More good or more bad?

AI has made global news for both positive and negative reasons.

On the one hand it has the potential to help humans and solve problems much faster than we can. For example, it can support doctors to diagnose patients, come up with ways to respond to natural disasters and help fight against climate change.

On the other hand, it’s not yet sustainable. For example, by 2030, the amount of CO2 produced by AI data centres will equate to roughly 40% of the annual emissions of the United States.

It’s a tough question to answer but if you had to decide:

is AI doing more good? Or more bad?

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Comments (422)

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  • At the moment, I believe AI is doing more harm than good. While it has a LOT of potential, really, its numerous negative effects make it difficult to focus on the positive ones.
    For example, in Spanish schools and universities, many students rely too much on AI to do their assignments. This decreases the education quality because instead of understanding and learning the concepts they only copy what the AI generates. Teachers try to detect the AI-generated works to try to be fair to their students what is becoming a real problem. If people graduate without the necessary knowledge, they could become profesionals in important areas such as medicine, veterinary science... without truly undestanding their jobs. Mistakes in these areas can cost lives.
    Many companies are replacing their workers due to AI. For example, in some big clothes industries they are putting self-pay machines, this is making a lot of cashiers to lose their work.
    Another huge issue no one is talking about is misinformation and the famous fake news. We receive millions of fake news generated with AI, they spread quickly and without limits making it harder to know what's true and what's not. AI can produce very realistic videos and pictures, making it easy to manipulate people's opinion. This is especilly dangerous in politics because they can influence elections and damage democracy. If we can't trust the information we see, how we can take decisions?
    Some people says that AIis helping industries grow, but at what cost? If we don't regulate the use of AI everything is going to be a disaster.

    1. I agree with you because AI is making things harder for people in many ways. For example, in schools, students are using AI to do their homework instead of learning the real stuff. This is a big problem because if they don’t understand what they’re learning, they won’t be ready to do their jobs well when they grow up. In important jobs like doctors or veterinarians, mistakes can hurt people, and if they don’t know what they’re doing, it could be dangerous.

      Also, AI is taking away jobs from people. In stores, we are starting to see machines that take payments instead of cashiers. This means people might lose their jobs. It’s scary because if more machines take over, it could be hard for people to find work.

      Another big problem is fake news. AI can make fake pictures, videos, and even news stories that look real, but they aren’t. This makes it really hard to know what’s true. In politics, this is dangerous because fake news can make people believe lies and choose the wrong leaders. This can hurt our democracy and our future.

      Some people think AI is good because it helps businesses, but if we don’t control it, it might cause more problems than it solves. We need to make sure we use AI safely, or it could make things worse for everyone.

      1. I agree with you because our creativity is decreasing because of AI. As you said, and I totally agree, people cheating homework by using AI is a serious issue because their potential of thinking critically will lessen and it has bad effect on their future. I'm sure technologies are developed because human beings are creative. Ai provides us only one uniformed answer, so that will prevent us from generating new ideas, and I think that is the biggest problem. Our civilization could be in decline if this situation continues.

        I want to add one more thing to the topic that AI make fake stuff. From my opinion, I think another problem will occur because of using AI. It is that your ways of thinking will be biased. When you ask AI to research something, AI brings us information, but are you really sure AI shows us every point of view? I think while we are using Internet, we will face the same kind of problems, but AI is worst because the information AI shows us looks like it is just one answer. What if AI takes only radical options instead of impartial ones? People who see those answers may be lopsided and fall prey to extremism.

        However, we should be optimistic about AI, too. That's because it plays important roles in efficient economic activities, such as analyzing product sales.
        It seems like we pay numerous attentions toward cons about AI in Student Hub, and I think that attitude is a good thing because people are aware of AI's danger. That will lead to safer use of not only AI, but other technologies. After all, we have to think critically while using AI.

    2. I couldn’t help but to agree with your comment, although A.I has shown many positive effects on society it still isn’t sustainable and needs much improvement on what it’s doing and needs to start building limitations on what A.I has control of and what it does not. A.I is very helpful but also very accessible without the right security measures and verification that it requires and with its potential it’s painful to see it be used in the unintended way. This also adds up with how A.I’s development is ahead of its time and picking up pace without the proper repairments and sustainability with all of this in mind A.I can start to be harmful to communities and how they operate especially with the overgrowing wave of sudden A.I use over the world. This can start to corrupt the brain and undermine and downgrade basic listening and understanding cues, this could start to affect the brain even and create a mindset with only relying on A.I in new generations and young students.

      Your points add up to the fundamental understanding of how A.I can actually start to show more harm than good in society which can deeply affect simple understanding and job opportunities especially with the growing rate of A.I use even in workforces which with all of those in mind can start to affect society overall.

      Overall, your points add up which causes me to agree with you and how harmful A.I can begin to be and what harm it may start to cause in future and current generations especially with the use of A.I spreading around in society.

  • I think that AI is sustainable because it can predict climate change and it helps people to respond to natural disasters but it needs to have many resources like water,minerals,etc. So it is useful and at the same time dangerous if we use it correctly it can be very useful

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, entertaining_editor! Can you give us some ideas for how to "use it correctly" like you said?

      1. some Ideas are use it to see or predict natural disasters and when the scientists use AI effectively, they can find many solutions for problems like fertilizers without chemicals to make the plants grow faster and those are some ideas to use it correctly .

    2. I think AI is not yet sustainable because some AI 's like google take like 2 mins to boot and AI needs to be corrected because some children search bad things that the are not supposed to search

      1. I support your point. It's true that some AI integrated sites takes time to search, that means there is something that is not fully in place. This is a good thought that leaves us asking wether AI should be relied on or alternated?

        1. I totally agree with you. I think AI is not sustainable yet because it is really bad for the environment. I think doctors use it for good reasons but some people like online shoppers don’t NEED to use it. I think that if we all work together we can find an alternative that is hopefully not as bad for the environment. AI might be useful for online shoppers but I don’t think it is really worth destroying our planet for. I think if we rely on AI too much then it will take over our lives.

          1. I agree that AI is so helpful to humans but also not 100% helpful because maybe 10 or 15% of it is not really helpful.
            Let's first talk about the helpful things AI gives us for example: apps that we use in AI like Chat GPT and Google and also copilot, they help us when we search on something that we don't know or even that we want to design something specific. So these apps help us design them or even gives us information about a specific topic that's we want to learn. And also one good thing about AI that he is not like the human so when you give it a specific information it keeps it and it's storage so when you ask about it again it will give it to you immediately but a normal human has a memory and sometimes it's forget some information and this is a good thing about AI that it can remember anything immediately just not like a human.

            1. I agree because 42% of all people on earth use AI day to day . With this data it shows a rise in the use of artificial intelligence and with that a rise in people learning more efficiently that could possibly change the way people view education paving a way for people deepening their own personal knowledge in subjects that schools don't teach or go into enough detail in. In that respect global education rates and test scores should skyrocket .

            2. I agree because AI is helpful but it is not 100% safe or correct to humans. This comment shows good things about Ai. mostly telling us that Ai is helpful for example: he said that humans can sometimes forget some unlike Ai, another thing he said was that Ai can give info about things about a topic that we don't know. I agree with this because at the beginning of the comment it said that "Ai is so helpful but not 100% helpful" I kinda agree but I don't agree that it is so helpful but you could use your brain or Google. google is very helpful but Ai is different. He said that Google was AI. I do agree but I think Google is the most helpful, but this comment is the best I have seen. I also agree because this is a comment that says that Ai is good. Ai is helpful but Ai could take over. Ai is great right now but it could fall down. Ai is good and bad, Ai is bad, well that what most people think Ai has good in it but google is a better way and it uses less energy. Ai is the opposite of Google, see Google is a helpful thing that you use to help you with your work and Ai is the same thing but it uses more energy. Ai has bad things like sometimes it does not give you the thing you can't do but Google is a little bit more helpful.

            3. I'm not sure about this because...
              yes Ai is very helpful for us the humans becuase it helps you to answer correct, but it makes you cheat we have chat gpt and gemini and copilt you cheat you answer them the question then they answer it to you so what did the teachers do, and why did you take this question or quiz to answer it with yourself not cheat you has to think with IQ and you will answer it correct.
              thank you 🌹

          2. I see your point and I agree with you , as AI is definitely not sustainable and it can be really harmful for the environment. Although a lot of people , such as online shoppers as you said ,think that they need it , it is not actually necessary for them to use it. Also , undoubtedly we can find an alternative option and instead of AI we can use something friendlier for our planet.

      2. I agree because AI is always going to be used for bad things but it also has a bad effect on our world. We are meant to be trying to save our world not destroy it. AI is very useful but also very harmful. We need to make a difference and reduce the usage of AI. We need to think about what it should and shouldn’t be used for. I agree that it could help come up with solutions for our problems and that is great but we need to limit how much we use it for pointless things. We CAN all make a difference. I think people like scientists, doctors and farmers should be able to use AI but online shoppers and gamers can manage without it.

      3. In my opinion,we could to this we could create a barrier to AI (let children have an age limit on AI) and AI does take a while to load but it's quite new to technology and we should give it time because like most thing it will improve over time.

    3. I disagree because... a long time ago lots of people would not have had any technology because they had each other i do understand that a lot has changed over the years and maybe we do not need each other as much any more there has been a lot of achievements over the years but i do not agree that AI is one of them but everyone does have different opinions and my class discussed yesterday that everyone is different so we all get a say but this is what i believe i also think it is nice Ai for entertainment but do we really need it i will not lie i do use Ai and it is really fun but over time people will invent more and more things that is AI related but it will just make us lazier and lazier i think we should have stopped a long time ago with making Ai because the planet we live in is getting destroyed with just 1 Ai thing we just do not realize it Ai is dangerous it could set of a fire i know it is quite rare but think it could be big Ai is stopping is from understanding the real world like in the olden days people got taught almost everything because they did not have Ai but now we do not have to learn about everything because we have high tech stuff to sort that out some people could be happy about that some people will not be so pleased i am one of those people who is not the most pleased also you could be doing more stuff then just going on technology but i you might find a talent you have never known you could be so good at before but if you just went on Ai you would never know that i probarly being real honest read more then go on technology and it is very very true

    4. I agree because it can help in the long run it can affect many people. However if AI develops a problem it means it could cause problems for whoever is using AI for example in hospitals and labs and this would be a negative problem and can cause false information.

      1. I agree because... a doctor, ambulance would need AI more because if someone needs a doctor or ambulance they can call them and they can be helped and be all better

    5. I'm not sure about this because it could help with natural disasters but it also is really bad for the environment. Both ways it could still destroy the Earth so I think we should all think of ways we could help instead of AI. We have survived for centuries without it so why couldn’t we now?

    6. I couldn't agree more. But to add on in California there was recently a huge fire that started in Los Angeles. Many people were not ready for this fire. There were many deaths and even more injured, people lost houses and loved ones. So I can't help but think about if scientists were able to predict this natural disaster there will be less casualties.

      1. I agree with you i have seen this wild fire all over the news , AI could also start a wild fire because of the carbon emissions which produse from AI just like they said in the lessons in 2030 there will be millions of bad gas.

        1. But if scientists had the technology by then couldn't they predict the wild fires? But I also agree with you and I think AI is doing more harm than good and hurting the environment.

        2. I agree with you. People could use AI to release poisonous gases, ruining our environment/ world. Making our air polluted with gases that you could breathe in and ruin your lungs.

    7. I think AI is a bad thing because while they say it is going to find a way to stop climate change it is also making climate change worse.The good thing is that it can help people like doctors and scientists find a cure to diseases.

      1. for now l agree with you. However, when AI becomes more sustainable, I think it will be worth making sure people (like scientists) use it.

    8. I disagree because AI isn’t sustainable. It uses too much water and creates too much waste that can harm our planets health. Its true that it can predict climate change but its also one of the reasons for climate change.

    9. I agree because even though it is very useful it can be dangerous at the same time.

    10. Although AI is helpful with weather forecasts, it increases climate change vastly, to train, many more greenhouse gasses are being made and eventually it WILL get out of control.

    11. I disagree because while it can predict climate change it also uses a lot of resources which contribute to climate changesuch as millions of tonnes of water.

    12. Although AI has the potential to predict the outcomes of climate change it can also impact it negatively. Like everything the system needs resources but the bad thing about it is that it needs more natural resources than other systems and things

    13. I disagree because how do we use Ai correctly? On account of your response you stated "so it helps people to respond to natural disasters ". but how does Ai help us ?

    14. In my opinion, AI would be more beneficial to people around the world. I think this is because, AI could help people do work and help save lives, and we could make AI better in the future. Even though AI could help , it can also hurt the environment. AI produces a lot of carbon dioxide, which speeds up climate change. I think that people should keep using AI, but need to be using AI for the right reasons.

  • I believe ai is sustainable for many reasons. One way I believe it can be useful is through it managing the use of waste better then us humans can comprehend. It is in human nature for us to change a system to fit our own personal needs whereas Ai only follows its own code to clean up said waste. By following this, the waste we disrubute into oceans will not have to go there anymore as AI sorts it into one area therefore slowing the rate of Global warming. By doing this correctly, it can allow the AI to learn how to become better at sustaining the earth. So in conclution, I believe AI is a sustainable option.

    1. AI generally, is of both harm and good, let's take a look at the way they go far in helping us from virtual assistants to sanitation and waste management, and balancing the complain about unsustainability, the bots are still involved in the clean up, outdoor waste management and aqueous waste too!, and like you said they clear the dirt from the sea, so AI could be of help to the both sides.

