I think it will be better if businesses reduce the cost of their goods.

  • some political or social issues I would like to see change is a bad partnership, if you are trying to stop something then why do businesses get sponsors from them it happens so much that some people don't even notice it. another thing I would like to not happen again is false advertisement. Some game business shows ads that show something good but once you get it it does not look the same or much worse this can also be done by in person business too.

  • Businesses and politicians are playing the most important role in climate change. Their decisions and moves can very quickly reduce the pollution and demolition of the nature. They need to focus on being more nature friendly instead of being greedy and money thirsty human beings.

  • I think businesses can help by :
    -taking customer service more seriously
    -reducing prices
    -stop changing prices too often
    -using materials that can be composed into the soil easily
    and so much more

  • I think it all depends on what kind of businesses they are in order to have an impact. A local small business can't have the same influence as a worldwide big one. A business selling carpets can't have the same influence as one selling beauty products or clothes. And of course it all depends on your target audience . If you want to change a political perception you have to influence an older age consumer audience, if you want to talk about equality you can broaden your consumers. So in my opinion yes businesses can share opinions but all depends on whom and where.

  • A big political/social issue that I would love to see change is gender inequality in the United States, or anywhere in general. Seeing as how many brands and businesses are taking off right now, it can really help if they would talk about issues like this using their platform. It's really incredible seeing brands do this, however not enough are speaking up. It's not really hard to bring up topics and problems like this, but I do get why some brands find it difficult to. Most businesses might face backlash and lose popularity, but I feel like it also shouldn't matter because at the end of the day it will be the main problem you're trying to fix. It shouldn't matter how other opinions may sound as long as the point is put across and everyone is aware. It's unbelievable how much gender inequality has shown through the years, like how people bring up women and men should have certain jobs. As long as work is being done and the unemployment rates go down, it shouldn't matter. Businesses can advertise using issues like this, but incorporate it into their brand instead of using it to their advantage. I can see how brands can take an issue and run with it to make their business bigger-- which isn't the main goal. Nevertheless, brands should use their platforms for a good cause, and not just stand here and see other people talk about these political and social issues alone, trying to get someone to hear them out.

  • Hello
    With respect to your third question that is 'what else could businesses do to help' Businesses especially large and globally recognized businesses should help to publicize the pressing issues in our society today, for example: climate change, the issue of poverty, gender equality, biodiversity loss, the increased rate of crime in our society today. If businesses engage in spreading such awareness it will increase the rate of wanting to tackle these global issues
    Thank you

  • Hi amazing around the world
    A political and governal issue that I would like to see change is declining to repair roads in Ghana by politicians and members of parliament. Like seriously, if you travel on most roads, you can get a heart attack. All the roads are orange with dust on it. Even with a small amount of speed, the dust from the back of that car is just so intolerable. These are the same roads that some pregnant women who are about to give birth travel on and I imagine them going through so much pain during the bumps on our roads. Members of parliament or politicians that are in charge of these constituencies refuse to fix our roads but if you go to the path leading to their homes, the roads are made of tarre and they are just so nice to drive a car on. I would really like to see a change in this issue because it has been going on for years now and no one is willing to fix it fix it. I will be really overjoyed if this is solved.

  • Businesses and brands could contribute a colossal impact on the issues. Businesses and brands have the power to change or maintain the policy within governments and the society. Businesses and brands could aware people and give their perspective views on the issue. A political and social issue I would like to change is corruption. Corruption could be one of the most world-wide issue on overall countries. Due to corruption, many people suffer with pending files and due to it, many remain jobless. If businesses and brands would rise a mass awareness on the topic. Business could surveillance their employees and a training on the topic. If businesses and brands would enlighten the people's mind, there could be a successful attempt on removing corruption. Due to such mass awareness, a political conference held might end the corruption in the country.

  • A very controversial issue that If I had the chance I would try to change is probably racist of people with special needs. I believe that the gap between normal people and the so called "abnormal people" has to be urgently restored and especially businesses should empathize the fact that there are other people who have differences and other charismas. Business should escape from the traditional beliefs, reverse roles, start promoting other, more different standards and state their opinion on an issue freely. This can be beneficial for the business itsown as it improves their reputation and profit and thus it draws more attention to consumers.
    Nevertheless, businesses should not rest in the aforementioned things. They should hire more people with special needs in order to make them feel more socially- accepted and that despite their disability they are capable of helping the community. Moreover, a company can organise movements and talks about the value of having your own personality and differences in order not only to encourage them to see people with special needs from another perspective, but it can also create a sunbeam of optimism for the different people themselves.
    Besides, a phrase that it is pivotal to be acknowledged of is: " It is not a disability, it is just a different ability"

  • This is the actual one, which I submitted by mistake to "An interview with Phyllida Swift":

