Managing behaviour

Watch this video about behaviour in the metaverse

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  • I think that it would be more difficult to manage peoples behavior in the metaverse because people would not have the kind of control that they have in the real world in the metaverse.
    For example:
    people would not be able to address bad behaviors like bullying though in the metaverse it is called cyberbullying in the metaverse. Bullying can be easily addressed in the real world. A method of addressing bullying in the real world is suspension or by banning you from entering a place like a restaurant but it cannot be done in the metaverse. So I think that it would be more difficult to manage bad behaviors in the metaverse.

    1. I agree because... Because you are able to relate more in the real world and you can tell the emotion

  • In my opinion, i think managing peoples behaviour in the metaverse will be difficult, but it is not impossible. The metaverse is a realm where people can create their own avatars. Therefore you might not know who is who in the metaverse, even if they are sitting right next to you. The metaverse connects a lot of people from around the world. This could be an advantage but also a disadvantage. People tend to suffer cyberbullying and assault and though people have tried to control it, it is still happening around us. This could lead to low self esteem, development of inferiority complex and maybe even depression. A parent might not know or be able to control what their child does online. Most people use the internet as a means to insult or bully people because they can simple hide behind their computer screen. Internet trolls, which are people who delibrately post comments to upset people, are very common. It may even be an eleven year old child but no one knows who is who in the metaverse.

  • It will be more difficult to manage people's behavior in the metaverse compared in the real world because in the real world if a person is breaking the law, police can arrest the person and put the person to justice. But in the metaverse there are no police and even they happen to be there they won't be able to capture them because if they arrest the person breaking the law, they may ban the person. The culprit can just make multiple accounts and continue the mischief they were doing before as such it will be difficult for the law enforcement in the metaverse to apprehend them.

  • Managing people's behavior in the metaverse (a virtual reality world) may be both more and less difficult than managing behavior in the real world. Here are some reasons why:

    More difficult:
    - In the metaverse, people may feel more anonymous and therefore more likely to engage in behavior that they wouldn't do in real life.
    - In the metaverse, it may be easier to hide or cover up bad behavior, making it harder to monitor.

    Less difficult:
    - In the metaverse, there may be more controls and rules in place to manage behavior, because the environment can be programmed.
    - In the metaverse, it may be easier to create consequences for bad behavior, such as being banned from the community or losing access to certain features.

    The video raised some questions for me, such as:
    - What kind of rules and consequences should be put in place to manage behavior in the metaverse?
    - How can we make sure that people's rights and privacy are protected in the metaverse?
    - How will the metaverse impact society as a whole?

  • From my point of view managing people's behavior in the metaverse may be both more and less difficult compared to real life.

    On one hand, there may be fewer physical consequences for actions in the metaverse. For example, if someone behaves badly towards others in a virtual world, they may not face the same results as they would in real life, such as physical harm or legal repercussions. This make it more challenging to enforce rules and ensure people behave appropriately.

    On the other hand, technology can provide new ways to manage behavior in the metaverse. For instance, moderators could use tools like AI algorithms to analyze chat logs and identify problematic behavior. Also features like muting or blocking other players can help control interactions.

    the video raised the following questions

    - What are some ways that technology could be used to manage behavior in the metaverse?
    - How can we ensure that people are held accountable for their actions in the metaverse?

    1. The metaverse is a virtual world where people interact with each other through technology. To manage behavior in the metaverse, we can use tools like filters that block harmful content, moderators who monitor user interactions and enforce rules, and AI-powered systems that detect and prevent bad behavior.

      To ensure accountability, we need to have clear rules and consequences for breaking them. This can include things like suspending or banning users who violate the terms of service, reporting serious offenses to the appropriate authorities, and using digital footprints to track and trace bad actors.

    2. I agree with this comment, because the actions one commits within the metaverse are less managed and have less a serious impact. The technology is relatively new, and will be used on a widespread scale, which could make moderation and managing behavior.

  • The metaverse might be more difficult to manage people's behavior in because it is a new and virtual world that people are not used to. It may also be harder to tell if someone is being rude or breaking rules because it's all happening online.

