Competition #3 Global discussion

15 December 2022

Winners announced!

Well done to everyone who had a great discussion on the Hub this week. We have very much enjoyed reading your discussions! The winners this time are…

persistent_painting of Àlímòsó Senior Grammar School in Nigeria

diplomatic_idea of Mayflower Centre in Romania


decisive_reality of Bal Bharati Public school B in India

You will each be awarded three stars. Well done!

  • decisive_reality | Bal Bharati Public school B | India 14 Nov 2022

    I joined the discussion in Iran’s Gender inequality hot topic and the comment that stood out the most is from @ambitious_moon from Futures Hurghada Language School, Egypt. The comment posted had a certain viewpoint that many people neglect and downgrade. Nonetheless, ‘household chores’ as you said are not a women’s task altogether. If we need gender equality in our society we need to inculcate the idea of it and as said ‘every plan shall be backed by action’. We certainly should practice gender equality in our homes, schools so as young youths can advocate and lay a foundation for suppressed voices.

  • diplomatic_idea | Mayflower Centre | Romania 16 Nov 2022

    I thumbs up @charming_weaver from Shri Natesan Vidyasala Mhss | India on the 'Get creative, save the planet' thread.

    @charming_weaver said:

    'Personally, I think the smog free tower would be of better help to the world than all the other devices combined. One of the popularly known state for high pollution, is Delhi in India. Around 30,000 people die just because of the excessive pollution present in the air. Because the schools have been closed due to high level pollution, students face setbacks in education. Many people stay inside their homes so that they don’t get exposed to the polluted air which will cause them to get lung cancer and many other chronic heart diseases. Many such reasons contribute to why pollution adversely affects the mundane life of people in Delhi.

    Introducing new technologies like the smog tower would help Delhi to overcome most of these complications if not all of them.

    One of the most prominent geographical issues in my city Chennai, India, is immoderate flooding. Even with light drizzles here and there, the roads turn into puddles of water. One main reason is due to the poorly constructed roads here and secondly no way the water could move around. The rainwater gets stagnant, causing congestion in the movement of vehicles.
    For this my suggestion would be to permeable pavement and sidewalks.
    Another issue many sub-urbs face is flooding inside homes. Waterproof buildings, raising the electrical outlets are some ways to arrest it. And also, the green roofing would absorb the rainwater and help to mitigate flood.'

    I reply with this message:

    '@charming_weaver I had no idea that there are so many people who die in India everyday, this is so sad! It must be really hard for students to learn when they can't go to school. I feel really lucky that I can still go to school in my country. We have pollution in Bucharest but it is nowhere near as bad as how it sounds for your citizens in Delhi.

    What a great idea to have a smog tower to help Delhi with this problem. These towers could also be a great problem solving for climate change. I think every city with bad pollution should use one of these!

    I also didn't know about the floods in India, this sounds awful. We also have poorly constructed roads here in our city but it is a different problem. Cars are always being damaged when they drive and also people can fall down the holes in the road which is very dangerous. Whats worse in our villages we only have dirt roads and people cant even drive on those when it rains or walk on them! However, again the situation in your country sounds even worse. I really hope that this can be problem solved for you! I have just researched 'permeable pavement' that you mentioned because I did not know much about it. I think its a great idea. I really pray that our countries will one day solve these issues for our people.'

    charming_weaver really changed my mind because I learned so much about the problems that people face in India which are never talked about here in my country and it made me research new ways that we can help our enviroment like smog free towers and permable pavements. I think topical talks has been a great way for me to learn more about this world and the people who I don't know about here in Romania.

  • persistent_painting | Àlímòsó Senior Grammar School A | Nigeria 18 Nov 2022

    In the Black Panther: representation and diversity( Why is it important to see diversity in films?) section I had a discussion with forceful_dragonfly from Adamson Middle School A | United States of America, that diversity in films is important it makes people feel connected making them have a clear perspective reason of other people culture religion etc
    We also discussed why it is important for people not to have stereotypes making them hate a particular religion culture etc
    We also talked about how film like black panther shows Africa as a rich continent and also showed how important it is to work as one as shown in the movie so diversity in films can bring peace and help clear the problem of discrimination.

The Student Hub is great for seeing different opinions from around the world! This week’s competition will help you to make the most of all of those different perspectives.

Your challenge this time is to find a discussion in one of the topics, then reply to someone else’s comment using the thumbs up, thumbs down or question mark icons.

Once you’ve done that, come back here and let us know who you replied to and how they made you think differently.

Comments (77)

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  • I joined the discussion in the cop 27 is it sustainable topic I replied to shrewd hyena from Lyons hall primary school D of united kingdom and said yes you are right but how can we release less green house gases because it is not a Leaders issues it is also our issues they made me think differently because she asked if world leaders are traveling to a meeting, they shouldn’t travel on a private plane so it would release less greenhouse gases. So it is not leaders issues because many rich people also use private planes and not a plane cause green house gases it also cause by human activities such as burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil and deforestation also that make me think differently

  • I was fascinated by the topic of the UK elections. I was going through everyone's opinion on if they would like to be a leader, many or should I say most of the students wanted to be a leader for diverse reasons. Then the comment of admirable_alligator of Rex Mill Middle STEM School E of country United States of America caught my eye. He or she had a very unique opinion but it is true if we look at it from a broader perspective. This comment changed my mindset and made me realise that along with a great position comes great responsibility. Being a leader can bring you fame but also ruin your name, it all depends on a single decision. One mistake and you get removed in the next elections as even a single mistake can lead to the downfall of the country.

    1. Being a politician one needs to be sensitive to the needs of people and I totally agree with your opinions and ideologies. However, being a politician carries thousands of other opportunities hand in hand. It is not always possible to herit to everybody's needs. Being at their position is not a cakewalk and ultimately they are also humans. They are bound to commit mistakes as others .The only difference is that they have to be cautious at every stage of descision making and sticking up to their problems.