    To Phyllida Swift, in response The expression "don't judge a book by its cover" can also mean "don't judge people by their appearance," since a person with good looks doesn't always translate into good character, and vice versa. I wonder why people find some people repulsive simply because of their appearance.
    Furthermore, I think that appearances shouldn't define a person. And regardless of one's appearance, everyone should be happy with it. In light of your issues, I hope to see the day when everyone is confident in their appearance and nobody dares

  • Hello. I never knew about people facing discrimination because of how they look and how those with such appearance are portrayed as villains or victims by Hollywood. I hope to see a day that we will not judge people by their appearance like what Phyllida Swift said people do nowadays.
    What else could business do to help?
    Businesses could donate to skin care businesses and brands so that they can start trying to make products that can cover scars up. I have seen people covering all scars with make up I know it’s not easy to make these types of products.
    I still don’t know what’s the point , some people only put on make up to cover their scars because they are scared of what other people might think. You should not care about what other people think, you should only think about what matters to you😁😃

    1. I agree because... One social issue I also want to see solved is discrimination based on skin color or abilities. Nowadays, people tend to avoid or judge those with disabilities, excluding them from activities because they may not have legs or have a physical illness. I wish to see businesses, governments, or brands step in by including these individuals, giving them roles and opportunities to participate. By doing so, they can be accepted and live freely without feeling bad. These individuals can also be featured in movies and other media, just like in the previous World Cup in Qatar where a person with a disability was featured alongside an American movie star. If this inclusion continues, discrimination could decrease, making a big change for those with different abilities or skin colors. It's important for everyone to be treated equally and given opportunities to thrive regardless of their differences.

      1. I completely agree with you. Discrimination based on skin color or abilities is a significant social issue that needs to be addressed. Inclusion and acceptance of individuals with disabilities or different abilities are crucial for creating a more equitable society. Businesses, governments, and brands have a responsibility to actively include these individuals, provide them with opportunities, and ensure their participation in various activities.

        Representation in media, such as featuring individuals with disabilities in movies and other forms of entertainment, is a powerful way to promote acceptance and break down stereotypes. The example you mentioned from the previous World Cup in Qatar highlights the positive impact of such inclusion efforts.

        By fostering a culture of inclusion and treating everyone equally, regardless of their differences, we can work towards reducing discrimination and creating a more supportive environment for all individuals to thrive. Thank you for raising awareness about this important issue!

        1. Absolutely! Your agreement and support further underscore the importance of addressing discrimination and promoting inclusion in society. By actively including individuals with disabilities and different abilities in various aspects of life, we can create a more equitable and supportive environment for all.

          Representation in media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions and breaking down stereotypes. Highlighting diverse experiences and showcasing individuals from different backgrounds can contribute to fostering greater acceptance and understanding.

          Together, by fostering a culture of inclusion and advocating for equal opportunities for everyone, we can work towards a more just and compassionate society. Thank you for your contribution to raising awareness about this critical issue!

          1. You're absolutely right! Representation in media is crucial for promoting diversity and challenging stereotypes. By championing inclusion and advocating for equal opportunities, we can strive for a more just and compassionate society. Thank you for your dedication to raising awareness about these important issues!

            1. I agree because... You're sport on! Having diverse characters in movies and TV shows is super important. It helps us see different kinds of people and understand each other better. When we show all kinds of people on screen, it can help break stereotypes are make the world fairer for everyone. Thanks for speaking up about this and helping us all learn to be kinder and more accepting.

        2. You're absolutely right. Inclusion and acceptance are crucial for building a more supportive society. It's heartening to see efforts like the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in media and events, which can go a long way in breaking down stereotypes and fostering understanding. By working together to create a culture of inclusivity, we can make a positive impact on the lives of many individuals.

  • My answer for the first question:
    I would like to see a change in social issues like climate change,inequality,racial justice and health care..

    My answer for the second question:
    In my perspective,If big businesses or brand were to share an opinion on an issue, it could raise awareness and influence public opinion and policies. But it can also be risky if some customers disagree. It's a balancing act for businesses to consider.

    My answer for the third question:
    Businesses can take various actions to contribute positively to social issues..
    Businesses can help by:
    - Being environmentally friendly
    - Supporting charities and communities
    - Investing in green technologies
    - Advocating for positive policies
    - Using good sourcing and production methods.

    Thank you!!

  • The level of climate change is increasing so is the pollution level. No has the crime rate gone down. I feel that one of the ways by which a business can bring a positive change in a society is by drawing the people's attention towards these issue as they are capable of advertising in such way that grabs their attention.
    These businesses can force people to think about these issues and take action. For example, IKEA fought against child labour. Patagonia is known for its environmentalist practices. Businesses can bring a positive change in society if they want to.

  • One way that businesses can seem positive is by doing things for the local community that they are in. Some of the things that they could do is they could recycle and litter pick or even set up a food bank .At first businesses may think that it has nothing to do with them but it does especially for new or big businesses it will have big affects especially if posted in the media but mainly it will have big impacts with the local people giving them more business as they will seam nice. This will then get in the media then giving them even more business.