    2. I disagree because humans would not listen to a computer

      1. Well done for replying to someone else's comment! Can you say why they wouldn't listen?

    3. I agree to your point that how AI is sustainable,but along with that AI is also harming our planet in a lot of ways like it takes 27 Litres of water to send an email per week,can you imagine so much wastage of water.Another example is that an AI platform like Chatgpt uses 10 times more energy than one Google search.So,if we think about it in this way it is more harmful than useful. AI will really destroy our planet if action will not be taken to make it sustainable.

    4. I disagree because because one AI produces 285,000 ponds of carbon dioxide so it is making it worse so if there are million's of them they would produce millions of carbon dioxide.

      1. Thank you for your comment, pioneering_sparrow! Can you think of any ways in which we could reduce the carbon dioxide emissions when using AI?

        1. Maybe they could try to make the AI’s smaller so they use less carbon dioxide?

    5. I respectfully disagree with your statement open_reality that AI is entirely sustainable. While AI can be helpful in waste management , it is important for us to remember that AI use a large amount of energy to run. The large centers that run AI use electricity, which often comes from the sources , that are not eco friendly contributing to create more pollution. Also AI is made by humans so it can make mistakes because it can do what it is programmed to do so . It can not solve large problems like human using a lot of resources . These problems need thoughtful actions of human not just machines. So while AI can help , we still humans to protect our planet. Therefore AI is not entirely sustainable.

  • More than saying AI is doing bad we can say we humans are using it in bad ways. Artificial intelligence holds a great super power and ability. It helps farmers to know about their plants and its condition and let's him know how much amount of water and fertilizer it needs. In educational field AI powdered platform provides personalised learning experince for students and In medical field AI helps in diagnosing disease. And there is a lot more that an AI can do and brings immense benefits to the society helping people in various ways. But the harm that arises from AI is not because of the technology but the way we humans use it. For instance it speards misinformation, ivandes privacy, perpetuate biases. So instead of blaming AI we should focus on using this powerful tool in a way that benefits us and also the society.

    1. I agree with your comment but if it is now doing all these incredible things that people used to do then how much more will it take over? One day AI might do all our jobs and we need work to make money so that us and our families can survive. In a few centuries maybe no one will have to work. If that was to happen it would make big financial impacts to our world meaning homeless and poverty would become more common.

    2. I agree with your point that AI spreads misinformation. And I would like to highlight this using some of your points. For instance you say that AI can help farmers with plants, but if AI spreads misinformation couldn't this cause more problems. For instance if a farmer uses false information given to it by an AI all their crops could die which could cause widespread, economic problems if caused on a large scale.

      1. that's kinda the equivalent to a parent using AI to learn how to cook for their child. Would someone really trust a virtual machine to tell them what to feed their child? I doubt most would, that's precisely we've only seen few scenarios where people are physically harmed by AI.

    3. I respectfully disagree because I recently came across a disturbing news report about an open-source AI system that hurled insults at a young boy, even going so far as to discourage him from pursuing his education. The AI's harsh words, including 'what will you achieve by studying?', were not only hurtful but also alarming. This incident highlights the potential risks and consequences of AI decision-making, particularly when it comes to influencing vulnerable individuals.

    4. I agree strongly with this. In fact, you changed what my initial opinion. It's rather the user's fault for using AI negatively. I believe that AI was not created to bring negativity into the world. It was rather built for the convenience of things. But at the same time, I can also see why someone may also still disagree. Some AI could be built for addiction that we don't know so much about yet. It would be rather on the safe side if we stayed neutral about whether AI is helpful or not.

    5. I totally agree with you sensible ocean, because a lot of people use AI in a bad way and also use it to harm people. So who are these people?


      Some adults use AI to make websites which are not good for kids or even some parents, when they go in this websites they find things that are not good or inappropriate too. And this may harm families.


      Kids could search for things that are not for their age and also they may make problems on AI though they can't use it well.

      To conclude, I'd like to say that AI are not for all ages and even if we are going to make all ages using it, we should make sure that it's okay for the things they will watch or use and these things should be checked by an adult or an older person than the one using AI except if it's already an adult.

      Thank you topical talkers!☺️

  • I think AI is sustainable because it helps us in our daily activities: AI helps us in our daily lives like online hospitals ETC. how do AI provide solutions to our problems: AI provides solutions to our problems like, when someone is sick and can't go to the hospital that person can go to an online hospital, now if drugs are prescribed it will take time to deliver it to the patient but if that company is able to use drones it will make it faster. remember not to overuse AI because it will make you lazy and you won't like to do anything without AI.

    1. I understand your perspective Powerful_orange, but what if not everyone likes doing things online?
      What if you use AI too regularly that you end up getting addicted?

    2. Can you tell me more about why you think AI will make people lazy?

      1. Hi Eva@Topical talk,
        Ai makes your work easier, faster, and save time. People that use Ai too much will lose his/her thinking skills or will not be able to give Idea's, solve problems and think for themselves that is why they should be a limited age group for students to use AI. Hence, Ai can replace anything but not our ability to think critical and creative.

      2. Having AI won't make them to think out of the box and improve their brain capacity. Meaning all they do is just to give AI the work to solve.

        1. spontaneous_journalist That is true but have you considered the option that it also makes work faster and easier but it also makes humans lazy and useless to themselves and others. AI can also cause a loss of job opportunities because AI robots will replace them all.

      3. Hello dear Eva@
        From my opinion I think AI can help advantages and disadvantages it can make people lazy like to stay in your bed and AI gets you anything you want that could cause health issues like less moving can cause you getting so fat and AI also can make people lazy to think because if you asked him about anything it will tell you the answer. In the past children were playing with each other but now they can play games with AI and don't even know anyone who is real
        Also AI sometimes waste time like the Facebook and Instagram and tiktok all of those are a waste of time. And we replace thinking with AI, it doesn't give us time to have creative and critical ideas and thinking it can cause you to be foolish.
        Thanks for your time
        Sincerely affable_truth

      4. I feel like AI will make people lazy. I think this is because students now use this for their homework. This causes students to not use their knowledge that they could have learned in class. Students get their assignments answers from AI.For example, essays can be from chatGPT. Teachers may not be able to notice this, although it depends on the grade.

        1. Really good observation about the potential mis-use of AI!

          Do you think Schools and Universities should be looking at using technology to identify plagiarism and unauthentic work from students?

    3. Hello! I agree with everything you said and I would like to add on to what you said at the end about Ai making people lazy If it is overused. Right now Ai can be used to help do tasks much faster and more accurate. I feel that if people use Ai to do their tasks, they'll fall into this habit of using it over and over only because they know that it will save them more time. Unfortunately one example of this is some students who are now using Ai to write their essays or do their homework because they don't feel like studying or putting in the work and they know that Ai can do it within 3o seconds. This can be very bad for lots of reasons but the main problems with this is that people will become addicted and will build his habit of over using Ai to do everything and so people will basically rely on the help of Ai. Another Big issue is that for students who are using Ai to do their work, will not properly learn the material that they are meant to learn because they are just handing the work over to Ai and so they will not increase academically.
      Thank you.

      1. I do agree that some student use AI-powered tools to get their school work done at the shortest amount of time , but they are stilled some student who use AI to clarify some topics or get answers to question that they have regarding to their school work, so do you suggest that these people do not increase academically as they use AI, they are also student who use these AI to get extra materials on topics they learn in school. the problem isnt the AI the problem is the way we use the AI to do things.
        THANK YOU

  • In my perspective AI is good because it helps workplaces or individuals for example farmers, bankers, parents, forest rangers and scientists to be able to work faster and get the job done on time or know when a natural disaster is coming.
    It will be better if AI works with us rather than replacing us. We can also find and develop equipment that will help us to make AI environmentally friendly so that it can be sustainable but currently AI is not yet sustainable.

    1. I disagree because... AI creates job losses or i will say AI does not create equilibrium for humans because the job owners will hand all the work to the AI to do and will job owners will see that the AI is more hardworking than humans the it will increase the rate of joblessness globally and it will not be profiting for humans. Thank you

  • I think AI is doing more bad. I say so because if people get more attracted to AI they will stop thinking and reasoning but focused on AI helping them. And also if humans are not doing things right because they are tired they might get replaced by robots and AI. Also there will be no more opportunities for people to work because AI has taking the space of people. To me another reason I say it is bad is because AI is not sustainable.

    1. I disagree because every thing that has an advantage always has a disadvantage. The AI has been created to make them solve that particular problem and not to increase it. I don't think that there is anyway people can get addicted in that kind of situation . Yes AI has also been created to do some certain things human beings cannot do like prediction of natural disasters. so I think it is sustainable.

    2. I disagree because AI was not made to replace humans but make the job easier for us so i don't see how they can take over because not matter how we see it human intelligence is more suffient than artifical intelligence because AI works based on the data put into it by humans so we can't possibly be replaced by what we created, Because they dont need rest that doesnt mean that they would do the work better.

    3. I agree because… AI is very waistfull and just not good for this planet

      1. I'm not sure about this because... In the first place we humans created AI and feed it with the data it uses so if you are saying AI is being wasteful you need to considered the fact that we created it and feed it with the data it uses and we can reduces the way it harms the planet.

      2. I agree because all the time power is used for AI and soon it will run out. It is very wasteful and not at all good for the planet. We need to think about what is more important and change how AI is used for the good of all the people in the world.

      3. I strongly disagree with your opinion because... AI is very important in our daily lives, and we need it to do many things such as to make researches , and it also helps our work to be done easier and faster.

    4. I agree because AI is not eco friendly it produces greenhouse gases and human are becoming attracted it’s possible for AI to take over the world 🌍

    5. I agree with you because AI is taking over the world faster than we can imagine. It is occupying the areas that human beings are to fill leaving them with nothing to do. This can bring about no job opportunities for citizens as AI is everywhere now. A lot of people will then go into illegal or bad acts such as abduction, drug dealings etc making the society or nation unsafe. As it is doing good, it is also bringing more bad. A lot of people are becoming more dependent on AI especially students to do practically everything for them that they can do which is bringing about laziness. Teachers works are to make their students to think but if this continues I believe it will make an effect of damage.

    6. I agree with you because AI has made work more easier, faster and saving time. However, if people rely too much on AI he/she might lose the ability to think or solve problems on their own, it might affect he/she thinking skills. If you depend on AI too much you will not be able to give ideas. Therefore, AI can help can make work easier but it can not replace our thinking.

    7. I agree with you but I have some issues with your point ,I say this because everyone can't deny the fact that AI has helped improve the society through different ways like helping doctors diagnose diseases ,helping students comprehend arithmetic and logical problems , bringing more radical innovations ,and also providing solutions for climate change ,but the part we all fail to understand is that Artificial Intelligent is slowly taking over the world. Few years from now there might no longer be job opportunities ,in schools ,banks, and hospitals.

      1. I like that you're seeing both perspectives! Do you think all jobs could be replaced by AI or are there some jobs that only humans can do?

        1. In my own perspectives I will say that there are some jobs that AI cannot or should not replace humans i.e. jobs like teaching AI should not replace teachers because it is usually programmed and if it teaches students they might not understand because they cannot be allowed to ask questions because the AI cannot be able to answer because it is only what it is programmed to teach or do that it does, in that case students might not understand and might fail their exams a solution is that teachers should not skip classes and they should not be replaced by AI even now or in the nearest future to come.

        2. From my own perspective i would say that they are some jobs that humans can not be replaced AI. Such as:
          psychologist and Teachers. these jobs are to be said to be done by humans due to the fact that it involves the emotional well being of the humans so as to relate properly. thanks

        3. No, I don't think that AI can replace some specific jobs especially those that require emotions let's take education as an example, people in the teaching occupation must have an emotional attachment to each of their student s and that's something an AI model just can't provide.

    8. I disagree because AI is not actually doing bad because it helps people in somethings that their brain can't go. like a very huge math question and you get confused so what should we do in that case . you have to use AI unless you fail so i do not agree to your post

      1. I disagree because with succinct signature . I think this because , yes you can use it to help to do a very big maths problem but it produces around 285,000 electronic waste which speeds climate change up

    9. I agree with you because, yes AI is bad because it stops job opportunities for others in the sense that tasks that will otherwise need human labour or presence are being assigned to AI amongst many other things.
      More reasons are that they may produce electrical waste, while it helps us to solve our problems it harms the planet.

    10. I totally agree with you, Because if some people continue using AI they will become lazy. For example if you tell AI to help you with your homework and you keep on doing it you will get attracted to it.

    11. I agree because AI, can be used as a piece of technology to easily be depended on and that will crucially affect your critical thinking skills. And it is also very agreeable that if humans continue to slack off then robots will be easily taking over our roles as humans.

    12. For the fact AI is not sustainable and has an effect does not mean it is not beneficial to we humans. No don't get it wrong remember that AI has improved our level of productivity in so many aspects such as in health care which helps in carrying out surgeries and operations. mind you that AI has also minimize consistency of accident in our country through the use of Auto self driving cars which are also used by online business owners and so many other people ton deliver goods to a particular destination.
      Instead of totally condemning AI, I think we should better think of how to improve AI sustainability in other to save our planet and I don't think AI can take over human intelligence because we the humans created those machines so if we find any critical fault on them, is just as simple as shutting them down for correctional purposes. thank you.

    13. I agree with you because AI is very powerful and many people are getting more and more attracted to it everyday which gives it more chances to collect information about them which can lead to them getting replaced by robots.

    14. I disagree with your statement as I believe it will help advance our technology. AI as we know is not advanced enough to accomplish advanced tasks so it won’t halt thinking although it can also do monotonous tasks so people can do better jobs. People losing jobs to machines is not a new thing as people in the past always lost their jobs to new inventions.