    2. I agree because they count on him completely and trust on his actions and decisions and when he makes only one mistake so they look for another leader but this is wrong because a leader is a person like us he might make mistakes but he also make good decisions that make whatever he leads better and helps his people in their problems

    3. I agree because once you become a leader you might make official rules that the public don’t agree with and also you might be hated by the people and have pressure on your self from the public saying your a bad prime minister or
      your not making good decisions

  • Now and days we have have food drives to give away free food for families in return.

  • I engaged myself in the "global food crisis: why can't we just share" discussion and attentive_physics in Govt. Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B | Pakistan made me see that there a lot of ways apart from political issues that would aid food waste. Politics in my country is a major contributor. I feel that I actually agree with all the points attentive_physics gave and it made me think that the world actually has a shot of solving world hunger for good and I should probably stop thinking of world hunger as an always arising issue in current global affairs.

  • According to the conditions of the competition, I decided to choose a topic that I had not read before. The comment “eloquent_nature | Pal Bharati Public School in India” caught my attention. I felt that his opinion was really expressive, and convincing as well. The topic was about modern “fast” fashion, I really liked this topic, I would like to study more about it in order to have the opportunity to write my opinion on this subject.

  • I joined a discussion on Food Crises
    I answered *emotional meaning* Trimaville Christian Academy | Nigeria October 31, 2022 He said that world hunger is caused by many factors and the inability of people to control these factors has led to the food crisis. Some of these factors are:
    • Pollution of water and land has greatly contributed to the lack of food in the world.
    • Terrorist attacks, when the terrorist attack on the farmer is unable to farm which means that there will be no good agricultural return.
    • Climate change, crops that are supposed to grow in certain seasons may not be able to due to seasonal fluctuations.
    • The mentality of looking at farmers as poor and farming as dirty work.
    • Poverty is also a major contributing factor.
    I completely agree with the opinion of my colleague, as she made us realize that sharing between political, human and natural causes is the main thing in reaching this crisis and also to find a solution, we must all unite to solve it, which makes us not blame a particular party. The solution is global through agreements to advance and support the agricultural process first, preserve natural resources, try to reclaim lands globally, support war-prone peoples by providing food, and try to return agriculture to the violating lands.

  • I joined the discussion in Iran’s Gender inequality hot topic and the comment that stood out the most is from @ambitious_moon from Futures Hurghada Language School, Egypt. The comment posted had a certain viewpoint that many people neglect and downgrade. Nonetheless, ‘household chores’ as you said are not a women’s task altogether. If we need gender equality in our society we need to inculcate the idea of it and as said ‘every plan shall be backed by action’. We certainly should practice gender equality in our homes, schools so as young youths can advocate and lay a foundation for suppressed voices.

    1. I totally agree because... I was scrolling and I was reading the different opinions of people on different topics and the comment made by decisive reality from Bal Bharati Public School B | India caught my attention and it made me realize that gender inequality starts from our homes. Parents should be enlightened to teach their ward(s) and child(ren) the usefulness of both genders by sharing households chores,presents, love and attention between both genders. Creating awareness on the importance of girl child education is important as many people believe that educating a girl child is a waste as her place is in the kitchen or her husband's home despite her level of education. The society MUST be enlightened on the importance of the male and female gender in order to reduce gender inequality.

  • I joined the discussion on the topic of diversity and answered the enlightened moth student from the USA. This made me think differently because diversity helps in diversity of styles and culture and teaches me the art of management and self-reliance.

    1. I joined several discussions I did not change my mind but some of the comments inspired me to add other things to my thinking and I really saw how good there is how these people discuss a topic with such transparency and beautiful eloquence in context this made me think that this is easy and that it's not a contest it's a flourishing exchange we can give our opinion with comfort and either receiving constructive criticism that makes you rethink or a really positive response that makes you feel the greatness of your efforts, so I thank everyone who really contributes here.

  • I joined a discussion entitled Find a solution to a global problem in your area, such as finding solutions to air pollution and garbage, recycling and benefiting from them and other problems in your city ? I answered him by placing containers dedicated to collecting rotting fruits, which will reduce the volume of waste, and then it will be taken to manufacture it as a natural fertilizer that can be used and sold to farmers. In this way, we encourage people to maintain the cleanliness of the community and reduce the volume of waste, and thus increase the importance of recycling things To use it again.

  • I joined a discussion on the topic of the food crisis in "Why haven't we solved the problem of hunger in the world?"
    I replied to the student, "terrific_acorn
    From Nigeria, from Rhemaville Christian Academy
    'It made me think differently. Read more to understand what I mean'
    (Some of us have the privilege of eating three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.)
    Her words made me thank God a lot for the blessing that I have, and it must be preserved so that it lasts longer
    _ (There is a child who must work and steal for a little food)
    Made me think of this sentence.
    Why does the child work?
    Where are his parents?...
    Why steal?...
    And if he is an orphan, where is the institution that sympathizes with him?....
    (One of the ways we can fight back is by reducing food waste.)
    Yes, I agree with you, because if we preserve food and do not waste it, we will get rid of the food crisis completely in the whole world
    _(We must use wasted food for the betterment of humanity)
    Yes we have to use wasted food)

    1. I disagree because... in my opinion I would prefer production of food to be increased and creating food banks to fight hunger during the drought season.I would also encourage farmers to grow drought resistance crops to add the amount of food in their banks and alternate the crops during the rainy season.I would also encourage the government to reduce the price of farm inputs and also give training to farmers on how to improve their yields.We should focus on production in order to fight food crisis.Another way is to make policies on emission of carbon(IV)oxide into the atmosphere and create an agency to make a follow up and give a report on a weekly basis.