  • For many years we can see that businesses can have a tremendous impact on society and its consumers when they want it. Some of their inner motives can be to follow the trends of their Era so as to be presented as the " good compsny" or maybe some of them just feel the pressures of society.
    The thing is that most of them gave the capacity to influence people by bringing up stands and views. When this is to support equality, no discrimation at all and awareness of environmental issues they are with noticing them.

  • I think businesses publicly sharing their opinion on politics is bad and can lead to unfair elections, but i think that if businesses want to get involved they should only promote voting itself and so that more people vote. I also think businesses could promote movements that benefit groups of people for the better or movements for things like the fight against global warming. and if businesses see that bad things are happening in communities or places in the world they can put on their page or clothes statements that fight for the issue to be fixed.

  • In my opinion, the political or social issues I would like to see changed are issues concerning climate change, social and economic equality, gender equality and healthcare access to all. Big businesses being influential, can promote these issues and also provide measures to improve them which will inspire and ignite a fire in the common people for change.
    Big business could make a huge impact, if they were to given an opinion on the above mentioned, or any other issue because of their influential status and all those working under them would also get inspired to do the same. Thus, they could make a huge positive impact in working for a change in the society as they have great influence over the common people and inspire many.
    Other than the above mentioned, in order to help, businesses can indulge in philanthropic activities and use some part of their profit to fund charitable organisations.

    Thank you

  • Businesses can have a direct good impact on the community since without them, there would be no businesses, no society, and no one to assist the local population. For instance, a community will suffer if it lacks access to water. However, if there is a business in the community and its owner is a good man, he can provide water to the local population. I eagerly await any corrections.
    I'm grateful.

  • Hello, One political issue that really bothers me is how politicians often make exciting promises but never seem to keep them. This happens a lot in my country, Nigeria. For instance, our president once promised that all teachers would receive a free inverter and solar power. My mom is a teacher, and she, along with others in our community, never received it. I believe that if big businesses and brands publicly shared their opinions on this issue, it could make a big impact. Imagine if companies like Microsoft or Nike spoke out against this problem. Politicians might take notice and realize they're doing something wrong. They might feel pressured to keep their promises because they see that even major businesses are concerned. I think businesses could also directly help in such situations. For example, if a politician breaks their promise again, a business could step in and try to fulfill at least some part of it. This would show that they care about the community and are willing to help when politicians fall short. Overall, I believe that with the support of businesses, we can hold politicians accountable and ensure they fulfill the promises they make to the people.

  • Hi there!
    From my perspective, I would like to see significant changes in political and social attitudes towards environmental sustainability within the business sector. It's essential for businesses to prioritize sustainability practices, such as reducing carbon emissions, minimizing waste, and promoting renewable energy sources. Additionally, I believe there should be stricter regulations and incentives in place to encourage businesses to adopt environmentally friendly practices. Furthermore, addressing social issues like income inequality and workplace diversity is crucial. Businesses should strive to create inclusive environments where all employees have equal opportunities for advancement and fair compensation. By prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility, businesses can make a positive impact on both the environment and society, contributing to a more equitable and sustainable future.

  • Hi everybody,
    Here are some common political and social issues that I would like to see change include climate change, ethnic and social justice, income inequality, political deceit and responsibility and access to education and health care. These issues are important for creating a more unbiased and sustainable society where everyone has equal opportunity and rights.
    Thanks!! 😊

  • If large businesses or brands were to publicly share an opinion on green skills development, it could have a significant impact. These businesses have a large platform and can reach a wide audience, so their words could influence public opinion and encourage others to take action. In addition, big businesses and brands often have the resources to make a real difference, so their support could lead to increased investment in green skill development. For example, if a major company were to announce that it would only hire employees with certain green skills, it could create a demand for these skills and encourage people to seek out training opportunities.

  • Sure thing! Here are a few more issues that I would like to see change:

    - Immigration: I believe that we need to reform our immigration system to make it more fair, humane, and efficient.
    - Gun violence: I believe that we need to enact stricter gun control laws in order to reduce gun violence in our country.
    - Voting rights: I believe that everyone should have the right to vote, and I would like to see policies enacted to ensure this right is protected.
    - Criminal justice reform: I believe that our criminal justice system needs to be reformed in order to reduce mass incarceration and ensure fairness for all

    1. I agree that immigration is an important topic! How would you make the system fairer?

      1. Well, there are a few potential ways to make the immigration system fairer. One idea is to increase the number of legal immigration pathways, so that more people can come to the country through legal means. Another idea is to streamline the process for asylum seekers, so that those who are in need of protection can get it more quickly and easily. I also think that it is important to improve the conditions for those who are in immigration detention, and to ensure that they have access to basic needs like food, water, and medical care. Do you have any thoughts on how to make the system fairer?