      1. I personally believe that AI can be used today as a last resort but nowadays it is used as the backbone of society and is relied upon far too much. For example, many people find ways to use AI to do their homework or write an essay. In my opinion, I believe that it is used to much and as a first choice.

        1. I disagree with it being the backbone of society, it is still not advanced enough to uphold society. Although AI doing homework is a problem, it is also akin to say a parent helping you. That being said there are many ways to detect ai in homework especially with essays in higher education.

          1. I think you pose a good argument by saying it is similar to a parent helping you but on the other hand, normally a parent would help you figure it out not give you the answer. Also, if you use an AI, you wouldn't know how to achieve the answer. Also I think it is intelligent enough to uphold society as it downloads and learns loads of information every day which means in the coming years it will be able to things it definitely shouldn't.

  • I think AI is more good because, AI helps kids to research on their homework. AI is an intelligent app, it tells us when a flood is coming ,a volcano will erupt or when a house will blow up so the people could evacuate some where else to prevent loss of lives.
    We use AI in many different places for many different things.

    1. your ideals are very captivating because, coming to the aspect of lives already lost in this world as you said, the rate of people that die daily are strictly more than the birth rate in this world. so I think AI is more of good than bad. Not just the life aspect of it but also the material aspect. when it comes to businesses, a lot of people have lost their businesses that fetch them a lot of income due to the blow up of their business centers. so AI helps to tell the weather of the day helping individuals to decide on what to do next.

    2. I agree because AI help in all part of life it helps all kinddds of advisable profession and it will help to build a greater future.THANKS.

    3. I agree with your comment, practical_goji. I agree with that part that says that ai tells us when a flood is coming or when a volcano erupts. This is where Ai actually helps out because it is telling us to evacuate as soon as possible. I also agree that Ai helps kids to research on their homework this is because Ai has lots of answers and can explain to the kid what to do.

    4. How do you think AI can help with kids research for their homework, compared to books?

      1. AI can help kids research on their homework compared with books mainly because AI is faster that is it can check large amount of information while the amount of information checked using books can be slow and tiring. As long as you have internet connection you can use AI tools anywhere you are while you have to go to the library to get access to books when you are carrying out a research. When using books for a research, it is impossible to see videos but with AI, you can make use of text, pictures and videos as result the different needs of children will be met. AI tools can help meet the needs of children base on how they learn. Some children like watching videos, some like reading the words but I think it will be difficult to find a book that meets all the different needs that is in just one book.

    5. I disagree with you practical_goji because even though AI can do all of the stuff you named like help kids research on their homework you must also consider the many cons of one of those pros. For example one of the many cons for the subject of helping kids on their homework is with one search in Google it dispurses 0.2 grams of CO2, and the average person makes 4 searches on Google so that is 0.8 grams of CO2 that is released. Although it does not seem like a lot it adds up to the other 8.5 billion searches done a day, that is a lot of CO2.

    6. I partially agree with you because the artificial intelligence is programmed for multi-tasking like helping students generate questions from different topics, helps with research for assignments, helps with identifying complex diseases, and it also help with detecting pollution and predicting weather but on the other hand it can't help with some specifics in the hospital because it does not have feeling like humans. For the education many students largely depend on the Artificial Intelligence which stops them from thinking logically without any form of help.

    7. I agree with your comment, but at the same time AI which is helping students study can also be the reason for them to cheat. They can copy paste their work from AI without doing any struggle themselves. Also, all these tasks that AI is doing can be one of the major reason for unemployment. AI is basically doing the job of humans. What I think is that AI should only be used for researches or tasks that is too risky or not possible for humans, but AI is being used to complete the simplest jobs which is humans can do easily. We are relying on AI too much and to be honest, it is sad.

    8. I strongly agree with your opinion practical goji because AI can help kids with their homework, and it will also give us the meaning of the unknow word, and tell you the weather tomorrow if it's going to be a tornado storm so you can evacuate and you will be safe.

  • I agree because AI is used in almost all the fields and can be really useful in very important professions like doctor, scientist etc .

    1. Thank you for sharing your opinion @polite_chemistry! Why do you think AI could be useful for doctors and scientists?

      Alternatively, do you think there is the potential for AI to have a negative impact on these professions?

  • In my opinion ,being a responsible citizen I should be aware the cause of AI and for using it at a regular basis as a student I should also know the precautions for the same. No doubt AI involves a large contribution in development of this world but also AI is diminishing critical thinking skills of the user , creating job displacement, biasness in AI algorithm, developing issues of privacy concerns and contributing in waste production. For example - these various causes and precautions of AI can't be imagined by a 8 year child who is now becoming a regular user of AI. This is responsibility of both user and developer to help the AI to be fully sustainable. At the end I claim that AI is a tool , the choice about how it gets deployed is ours.

    1. I agree because sometimes we use AI without even realising and we need to become responsible for that. It isn’t right that everyone is just using it and not even realising the damage it does. The consequences are awful and soon we will end up destroying our Earth. Then the people that didn’t use much AI or babies that have never used AI will have to suffer as well.

      1. I agree with you gentle_avocado, because even though ai is useful in our daily lives, it still has disadvantages. so we should minimize the way we use it so as to prevent misusing it and causing danger to our planet. Humans should be responsible on how they use ai or we would all face the consequences including the guilty and the innocent. THANKS

    2. I agree because AI is impactful for everyone who uses it. I feel as if we should all understand the causes that AI can have when we are using it. With the growing years and AI getting more powerful by the second, I agree with you when there is a responsibility for both the person who is using the AI and the person who created the AI. As a student, AI is far more utilized for homework and assignments, I feel like we all should understand the causes and effects that AI can have.

  • AI is an impactful tool that has benefited several sectors in my country, India. Like during the times of Covid- 19 there were AI based apps , which helped to be aware about the cases and health. In agriculture it helps to predict the weather , which is very crucial for farmers. It has also helped students in the education field making it very sustainable. However there are some problems like energy consumption, which can be solved by using renewable energy in areas where AI is used.

  • I stand to say that AI is sustainable, the reason being that, AI help people a lot in finding their problem, and also the solution of the problem. for example, one will be given an assignment which will be needing the help of AI, he or she can easily do the assignment through the help of AI without wasting much of his or her time.

  • AI is one of the good predictors of diseases and environmental changes. It helps a human in solving the problems and helps doctors during operations. However, AI must be used carefully. If not treated cautiously, AI may sometimes cause wrong information while in surgeries, and it could hurt people if not treated cautiously.

    For instance, AI surgical robots help doctors to perform the most precise surgeries. However, if the AI misinterprets data—like identifying the wrong organ or area to operate on—it could lead to serious complications. This is why doctors must carefully monitor and double-check AI decisions during surgeries to ensure patient safety.

  • i think AI can be useful in our daily lives but we should reduce the use of it because student are misusing it like to cheat in examinations, to do assignments that are easy to work out . The main problems are the waste burn because of this AI batteries the are not easy to renew

    1. At first i didn't realize this,AI is doing both good and bad but it is doing more good for example,when an assignment is been given it makes it easier to work on,it actually helpful in many ways but at the other hand,it makes people not to be able think properly without the use of AI. Also, students use it to visit other website to search about irrelevant things instead of studying or working on their assignment,the misuse and abuse of AI spoils young minds. I believe that AI is sustainable if we stop the misuse and abuse of it

    2. Can you think of some other problems that result from overuse of AI?

  • I strongly believe that AI has more goods that its bad effect because the number one priority of humans is to protect the earth and AI has been equipped in such a way that they can help us in carring out this task perfectly, and efficiently. even though AI has some bad effects like reducing the rate of human critical thinking, at same time it helps human in many ways like coming up with easier and faster ways of responding to natural disaster and fighting agiainst climate changes.
    We use AI for many other things that benefits humans instance, recycling, with the help of recycling machines, we can now recycle waste products without discarding of waste indiscriminately which is now helping in keeping our environments clean.
    due to all these good works of AI, i strongly beleive that AI is doing more good than bad and i think with AI, we can be able to make the world a better place for all of us.

  • Instead of emphasizing AI performing negatively, we should acknowledge that people misuse AI. AI can be used for analysis', problem-solving, and decision-making, leading to the usage of it for many occasions and situations. However, students have been overusing AI, often using it for homework, projects, classwork, and tests. The usage of AI for school and education leads to lack of knowledge on certain topics, which gives AI a bad reputation. In addition, people often use AI to do their work when they're lazy or do not understand the topic, which shows the overuse of AI in the world. In conclusion, instead of viewing AI as negative, we should acknowledge the ways we are using AI, and come back to whether or not AI is truly as negative as we make it seem.

    1. I totally agree .We should not devote so much time on considering the disadvantages 0f AI, we should rather pay attenti0n to the benefits it has availed us and work to see how much of an impact it can add to our everyday life. Online business owners can be helped by AI to monitor current market trends. In addition AI can be used to design eco- friendly products such as AI designed solar panels with optimized energy absorption and heat dissipation. won't it be great if in the near future children can actually interact with their toys with the help of AI? If this can be achieved I will have more fun with my toys

    2. I strongly agree with you. people and mainly students over rely on AI for their work. because of this the students cant think for themselves independently. if this continues the power of thinking, creativity, decision making and problem solving skills of children will be decreased and they'll always depend upon someone for a opinion or a decision they have to make . in this generation with the growth of AI everybody should know the limit of using AI and use it fruitfully.

  • I don't think AI is sustainable because due to technological advancement and the build of AI so many problems have been caused to the world both in educational sectors and workplaces. In the educational sector AI has made some students and lazy, now when student are give an assignment they go to chat GPT to do the assignment which weakens the educational sector. In some schools in Nigeria a teacher writes note on the white board while the student copies, this is a very good way of learn but due to AI student now have tablets and laptops where they can view notes which makes a student lazy . In workplaces AI has replaced worker in their workplaces which render people unemployed and increase poverty rate in the world. Therefore, I strongly believe AI is not sustainable and have cause great harm to the world.

    1. I don't fully agree with you quick_lemon where you said that ai is not sustainable. we should not jump into conclusions that ai is doing more harm than good without considering the positive effects. AI makes students lazy depending on how they use it. All blames should not be centered on AI because we humans are the ones that misuse it. ignoring the negative effects, AI has been sustainable in the aspect that it has been useful to scientists by aiding them in predicting natural disasters, climate change and providing immediate solutions to them. it is useful to online shop owners by helping in the quick and easy delivery of goods to their customers. in hospitals today, ai machines are used to diagnose patients and detect illnesses. there are so many aspects where ai has been useful, so I believe that ai is a sustainable option. THANKS.

      1. I totally agree with you, open_wildcat! AI is like a super cool tool, and when we use it right, it’s amazing. Sure, some people might misuse it, like when someone uses a hammer to hit the wrong thing, but that doesn’t mean the hammer is bad, right? AI is like a superhero with tons of powers. It helps doctors spot illnesses before we even know something’s wrong—like having a magic mirror that can see inside our bodies. And it helps predict natural disasters, like storms and earthquakes, so people can stay safe. That’s pretty mind-blowing, like having a crystal ball that saves lives!

        AI also makes shopping easier, like a robot that delivers packages to your doorstep faster than a speeding bullet! It’s making our lives smoother, just like a well-oiled machine. And don’t forget how it helps scientists solve big problems, like saving the planet from climate change. AI’s like a secret weapon that’s fighting for a better future. It even helps in schools by making learning easier for students, guiding them like a personal tutor. AI is helping students and teachers work smarter, not harder, and it’s like having a superpower that lets you learn faster!

        The most amazing part is that AI never gets tired. It’s like a tireless worker, always ready to help us solve problems, big or small. So, when used the right way, AI is an unstoppable force for good. It’s definitely sustainable, and I believe it will keep making life better for everyone! Don’t you think that, with the right guidance, we could make AI work even better for us in the future?

        1. You seem quite enthusiastic about AI, modest_wildcat -- but what makes you say "it's definitely sustainable"? There are a lot of considerations surrounding that point...

    2. While I understand your concerns , I respectfully disagree to your point quick_lemon that AI is entirely harmful or unsustainable .In the education sector AI can help students to understand difficult concepts and provide some support in learning. It is not the technology , it is the students how they use it. Operating AI can be taught at school so that it is used responsibly and improves their learning . In the work places , it has created new opportunities in the field like technology . AI also helps in solving problems like improving health , reducing resource wastage in agriculture. Instead of replacing humans , AI helps them to be more creative and focus towards their work. If AI is used properly , it has the ability to make our world more efficient and sustainable.

    3. I disagree because people use AI everyday. Quick lemon I am sure that you use AI to in some of your school work. You are only see the negative part not the positive part. AI is needed in the educational sector because most use chat GPT to form notes for their students and also student use AI to do their assignment. You said AI has started replacing workers in work spaces yes I know but AI they don't have emotions. AI can replace some but not all of them. Therefore I strongly disagree with you that AI is not sustainable and have cause great harm.

  • I think it is good and at the same time bad, because it has its positive and negative impact to humans. for example AI helps students in school but students take advantage of it by living all the work for it do AI is meant to help students to explain their assignment but students rather give the assignment to the AI to do the whole assignment thereby making the student lazy which means the AI has created a negative impact in the society but in the other hand every thing that has an advantage has a disadvantage which means you can not just conclude that AI only has a negative impact to the society. In hospitals today doctors use AI for check up and test which has reduced the stress in hospitals and in football AI is used in VAR ( Visual assitant refree ) with out the use of VAR the game will not be fair because it is not all everything that humanbeings can see, to summarize i will say that AI is not bad and not good at the same time cause it reduces the human thinking ability. Thank you

    1. Is AI being used in any other sports? How do you think it can help individual athletes or teams prepare?

  • In my own point of reasoning, I think AI is bad because, it only reduces both children and most adults like teachers i.e in schools level of thinking and their critical reasoning skills, because with AI especially in schools you would find out that students continue to use AI and with time teachers begin to complain that students are getting dull.
    My second opinion Ai makes people lazy in a school setting it would not make students to sit down and think of their assignments because they will always see AI as a second revenue for them which makes them lazy.