    Watching the video made me wonder how we can make sure everyone is safe and happy in the metaverse, just like in real life. We might need new rules or ways of handling problems that come up.

    1. That's a great question! Just like in real life, safety and happiness in the metaverse is important. Here are some things we can do to make sure everyone is safe and happy:

      1. Be kind and respectful: Treat others the way you would like to be treated. When you're in the metaverse, remember that there are real people behind the avatars.

      2. Follow the rules: Just like in real life, there will be rules in the metaverse to keep everyone safe. Make sure you know what they are and follow them.

      3. Use parental controls: If you're a kid, make sure your parents set up parental controls so you can only access appropriate content and interact with other players who are also following the rules.

      4. Report any problems: If you see someone breaking the rules or being mean to others, report it to a moderator or adult who can help.

  • The metaverse is a virtual world where people can interact with each other through avatars. Managing people's behavior in the metaverse might be more difficult than in the real world because it's easy to remain anonymous and hide behind an avatar, which can lead to dishonest or harmful behavior.

    The video raises questions about how we can create rules and regulations to ensure that people behave respectfully and safely in the metaverse. It also asks whether these rules should be enforced by humans or by artificial intelligence.

    1. Great question! As people start spending more time in the metaverse, it's important to have rules and regulations in place to make sure that everyone can use it safely and respectfully. Here are some ideas on how we can create these rules:

      1. Involve the community: The rules should be created with input from the people who will be using the metaverse. This way, everyone has a say in how they'll be able to use it safely.

      2. Keep it simple: The rules should be easy to understand and follow. Using language that is too technical or complicated may make it hard for people to comply with them.

      3. Be clear about consequences: It's important to be clear about what will happen if someone doesn't follow the rules. This can help deter people from breaking them.

      4. Enforce the rules fairly: Whether the rules are enforced by humans or artificial intelligence, it's important that they are enforced fairly and without bias.

      5. Use a combination of human and AI enforcement: Humans can provide context and empathy when enforcing rules, while AI can provide consistency and speed in detecting rule-breaking behavior. A combination of both can strike a good balance between making sure the rules are followed and treating people fairly.

      Remember, the ultimate goal of having rules in the metaverse is to make sure everyone can enjoy using it safely and respectfully.

  • In my opinion, it MAY be extremely harder to manage people's behaviour in the metaverse, depending on who you're with. If you're playing with a family member, it depends on your status in the family. (Ex. If you are their older brother or sister, it also depends if your younger sibling respects you and your opinion.)

    And for the video, i didn't really have any questions.

  • The video was brief but packed a lot of significance, and it gave me something to talk about. To begin, what exactly is the metaverse? The metaverse is a new three-dimensional digital realm that employs virtual reality, augmented reality, and other modern internet and semiconductor technology to provide individuals with lifelike personal and professional experiences online. I like to call it "a world in another," and I think it has a nice ring to it. Anyway, I've noticed that people are bullied both in person and online, and cyberbullying is a criminal act in most locations, including the United Kingdom, Louisiana, Maryland, and the UAE, where you may be imprisoned for up to three years in prison and/or a fine ranging from AED 250,000 to AED 500,000, depending on the seriousness of the violation, and in some other places in America, you can be suspended or expelled as a student.
    Bullying would be more difficult to handle in the metaverse, in my opinion, because most people don't use their real names on the internet, making it more difficult to warn or stop them, and even if someone gets banned on an account, they can just make another one. Also, many people do not care and continue to bully even after they have been reprimanded, cautioned, fined, and punished(s). It is easier to manage people's behavior in the real world since there is always an opportunity to speak with them and hear what they have to say about the reason for their actions. You can also sit down with them and listen to their ideas and concerns. Even if they continue to refuse to listen, you can always expel or suspend them.

  • Welcome..
    I think if a person has an alias in the Metaverse or is anonymous, their behavior is more difficult in the Metaverse space.

    And there must be people in the Metaverse who work as police or organizations that deal with bad behaviour.. so maybe we found a solution to this problem...