      2. I think another important issue related to immigration is the question of how to help immigrants integrate into society. This can be done through things like language classes, job training programs, and cultural orientation programs. It is also important to combat discrimination and to ensure that immigrants have equal access to opportunities. What do you think about these ideas? Do you think they would be effective in helping immigrants integrate into society?
        I also think that it is important to have a nuanced and informed discussion about immigration, rather than reducing it to a simple "us vs. them" mentality. There are many different kinds of immigrants, with a wide range of motivations and experiences

  • Business has many positive changes in an individual life.It serves as one standard of living. No matter the quality standards of a business is, the main aim of the business runner is to make profit.Some positive change a business could make includes ;
    It bring's a good standard of living to an individual.
    When one is in a business,this gives him motivation 's to get the business into politics in my own opinion asa business woman will see into the business view to have celebrities campaigning for my business , because this will make my business brand Economically invoved in

  • Personally, i would love to see positive changes in areas such as environmental sustainability, equality and access to education. It's important to address climate change and protect our planet for future generations. Additionally, promoting equality and inclusivity in all aspects of society is crucial for a fair and just world. Lastly, ensuring that everyone has access to quality education can empower individuals and contribute to overall societal progress.

    If big businesses or brands were to share their opinions on social or political issues, it could have a big impact. They have a wide reach and can raise awareness and spark conversations. However, they should consider potential consequences and align with there values.

    Businesses can make a difference by taking action. They can support causes, implement sustainable practices, and give back to communities.

    1. Hi @calm_cloud, how do you think big businesses could make a difference?

      1. One way that businesses can make a difference is by working with immigrant communities and providing opportunities for them. For example, some businesses offer job training programs or apprenticeships for immigrants, which can help them to gain the skills and experience they need to find good jobs. Businesses can also create welcoming and inclusive environments for immigrants, and make an effort to ensure that their products and services are accessible to everyone. Do you think these are effective ways for businesses to make a difference? Are there other ideas you would add to the list?
        I also think it's important to recognize the economic contributions of immigrants. Immigrants often start new businesses, create

      2. Big businesses have the power to make a difference in several ways. They can implement sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. By promoting diversity and inclusion, they can foster a more equitable society.

  • Hello topical talkers.
    Your questions were great. I think that a band is the backbone of a country's economy. If a big brand or business expresses its opinion, we think it will definitely affect a country. But it is not always good for the country. Sometimes it can be worse. But in any case, this will play a role in the development of the country. When a band or business expresses its opinion about an issue, it becomes easier for the country to do that. As a result, any problem can be solved easily and move towards future goals.
    So, in my opinion, an opinion of a big band or business can have a big positive impact on a country or community.
    Thanks for give me a chance to present my opinion.

  • Hi everybody,
    In my opinion, I think businesses can further contribute to society by encourage worker well- being and fostering a positive work culture. By organize the health, safety of their workers, businesses not only create a more fruitful and engaged workforce but also donate to the overall wellbeing of individuals and communities. This can be achieved through enterprise like flexible work arrangements, mental health support, and worker development programs. Moreover, businesses can also invest in community development projects and support local businesses, creating opportunities for social promotion. By talking these steps, businesses can make a significant and lifelong impact on society while enhancing their own esteem and long term sustainability.

  • Hi amazing people all around the globe!
    The social issue that I would like to see change is the mocking of disabled people. I feel that this lessens their self confidence because people stigmatize them and allow them to know that they are not needed and people also act as if they are not humans. These people did not choose the type of disability they wanted but rather, that is what happened to them and they have to live with it and cannot change it. They might have gotten disabled through an accident that was not even thought of happening. I also feel that big brands can use disabled people like Kelly Knox to make advertisements telling people how disabled people like her have been very influential and that disabled people can also make a change. If big brands like Gucci, Zara models use her for advertisement, who will not accept people like her!!

    1. I strongly agree with you bustling Cliff because in past times news of disabled people skyrocketed a few years back and most brands shut down disabled teens and kids from having access to the face of their brand, considering them not worthy of the public eye.
      However, beauty standards have changed and are still changing and now disabled people are allowed to be put on the face of brands and yes they didn't choose to be disabled, I mean if everyone had the chance to choose no one would even think to be disabled so their disability shouldn't prevent them from been seen.

      1. Be very careful with the assumptions you are making and how other people might feel when reading your comment. Some people with a disability might choose that, so we can't (and shouldn't) speak on behalf of everyone.

  • Hey there! I think that businesses can absolutely make positive changes in society or environment. They can make a positive difference by doing various exemplary and good things. They can be ethical, which means they make choices that are fair and honest, and their actions would not impact anyone. They can also be sustainable, which means they take care of the environment to make it less pollutant. Businesses can give back to their communities and support causes that are important. They can also treat everyone equally and make sure everyone has a chance to succeed which will remove unemployment problem which leads to the development and rise of that particular country. By doing these things, businesses can help make the world a better place and every business employee must know what positive changes they could bring and actively work on. Additionally, if big businesses and brands were to share opinion on issues. It could have been easier for people to be aware about it since the big brands have lots of influence among the adults as well as teenagers. If they will be aware about the issues some of them will surely work on them and solve them through teamwork. Thanks!!