    1. I respect your own point of view but I don't fully agree with you because ai can be used to develop and acquire important skills. for example ai can be used to learn how to cook, sing, dance, sew, decorate and so on. and also, ai makes a student lazy depending on how they use it. a student can use ai to research on new words and also do difficult assignments. I believe with ai students can learn how to think creatively and improve their knowledge. THANKS.

      1. I agree because Ai actually makes people lazy because nowadays human beings see AI as a second revenue to them, the don`t use their brain any longer because they believe AI is always there for them.
        I also disagree with you because Ai does not make students lazy, it is actually students that makes themselves lazy by misusing AI.
        What do I mean by students misusing AI?
        In my own perspective students of this generation no longer rack their brain and think outside the box because they believe that AI is always there for them and will continuously be doing their tasks or assignments for them.
        Thanks for your listening ears

  • For me I believe that the more we keep giving AI a chance that the more we give and make problems for our self firstly we need to think about humanity first the ray of the sun is up to a 100 degree and that is able to cause a serious case of skin canser so I Believe that AI causes more harm thank you

    1. What problems do you think can arise from overuse of AI?

      1. Although AI may not have a series of issues. But there is one issue or thing about Ai that causes harm like a million issues and that is the excessive emission of carbon into the atmosphere by the AI machines although it may sound some what harmless,it really packs a "punch".Because once the ozone layer is down , a lot of problems will arise.

      2. I think overuse of Al can cause isolation or loneliness because for example if everyone becomes more dependent on Al like social media, there will be less of socialization/communication in person as well as this I believe there would be less dedication in education and works as they (Al) could do it for us and eventually people will start to misuse it. I agree that it helps us and reduces works but it can also take over some jobs and can leave the employers unemployed which can later cause tensions between the population and the government.

      3. I think that overuse of AI without a education on it will cause a overconsuption of this technologie. That cause a big waste of energie and so a very bad impact for the environment on an earthly scale.

  • AI is currently used in many field for different purposes but, is not sustainable yet because of the harms it will cause in the few years ahead, so we need to reduce the use of AI in some fields where there are not so vital like, students using them consistently for assignments, because it makes them very lazy and feel reluctant in searching for answers to assignment using the library, it also need to be pulled out in the aspect of using chart GPT for student in examinations, cause it gives them room for malpractice.

    1. I think your points are really good because some set of lazy students have really depended on the AI helping them during the examinations instead of reading in preparation for their exams. this has really reduced the thinking faculty of students. they are supposed to be original in every aspect of their academics. The news about examination malpractice in different centers is becoming the problem of the state involved in the act. so I strongly support the motion that says that chart GPT be removed from the students field of studies.

  • in my own perspective, everything that has an advantage also has a disadvantage. Ai has been useful in many fields of life yet it still has its own disadvantages because of the way we humans use it. in the medical fields, it is used by scientist to predict illnesses, climate changes, natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tornado etc. and also provide solutions to them. in the educational sector, ai aids teaching and learning in the classrooms. it helps teachers to create lesson notes on specific topics and also enables students do their homework and assignments with detailed answers to their questions. ai is used in businesses to keep accurate records of sales, transactions and purchases in organizations. it has been very useful in our daily lives. To surmmarize my points i would say that ai has done more good than harm to the world.

  • AI is doing good because it assists in things like informing on when its going to rain (climate change

    1. I agree with you that AI assists in passing on information but I also believe that AI is a great tool and can be used in good and bad ways. However it all depends on how it is developed, what purposed it is developed for and most importantly how it is used. When AI is programmed for more repeating tasks, it frees up human workers to be more creative and strategic thereby leading to improved productivity in various industries like transportation, industrial and customer services. In Science and medicine for example using AI to evaluate scientific data might lead to new discoveries in these field. You will agree with me that as AI becomes more developed and though there is a likelihood that more people might lose their jobs and that this aspect of AI is seen as a negative, in a way it is also a positive as human will become more creative and diversify to other areas. AI might also be seen as unfair if they are set and trained on biased data, students in higher institutions if they relied heavily on AI might not do to well when they might be needed to use their initiatives.

  • I think that AI is good because it helps in our day to day activities and it has improved the world, Because AI today is used in various smart homes, hospitals, offices and schools etc. AI has been one of the most assistant technology in the world as we speak AI operates on probability even with the least amount and processing power.

    1. I disagree because AI can reduce the rate of job oppuritunity and as you said in hospitals, i donot disagree with you but if hospitals are more of AI dont you think that humans will have the lower hand in hospitals and AI those not have emotions but humans do which makes it easier for humans to interact with their doctors.

  • In my own understanding humans can rely live with out AI cause if we focus on the filed of agriculture we discover that agriculture is a better root. Let us go bake in time to the old days we see that the early me lived more healthier than us cause they used herbs not chemicals that why I believe that us humans can save the world with out AI and live with the one we have. Thank you

  • I personally would say AI is more harmful than we think. because if as in 2030 the amount of CO2 produced by AI centers will roughly equate to 40%of annual emission of the United states. what will then be the faith of the United states or even the world in a whole in 2050, due to the CO2 produced in AI centers but, if AI is not being in use during that time imagine the amount of less CO2 produced can help in protecting the United states. So I would say AI is more of bad than good.

  • AI has done more good than bad because it has helped in scientific research, it has helped in weather conditions, it has also helped in the prediction of natural disasters, it has helped in managing family homes and generally it has made our lives more better and simpler, reducing works or loads for example in big organizations I think that most of the equipment that are being used there are AI machines which makes work easy for them and for us. If there were no AI machines in those organizations imagine how hard their work might have been for them in those organizations. Even if AI is causing more carbon emissions I think we should all agree that AI has helped us a lot in our daily lives, and in our day to day activities. Now AI has also now been developed to our homes making it smart and comfortable for us.

  • i do think AI is sustainable is that in my own choice i did choice AI for it doses more harm than good without AI there will be no doctors or science we all won't like to be back to he old age where things were hard without AI if you see a volcano there might all say is tower of fire,No rain the gods are angry for us is fire and drought if i too vote i can't stay without AI no phones it will be misreable for me. no drugs just herbs it possibly be good not just for me but for everyone.

  • In my own words ,I think that AI should be able to be sustainable .My reason is that about 90% of the world uses AI for things like; Manifactuering ,reaching ,clothing ,e.t.c. It is also used in places like; hospital , home , school , e.t.c. In the few pointes of mine I hope to be able to convince you on how AI should be able to be sustainable in the society.

  • In my first comment I talk about sustainability for AI and I do not think AI is that sustainable because of the way people use it. I do not think AI is bad because it helps some doctors to detect some sickness and scientist to discover more things about new things which can help in improvement of that some countries. I also think that it is useful in because it thinks like humans and act like us humans.


  • Another reason I say that AI is sustainable is that, at bank place, there are a lot of work, which human being can not do on their own, which will be needing the help of AI for the work to be done. for example, in the now, many works such as sending or transfer and withdrawing of money which human being can not do on their own using their hands, or if they try to do so, it will take much more time before the sending will be done, AI dose and makes all these faster an accuracy at the blink of eye without wasting much time. Another example is, in the bank, AI can easily help in keeping the money which is being deposited more save than human being. This is because, if the money should be keep with human being, there will be a lot of risk, such as criminal attack and so may other things.

  • While we all are talking about how the use of ai has led to the depletion of the ozone layer and global warming, we should also note that the use of chlorofluorocarbons in making refrigerators and air conditioners also contribute to it. So to reduce the rate of global warming, scientist should stop the use of chlorofluorocarbons in make these machines. we as responsible citizens has the role of disposing old refrigerators in our homes

  • AI is doing more bad, yes it helps to identify weather(climate change),but lately people misuse AI for example, some students use the AI to visit website and view what is above ones age

    1. Can you think of some other misuse's of AI?

      1. actually, i was not done with the comment before i sent it by mistake

      2. I agree because the AI is very recent (chat GPT have been releasing in 2022) and evolve very quickly. So in school the Ai is not teach and people (with a few exeption) don't really know it. This is why today some other misuse's AI, as much as for good as bad.

    2. Although your comment is thoughtful, I respectfully disagree with your point of view. Students do not need access to AI in order to view inappropriate websites. However, AI has more benefits for societal growth than reasons to prevent its usage. For example, many children and adults with disabilities are already benefiting from Artificial Intelligence technology (AI). Did you know that individuals with visual impairments are able to “read” books because of text to speech technology which is generated by AI? This accommodation leads to individuals' ability to strengthen their vocabulary and knowledge base. Now, higher education is obtainable, and more careers are becoming available for the visually impaired.

      Additionally, AI is a valuable tool for teachers and students. Oftentimes, students are required to write essays, but may have writer’s block. With the assistance of AI, these individuals are able to gather ideas so that they can complete their assignments. Teachers have the capability to check for plagiarism with AI-generated sites such as Grammarly as well as the program utilized to check our Topical Talk student responses. Therefore, the process of teaching and learning has a check and balance all due to Artificial Intelligence.

      1. You give some really interesting examples of some of the benefits of AI, @glorious_parrot, particularly with regards to those with disabilities.

        Can you think of some reasons why some teachers may still be apprehensive about their students using AI to write their essays, even though plagiarism checkers are available?

  • I think AI is doing more bad as it’s affecting climate change in a negative way. I think this as I believe it’s a waste of energy and emissions. It’s realising green house gases uncontrollably. That is why I think AI is doing more bad

  • I disagree because if AI was so great then AI should be able to solve are problems with climate change but instead it releases tonnes of terrible emissions and destroys the world

  • I think AI is doing more bad because every time someone uses AI little bits of energy enters the atmosphere and makes the earth hotter helping climate change win and take over and I just think that is not good and we need to find solutions to solve this mess

    1. What do you think are some solutions to this problem?

  • In my opinion AI is causing more issues in society even though it is generating ideas to solve world wide problems but we can't deny the fact that it is adding to the problems in society. So why not we stop the use of AI so we can figure out problems ourselves. I'm sure you know AI means artificial intelligence and it is programed by humans using human intelligence, then what is the use of AI if we can use our imagination, skill, and intelligence to solve problems for ourselves? I know it will take longer for humans to solve issues and with AI a shorter time but it produces a lot of E - waste. If we stop the use of AI, will it make any change in the time it takes to solve problems?

  • In my opinion AI can be helpful but has bad effects on the global temperature and overall health of the world . The amount of carbon emissions produced by just teaching artificial intelligence is catastrophic . In conclusion the amount of good that AI is doing can not even compare to the amount of bad it has on our planet.

    1. How do you think we can solve the 'bad' it is doing to the planet?

  • I think AI is good because it helps in business and tells you if something goes wrong in your workplace. Also, they tell
    if you have a loss or gain. For example, a farmer may need AI to keep track of how plants are growing. If the animal is sick the farmer gets to know and which drugs to give them.

    1. Can you think of some other examples of how AI can be used in the workplace?

      1. scientist
        a big online shop

        thank you

      2. I think jobs that need AI are scientist because the need it to spot what is going on like a fire they will help them run some test and banker the need AI to tell if some one is sealing

      3. I think jobs that need AI are scientist because the need it to spot what is going on like a fire they will help them run some test and banker the need AI to tell if some one is sealing

  • I think that AI isn’t sustainable because yes it can help jobs like being a doctor it can help by diagnosing the patient and give instructions on what to do for new workers like for example the right medicine they need it can also help Forest rangers for drones to help injured people and people cutting down trees illegally but it can also be dangerous by taking 50% of energy at the area of use it will use a lot of resources ,water, minerals.

  • I believe that AI is good and bad because it can be very useful but it also destroys our planet and it is our responsibility to look after our planet for future generations to enjoy. Some people say they really need to use AI but we have survived for ages without AI so why wouldn’t we be able to survive now? What is the point in using AI to make progress if we are running our world! Soon we will run out of resources and it will be very hard to live. Do we really want that to happen all for a little help to give us more time? In my opinion we are being lazy. We could do all of this for ourselves but instead we are destroying our innocent world so that something else can do it for us!!! I also think that AI could be a good idea because AI is so clever that it could create a solution for climate change. Would it be worth putting our planet at risk in the chance we could find a solution though? What if we didn’t find a solution and we had still ruined earth? I care very deeply about the environment and I really don’t think it is fair that we are destroying earth because some people who haven’t hurt the earth still get punished for it. Like if a country is producing more emissions than another countries and then the other country gets flooded. AI could increase the impact of this on other people and countries that don’t deserve it! I think we should reduce AI’s usage until we can find an environmentally friendly way to use it.

  • Ai is useful because it will save lives because doctors use it.

    1. Hi @respectful_keyboard - can you tell me how doctors use AI?

  • Ai is not effecting us but it might come because it is going worldwide so let’s hope it doesn’t ruin our lives

  • I think AI is doing more bad because it is highly unsustainable and doing damage to the world. It uses lots of electricity that comes from the ground, slowly destructing our planet. If AI continues like this, then our world and its people won’t be environmentally friendly. You can argue that it comes up with solutions to stop this, but commenting that uses unsustainable products and thus cannot go on.