  • I joined a discussion on the topic, space positive human future and I answered the students I loved kiwifruit from the United states of America. It mad

  • I have joined the discussion of who can change the world. I answered: I think being a hero isn't about wearing a cape or having amazing superpowers because it's not what we have that saves people but what we can do. A hero, in my view, is someone who does nothing but good for people no matter what, sometimes even sacrificing something they really hold dear. I can't really name any superhero characters because I don't watch either Marvel or DC. However, what I can say is this, we shouldn't wish the heroes from comic books or movies, we can all be everyday heroes and not necessarily be someone everyone wants to be like because we're so good or strong. A superhero or just a hero, what makes them different from others is their desire and ability to do something for someone else...
    On the subject of the Black Panther: Representation and Diversity Student: Great From school: Remaville Christian Academy Country: Nigeria And I said: Your way of thinking is distinctive, and your comment inspires hope in the soul of the reader and makes him motivated to try hard to be a good person. It really made me think differently because it is not important to be the hero only in movies and novels, we should always be a hero to ourselves and those around us and do our best to do good

  • I joined a discussion on how to reduce food waste, and answered a perfect song by a student from St. Andrew's Kagwa Gombe Secondary School | Uganda * I said that her comment impressed me, and it made me think differently because she thought the opposite of everyone else thinking in negative ways. Later in her comment it was the opposite of them, and she said that she might use those quantities that were wasted in positive ways, including using them as fertilizer for agriculture or using them as raw materials for some industries. How is this conversion done things to benefit from
    I suggest other solutions
    And these solutions may be solutions to the result of waste and not to reduce the amount of waste, but this is how I thought of something that saves human life from the waste that resulted from the waste that almost happened due to leaving food waste and wasting it without benefiting from it

  • I joined a discussion in "the food crisis; why can't we just share" topic and replied to "Attentive_physics" from "Govt. Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B" in Pakistan. I said that I totally agree with him/her especially in terms of getting developed countries to help developing countries. He/she made me think differently as it's a great and practical solution, nonetheless, it's easy to apply and get remarkable results in solving the problem of global food crisis.

  • I joined the discussion of one judgment for all, and I liked the comment of my colleague and her thinking, which was noted by the Mayflower Center Romania, and my ignorance, I think in a more mature way when I focused on the consequences of mistakes and linked between the simple mistake of the secretary of the machine and the mistake of the very simple surgeon, such as Gaza, a needle that led to a human human soul, it was enormous and compared between The natural citizen and the leader are both human and both make mistakes

  • I was interested in the topic; Black Panther: representation and diversity. I replied to a comment by ingenious_libary because it reveals the true meaning of diversity in movies and shows. The statement on how just adding a character of color isn't representation, but it is rather how the character is represented. And I completely agree with that, a POC shouldn't just be represented by the color of their skin,although that would obviously affect a person's behavior and upbringing,they should be portrayed by their own personal behaviour and characteristics.

  • I joined a discussion in the topic Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?
    I replied to" accurate_wombat" from school "Rhemaville Christian Academy " and country "Nigeria" and said I agree because poverty is one of the most important factors in the spread of hunger and I was astonished by why I said that the poverty rate in the world is 9% because it is a very large percentage, meaning that more than 700 million people at this moment are unable to buy food for themselves or their children, and that Covid 19 was A big reason, as agriculture stopped for a long time and people were prevented from reaching their farms. The winner of the farmers in that period was the one who had his farm in his yard, and that hunger may sometimes push a person to commit bad deeds, but if he does not commit them, he will starve to death in addition to your words in Europe in the Middle Ages, bakery owners complained more than any group because the poor stole bread from them
    They made me think differently When I went deeper into his comment, I was convinced that poverty and hunger are among the most important causes of high crime rates in the world. People are forced to steal to feed their families, and that there are people who agree with people to do something that is not good, provided that they give them money, and that if hunger is eradicated, they will not have to do these things. The economy flourishes because there is no longer much to steal as it was in the Middle Ages in Europe, and this was one of the most important problems facing bakery owners.

  • I joined to participate in the thread why can’t we just share?
    and reply to attentive_physics | Govt. Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B | PakistanHis comment sparked my thoughts, which made me think that we can participate in solving the food crisis if we put in place a plan for some countries that waste a lot of food in famous restaurants, such as the Gulf countries, America or Germany.
    There are countries that may need that. I have read an article about restaurants in Japan that if you order a meal more than you need, a waste tax will be imposed on you, and thus no one will ask for more than the ability to eat

  • I joined a discussion in the diversity topic at Black Panther.I replied to quickwitted_tamarind from UK and said I agree because I have the same opinion as him.That actually didn't make me think that differently but I remember about how important are the cultures representation.

  • I replied to zestful_deer in the space conversation . He/she totally changed my mind because I didn't even thought about physics experiments in space. Wow!

  • I joined the Black Panther discussion and replied to Poetics Buffalo's comment from Mayflower school in Romania. They were talking about how trying to accept diversity in movies is similar to trying to face the fear of the dark. I had this fear and hated it but then I faced my fear and now the dark and I are friends!
    In conclusion I agree with Poetics Buffalo's comment beacuse this is a great example in how you can try and accept diversity. He really made me rethink about my opinion on this topic and how it challenges my ideas and my family's ideas.

  • I checked agreeable_dusk|should prep Girls school|occupied Palestinian Territory and I disagreed with her opinion on saying young people are political. I don't think so because most of this young people would work on social media than engage in politics,since an average Nigerian would always blame the government for not building infrastructural facilities,so them participating in politics would mean that they want to also be blamed.

    I also think that they don't believe they can achieve anything or make a difference in the country.

    Most of them don't understand politics and don't engage in them unless it is a baseless argument.

  • I clicked on Attentive _physics on the the topic "Global Food Crisis" who is from Govt.Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B/Pakistan on "Why can't we share"and I greatly agree with her points especially on the part of food wastage and I would like to emphasize more on that. Well most reason why people can't share is because they are ignorant of the fact that food wastage is not a nice thing to do. Personally I now see food wastage as a sin against God and against people who are going hungry. As individuals we can do a lot of things to help reduce food wastage by reintroducing traditional means of preservation such as sun drying and also we should advocate against food wastage by telling people around you. Like what Attentive_physic stated "The east for us may be life saving for others" should be thought deeply.

  • I got involved in a discussion from one of the topics "GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS". I replied to Accurate Wombat from Rhemaville Christian Academy in Nigeria and these are the points he/she gave which made me think differently The Covid 19 and the climate change is a factor but there are also other prevailing factors.

    Point(1) Poverty being one of them, the percentage of poverty in Uganda was 30.9% and now is 40% while the percentage for poverty in the world in 2020 was 24 % so we should actually expect that the rate of world hunger should be high. This is true because when the poverty rate increases, the number of people suffering for food also increases.