  • Hello everyone,
    I think that when big businesses or brands share opinions on social or political issues, it can have significant impacts.Like, consumers may perceive the brand as socially responsible, which can enhance its reputation and strengthen customer loyalty among certain demographics.
    Brands can stimulate public discourse and raise awareness about important social or political issues by lending their voice to the conversation.
    There can be financial consequences, as some consumers may choose to spend their money elsewhere if they disagree with the brand's stance. Conversely, some consumers may be more inclined to support the brand if they agree with its position.
    And I believe that the impact of big businesses or brands sharing opinions on issues can be far-reaching, influencing consumer perceptions, employee morale, public discourse, and even financial outcomes. It's a strategic decision that requires careful consideration of potential risks and benefits.
    Thank you!!

  • To start off, I feel like if bigger businesses were to share their opinions on the issue I feel like a lot of people would agree with them since they're a big brand and well known. I feel like it would also depend on how honest the company is with us because if they're lying to us they can just be doing it to keep their customers which can lead to trouble in the world. Businesses can help by spreading awareness to other businesses and can try to help smaller businesses become bigger. Businesses can also collab with other businesses to create something new or just for a change and to show that big companies can work together even with smaller businesses. Lastly, I would like to see people be more at peace with each other so that we can work together and become one big community. I feel like if there is more peace in humans, then the world is at peace and can eventually become a better place.

  • I think businesses can make a positive change by enrolling MORE models with skin conditions. I emphasized MORE because there are already a few models with skin conditions like: Winnie Harlow. Winnie is really remarkable for embracing beauty and confidence about her skin condition. But unfortunately, there are others who feel disgraced and unconfident about their skin diseases so if businesses hire more models with skin diseases more people will achieve confidence about their skin conditions. If already Winnie has made an impact on others' lives, then more models will achieve more positivity about skin conditions. As it is said: The more, the merrier.

  • I think Businesses, can help make a positive change because it can help us learn new things. It can also help us do a lot. This could be a big inspiration to people. If people in the society are going through hard times and they see that the business which are well known. I agree that business have a great impact. They con also help you solve problems . The more they have problems they work hard to solve it they do not give up.

  • I would like to deal with corruption, in to brackets looting and share where people receive contracts and they do shoddy work . And the people share the money among their selves and their families, this is described as corruption . Some of our politicians and are very wealthy and greedy but they don't like to invest their money into villages and poor homes that are suffering to find water to drink and they spend the money on their children wives and friends .

  • I strongly think that water industries such as Ghana water, Bell aqua and Voltic could help provide water for the poor and for the homeless. When they do this it will enhance their reputation and they can obtain many business contracts and get more customers. This action will not only enhance their reputation but it will bring happiness and joy into the country

    1. Interesting point. Why is it important that companies help people who are less fortunate?

      1. It is very important that companies help the less fortunate because no one is self-sufficient. We will always need something that might be out of our reach at some point in our lives. And so, for companies that make huge earnings, it's just good service to help those who cannot even afford to buy products or food for their products. The good deed will, by all means, return. Take this example: in a doughnut shop, for instance, the leftovers from a day of work are given to people in homeless shelters, people on the street, and sometimes policemen and firefighters. All these just show how environment-friendly you are, and within a month, the doughnut shop's sales increased by 70%. Instead of wasting it, throwing it in the trash, or dumping it on the floor, people who live on the streets, those who can't afford three square meals, and those who just had a stressful day and don't have enough to eat for the night, among many others, would appreciate this. In return, people see your business or company as friendly and would like to donate and buy more of your products. Come to think of it, how do we encourage companies to inculcate this practice?

  • Businesses could help make positive change by helping other people. They could help homeless people like giving them jobs and money to the point where they could get their own place. Another way they could help is by giving to the community they could hold charities and use the money to give to the community. The last way they could help is by getting people to keep their community clean. They could do this by having local cleanups.