  • I think AI is not sustainable as it is doing damage to the world and it may help doctors and scientists but it is not helping us learn anything. You may disagree but it can be harmful to the environment and our lives

  • I think Ai is more bad because it is highly unsustainable and doing damage to our environment. It using lots of electricity that comes from the ground, slowly destroying our planet destroy all our trees and destroying our houses , cities and all the animals around the world someone needs to stop this! This is not ok and if I could I would put a stop to this

  • AI is a tool that is used in every single field. It has taken our country's progress to next level.From a farmer to a scientist all use AI for making their task easy. Farmer uses it for money saving , use of fertilisers and different methods. Children use for their educational purposes and many more but AI can be used when necessary. At the end I would add that AI is necessary but every thing has its disadvantages too hence we should use AI while keeping the disadvantages in our mind.

  • I think it’s a bad idea because if one produces 285,000 carbon dioxide would be like if there were millions of them

  • I think that the artificial intelligence is doing more bad than good, although it helps the world in so many ways, from farmers to scientists, it is also one of the reasons that climate change is increasing day by day, with the information that I have gotten from one of the other topical talk festivals, I have learnt that if we do not stop or try to reduce climate change, we will eventually catch up with the consequences which would not be good, so that is why we need to resolve the problem of climate change and what I think is that:
    Another reason is that, AI was created by humans brains and thinking to make life and work simpler, but some of the people of nowadays abuse it and make their minds dull and inactive, with this being the situation , who will evolve the AI and make it better and more effective by the passing hours?
    In conclusion, I say the more we use and evolve AI, the faster climate change is and that will definitely not end up good. Also, we as humans do not need to rely solemnly on AI but on our brains too which will definitely be what we use to think more and make the AI a better bot and human help to all.

  • I believe that AI is a term or rather a usage which can be stated neither good nor bad, through my perspective it can be termed both but on certain situations. For example let's talk about a 3rd grade student having a phone in his hand not knowing what to do but using it for his part time, that can be stated the BAD side of AI, not only this, we see the bad or rough side of AI in many situations, for general when it is used in wrong deeds, but when software developers or experts use AI for their project's benefit it can be stated as the GOOD use of AI, when a child in high school uses electronics to submit his or her project or for other reasonable work that can also be termed as the good side of AI. AI hence has the potential for being stated as both Good and Bad based on the conditions in front of us, AI is majorly providing us with productivity, it is being used for various tasks like finding medicines, knowing about weather so it is basically helping us with a quality of life, but at the same time due to these aspects many people are not able to get jobs because AI is replacing them and there still are many websites who have a high risk in security and hence cannot be trusted. Concluding my thoughts here, I would like to end this comment with a line said by Timnit Gebru, ''AI has the potential to either be used for the good of humanity or be misused in ways that harm people. It's important to make sure we're using it ethically."


  • In my perspective, AI is both helpful and harmful and it’s hard to say if it’s more bad or more good. On the good side, ai helps us solve problems faster than we can, it helps doctors figure out illnesses quickly, predicts natural disasters, and even helps in fighting climate change. These are things that makes life easier and better for everyone
    But on the other side ai is not very eco friendly. The data centers that run AI use a lot of energy and they release a lot of corbon dioxide. By 2030 the pollution from ai could be as much as 40% of what the U.S produces in a year as mentioned above. That’s a big problem for the environment. Another big problem is if humans rely on AI for every single thing, humans might get replaced by ai in the future.

    So, in my perspective AI has the potential to improve our lives, we need to find ways to make it more sustainable and we should use it properly. Only then can we say it’s doing more good than bad.
    Thank you :)

  • AI is a machine built through human intelligence. However, it's good or bad impact depends entirely on us. We should use AI only when necessary, especially when we cannot find a practical solution in reality. For example, as students, we can ask our math teacher how to solve a problem instead of immediately turning to ChatGPT for answers. There are numerous similar examples around us. This approach saves energy and encourages humans to rely less frequently on AI, thus maintaining a balance between its good and bad aspects.

  • I think thatAI has made an impact on climate change in both a positive and negative way . AI requires a lot of information that comes from big computers , which makes a lot of carbon dioxide that pollutes the environment. In a positive way, AI helps us prepare for climate change by predicting the weather.

  • AI is neither completely good or bad. It has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the good parts of AI include Impacting knowledge and saving lives but the bad parts include climate change and laziness. The main problem however is it's unsustainability. In my opinion, AI uses should be limited to people who really need it like scientists and doctors which will still enable us to advance scientifically and save our world.

  • I am convinced that AI is bad for many reasons. AI has probably helped each student worldwide get answers easily, but this is ruining kids' minds. This is because students will be losing their power of critical thinking and reasoning since they are only getting answers, but kids are not understanding what they are being taught in school. AI will later in the future be taking away people's work and jobs considering that many people are using robots and machines to do their work. An example of this problem is in restaurants, this is because many servers and waitresses are being replaced by robots that come to your table and bring either your food or drinks. This is a major problem for society since there will be less jobs and less people earning their money.

  • Yeah I is doing more good than harm as it improves health Care education and productivity. However it's negative impact such as job displacement and bias. Cannot be ignored two maximize AI is benefits is crucial to develop and deploy it responsibly. By doing so we can ensure AI drives positive change and minimizes harm.

  • well AI makes me really think about it is it really sustainable but it made me come to a decision i really do not think it is sustainable because it is bad for our enviroment it is holding us children from interacting also known as socializing with one another some things on devices are inappropiate and sometimes you copy what is on there you can get scammed and i just do not think it is sustainable

  • Well generally,I think Ai is a force of good.However most of it depends on what we are are seeing through it.It can corrupt our mind negatively or positively which might cause differences in our moods and personalities and affect our mental health.
    But Mostly,AI can be very helpful in learning new things everyday and can be used as a important source of knowledge.

  • I think AI is sustainable because we use it everyday and it helps scientists in their profession to detect climate change which makes us aware of what we are doing to our planet Earth.But in Tokyo they have AI waiters and this makes people less social around places , like Gemini on Google it makes people less aware of our surroundings talking to AI like a person.It’s gone too far now it should only be used by specialists not normal people browsing for fun.

  • AI is doing good and at the same time doing bad.
    How is AI doing good,To my own knowledge AI has helped those without hands and legs to do their house chores, It has also helped our current scientists and pilots in knowing the weather's condition.
    However talking about the bad side of AI I would confidently say that it has really impacted negative thoughts on the children of nowadays.
    A smartphone is an example of AI, social media was established through AI, if you give a child of 10-18 years a smartphone what do you expect from the child to start playing educational games on the smartphone,yes he /she might have an educational games on the phone but I bet you,that child will spend 5%of his Time on his book and 95% of his Time on either games, TikTok, Instagram,and even Facebook.
    At times this comes from parents who would leave their children with All kinds of maids and get them smartphones, don't you think that the child could feel bored at home and maybe decides too watch television and goes to watch sexy films maybe ends up destroying his or her Bright future this would be a very big problem.
    In conclusion AI has a good and bad side but the bad side is more harmful than the good side thanks.

  • I think Al can make a big benefit in our lives as it does give us lots of information in a rapid amount of time. But if humans use it in there everyday life many litres of water can be used just to cool down the ai system which would put to wast lots of water for people who need it. So l think that ai is not needed in our life as it could affect with law, unemployment and many more.Al is just like google and safari just artificial intelligence has a few upgrades to the classic web that you use in your day to day basis, so l personally think that it’s just not nessasary to use ai as Google or safari work the same way and don’t have a impact on climate change.

  • After thinking for quite some time, i've decided that AI does more bad than good. But I'm still not fully sure. I have chosen this option, because I believe that AI is the cause for various bad things that happen. Some of which are: students relying on it and not actually working, therefore not learning anything; the environment being damaged and polluted because of the excessive use of this source, the possibility that data is being taken and privacy being unprotected, and many more. Despite this, AI can be a really useful tool if used carefully and correctly. Artificial intelligence is also used to make the world a better place and, if used in the right hands, it can be one of the most convenient device we have known about. So, I am still not sure about how I feel about this question, but what I do know is that AI is a very powerful tool which may be used to do bad or good depending on the person's intentions and we should all use it in a correct way to improve the world in many ways.

  • From my point of view, I think has and will have negative impacts all over the world. Apart from not being sustainable, which I don't think it is the biggest problem with it, AI seems to be threaten thousands of jobs all over the world. To a name a few examples: most of the people who live from the creative industry (graphic designers, musicians, software developers, video games developers, architects), data analysts, accountants, some finance jobs, people who work at retail shops or most of the costumer-facing workers. For example, in my country, people who work in the creative sector already faced low wages and constant unemployment, but now their situation could get even worse as they are being replaced by AI as it is cheaper than paying a real person to do it. Moreover, the use of AI in schools and universities by students for cheating is increasing. Imaging a medicine student always cheating AI and passing exams with the bare minimum, how can we be sure that he is actually prepared to do such important job. Now imaging, this student becomes a family doctor and he uses AI for every patient's case. The AI could make errors and the doctor could not have the knowledge to detect it. Still, I think AI could be beneficial for humanity (for farmers or scientists, as it may be used for predicting natural disasters or other events) but we shouldn't rely to much on it.

  • I think AI is doing more bad than good. More and more people use it almost every day. One of the reasons I don't like the idea of AI it's because it is harmful for the environment. We talked about it in class and agreed that it is causing damage to our planet. AI can lead to lack of creativity. I believe that because of AI and technology in general, we are less creative because everything is served for us. In future there won't be any book or painting that was made by human. In my opinion we are going to be lazy because of AI. AI can also replace us in the future. Many people can lose their jobs because of robots. I think that is really bad because we are taught we can't live without other human beings. Safety is also big problem. AI sites can easily take our data and misuse it. When we were discussing about AI and it's bad and good consequences I was thinking that I would be on the side "for AI" because it can be helpful. But after the discussion and learning about AI's negative sides I changed my mind. I'm not against AI, but we don't really need it to live normally.

  • I think AI is NOT sustainable because they can take over the world and just because doctors are using it does not mean it’s a stable system.Also companies who are making these are gaining more and more money due to this they are quite expensive to produce yet you have others are living on the streets with nothing to support them yet others are making millions of pounds for example Elon musk one of the richest people in the world and he is making Teslas while and thousands a week while you others who can’t eat every day and others in luxury every day.

    1. I respect your point of view but I think this is one way of looking at AI on The other hand AI has made our lives easy. I agree that due to AI many people have lost there jobs but many more have also got new jobs in the making and Construction of AI systems and machines not only this but AI is sometimes faster and more helpful for performing various tasks .no doubt the technology is very expensive in current situation but I believe that it will become cheaper with time due to its increasing.
      production. For example when cars were first produced they were very expensive but grading with time they have become affordable.

  • I think that AI is doing more bad than good. To start using AI daily is very bad for us as it just makes us stop doing the thinking and the learning, but mostly it damages the environment very badly. Yes, it will make our life easier especially for doctors. With AI, you can do things which really save time. For example: an interviewer for a job wants to really look and talk to the person they are interviewing, but they have to take notes. The solution for this is for AI to note down every word that the interviewee are saying and so the interviewer can have a good talk with the respondent.

    But all this AI lets out a lot of carbon emissions and then we create green house gases (which just speeds up climate change) and our lives become even more tougher. Everyone who thinks that a car lets out a lot of fuel and bad gas, AI uses five times as much. We should focus more on saving the environment and less on AI if it damages the climate. That is my opinion.

  • Overall probably more good because there are people spreading news to warn us to always do good things, but there are a lot of bad things going on like causing climate change burning down trees and ETC, but lots of people are trying stop the bad from happening and AI is helping us a lot with helping the world to make it a better place.

  • I think AI is sustainable because if like a forest rangers for example had all died non of us would be here because they use AI to do there stuff like protecting the trees so if they weren’t here every one would chop down the tree and we need trees to live so if there were non left we wouldn’t be here because we will die with no trees because the trees move oxygen so we can breve so yeah we need AI

  • In my opinion AI can rather be seen as an oppurtunity for humanity because AI can learn and is still learning faster than a human being. Some might say that AI can and will be the replacement of humans but it will never be able to do some things that humans can do such as building a house or feel any emotions. I mean yes AI is constantly used to purposfully cheat on ones work but still, AI can be optimised to lower the amount of such events or even completely prevent them. Even though it takes much effort to keep an AI system running, I think it is worth it because AI is a very useful tool to help society with many different problems they face on a daily basis.

  • I Think AI is more bad. the AI we use is not the odder laptops, phones and tapes it's an artificial intelligence it may all seem amusing but it also contributes to the things that is harmful to the earth
    we use AI in our every day life from robots to self-drive cars from that we also have AI TVs. for this to work it requires a lot of electricity to power them and if it over heats it might and could get bad and we throw it away when you do that it can be very harmful cause the things they use some are chemicals so it makes the soil bad and the worms won't be able to make the soil fatal and when the soil isn't good we can't farm .

  • I think AI is very sustainable because it has helped lots of things like the environment, where robots can help waste reduction and make it into useable products like : table mats, bags, jewellery, phone cases and funiture. These are all important methods of making and is also very helpful for our planet. We can all play a part in it if we all work together.

    1. You make some good points about how useful AI can be but have you also considered the negative environmental impact of training AI models? How should this be balanced against all the positives?

    2. You make some good points about how useful AI can be but have you also considered the negative environmental impact of training AI models? How should this be balanced against all the positives?

  • artificial intelligence is good and bad at the same time , because people these days buys AI devices and use it for a while and throws it away any how just like our trash. AI is good because of how much it helps with transportation ,it makes work faster and easier .
    AI is not bad or good by itself. if we use it carefully and for good things, it can help make life better! BUT WE AISO NEED TO BE CAREFUL SO IT DOSEN'T CAUSE PROBLEMS.