    Point(2) The next point he/ she gave was the cause would be nothing more than conflict, war, countries going head-to-head with each other. I really agree with this point which made me think differently because even in Uganda there were conflicts and riots taking place mostly during election time. Of course people had to stay indoors which led to hunger in the country and poverty because people were not able to work, insecurity might also be one of the causes.

    Point(3) In my country buying a form to run for any presidential or parliamentary seat costs millions of shillings, yet there are millions of people starving on the streets. I also think some political leaders have to think outside the box(how). Leaders should have knowledge about the current situations in their countries. Spending money on providing food to the people on streets is much more better than using millions of money on a form though it is important.

  • I replied to a comment from Illuminated_chameleon from Mayflower Center in Romania who commented on the topic: Black Panther: Representation and Diversity.
    He or She made me realize that it's important to have diversity in front and behind camera. This relates to racial and gender balance in film production,acting and TV adverts. For instance,women and people of colour have made progress in the key powerful roles of director and film writers but are still vastly under-represented. Women of colour lag behind in the area of getting jobs as directors of top films.

  • After reading the comment of fiery raisin from Bout her cof E primary A united kingdom on the protest in Iran: Masha Ammi, I figured out 5hevpain people are going through. The people of Iran are being oppressed, this is obvious from the Iranian government switching off the internet in order to stop them from sharing their problems with others. This is wrong and according to fiery raisin" this is violation of human right". This comment made me recollect the protest in my country Nigeria, against the brutality of the police force. Other countries assisted Nigeria by spreading the word. This led to a change and the police force were called to order. Why can't this be done in Iran? , Why can't the other countries come together and stop the oppression of the Iranians?. The protesters are in need of the help of people outside of Iran to spread the word and stop the oppression

  • I thumbs up @charming_weaver from Shri Natesan Vidyasala Mhss | India on the 'Get creative, save the planet' thread.

    @charming_weaver said:

    'Personally, I think the smog free tower would be of better help to the world than all the other devices combined. One of the popularly known state for high pollution, is Delhi in India. Around 30,000 people die just because of the excessive pollution present in the air. Because the schools have been closed due to high level pollution, students face setbacks in education. Many people stay inside their homes so that they don’t get exposed to the polluted air which will cause them to get lung cancer and many other chronic heart diseases. Many such reasons contribute to why pollution adversely affects the mundane life of people in Delhi.

    Introducing new technologies like the smog tower would help Delhi to overcome most of these complications if not all of them.

    One of the most prominent geographical issues in my city Chennai, India, is immoderate flooding. Even with light drizzles here and there, the roads turn into puddles of water. One main reason is due to the poorly constructed roads here and secondly no way the water could move around. The rainwater gets stagnant, causing congestion in the movement of vehicles.
    For this my suggestion would be to permeable pavement and sidewalks.
    Another issue many sub-urbs face is flooding inside homes. Waterproof buildings, raising the electrical outlets are some ways to arrest it. And also, the green roofing would absorb the rainwater and help to mitigate flood.'

    I reply with this message:

    '@charming_weaver I had no idea that there are so many people who die in India everyday, this is so sad! It must be really hard for students to learn when they can't go to school. I feel really lucky that I can still go to school in my country. We have pollution in Bucharest but it is nowhere near as bad as how it sounds for your citizens in Delhi.

    What a great idea to have a smog tower to help Delhi with this problem. These towers could also be a great problem solving for climate change. I think every city with bad pollution should use one of these!

    I also didn't know about the floods in India, this sounds awful. We also have poorly constructed roads here in our city but it is a different problem. Cars are always being damaged when they drive and also people can fall down the holes in the road which is very dangerous. Whats worse in our villages we only have dirt roads and people cant even drive on those when it rains or walk on them! However, again the situation in your country sounds even worse. I really hope that this can be problem solved for you! I have just researched 'permeable pavement' that you mentioned because I did not know much about it. I think its a great idea. I really pray that our countries will one day solve these issues for our people.'

    charming_weaver really changed my mind because I learned so much about the problems that people face in India which are never talked about here in my country and it made me research new ways that we can help our enviroment like smog free towers and permable pavements. I think topical talks has been a great way for me to learn more about this world and the people who I don't know about here in Romania.

  • I joined a discussion on the topic of the global food crisis. I answered (spirit elevation) a student from St. Andrew Kagwa Gombe Secondary School and the country is Uganda and I said... You are 100% correct. Your comment attracted me and reminded me of a picture that passed to me on Facebook asking to find the difference between rich and poor. In the picture of the poor, there was a lot of food in front of him, but in the picture of the rich.. It made me think differently because he mentioned a way to limit himself and described the situation realistically in our societies...

  • I joined a discussion on the topic of bugs burgers and creature curries.. delicious? And I responded to the free_snail from Beit Hanoun Preparatory School for Girls A “from Palestine ” and she also changed my opinion about eating insects and told her that I agree with you, certainly I will not die starving when I see something eating in front of us, and this thing is not harmful, but contains on protein, so I eat without hesitation, it also made me think of eating insects in my normal life, but not in their natural form and appearance, but if their form is changed to a powder or some form of biscuit

  • Join the discussion Who could change the world 🌎 Homework on terrific_acorn from Rhemaville Christian Academy | Nigeria and I said What you say is true, for a person is not with his words, but with his actions. People often say and do little. Everyone can do things, even if they are small. It may affect the lives of many, even if it was initially for their personal needs. Thomas Edison, when he invented the lamp, he invented it for his mother, but it affected me. He planted a seed for all of humanity, and scientists made it a tree. Although he did not possess supernatural abilities, he affected the world. And discussing it made me think differently because I realized that there are those who agree with me that people can achieve what they want if they do not despair and start working instead of talking and that everyone can unless they know the word impossible.

  • I liked a comment: analytical_explanation | Bal Bharati Public School A | India ،Because he would very much like to become a leader in his city in order to deal with the problems, although the work of the presidency is very difficult and arduous, and he must have sufficient responsibility to solve these big problems.