  • Businesses can make positive changes through communication and Corporate Social Responsibility,
    it has a powerful influence on politics. They help determine government priorities, and the content of laws and regulations, Many say that businesses can help solve the world’s problems. Grand challenges like climate change, poverty, and biodiversity loss can benefit from business resources and insights. Businesses often engage in a variety of tactics to influence government policy. This includes lobbying, political contributions, and interest group politics. Businesses’ political power can advance sustainability. For example, in 2018, US businesses pressured the US government to uphold its Paris climate commitment. But too often, businesses work against climate and other sustainability issues politically. They have lobbied against sustainability action, sometimes through trade association activities, and even fostered disinformation. The fact is, many businesses don’t consider their political actions as part of their sustainability strategy and also oppose the environmental policies needed to solve society’s challenges at scale. Which makes these problems increase

  • Actually, I believe that businesses can make a positive changes in so many ways.
    One important way is adopting sustainable practices in order to reduce their environmental impact.
    They can also prioritize ethical sourcing and also engage in a fair trade in other to support communities and villages and to also promote social responsibilities.
    Further more, businesses can invest in diversity and inclusion, creating more inclusive and equitable and conducive work environment.
    By taking all this steps, businesses can contribute positively to make a better world and also building loyalty and trust with their customers which is their first aim. It is just all about making some conscious choices and striving in other to make positive impact.

  • Hello 👋

    You asked me some questions and I will number them from 1 to 3 ok?
    Question 1 was (What political or social issues would you like to see the change)? I watch social media a lot when I am free I like it too much. It made me go to the next level in social media and liked it all like gaming, challenges, facts, and information but I find some people wasting their health trying to get money 💰 because in some countries their coin is too weak so they just get a job in which it gives them another coin like a dollar or uses Bitcoins or smart coins. But they make themselves too funny so they can damage children with what they are doing.

    Question 2 which I liked was (What impact could it have if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on the issue)? ok, we can take a FICTIONAL example. If Nike, the shoes, sports things, and more they argued over something that was.
    Don't use other brands like Addidas all the people who liked Nike will see it, moreover a social media global talk about who's right.

    The last question was ( What else could businesses do to help)? Businesses can do a lot of things like smart sales to persuade people to buy change people's opinions and more


  • Businesses can make a positive change by using their products to help others. Restaurants can give food to people who need it instead of throwing it away and making it go to waste. Hygiene companies can give hygiene products to people who can't afford them. All sorts of businesses can help in all sorts of ways. That is why i think businesses can make a positive change by using their products to help people in need.

  • There are many ways businesses can make a positive change; such as donating to charities that help the environment, expressing their political views, sponsoring for events, and more! Although, it varies as some businesses can't do things such as donating since they might not have a lot of money. Even so, businesses can do things such as encouraging consumers to be more active in political or economic actives.

  • What political or social issues would you like to see change?
    I would like to see change in the social issue of book bans. In recent months, education activists, librarians, teachers, and others have watched with dismay as book bans spread across the country. PEN America gathered almost 1,500 examples of specific books being banned over the course of nine months for its first formal census of banned books. Bans have been implemented in 26 states and 86 school districts. This represents over 3,000 schools that serve over 2 million kids.

    What impact could it have if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on the issue?
    If brands share their opinion on this issue, people might be inspired to take action. Someone will think, "Wow, this business took the time to share their ideas on book bans. It must be a serious problem."

    What else could businesses do to help?
    Businesses could also donate money to groups who are helping and protesting.

  • Businesses can make a positive impact by using their influence, resources, and platforms to support important causes. I say this because when big businesses or brands share their opinions on issues, it can help raise awareness, spark conversations, and inspire action among their customers and the wider community. This kind of engagement can humanize the brand, showing that they care about more than just profits and are actively contributing to making the world a better place.

  • There are many political and social issues that require positive change ranging from environmental sustainability to education and health care
    When big businesses or brands share their opinions on these issues, it can have a significant impacts. Their statements can help raise awareness among their customer base and the general public.
    Moreover, business can take actions beyond sharing opinions to contribute to a positive change. They can adopt sustainable practices in their operations to reduce their environmental footprint. They can also implement fair labor practices to promote social equality.
    Overall, businesses have the potential to change by using their platform, resources, and influence to address pressing political and social issues, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable world.

  • Business could have a positive impact by giving back and helping out people who support them. This will give them a good reputation so Other people can get recommended by their actions and what they do to their clients or supporters. People will notice that they're helping people and this will also give them a reputation but in order to have a good reputation you have to be continuously and stable. A positive change they can make is being toward charity and making fundraisers to help out the economical state of the world.

  • In one way business can make a positive change in the environment because of the local environment. If a business tycoon is living in an environment the environment will be more habitable, and the poor people who are living in the environment will engage in business activity.

  • I would like to see things like not being enemies with your component. To adapt on my point is: For example, when you are going for President, don't be their enemy if they win and not you. It is like when we could have kept Donald Trump but we didn't. It was close. Joe Biden became President for USA only because we had enough of Donald Trump's actions and even his words.

  • Businesses could make a positive change by starting to use more eco friendly materials for certain things that they need. It would be understandable if some of the things that they use just couldn't be eco friendly but there are some things like paper that could be made in eco friendly ways that they could use instead. Paper production is known for creating toxic gasses that are not good for the environment. So one way that businesses could make a change is by using more eco friendly materials that would be helpful to the environment.