  • AI: more good than bad! While AI can be a bit of a trouble maker, spreading fake news and making mistakes. Its good sides shines brighter!! AI helps doctors find cure for diseases, assist people with disabilities and makes our life with easier and smarter solutions.

  • I think it's more bad becuse ai is unstable . Before judge me let me explain .In the near future ai can also distroy the world. 40% might look like nothing now but that 40% persent will turn into 50% then 60%70%90% then finally 100% but you won't know that why because people would be blinded by how much time it saves and efficient it is that they wouldn't care even if you tell them that ai is bad .

  • Artificial Intelligence is bad for the planet as it uses lots of water from the planet that could be used somewhere needed and it’s got lots of harmful environmental impacts.On the other side,
    Artificial Intelligence is good for the planet as it can help humans to write a story, mail, message .etc, in a very short period of time. AI can also help with human errors in life and
    on digital items. So l think ai is bad for the planet as it can cause many effects to the world that we don’t need like not having to use our creativity and the loss of water.

    1. I respect your point of view but I think even without AI we can write stories and communicate with others. AI has stopped us from thinking as we think just a click on the mobile phones and we get the complete matter but we have the human ability to think and to find answers to the questions going on in our mind.

  • I think Ai is more bad because it is using lots of energy and ruining our planet so I think it is more bad also I think is bad because some of this why deforestation is happening

  • I think AI is doing more good because even though he pollutes it still helps a lot of people and in the future when he will be more advanced and knew a lot more it will help the Earth so much more . As he will find the best solutions on how to stop climate change, how to pollute as little as possible or how to reduce waste.
    Now, the AI isn't very advance, but for example quantum chips have started to be created which will later be put in the AI. Quantum chips allows you to think about all the solutions simultaneous and then to find the best solution. When AI will have these chips he will be very advanced and be able to find the best solution for Earth to become clean.
    So, even though the AI pollutes now he will compensate in the future.

    1. I respectfully agree with your perspective about AI becoming more better but I can not help the fact to ask what do you think may happen to the world if AI should be more efficient and also more advance. Don't you think it might have, more cause to the problem of the increase in CO2 produced by AI centers? Just imagine for a moment what will become of the United states when AI will be used more and more that means if the amount of people who uses AI continue to increase in the amount they use AI which implies that it can increase the rate of CO2 produce in the AI centers that means the it can roughly equate to 45% of the CO2 produced by the AI centers as in 2030.
      so, I personally don't agree with the fact that it will compensate in the future but, rather secretly doing more damage than ever.

  • I think that AI is unsustainable because there is a lot of hacking and tiktok had to shut down in LA .

    1. Well done for making a link to another new story about tiktok. Maybe this is a news story you could suggest a discussion on in our "suggest a discussion" post!

  • I can say we simply cannot state if AI is doing more good or more bad, as it us ,the humans who use it . That is why it depends on us to use it wisely or waste resources. Because good use of AI can make us more skillful and brilliant whereas bad use of it can make us lazy and depended. Well if we see current situation then AI is being used in a bad way which is "more bad" for the environment and ourselves too . But we humans with the right understanding can change AI for being "more bad" to "more good".

  • I think it’s good because AI could change the future

    1. Can you think of three ways that AI could change the future?

  • I think AI is good and bad for businesses because it is very useful and helps others to stay organised, run the company and buy things online but it could also backfire. I think this because AI must make mistakes just like humans. Many companies rely on AI but what if it suddenly got banned or made a big mistake that put them out of business? If we keep creating more AI and robots then they will take over our world and jobs. Let’s say they swapped teachers for AI. All the teachers would loose their jobs and not have the money to feed their families. AI has no emotion as well and you need that from a teacher because it helps you understand the work and it helps with well being. I know that AI could be good at teaching but it wouldn’t be able to sort out arguments and emotional problems that might happen at school.

  • I support the motion whereby (AI) is not sustainable because the power used by an AI can charge a phone to (50%) this proves there isn't a suitable enough power source to keep an AI running without negatively affect our imidiate surrounding. The AI exploration is a very effect way to solve and answer problems but it comes at the expense of human life and vegetation as we know it. In conclusion I do not approve of the Idea to keep on improving the AI if still badly affect us humans.

  • According to me, AI is more on the good side. As it can help people in many ways such as making work easier, keeping us safe, and making healthcare better. AI can also help us learn new things and make our life more convenient and fun. AI sure has it's own disadvantages, but it's better to move along with time.

  • I feel like AI is taking over the population which could be severely harmful for not only the environment it is creating but also for the simple fact that AI generates basic ideas with no creativity the human mind can imagine.AI supports and considers cheating in a classroom suggesting there is a "easy" way to succeed.And in the art community in mainly steals other peoples art workTo suggest, AI can creates lazy kids who usually use AI like chatgpt and skip through school but when they get an actual job they have no idea what to do.AI can also AI is not good for us and is demoralizing and creativity.Please reconsider this fact and hopefully sooner we can stop AI from ruining the average humans morals, stealing others ideas, and suggesting the idea that there is an easy way to succeed.

    1. Hi bold_skill, can you think of a time where AI might be useful to the enviroment and the population?

      1. A time where AI might actually not cause many problems in the environment and causing drama is in education, health, and overall advances in technology.Education will get upgraded with a more professional learning environment causing it to be easier to teach and get visual descriptions of information being provided with students but one problem with this is some kids can be considered lazy and use AI such as chatgpt to get ahead.Health get advances so it can be easier to find diseases and type anything in to a computer than professional doctors to help find cures.However this information can be wrong since AI can possibly not distinguish one disease from another due to its inability to distinguish one human from another.Advances in technology can be good and both bad for the environment causing it to be easier in life but in contrast it uses fossil fuels to pollute it.Overall those are the bonus's and the problems with those ideas in mind.Hopefully you can see the good and bad side of these helpful things that AI could possibly bring.

  • In my own point of view i believe that AI is both good and bad why:
    1. if somebody for instance an illiterates who did not go to school is being given an AI to operate such person might end up causing damage because such person might give the AI a wrong coding and the AI will on it's own work according to the coding it was given.
    for the fact i said AI is good is because:
    if AI is been encoded with the right information it will work accordingly and effectively thereby making life easier and simpler for it's users.

  • I think AI has both advantages and disadvantages, But the advantages seem to be more than the disadvantages.
    advantages of using AI: It makes lives of people easier like, a farmer. AI makes the lives of farmers easy through this ways.
    1. helps to showcase goods easier and faster.
    2. helps to detect if any plant need to be fertilized or watered.
    3. tell if birds have eaten the seeds etc.
    disadvantages of using AI:
    1. Overusing of AI can make people lazy
    2. AI don't always give right answers to your problems.
    3. it prevents humans from expressing their creativity and more.

  • My suggestion is that Ai is neither good nor bad. It's both. No doubt AI saves millions of lives but it can also cause disastrous damage to people. For example AI helps doctors everywhere around the world to analyze diseases and save lives faster but while we use AI the ozone layer is gradually depleting. Not minding that, AI also makes people lazy. But even with all these faults, I believe that AI is more good than bad. My reasons are because in this current age I do not believe that there is a faster and easier way to save lives rather than AI but for the issue of the ozone layer it can be helped by throwing out old refrigerators and air conditioners and by stopping factories from using chlorofluorocarbon (CFC's) to make these things. All these are various steps to stopping or at least reducing the depletion of the ozone layer and still be able to continue using AI. That way, the world can keep on developing and numerous lives will be saved. Thanks.

  • A.I is for both harm and good lets check the good ways A.I has been sustainable in our lives . it helps famers in good ways telling them the perfect season to harvest a particular crop. artificial intelligence is also used for time keeping to know the whether its day or night, A.I is also used for checking medical records in so many country so why do commentators say A.I is turning bad why it is not instead it is improving lives in so many ways

  • A.I is for both harm and good lets check the good ways A.I has been sustainable in our lives . it helps famers in good ways telling them the perfect season to harvest a particular crop. artificial intelligence is also used for time keeping to know the whether its day or night, A.I is also used for checking medical records in so many country so why do commentators say A.I is turning bad why it is not instead it is improving lives in so many ways

  • A.I is for both harm and good lets check the good ways A.I has been sustainable in our lives . it helps famers in good ways telling them the perfect season to harvest a particular crop. artificial intelligence is also used for time keeping to know the whether its day or night, A.I is also used for checking medical records in so many country so why do commentators say A.I is turning bad why it is not instead it is improving lives in so many ways

  • Lets not forget every single student here has used AI for one thing or the other before. Because at some points we do not have the strength to go through our notes or textbooks so we resolve to other means which is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to help us get our work done easier and faster. Also AI cannot only be relatable to students do not forget that both doctors and scientists have to use AI at some points in their careers to get rid of some certain challenges so if I am to say I would go with AI. Even though I strongly agree with the use of AI I also have an idea of limiting the searches on AI platforms per day if this is able to work out, both sides would win like people will still use AI and the carbon emitted into the atmosphere would be reduced

  • In my own perspective, I think that AI has changed our in so many area that man could imagine and I think that we need to give AI a change in own life, look around you every office, smartphone, schools and even few car have AI programmed in it. So even if we say AI is bad I still think AI is the best

  • Ai has improved lives and work for people. Which is good because it makes us understand alternatives for solutions to many problems.
    AI has improved research. Thus there are many developments in the countries and in education sector.

  • I think AI is useful to climate change because it will help us to survive in the wilderness, forest, or even your own homes, you may think this comment isn't useful but this is me thinking this might be useful in future.

  • AI could make people not think by themselves. That will prevent self reliability and further research.
    It will create a gap between people who have hight technologies and those without.
    Again it can harm the environment. So it has a positive implication that if not utilised well it will bring harm. Like if we don't use the information generated by AI properly it could make people insufficient.

  • I believe AI is sustainable because it has help in manufacturing of goods, advertising and marketing. Manufacturing, advertising and marketing has been made easy with the help of artificial intelligence. In companies there are now AI bots that can manufacture and package goods which makes production easier and faster for humans.In marketing, we now have online ways of marketing goods which makes it easy for both the buyer and seller.In advertising, AI has helped greatly in advertising in the sense that people don't longer need to advertise goods through oral advertising but can easily post videos on the product which makes it easier for large amount of people to see the product. Therefore I think AI is sustainable and has brought more goods than harm to the globe

  • According to me, AI is doing more good or more bad, it depends on it's usage. AI is like a boon for humanity but few precautions must be considered before taking any further step .

  • It's a great advance in AI that it can perform more tasks and think more creatively than humans can and process data much faster. Its applications can especially be helpful in fields like medicine and science. In medicine, AI can help assist in surgeries and manage the data of the patients, although personal medication must be handled carefully to avoid any potential dangers. AI can help scientists discover scientific equations and find chemical solutions. Furthermore, AI can eliminate human errors in a wide range of activities.

    However, there are disadvantages, too. AI may cause a loss of jobs in fields like manufacturing as machines might replace human workers. As AI is not having emotions it can sometimes hurt people. In the future, AI can reduce communication among humans. AI systems may malfunction, and the development of AI system is costly, which can create tasks and challenges for humans.

    All in all, AI has much potential for the future, but how it is to be used by humans is the thing.

  • I think that at this stage, AI is doing more bad than good.This is because many animals and people suffer from climate change and AI is creating 40% of the US annual emissions. It is unfair on earth to have to deal with it while it is one of the least sustainable ways to create human-like brains and thoughts. Also, AI is replacing what humans think and could eventually dominate us with their knowledge.It could take over with new ideas that are unsustainable, but humans would be so energy-less and lazy that they wouldn't care, or think it through, so they would go along with it and it could end up in AI taking all control off humans. Artificial intelligence is a waste and is contributing to climate change, producing greenhouse gasses and humans are getting attracted.
    It is a good point that it could help doctors and scientists, but it could have false information which, in the medical path, could be fatal, and in science, it could result in fake discoveries, that would be on the news and all over the world.

  • AI is more bad because:In many countries students use AI in cheating their exams.AI is useful in many ways but like farmers will be able to get ways of sustaining their crops, doctors will be able to diagnose patients and do various research of medicine very quick.AI is useful but it needs to be limited.
    AI will make people lazy and will not be able to depend on their minds to think critically to solve different problems in life.

  • Personally I think AI /artificial intelligence is doing more bad for our planet as little kids now a days all ready have i phones.Also, they focus more on their own phones more than they do with their homework.Not just little kids but most people on our planet. However some parents don’t allow their children to have phones and I think they are doing better.

  • According to me everything has its pros and cons. AI is the one with more advantages.if AI is used wisely it can prove to be a boon to mankind or else a destructive cause. in today's world there is not a single field which is untouched by AI . For instance health sector, where it has made operations and medical treatment safer , faster and more precise , computer science, where it has made house keeping , data collection , driving etc easier
    , to science and a never ending list including sports , defence , education and many more . And I feel that AI can turn the world into heaven if used wisely . Not only this but also we are the main culprit of using the AI in the wrong direction .I agree there are some major cons of AI , but I believe they will get a strong solution with time.for example when computer viruses were a major problem in the world did we stop using computers ?? No,we made antivirus that solved the problem.and this should also be done with AI.

  • I personally believe AI can be great in moderation however like candy too much AI can be bad. For example, writers and artists can use AI to get inspiration like generating a topic for a story. However, when an artist or writer uses purely AI and tries to pass it off as human made it may be obvious to some people but there's always some people who fall for it thus causing real writers and artists to get less publicity or, worst case scenario, lose their jobs. Overall, I think the disadvantages of AI as in people losing their jobs outweighs the benefits of AI.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you think of any positive effects of AI?