  • I loved answering the comment involved_mood because I was very touched by this story.
    We know that behind every great and successful person there is a tragedy and a painful story. Perhaps we can only feel their condition when we go through these circumstances. There is no success without fatigue or hardship, so whoever seeks the highest stays awake at nights. Therefore, we must not despair, no matter how harsh the circumstances are. The road to success is full of bumps.

  • I joined a discussion (does it have to see it for it to be like this) on the topic of 'Representation and Diversity' and answered a student at Shuhada Namojiah Girls' Secondary School B from Pakistan, and it swayed my mind. As I realized that success, good work and leadership do not come from one gender, good leadership may be from a female or a male

  • I joined the discussion on food crisis.I replied to Emotional_meaning from Rhemaville Christan Academy, Nigeria.
    The person said something different which I had a thought in that way also
    In my country Nigeria, majority of families can't feed on three square meals daily due to food crisis,which main reason is lack of Family planning
    People just give birth without having plans for them and when things turn out the other way round for them,the children without plans become hungry and turn to thieves on the street in order to eat

  • I joined a discussion in the Fast fashion topic. I replied to * digital_artic_fox * America
    *Rex Mill Middle STEM School D | United States of America * and said Fashion is nice but sometimes it will get out of hand, and like losing a lot of natural resources but Fashion is needed for fame, wealth, and goodness and the person who could cause all this is maybe like a small company owner/starter.
    They made me think differently because fashion is not only for fame and fortune, it gives us good looks that make us feel great. He disagreed with saying that the cause of the problem is the owner of a small company.
    We are all accused and we are all the cause of the problem.

  • I agree because... I agree to this because it gives me the ability to think creatively and this means that I can speak English also helps me to see the world's opinions and benefit from these opinions and my opinion can be benefited student Hub Very cool program, I agree

    1. I liked your interest in learning the English language, sharing your ideas with students around the world to benefit from their opinions, training the English language via the Internet, applications and English programs, and contributing to the development of the English language around the world, and I say to continue this work

  • I joined a discussion in the Food crises topic. I replied to *motivated dolphin* from* Adamson Middle School A | United States of America* and said some people are not able to get what you can and some of them get problems in looking for a way to eat three times a day even some time one , another one said was, some people do not share . they made me think differently because ;
    1) If some people get something to eat or drink, they think every one is capable to get what they do or more than they get but that is not real .Many people are dying because of food but when you come to other homes, you find food in the dust bins yet others are looking for something little than what your throwing as trash.
    All this make me feel sorry for those who do not have . What is can to all of you , sharing is the best thing on earth, if you share, you feel happy because you have saved a life though your not a doctor

  • While I was going through a particular topic on black panther:cultural diversity and representation a particular users comment caught my eye,secure theory|st.Andrew Kaggwa Gombe high school |uganda , this user said my mind exactly,Chadwick Boseman ( may his soul rest in peace) was an African hero, the story of black panther is an African story . We might be black but we have traditions and we respect them. We never give room for racism and I hope the world would acknowledge it

  • I clicked on sensible impression comment from shouka prep Girls school|occupied Palestinian Territory and I disagreed with her on her opinion on food problem she said that countries with food problem affect the citizen because they only rely on the exploitation from other countries

    I don't think so because if the poor countries could produce and feed on their local product,food crisis won't be a problem for them

  • i think the world should speak up and work because if we work together we can save Iran and maybe even get them out

  • I joined the topic of Gender Equality, Critical Reality Homework student from Bal Bharti Public School B, India It made me think differently because unfortunately there is still a difference in different people's opinions and we must have gender equality because it is important to achieve peace in society and it is a basic human right so it is important to end the different forms of violence between them and ensure equality in access to education, health, money and participation in life Political for women and men, girls and boys and also important decision-making at all levels.

  • After reading the comment of High spririted king from Gombe high school/Uganda, food wastage can be reduced by educating people on how to budget food inorder not to waste them.
    Educating them will make them know the value of the nutrient because if they know the nutrient food add into the body, they won't be eager to waste food.
    In Nigeria my country, most families know how they eat and the amount they can consume. So therefore the knowledge on the quantity of amount one can consume is needed to prevent food waste age.
    In my house, our leftover are always stored in the refrigerator Incase anyone wants to eat another portion at another time.
    So therefore,i think with this measures we can actually reduce waste age of food and how to minimize food by knowing their values and nutrient,knowing how much one can consume also help in the management of food.And also government should make policy and develop awareness to the people about wasting of food varies with it shortage.

  • There are numerous ways of avoiding food wastage and cherish expression from Shri Natesan Vidyasala Mhss/India has mentioned some of it.
    In my neighborhood,I was purchasing some items at a store when I saw a student pouring away the food she took to school in a waste bin.I was astonished how she could pour away that amount of food and it was rice.we all know how rice is expensive and a little child poured it away. That method of food wastage is wrong,when we know we don't want that particular food why then do we buy it.we should know what we want and get it.
    Food should be stored, preserved and kept for future purpose. we should just share if we can't eat it anymore and not throw it away. There are some people who want to eat and can't because of their situation.
    Like in my family of 7 individual we all consume a kilogram of rice, we know what we can consume and don't waste food.and when there is a situation where we have leftover,we preserve and eat it the following day.if we can share, preserve,watch out for those that we can give I think we should do it and stop food wastage at home, school and restaurant.
    So I can tell my friends who waste their foods to share, know the amount they can consume and create a data that will enable them to know how they can reduce food wastage.
    These are also reasonable method of eradicating food wastage globally.

  • I joined a discussion I the global food crisis.i replied to polite football from st.andrew kaggaw gombe high school/Uganda. Yes all what u said want right. But what I think is that we can reduce wastage of food is by teaching people the importance of food, also make them put I into practice. they are so many ways to make people understand the importance of food not by teaching only. I can also make them understand that without food there will be no live.
    There are so many people in hunger and a lot of food have a lot to eat.
    Yes teaching them how to budget their food resources. Here in Nigeria there is a lot of food wastage, whereby you will see parents giving their children food that they are unable to consume instead of giving them the little they can consume. At my house my parent always budget what we have to eat in a day so as to avoid food wastage

  • I joined a discussion on the topic of the food crisis "why haven't we solved the problem of hunger in the world?"
    I replied to the student, inventive artist, from Nigeria, from the school Rhemaville Christian Academy. I agree because hunger causes insecurity while unemployment causes poverty.
    It made me think differently when I went deeper into his comment, I was convinced that hunger and unemployment are among the major causes of insecurity and poverty in the world.
    In order to solve the problem of hunger which cause insecurity and unemployment which cause poverty, infrastructure and industries should be provided which can help create income opportunities and generate jobs, so that they can provide for themselves food and other basic needs.