  • I feel like robots can do all things we can do, but they cannot do what our hearts and soul can do because they do not have one. We are deeper than we think and will ever know. We have the chance of running a psycologist hospital, we can fix the broken hearts and soul of a person. We are deeper than our understandings can take us so we should stand our ground so robots will not take over the human race because if they do, we will have a lower chance of jobs which will help in the destruction of human race.

    1. Hello, straightforward_king.
      I agree because considering advantages of AI, they also have their limits. I feel to avoid job loss to a robot in a business, we should equate what they do with what humans do. Instead of complete reliance of humans on AI, we should learn to work in equal proportion with AI. For instance, a job currently trending in Nigeria known as Machine learning engineering, a human could perform a task in that field of business by building and researching on AI's that are responsible for machine learning, while the AI could play its own role by developing a conducive and adaptive environment to the machine learner. With this, both humans and AI have their important role to play in this business.
      THANK YOU.

  • One thing i would like to see is a store for plus size people because most plus size people have to shop online for they're stuff and can never get a shirt in a store such as walmart, target, or something like citi trends every store has they're limits so many other people are happy but plus size people. The store will have a huge impact on the world and they're business will go up very high because they're are a lot of plus size people in need of a store that has huge clothing because they like to have fun and go out and shop like other people but they can't because stores don't sell that so they have to go out of they're way just to find a shirt they can fit . Businesses also can help other people who don't have houses or money jobs and let them work till they get they're life together and also tell other people so they can get helped so no people are on the streets starving or dying because they don't have any money to get food or give food to they're children.

  • Hello! I believe that if business is managed in a productive manner, it can make a huge difference for the country! This is not just in economic terms, but also in social and environmental aspects. Both large and small-scale businesses offer employment opportunities and contribute to the GDP growth. If we set up our business in socially disadvantaged areas, we give unemployed youth the chance to earn money instead of moving to the urban areas to find employment. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is also an excellent initiative by which businesses take care of their personal development as well as the society by donating a portion of their business profit to the schools, orphanage, hospitals etc.
    “Businesses cannot be successful when the society around them fails.”

  • What do you think might motivate a local business to donate petrol to the community.

    In my point of view, local businesses might be motivated to donate petrol to the community out of goodwill and to also improve its reputation in the community,in the sense that donating petrol would advertise their brands,make them popular and famous which also improves their reputation as well as increased in sales and customers loyalty.

    I also think that local business might be motivated to donate petrol to the community out of a sense of responsibility in the sense that local businesses might feel a sense of responsibility to the community and want to give back in some way,this could be a way of thanking the community for supporting the business. Let's take the shell oil company for instance, according to the researches i did i found out that the shell oil company which is the long history of supporting communities around the world the company has donated millions of dollars to various charities and organisations but lets not go deeper into that,so in this case the shell oil company is motivated by a sense of corporate respect and a desire to give back to the community.

    In light of these,i think local businesses might be motivated to donate petrol to the community in order to make their businesses prosperous because the more they donate,the more they receive and it will likely lead to more customers and greater profits in the long run. They can also be motivated to donate petrol to the community in order to receive tax breaks or other financial incentives from the government because i feel if they make charitable donations,which makes it more financially beneficial to the community the government may offer tax deductions and through that they may be motivated to donate petrol to the community.
    Thank you.

  • There are many social issues that I would like to see change. One of them is the promotion and protection of human rights and social freedoms. It includes ensuring equal rights and opportunities for all individuals regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity or religion.We have to strive for a society that embraces diversity and inclusion. We have to Safeguard human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the right to peaceful assembly.Promoting fair and unbiased legal systems and eliminating restrictions on personal freedoms.

    When big businesses or brands share their opinion on human rights and social freedom,they make a significant impact on it. Their influence can help to raise awareness about human rights issues reaching a large audience. They change the perspective of society. Businesses can allocate resources to support organizations working to protect human rights and contribute to positive societal changes. It sends a message to other organizations to prioritize ethical practices and respect for human dignity.

    More than sharing their opinions businesses can take further steps to support human rights and social freedoms:
    They can embrace diversity within their own organizations promoting equal opportunities and preventing discrimination. They can Collaborate with human rights organizations advocacy groups and civil society to support initiatives and amplify their impact. They have to ensure that their supply chains are free from any forms of human rights abuses. They must Invest in programs that promote awareness about human rights.

  • If big businesses and Brad's would get involved in social issues and can bring a great impact on lives of common people . These businesses and brands are really good source for problems of common people as they are the one who can support and stand for them and these brands are having a great reputation in society even people are there fans this can further spread the awareness. In simple words large brands can help in development of nations by getting involved in social acts and contributing to overcome social problems.