      1. I stated some positive effects in the second sentence like writers and artists using AI to get inspiration but here are some more positive effects.

        1. Smart decision making- as in predicting outcomes and analyzing trends
        2. Minimizing Errors- as in ensuring that there are no human mistakes or errors
        3. Research and data- as apps like duolingo for example that teach you a new language

        To be clear, AI has many positive effects however the point still stands that AI can be bad and make people lose their jobs because as stated above apps like duolingo use AI to help teach languages and could possibly people who actually teach languages to lose their jobs.

  • I think that AI is doing more bad than good for instance in my house we have 3 echo dots and if you think that is a lot of water to cool down the systems so that means that we are using a lot of energy to power the computer systems .

    1. I agree because truly AI is doing as much bad as it is doing good, take for instance the example you sighted above. While Ai is helping your family make life easy, it is also causing harm to our planet through the excess use of energy. Now imagine thousands of family have the same number of eco dots in their houses, I feel sorry for planet earth. AI can also become very addictive, i say so because humans are very adaptive in nature and when they get too comfortable with AI they begin to loose their ability to think for themselves which is one of our greatest gifts as humans. The solution should be regularization. I believe the usage of AI should be monitored and crosschecked.

  • I strongly believe that AI can vary being both good or bad as it depends on how your using it. For instance, students could use AI to cheat or do their work; this is an example of the negative side of AI as the student won't learn how to do things on their own if they rely on AI. However, students can use AI generated apps that help them study which is a positive way to use it. In the end, it really just depends on how an individual uses AI.

    1. Interesting idea. How can we try to control the use of AI so that students can't just copy and paste AI-generated answers?

      1. As a student myself, in all honesty it all depends on the individual themselves. Nowadays, students have access to anything and we can't control every move or choice they make as they will always find a way to have access to AI. However, schools like mine in the U.S have been trying to put limitations on the use of AI. For instance, we have banned some websites that give out answers to students and teachers work together to develop a system that detects AI in student's work. Some teachers in the U.S are also bringing back more paper work to help balance and control the whole situation involving the use of AI.

  • I think that AI is definitely beginning to be more harmful in today's world. I say this because, although AI was originally created to be useful, it can be used incorrectly. By incorrectly, I mean that students nowadays are using this advanced technology to cheat on their homework or class assignments, which can be seen as academic dishonesty. If students keep using AI to do homework for them instead, their real knowledge of the topics can regress as they aren't learning anything. Another way it can be used in a negative way is that if it continues to develop, it might be able to take jobs, which can increase unemployment rates. For example, AI is already advanced in cleaning robots, service robots, etc. Not only that but AI can also be used to solve issues. If it continues to develop, AI can easily replace jobs such as janitors, baristas, chefs, therapists, etc, leading to higher unemployment rates.

    1. I agree with your comment because I have seen AI being introduced into classrooms and have witnessed first-hand people using AI incorrectly by cheating and having the AI entirely do their homework for them. Additionally, I also agree with you because I think that when people use AI incorrectly their critical thinking skills start to deteriorate slowly until the point where they have almost no knowledge or recollection of what they were learning or how to do basic academic work. I agree with you in the point where you said that if AI continues to develop, it can replace jobs because I have slowly seen this happen with many jobs. For example, grocery store cashiers have fewer job opportunities because of self-check machines which people find more convenient rather than going up to an actual person

  • AI can be a helping hand to people, but also an enemy. Using AI isn't necessarily a bad thing, as it helps many jobs and companies that needs a quick solution. We can easily ask it questions, provide recipes, and even giving advice with many things either personal or in general. However, it could also impact the environment with not only the gases they are releasing, but also the jobs they are taking, creativity in people, and possibly our safety and protection. The dependence we have on AI now should be limited. As long as us people find a balance between knowing when to use AI and when it isn't as important, it could be seemed as a tool rather than a foe, so to conclude, I believe AI is sustainable on the condition that it is used carefully.

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you think of examples of how we can use AI with care?

      1. Necessary use of AI would be customer services online, as there are different time zones around the world, but we all use the same apps. It would provide us with support easily when there is no one available. At the same time though, not all websites or apps could use this because it would require too much energy, so it should only be on widespread and popular websites. In addition, more important use of AI would be for doctors or scientists that needs assistance with their research or medications. AI should only be part of it for areas that is difficult to find solutions and should not overtake the entire process. With these similar functions of AI, the use would be balance and there wouldn't be too much harmful gases releasing or electricity used everyday.

  • Another reason why I think AI can be damaging to today's world is that it can affect water-use and how it's used. I recently found out that when people ask AI questions, it needs water to be able to cool down. I also found out that the data center is located in California. However, with the harsh fires going on in California, where do you think the water is going? With everyone asking Chat GPT or AI hundreds and hundreds of questions every day, most of California's water is heading towards the data center, instead of taking out the fires that are burning down thousands of people's houses.

  • AI stands for artificial intelligence. In the world today, AI is used to get answers for homework children may not be able to solve and even to monitor the climate for scientists . But the consequences regarding those uses may end in children not trying on their homework since they know that they have a "reliable" source of answers. That is not a good usage of ai. Although Ai may be helpful for scientists to deal with climate change, it is also causing climate change itself. It relies on water, and gives off electrical waste. Many places don't have enough water to survive on. Overall, although there are uses for Ai that are good, but the consequence are far too heavy.

    1. What do you think are the consequences to children becoming 'reliant' on AI?

  • AI is a tool with the powerful potential to solve all of our problems yet it could also be unsustainable and cause detrimental effects. AI is relatively new if we consider the amount of time humans have been on the earth....It has been changing and improving ever since it was created, it now has the potential to help students with grammar, detect natural disasters, improve healthcare, and one day it might be able to find the solution to one of our biggest problems: Climate Change. However, AI uses fossil fuels to run their data centers, according to the Colombia University' Climate school, AI data centers release up to 8.4 tons of CO2 PER year. As we are trying to progress in problems like climate change we are also worsening it. By saying "AI can solve climate change" is a bit of a stretch as of right now, we are putting our planet at risk for something that may be inevitable. By saying we are pushing back climate change further, we are lying to ourselves because we are also contributing to it. So, climate change can cause more good and even more bad, all depending on which lens you look through, our modernism...or our environment.

  • Due to the unsustainability of AI in factors such as the carbon emissions in an already damaged planet, AI resources currently being inaccurate , unfiltered, and and the inaccessibility to these resources in certain underprivileged communities in both school and personal environments I do not believe that AI is doing enough good to justify its use in the modern society. The sources of AI have been only updated to resources from 2021 and when asked to provide a resource it will sometimes provide a falsified source. sometimes the AI will fabricate responses, calling to question the information provided to the algorithm. Along with certain communities not having access to these resources in settings such as school, where they are barred from its use to which they will not be able to use these resources if need be in the future, or the carbon emissions that destroy the planet, AI is simply not sustainable and therefore causing too much harm to be justifiably used in todays setting.

  • My opinion is that AI is not sustainable because people use AI for what it's not meant for. Most people are introduced to AI by their friends who teach them how to use AI to cheat on their work and do it all for them instead of using AI as a helpful tool. Using AI like this can lead to a loss of critical thinking skills, and this can affect you in the long run because you won't know how to use your critical thinking skills in important life events. Additionally, misuse of AI is a waste of environmental resources because when people ask questions to AI systems constantly and with no meaning, it uses up resources that could have gone to someone asking more reasonable questions that could have had a more environmental impact.

  • I voted "more good" but my answer is more towards the middle, yes AI can be a very useful tool but that's if the person is using AI correctly like for example not asking AI for the answer because then you are not learning anything from the subject that you asked about. Instead you can ask the steps to lead you to the answer so you can also build critical thinking and confidence, but if you don't use AI correctly, then you will have negative effects such as too dependent on technology, too isolated with AI, and lead yourself to a roadblock of building on to your critical thinking potential.

  • Hello!!
    I voted that AI is doing for bad and I say this for multiple reasons. First I would say the most severe issue that Ai is causing is climate change because the Data centers that they are maintained in require lots of resources and emit lots of carbon dioxide which over time Is going to effect the world in a very negative way and this is just one of the big issues that are contributing to climate change. Another reason why Ai is doing more bad is because currently I believe that it is very easy for Ai to fall in the wrong hands, right now people are Able to take a 30 second voice recording of someone else and put it into a Ai software and then can make that person say something that they have never said before. I Believe that in the wrong hands, someone could use this Ai software to incriminate a innocent person or make them say something very bad and make other people change their views on that person for something they didn't say.

  • I think AI is doing more bad than good as it makes more electric waste in the world and theres more green house gas emmisions flowing into our air which makes breathing more diffucult other than that AI might destroy human nature. The good thing is that it predicts natural disasters more quicker than humans which makes morre time to evacuate like in the Los Angeles.

  • I think AI is doing more bad than good. A personalised answer at the penalty of the environment is not a fair deal in my opinion. We are in an age where climate change is rampant and greenhouse gas emissions are taking a huge toll on our environment. Until we are able to create a far more environmentally friendly version of AI it is not worth it and we should definitely look into alternatives.

  • I believe that AI is not yet sustainable because AI servers produce electronic waste and demand far too much water to cool systems. The fact that AI is such a large consumer of water is concerning. This water should be used in other places around the globe where there are water shortages due to climate change and or access. I also believe AI is not sustainable because I strongly believe that humans should not be taking advice from computers.

  • personally i think sustainability is more imortant than ai and brings more good than bad and much more good then bad in comparison to ai.

  • AI is good as it helps humans solve challenges they have never had to solve before and sometimes helps us with day to day activities. On the other hand, there are negatives as AI produces electronic waste and is taking human jobs. Overall I think AI is more good than bad.

    1. What kind of challenges would you say AI has helped solve?

  • personally, i think AI is unsustainable as lots of AI servers are producing an unbelievable amount of waste.

  • I think AI is useful even though there are negatives and positives. The positives are that they think way quicker than people, their work is more efficient than people and they can produce different ways of doing things quicker than humans. However there are some negatives as maybe in one day AI will take over peoples jobs who wont be able to work and wont get any money. On the other hand AI would be very useful and could improve everything.

    1. Can you give some examples of what AI could improve?

      1. Some examples of what AI should improve on is their data quality, climate change, fighting fake news, reducing inequality and poverty, wildlife conservation and medical imaging.

  • I think even though AI is doing good, for example helping doctor find diagnosis for patients. I have concerns, I strongly believe AI is doing more bad. Due to it ruining our world in many ways . AI is like a virus spreading wherever it goes. For example AI is taking people's jobs and making short cuts for people to take advantage of or become lazy at school and work. It's also affecting the natural world and putting a high demand on scarce resources like water. We need to stop this before there is no turning back from a worlf of technology and potentially even robots. God brung us into this world to do things for our self not to to cheat him and bypass his interpretation of life. This is why I strongly believe Ai is bad .

  • In English class, we talked a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of AI. I personally think that AI is not sustainable because it consumes a lot of electricity to give us an answer or write us something we need in the moment. I certainly agree that it can help doctors to make a diagnosis or to make it easier to solve something and also us students to help us study, but in a few years it could cause big problems in the world, especially in our environment.

  • I believe AI is doing more bad as it could make humans lazy and AI could takeover one for do people’s jobs for them or do their school work for them. AI could also affect climate change in a bad way. On the other hand it could also predict natural disasters and give us ways to help climate change slow down. Ai is helping in ways but can be dangerous so we have to use it correctly. There are pros and cons about AI.

  • Ai is neither good nor bad ,it depends on how it is being used .In many areas or jobs it has replaced human beings and in some places it is acting as a human duplicate,with a good planing and careful use ai can be a good resource to use. But on the other hand , it may be bad ,in the present time most of the people have almost lost their emotions because of the excessive use the the technology. Over use of ai has given rise to cyber crimes which is one of the greatest threat today.

    1. Thank you for your comment, knowledgeable_fern. You mention that people are losing their emotions because they spend too much time using technology such as AI. That's a big and troubling conclusion. What sort of evidence would you cite in support of your view?

  • Hello topical talkers,
    I think that AI is just the start of a whole new state of living as it is constantly developing. It can replace humans in lots of different ways which saves us time and effort, but have we ever thought of how expanded AI's capabilities can get to? Just think about it, if AI had "endless" capabilities then it could soon replace all human jobs and professions. I don't think AI is sustainable or trained enough to be able to manage all human jobs successfully.

  • AI is a very important way of life i still stand on the ground of AI being bad for the world cause if we remain the same with AI the world will become a places were people can not live with out AI cause now we see children not being able to live with out AI butwhen we put AI down and save our lives by see out and doing things without AI we can live a better life Thank you

    1. Hi adaptable_satsuma, thank you for your comment. You mention that some children are unable to live without AI. I would be interested to know more about what you mean by that, and why you chose to highlight the effect on children. Can you point me to any interesting evidence that supports your claim?

  • In my own view I think AI is good because AI does a lot of things for us
    1. AI helps our farmers in utilizing their crops by telling them the right time to add fertilizers and managing their crops and they in turn harvest their crops and sells it to us, without them we cannot survive due to starvation.
    2. It helps us as doctors in the hospitals by helping perform scans like X-Rays checkup in our bodies and also telling us what is wrong with our system it also helps scientist in the aspect of climate changes and also natural disasters like tornadoes, forest fire hurricane, flood etc. and after informing them the scientists then find out a solution to the problem and save the people in the world from getting killed.
    In conclusion, I will say AI is doing more good than bad in our daily lives.