  • marvellous_beetle Scores International School / Nigeria I share my opinion with you, because we really have to participate in many things in this world in order for us to be loved and coherent, and we all reach almost the same level in this world. I think that everyone does not like to see others in a tragedy and their need and they Comfortable they don't care so everyone should participate I really liked it.

  • I joined a discussion in the fast fashion topic. I was going through everyones opinions.
    A comment made by "awesome sea" from (Alkhansaa Prep Co Ed school B) on the question of how many pieces of clothes does a person needs?
    His/Her answer impresses me so much. I was amazed how she/he gave unique ideas for the utilization of clothes in multiple ways. He/She made me think that no need for a lot of clothes.
    He/She made me realize that it's not a big deal to have hundreds of clothes, it's a big deal to use less clothes in hundreds of ways!!!
    All I can say that this is a great way to avoid unnecessary use of clothes as well.

  • I joined a discussion on the global food crisis and I replied to vivacious chemistry's comment from Cheam farm primary in the united kingdom. She talked about why can't we just share and she made me think differently.
    Yes why can't we just share when we have enough? Why can't we give and be caring to people when we have enough. In my school,i and my friend share the food i bring to School daily and it has promoted our friendship. Sharing is good and brings better will and friendship.
    Let's not be selfish and self centered because this would not bring goodwill and friendship. Some rich individual can't share because they feel they are too big and do not help the poor and needy. Let's be our brother's keeper and watch out for them. Let's give to orphanage homes and less privilege children. Let's do good so that we can also be offered good and be respected in our community and everywhere we find ourselves.

  • I joined the discussion on Is it time for a general election in the UK? I replied to imaginative _ badger, from Lyons Hall Primary School A | United Kingdom I liked his frankness and that he said he wanted Boris to return to the presidency again, but I commented to him that he must first see the plans and ambitions of the new President Rishi in order to see whether this works or not, and I suggested that he slow down and be patient, because it may actually benefit the country And he does what Boris did not do, and that slowly the facts appear, and I hope that I have changed his point of view

  • I joined the discussion of the Black Panther: Representation and Diversity in the subject of the student Quick witted tamarind from Chemefields Primary Academy, United Kingdom. I agree with him because this matter made me choose the films and series that I watch carefully, especially with children, and because films and series are the easiest way to plant ideas from childhood. I think that parents should take into account the movies and series that their children watchThe largest merchant of family films and series that everyone can watch, and I also became more interested in what my children watch

  • I joined a discussion in the global food crisis:"why can't we just share"and I replied to introspective economics from Bal Bharati public school B|India. I disagree with this comment because I think it is not everyone that is selfish,people I know, who have little still share because they believe that sharing is caring (the more you share the more you receive).He/she made me think differently because to me what he said was wrong because it is not that they are selfish but they want to manage what they have and preserve for the future in case of unexpected crisis.

  • I joined COP27 because it has many suitable things with climate change. It also has something to do with what is happening around the world, it has everything back from COP26, golbal warming happens somewhere around the world

  • I joined a discussion in the topic Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet?
    from school"Govt. Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B | Pakistan" made me think differently When I went deeper into his comment, I was convinced that poverty and hunger are among the most important causes of high crime rates in the world. People are forced to steal to feed their families, and that there are people who agree with people to do something that is not good, provided that they give them money, and that if hunger is eradicated, they will not have to do these things. The economy flourishes because there is no longer much to steal as it was in the Middle Ages in Europe, and this was one of the most important problems facing bakery ownersme think that the world actually has a shot of solving world hunger for good and I should probably stop thinking of world hunger as an always arising issue in current global affairs
    if we put in place a plan for some countries that waste a lot of food in famous restaurants, such as the Gulf countries, America or Germany.
    There are countries that may need that. I have read an article about restaurants in Japan that if you order a meal more than you need, a waste tax will be imposed on you, and thus no one will ask for more than the ability to eat

  • i agreed to a discussion in the "Global Food Crisis; why can't we just share" i answered to "Fierce Moose" from Govt.Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School A |Pakistan. From "Fierce Moose" opinion i think her opinion is right because sharing food from one country to another country is not that easy.
    Countrys should store their food in a good place so it will not get perished cause if the food get waste the country will not have any food to share with the citizens.

  • I joined the discussion of “Sustainable healthcare:doctor shortages” and i replied to successful_horse from Alkhansaa Prep Co Ed School B of Occupied Palestinian Territory. My response to her comment was
    I agree because the world suffers from global doctor shortage for various reasons like emigration and change in population demography mainly. This is facts especially for rural areas and countries that are developing where the population tends to be high,and there’s already shortage of health care services that need to be professionalized. This can be solved by encouraging the international medical graduates in order for them to be recruited in the health care system.
    Another reason why the world faces global doctor shortage is because in some cases,doctors are not satisfied with their salary which makes them not want to work because they’re not being paid enough. Doctors save peoples lives when they’re in need so they shouldn’t face this problem in the work place. Ministry of Health should find a way to do a way with this problem because if they do not,it will cause them (the doctors) to resign.