  • The main social issues that I would like to see change are gender inequality, homophobia and climate change. They're topics that have been in the media and in discussions for many years now yet we are still not fully at equality and definitely not at the point of saving our planet.
    Generally there has been a lot of attention on these certain issues and while we have come a long way (particularly in Germany) women are still at a disatvantage in today's society, homosexual people are still being discriminated against and there still isn't enough being done to avoid climate change.
    I do think that businesses with a large audience speaking out on social issues can have a big impact since it draws even more attention to them and shows people what values their favorite brands stand for. Furthermore donations from big brands can also go a long way since they have a lot more resources to donate and have the money to really make a difference.
    Businesses are probably not going to save the world and its social injustices but they definitely play a part in influencing their customers thoughts and actions.

  • What impacts could it have if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on an issue.

    In my own perspective i feel that if big businesses or brands were to share an opinion on an issue it will be very significant on one hand,their opinion will or can influence public opinion and shape the way people think about the issue. On the other hand,their opinion can also have a financial impact on their business,but it has become so heartbroken when big businesses or brands do not pay much attention to some issues that are really going bad,let's take the issue of climate change for instance ; this is a highly controversial topic and businessses could face backlash from the public and customers if they take a position that is not well received. However,if they take a stance on a controversial issue,and use their opportunity to influence and promote positive change,and encourage their customers to take action on climate change.

    Furthermore, according to researches and findings i conducted on ,i found out so many big businesses or brands that shared an opinion on an issue and the big impact they made,for example the COCA COLA company in 2019,coca cola announced its commitment to using 100% renewable energy by 2040 and to also reduce the carbon footprint of its bottles by 25% by 2030 ,this is due to the fact that they shared their opinions on climate change and how to prevent it and since then they made a very great impact because they also launched several initiatives to reduce water usage as well as including a program to reduce plastic caps with aluminium which reduces plastic waste,this is really incredible!!! They are also working to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and many renewable energy projects.
    Big businesses really have a great impact if they shared an opinion on an issue.

  • In my opinion, businesses most definitely bear the responsibility to advocate for inclusivity and to celebrate the diversity of human experiences. An issue that is particularly pertinent to contemporary society is the fact that skinniness is idolized to an unhealthy degree. Concurrently the demonization of fatness and its collocation with being unhealthy and detrimental to one's health has impacted the way plus-sized people are being perceived by the rest of society. People come in all sizes and one's size does not directly correlate to one's health. For the reasons mentioned above, I would appreciate it if body diversity was represented more by multinational corporations, something that would contribute the the deconstruction of the well-established misconceptions around health and weight.

  • I would like to see a change in women's rights.
    Brands or companies could play an important role in this by, e.g. eliminating the gender pay gap, or by giving more women the chance to get into higher positions even if they have to take breaks in their careers due to, e.g. having children.
    Well-known brands reach a broad mass. This in turn ensures that the topic is talked about, which attracts attention. If the issue gets more attention, a change is more likely to happen.
    Brands could also start printing slogans supporting women's rights on the clothes that they sell. They could organise special events, as well, where they inform people about the issue and raise petitions. Joining the event might guarantee the customers some great discounts.

  • A business has the power to change and influence the perspective of people towards different things. It can help to break or even make new stereotypes. A social issue that I would like to see a change is "Upliftment of Handicaps or Victims of Hate Crimes". In every country there are people who are born with some disabilities or become disable due to accidents or crimes. These people always feel excluded from the society and are subject to trauma. The businesses should work for the betterment of such people, they can do so by spreading social messages and awareness along with their advertisement campaign. They can also if possible try to provide maximum employment opportunities to such people and bring them hope that there life is not over yet!!. Even if only a few businesses would take the initiative and take such steps then we can get a step closer to a more peaceful and inclusive world.

  • Nowadays, a perverted social issue is that because of the development and the dissemination of media, more people are be able to see the “perfect figures” in the internet. Even some apparel companies are producing smaller sizes of clothing, which means some people could only fit into a larger size than their actual size, despite they didn’t put on weight. Therefore lots of people are experiencing body shame and appearance anxiety.
    Companies could influence people in both positive and negative ways, if they continue to peddle anxiety, the sense of beauty in the society will be no longer diverse. What companies could do could be choosing models, who just need to own a fit body, in stead of a super skinny figure. Another thing they could do is that producing clothes in more sizes including the sizes like 4XL or 4XS, to make sure everyone could be able to fit in the clothes they like. This may help people regain their confidence and address this societal issue.

  • One way that a business can create a positive impact is by reducing emissions. Since businesses use a lot of fuels, they can figure out a way to reduce them. If a business could share an opinion on these issues, the information could spread so that more people can help.

  • Hello,
    I think not just a local issue but a global issue that should be changed is the effects of climate change . This is a social issue because eventually it will effect every single being on this planet ranging from humans down to small creatures . This is because the natural disasters caused by climate change so far like the Australia wild fires effected s many habitats . I think if big businesses had a say on this matter it would help a lot as people will more likely to see what they have to say as they are more common . Businesses could also start giving paper bags and contribute to the change themselves and by doing that you stop people have plastic bags which if dropped or not recycled cause serious damage .
    Thanks .