    But if a person's identity is known and they don't hide behind a pseudonym, I don't think we will have many difficulties...but there will definitely be difficulties....
    But my question to you

    (Is it possible for our parents to watch us in metaverse space and maintain our behavior as in real life? ;!)

    1. I don't think so.. Our parents may not enter the Metaverse space.. because they are so busy in real life..

      If they enter the Metaverse space, I think they'll get caught up in it and its cool, design whatever they want, and make their dreams come true.
      So I don't think we'll be able to handle them.
      But we must either show all good manners and be committed ourselves.

  • The question at hand is a complex one. But in my opinion while it is true that the Metaverse offers the ability to implement various rules and regulations to govern behavior, it is important to remember that humans are humans, regardless of their location. They possess a natural inclination towards rebellion and chaos, which can prove challenging to control. Conversely, in the physical world, we lack the sophisticated digital tools to monitor and regulate behavior. However, we have been managing human behavior for centuries through the implementation of laws and social norms. It is evident that whether we are dealing with virtual pixels or tangible flesh and blood, managing human behavior requires a delicate balance between structure and individual freedom.

  • Yes, it might be less difficult to manage behaviors in the metaverse.
    This is because the metaverse is an artificial environment as a result, the avatar are not affected by their own emotion and nor tradition of their own compared to the real human whose behavior are molded by their social environment, family background etc. what this means is that real human have their emotion display in all situations but the avatar are controlled by someone else.

  • Honestly this shouldn't be a problem because you can just create a 18+ channel so the adults don't say bad stuff like curses with children online and with the advancements in tech a voice detector could stop toxicity. Chat managers already exist to so I don't see a problem also if you can't handle the metaverse you probably shouldn't be on their. You could even set up an age limit for the metaverse there so much you can do I don't see how this is a problem.

  • Metaverse has the ability to show people as anonymous and hide people. Children may find it challenging to be able to tackle real-world obstacles compared to the virtual world which can affect their mental health and behaviour. Businesses may find it challenging to operate due to thefts of anonymous criminals who will be difficult to arrest by unverified anonymous police officers. Schools and teachers that may be operating in the virtual world may find it very challenging to verify their students and other staff which can potentially lead to something worse in the schools virtually too. Same with the businesses and their employees. What if young people are used in the drug businesses in the virtual world to transfer drugs or other harmful substances to make money?

    The video raised a few questions for me :
    1) How are adults going to help their children in case their children are bullied or troubled because the police or the operating company may be unable to help without ID Verification?
    2) How realistic world the metaverse developers make but will they be able to overcome the difficulties faced in their developed programs? For example, mental health sickness?
    3) How can the feeling of the real world in the virtual world be achieved without any verification?
    4) What if there are weekends or government holidays on certain days and the businesses force their employees to work on holidays by the excuse of another world?

  • I think that it would be harder because people in the metaverse can't physically stop anyone making a scene in the metaverse.Also people in the metaverse will feel safer because they aren't there physically and think they can get away with anything.They might even break a law and it might take the police awhile to track them down and arrest them because they are in the metaverse and not actually there.some of them may start cyberbullying people,cyberbullying can sometimes lead to depression and anxiety. The only real solution to get away from these types of people is to block them, mute them, kick them out,or leave and join a new lobby in the metaverse.

  • When we say "metaverse," we're talking about a virtual world that is similar to the real world but entirely digital. It might be more or less difficult to manage people's behavior in the metaverse compared to the real world.

    On one hand, the metaverse might be easier to monitor because all actions are recorded and can be reviewed later. On the other hand, it might be harder to control behavior because people can create anonymous avatars and feel like they can act however they want without consequences.

    The video we watched today raised some interesting questions about how people will interact with each other in the metaverse. For example, will people treat each other the same way they would in real life, or will they act differently because it's a virtual world? Will people be able to form genuine relationships online, or will it always feel like something is missing?

    These are important questions to think about as technology continues to advance and the metaverse becomes more prevalent. Even though the metaverse is virtual, the people behind the avatars are still real, and we should always treat them with respect and kindness.