  • ''do you have to see it, to be it?''
    i replied to victorious goat from St.Andrew Kaggwa Gombe High School in Uganda. His ideas made me think different about my goals and the opportunities around me so as i pay attention to my potentials cause its through seeing them in my self that i can work on achieving success in them. His story of brass band made me reflect on how i began playing football, from the basics to the fundamentals i would say its because i saw it in me that i could play football that i was able to strive to make myself better at football. I replied with a thumbs👍up showing i absolutely agree with his opinion as a whole. Sometimes if we don't fight what are potentials and weakness are, we might never get to work on them. Identifying our potentials in life is an important part of finding out who we really are and our purpose of life and humanity since your able to work towards perfecting your potentials so as to be the best in them. A person like Robert Kyagulanyi a strong politician saw the potential of presidency in himself and at also had names like ''Ghetto president'' before coming out to stand in the recent past general election. Although he got second place, he has a high chance of becoming Uganda's next president. He is quite an example when it comes to seeing it in you and becoming it. ''See it, to be it''

  • I joined a discussion entitled Find a solution to a global problem in your area, such as finding solutions to air pollution and garbage, recycling and benefiting from them and other problems in your city ?
    This made me think differently because diversity helps in diversity of styles and culture and teaches me the art of management and self-reliance.

  • I agree with constructive_musician @Govt. Shuhada-e-APS Model Girls High School B | Pakistan because I think with this spirit of not giving up, being persistent and motivation, he can inspire many to get up and battle whatever they are going through hence solving problems in the world and changing it and therefore saving everyone in it
    If Luke did it with only one hand, who can't.

  • I responded to the topic; the global food crisis. The person I responded to was(agreeable dusk) from Occupied Palestinian territory.
    The thing we talked about was the climate change, flood and hunger which discourages people all over the world. We also talked about the causes of flood in the society which are caused by lack of proper disposal and not building of drainage. The interesting part which I learnt from the person is how to eradicate hunger in the world. The promotion of agriculture and food donation between countries.

  • I replied to cooperate_dolphin on FIFA world cup with a thumbs down because the person said that the person agreed on Qatar being the host country for the FIFA world cup even though it is way to hot so the football players have a disadvantage of being able to play the match and the people who built the luxurious hotels for people who wanted to see the match get treated badly and stay in poor hotels.

  • I replied to Al-Khansa Preparatory School in Palestine, his comment sparked my thoughts, so I started thinking of a way to solve the problem of food waste and the high price of food in restaurants
    Solution (1) // Food can be made at home instead of going to restaurants
    Solution 2 // Putting a refrigerator in which to collect food and then distribute it to the needy
    With this we have been able to overcome two problems
    The high price of food in restaurants and the use of excess food

  • All professions are great because they serve man and nature, but the medical profession is one of the greatest professions because it saves the human soul. By saving this soul, it will ensure the continuity of life, so I agree to be a doctor because it saves human life and relieves people’s pain, and whenever I can relieve the pain and pain of a child, an old man or a woman I will be at the height of my happiness, so I will thank God very much that he has enabled me to be in this profession

  • I joined the discussion in the "Iran Issue". I replied to digital-artic fox from United States of America.He/she have given some true points regarding gender inequality. She explained well by the example of Marvel Movies and superheroes. She have given the points that I think I can relate to. After reading the comment, I also feel women are not only born to spend their whole life in kitchen and taking care of house.

  • I joined a discussion in the global food crisis topic.
    I replied to (Observant thought) from Model girls high school,Pakistan and talked about food wastage.
    We talked about food wastage and how we can eradicate the situation.
    • My opinion on the topic was that people waste food too much knowing fully well that some will also be in need of the food they wasted.
    Ways that we can curb food wastage in the society is by organizing and creating awareness of environmental sanitation .
    We can also impact knowledge on those ones we think that they do not have four knowledge of food wastage in the society.
    What i learnt so far in this discussion was that to increase production and distribution of goods in time so that people can have time to consume as much as they can in order for the food not to get spoilt to the extent of just disposing damage products anywhere so to help you and i to have a safe and conducive environment.

  • I joined the conversation about FIFA world cup and I found it very interesting to hear about the consequences that people have been suffering, such as the conditions that the workers who are building the stadiums are facing and the amount of money the Qatarian government are spending on this one event (33 billion I think).Although I do think
    it is very clever how they designed a stadium made out of old shipping containers that can be deconstructed again.

  • I joined a discussion in the Black Panther: representation and diversity topic. I replied to cultured_woodpecker * Bal Bharati Public school A * India and said I'm not sure about this because that What if the scenes wasn't really capturing lived experiences or was based on stereotypes or in some cases Blacks, Asians or Muslims .
    So Is there a way to estimate this cost of doing diversity wrong? . They made me think differently because it's important to talk about how much it cost of getting a wrong diversity, and how badly it can affect people and hurt them.

  • I joined the discussion US midterms: are young people political? under the subcategory 'Personality or Policy?'
    I responded to free_snail | Beit Hanoun Prep Girls A School under this topic and the comment - specifically the metaphor used - made me see the topic in a very different light. Policies were compared to a good building and I fully understand the points presented. However, even though I was able to see the opposite side of the argument - I still think Personality is more important. But that comment specifically was very eye - opening.

  • I engaged in the food crisis: why can't we just share?
    It was a very interesting discussion (mainly because I love all things related to food), I replied to polite football who talked about how it would be hard to share food because, there are some foods that was perishable. The argument made a lot of sense because although there are many foods that you can tin/can there are also many foods that you can't.
    I was very perplexed because there had to be a smart, simple way to share food with other countries. Then I thought about what various foods were before they were processed. Before bread is processed and baked it is originally wheat, this is same with many other foods in the world today.
    I came to the conclusion that aside from tinning and canning, various countries can export goods in their raw form, for the receiving countries to process, (I told you I loved food)

  • In the Black Panther: representation and diversity( Why is it important to see diversity in films?) section I had a discussion with forceful_dragonfly from Adamson Middle School A | United States of America, that diversity in films is important it makes people feel connected making them have a clear perspective reason of other people culture religion etc
    We also discussed why it is important for people not to have stereotypes making them hate a particular religion culture etc
    We also talked about how film like black panther shows Africa as a rich continent and also showed how important it is to work as one as shown in the movie so diversity in films can bring peace and help clear the problem of discrimination.

  • I joined the discussion in the Aran gender inequality and I replied to supportive philosophy from Government shuhada -e-APS Model Girls High school Pakistan and I agreed to his or her comment. The story of the Iranian lady must be heard and we need to speak up for them. Fight against violation of human rights,we all have right to life,so it is wrong to take someone else's life and deny them of their right like they did to the Iranian lady. Fight against gender discrimination, females are restricted to many things and are forced to obey the men like he/she said(supportive philosophy)"in many parts of earth women are forced to live a life according to their men".
    We are all human,we are all one,we need to fight for our rights and the rights of other people. If Iranian government does not want to listen to their people maybe if we join hands in oneness to speak up and spread the word maybe their government might reconsider. Like they say "Two heads are better than one".

  • I joined the quick discussion Fashion I answered this comment Exact student_wombat* from Remaville Christian Academy | Nigeria - who used to say:
    To be honest, we all know How easily affected and who is affecte Better than celebrities, actually That says every celebrity couple Words and boom! Everyone follows.
    They can organize clothing donations
    And people will come. I feel that Big brands can Organizing things like back
    And get where it resets In which persons clothes thatUse it and get a codeA little cash even if it's about $5 or so and they can recycle the clothes and get more money. In society, we can try to do something like clothes exchange, where people can get together and exchange clothes with each other like a blouse for a jacket or a dress for some pants so that they spend less and have a larger selection of clothes.
    Where I answered him: I agree with you a lot, especially when you say that celebrities can influence people better, and this is true as when they do meaningful projects related to clothes, people here will follow the lives of these celebrities, when creating projects and companies related to clothes, a source of income will be provided for the unemployed the work.
    I salute you for this idea.
    ⏩ And what he said is correct regarding celebrities, as in this era of the Internet, fame has become overpowered by people, and celebrities have increased, and people are greatly influenced by them. As he said, why do we not make people better influenced by celebrities, and this saying affected me, so why do we not make people well affected by celebrities, as we make Their desire tends to be celebrities who fill their lives with good deeds, such as donating clothes to the poor and setting up projects related to clothes this will make people do their work because they are affected by them, and this is good, and goodness will spread among people, and the world will become inclined to goodness and giving, because they have learned from people who watch them every day.

  • I replied to this comment:

    spectacular_iceberg | Rex Mill Middle STEM School D | United States of America 16 Nov 2022

    I agree with person A , Yes it is more important jobs in this world but doctors have to be the most helpful in life , Doctors also do things like helping patients minimize pain, recover from a disease faster or learn to live with a disabling injury (not mine ) . People cant live without doctors if anything the world would have a shortage of humans in this world due to sickness caused by nature or humans if doctors didn't test and did not cure what you could possibly have

    It changed my mind because I hadn't thought about what we would all do if there was another big crisis like covid and we didn't have any doctors to help us we would be scared and paniced. We wouldn't know what to do. I think this makes me realise just how much we need our doctors and how much we relly on them not just my country but others too.

  • I joined a discussion in the Black Panther: representation and diversity (Why is it important to see diversity in films) topic. I replied to quickwitted_tamarind from Cheam Fields Primary Academy United Kingdom. They made me think differently because it is true that everyone has prejudices that influence how they think and deal with issues, it is critical that we address issues correctly and guide people in the right direction. There are serious consequences when diversity in films is not well portrayed; for example, if a certain race is portrayed as aggressive in a film, people may begin to perceive them as aggressive and treat them poorly.

  • I joined a discussion in the topic global food crisis.I replied to a student of ( outstanding reinder)from rhemaville Christian academy / Nigeria .
    And the opinion I drop was that the duty of a farmer is to produce more for the consumer and the consumer will be willing to buy .But in some cases when the consumer buy to much they waste it because it is perishable knowing full well they are people outside looking for food and my advice to farmers and manufacturing companies is to produce and give the consumer when it is the time to buy the product .

  • I joined a discussion on the Global Food Crisis (Why haven't we solved the problem of hunger yet) topic. I replied to shy-duck from High lawn Primary School United Kingdom and said it is nearly impossible to eliminate world hunger permanently, due in part to situations such as climate change, where a lot of destruction is taking place, the land is constantly being abused, crop yields are decreasing, and animal habitats are being destroyed. Another factor to consider is that the government is not making it easy by enriching itself at the expense of its citizens and the environment. I also believe that more people should be involved in agriculture, as this will help to alleviate the effects of global hunger. They made me think differently because I used to believe that it was impossible to completely eliminate world hunger, but shy-duck changed my mind when he said, quote, "another way to tackle world hunger is to tackle poverty." To completely eliminate world hunger, I believe we must first eliminate poverty. However, when we have a corrupt government, the economy suffers, the rich become even richer, and the poor become even poorer. a system in which the government should be looking out for its citizens, but instead works to enrich itself. People in society are suffering because most governments do not consider their citizens and how they will support their families.

  • I joined a discussion on the Mahsa Amini topic. I found a comment by insightful_peach from Futures Hurghada Language School in Egypt and said ‘In my opinion women till now are treated as slaves and everyone think that they are born for cleaning the house and child birthing so they are treated as not wanted and that is why women are not aloud to work in some countries and when a woman submit to work they sometimes get rejected from work.
    When I heard about Mahsa Amini and what happened to her I was so sorry for her and from the important things that made me sorry when I knew that she was unjustly killed and she was just killed because she was trying to express her opinion in woman freedom.’ They made me think differently because at first I didn't think about the fact that some countries do not let women have jobs and they do not deserve that. I didn't think about how useless people make women seem when overall they are entirely equal to men, this comment has made me think differently from all of the degrading facts about women in many places.

  • I joined a discussion on COP27: is it sustainable? (How sustainable is your city?) topic. I replied to quickwitted_tamarind Cheam Fields Primary Academy United Kingdom and said the fact that fewer cars are allowed to drive around actually reduces traffic pollution; the fewer cars, the faster and more efficient the journey, which is actually a great benefit for everyone because there is less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There are numerous advantages to driving less, including a lower carbon footprint, lower gas prices, lower road maintenance, and car repairs; it is good for our social lives, which will help us live longer lives; and it is a good form of exercise.
    They influenced my thinking because of their ability to monitor the amount of carbon dioxide produced by their class. This got me thinking about what it would mean if all classes and organizations could have monitors that could tell how much carbon dioxide was produced and how much oxygen was produced; this would help maintain balance in the ecosystem.