  • I still stand my position that AI is more good than bad. my reason being that AI has helped many people in different part of world in saving people's life. For example, in the hospital, where patient are coming for treatment every day, there will be a problem which will require the help of AI or require fast attention for the problem to be solved before it gets worst. This include early detection of tumors, surgeries, and so many other sickness. All these human being can not do on their own, so the needs the help of AI for the quick recovery to be done before the person's dead. All these AI can do it and make it as fast as possible without wasting much more time on it. So, I go ahead to say that AI is more good than bad.

  • AI is doing more good because AI been helping humans in science, healthcare, education, art, et cetera, which is making life easier for humans. And because I think AI can be sustainable.

    1. Can you tell me how you think AI can be sustainable?

  • I believe AI is sustainable because it has helped in so many ways. AI has helped in medical researches. AI has helped greatly in the medical field, it has helped doctors discover causes of some viruses and has also helped them to discover the medications needed to treat the illness. AI has also helped in security. Technological advancement and the introduction of artificial intelligence has helped greatly in security around the globe, we known have security cameras , AI bots that both help in war and security and drones that can view from a far distance which give security officers alert for intruders.

  • Anther thing that make me still stand that AI is more good than bad is because, it has helped many people that are into online business both men and women in making the business to run effectively and faster also more security of the business without any much more issue. For example, if AI is not available, it will be difficult for human being to do research and get a better information about a particular product. But if there is an AI availability, it will assist in researching for better product in online. Anther one is that AI also help in formula and coding prompt which human being can not do on their own. So, why will people say that AI is not more good than more bad.

  • I still say that AI is not yet sustainable because some AI 's give wrong information about things like snapchat but in the future I believe we can create a better AI that can not allow children to search bad things and give information that is correct.

  • AI is good, because it can help people to find information really quick and help with everyday problems. It is like a friend that knows everything. At my scool everyone has an account on a platform where you can use AI. This AI is helping us in scool. It can create some tests to practise our skills. AI can also be used to help people, e.g. by warning people about a natural disaster that could happen soon or finding an antidote againt some sort of diseases.
    AI is bad, because it makes people lazy. If we can give our tasks to AI, we will get lazier day by day, because we don't have to use our own brain. If we don't have to use our own brain anymore, because of AI, maybe it won't be that fast anymore. Maybe even the IQ is getting lower by the people. Maybe some will even forget how to use a search engine, like Google, because they can ask everything to AI and don't have to research some things anymore. AI isn't allowed in every country what is not fair. Some can have an advantage while others won't, because they can't use AI. Maybe some people will feel disadvantaged. Another bad point of AI is that it uses a lot of energy and water to run and cool AI. The way to get energy is not environment friendly (e.g. Some coal needs to be burned what will cause more CO2 in the atmosphere what is not envitonment friendly).
    I think that AI is more bad than good, because it is supporting climate change and we can't really do something against it.

    1. Hi quickwitted_orangutan, thank you for a fascinating comment. You mention that AI could cause a drop in human IQ. Do you think that is likely, and how might you go about investigating the claim further to ensure it is supported by evidence?

      1. I think that the human IQ will drop if we will give everything to AI, because we don't have to use our own brain anymore. In our brain are synapses. There are connections between those synapses which are getting stronger the more we are repeating something, e.g. if we study vocabulary then those connections between those synapses are getting stronger. If we will stop repeating those vocabulary then those connections will get smaller and small. That's why it is necessary to repeat vocabulary. I think that the same thing can happen to our brain if we will stop doing tasks on our own and give them to AI instead. Then those connections will get smaller and will cause a drop in IQ. That's why it is necessary to work with our own brain to stregthen the connections between the synapses.

  • well , AI is good for us as it help us in many things such as learning ,marketing , business and industry and although it is a double face sword it have more positive aspects than negative aspects at least for us students .

    In learning it can help a student in complicated lessons that he cannot understand .AI can help as alot of AI programs have developed ways to help anyone at any age to understand if you told him your definite age .

    In marketing and business AI get ideas outside the box and AI is getting data from us humans so people who have professional ways can give AI these data.

    In industry, as I said AI learns from data people give it or it learns from what it see and it could think so it can help in industry in 2 ways .It can do things better than humans or doing unsafe things to save humans and the second thing it can do things without money unlike humans AI don't ask for money for its work so industry will not cost alot and things will be done in better quality.

  • I think ai is more bad because in Hindi(our language )is this saying“बल से अधिक बुद्धि श्रेष्ठ होती है “ which means that solving real life problem is better than can surely provide us with knowledge but it cannot practically do . It is our duty to do so and instead of looking at the top of the problem find the root cause which is ai and I don’t mean don’t use ai at all because everything in balance is fine.

  • In my opinion, AI has brought a lot of benefits to our society. We have intelligent, self-learning computers that can help us analyse data and offer us information we may use to our advantage. For example, in Spain, companies use AI for certain production processes and for TIC safety. However, I am also aware that many resources are needed to power and maintain these data bases, and this creates a lot of pollution.
    Even though I voted AI is doing more good in the poll, my actual response would have been that AI is just a tool and the benefits or setbacks created by it depend on how we humans are using it. It is important to remember that AI was created by Alan Turing and John McCarthy, humans, coded to serve us of help and not to replace us. Whatever we choose to do now will determine the outcome of AI.

    1. I really like how you qualify your vote in the poll by adding your opinion with reasoning. I also really like how you recall the historical conext of AI. How do you think the way that AI is used now is different from when it was created in the past?

      1. Thank you for your appreciation, Steff.
        AI was created between 1950 and 1956, and in the years that followed many advancements were made. For example, when Arthur Samuel created a program that learnt how to play checkers autonomously in 1952, or when Edward Feigenbaum and Joshua Lederberg created a system that imitated the thinking abilities of human experts. As time went on, more progress was made, such as when Cyncia Breazeal created Kismet, a robot that could replicate human facial features to show emotion, in 2000; and the well known Siri was released in 2011.
        In the most recent years (2012-present day), AI has been developing to be able to pass as a human or even surpass us. For instance, in 2016, Hanson Robotics created Sophia, the first robot to perfectly resemble a human and replicate emotions; and in 2022, OpenAi created the infamous ChatGPT. I feel that humans are creating their own replacements for the future, possibly without even knowing it. I mean, at first we were teaching these systems, but now we are having them do our work for us. In particular, think about robot waiters and cashiers, or how some students use ChatGPT to do their homework.
        Our society is subconsciously using AI to destroy itself, I hope things change for the better.

  • In my country India AI is used in many professions like in healthcare it offers helps to doctor by diagnose and offers online consultations. farmers use AI to check the crop and predict the weather. Students learn easily by many apps .it is also used by government and business etc. But it have its downside aswell like at some places machines are replacing people, there's a risk of misuse of people information and is extremely expensive for small businesses

    In my local area AI is making the city smarter like it controls the traffic, helps to manage the waste and even keeps the city safe but just like in India Ai can call Job losses, risk of misuse of personal information and is expensive for smaller business
    So overall while AI is making life easy it is our job to solve these issues

  • I agree because humans need AI in different work like machine learning, internet searches and customer relationship management etc. and AI helps in decision making and helps people in the society such as improving efficiency.

  • In my opinion, I feel like AI is doing more good for the world since, AI has a faster response time than any human can ever do. Even though there have been many downsides of AI use, such as the CO2 emissions, there have been greater possibilities with the use of AI than with the help of a human. AI has been able to help in operating rooms by providing results in a flash. Even with the CO2 emissions, AI will be able to help slow down the climate change it causes. Meaning, AI is doing more good in the world than causing more problems in the world.

  • AI has its advantages and disinvantages like the disinvantages are the lack of creativity and emotion and the fact that AI can stop peoples jobs and take over for them and theres no privacy with AI ethier because they could do anything with it then it can sometimes make mistakes and the advanteges are that they can do things alot quicker faster theres no breaks as a normal human would usually have breaks and its avalible 24\7.

  • I think that AI is not good for are planet when we grow up who knows what the planet is gonna be like but the amount of carbon dioxide is five times a car so with the amout of cars in this world plus all the AI that uses five times more into just one is unbalivible if we want to grow up inot a healthy enviroment the we need to make sure we are sustainible unlike the AI wich is not.

  • Even though AI has its benefits, AI can also be very dangerous. Impersonating human nature can blur the boundary line in which what is real and what is fake. AI can also create false ideas in which can later cause problems that involve the use of AI. AI has to be used very specifically and carefully in order for the use to be beneficial

  • I believe that AI is doing much more good than bad. While I understand that pollution and climate change is a growing problem, and does need to be addressed, mankind has been using AI to not only boost the effectiveness of the world-wide economy, but also to improve the lives of millions of people by providing healthcare and new opportunities to be used globally. This new advancement has driven our global economy up by 85% since it was introduced, and has added over $19 Billion dollars to the global GDP, making it one of the most important contributing aspect of our current economy. And you have to remember, this technology is constantly growing and growing, learning how to do new things every time it's used, making the possibilities of this technology, limitless. AI is being integrated into so many aspects of our life, and I think that is doing more good than bad for citizens of the world.

    1. Do you have sources to cite for the numbers mentioned here - economy up by 85%, 19 billion to the global GD?

  • In my opinion, I think that AI is sustainable. Individuals are using AI to aid with work, understand illnesses, predict natural disasters and more. And I believe that by AI being able to help individuals accurately, it shows the place it can take in society and advance the future. However, I do also believe that AI can be improved, as well as the populations usage of it. Some individuals are using AI solely to make money, instead of using it to advance our understanding of problems. And when AI is used like that it adds on to materials used, and for there to be no real impact to society. Overall, I believe that currently AI is sustainable, however, there is a long road to improve it.

  • I believe that AI performs much more good than bad. AI is popular all over the world and is consistently being used more each and every day by parents, teachers, and farmers! In my country, the USA, AI is being more commonly used to perform technical jobs and vastly replacing humans in this category. Although many may see this as a negative part of AI this may result in better products and faster production. AI also affects people out side of the job industry. It helps scientist find out more cures to diseases, parents by showing what programs best boost a child's knowledge, and even you and me by helping us solve our problems with just a few taps on a keyboard. Artificial intelligence will continue to grow in the world and impact everyone's lives. Even if you do have your ups and downs with it, it continues to change our lives with discoveries and research each and every day.

    1. I totally agree with your perspective @exuberant_grape. I too think that ai is doing more good than bad as it helps us in several researches helping the mankind using it carefully would lead to drastic improvements in our society making us more civilized country.And it has changed our lives in several aspects like who had thought that we humans could talk to each other sitting miles away so efficiently and even in my country INDIA AI tech is being used more and more day by day each with new efficiency.So in conclusion AI Is very good for us till certain extent.

  • We also think that AI is sustainable as it can help to inform us of many situations in the world. It minimizes the amount of paper that might be used without it. We believe it needs to be monitored by adults, in cases where children might be accessing it to ensure there is no dangerous information given to young people.

  • We think AI is useful but sometimes it is hard to know if the videos they make are real. AI does not always give you the information that you need. We think it is more bad than good.

    However, we do believe it does have some advantages - AI is useful if you need help with writing emails or documents.

  • Overall, we think AI is doing more good in the world right now because on a small scale, it helps individuals with school work, helps with lesson planning and is useful around the home. On a larger scale, it can support big technology companies with issues such as cyber attacks which in turn will help to protect our personal information, help us to predict climate change, its effects and help us respond to natural disasters. However, if Co2 emissions are going to be a problem AI may be able to help us come up with a solution. Right now, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

  • In my opinion, AI can be used for good and for bad it depends on how much or how often people use it. If someone uses it too much it can decrease their creativity or thinking skills but if someone uses it just the right amount it can give them new ideas and information.

  • AI can predict climate change and global warming which is very helpful if used carefully if someone uses it too much it can get dangerous. AI has many good features such as helping with writing emails and letters and giving us new information.

  • The positives of Artificial intelligence clearly outweigh the negatives. Firstly, 9 out of 10 organisations support AI for a competitive advantage. This clearly shows that AI is a great useful way to make our lives quicker. AI is the future, and is growing rapidly. Furthermore, AI contributes to the global economy.

  • I think AI is sustainable as it helps with work and googling things. I think that everyone should have the chance to use AI as doctors use it to do x-rays and to keep medical records. Scientists use it for keeping track of each chemical they use and how much of it. I use AI to do homework and to find things out that I don’t know.

  • I think ai a success because the doctors use it and they save lives also farmers use it to grow food to eat so I think it is good

  • I think AI is a mix of good and bad as it can find a way to stop or reduce climate change but by 2030 millions of tonnes of waste will have been caused by AI alone

  • Ai is a good learning tool, it does have a lot of emissions, but the overall benefit is a learning tool that will help people for years to come.

  • From my point of view, AI is unsustainable because artificial intelligence is causing more harm than good to the world as the digital system releases lots of electric wast that can be toxic, is not biodegradable and accumulates in the environment, in the soil, air, water and living things.
    My point is that with evidence from google the proliferating data centres that house AI servers produce electronic waste. They are large consumers of water, which is becoming scarce in many places. Therefore , it can stop people from using there own knowledge and having there own creativity.Which can make the worlds future worse.

  • Right now, AI is doing more bad, but in a future world, it does have the ability to do more good. AI is extremely clever, so it can come up with resolutions to all the harsh and brutal occurrences happening at the moment. Sooner or later, everyone will be using AI but people like scientists, doctors and forest rangers will be using AI to do things that are more productive, like preventing deforestation, discovering cures to illnesses and protecting the environment. People are starting to use AI effectively, and did you know that 9 out of 10 organisations support AI for a competitive advantage?! If everyone would support AI and large companies sponsor it, we could encourage them to use this money to make AI more sustainable. The world can become a better place.

  • AI can help solve climate change but AI data centres release 40%of americas greenhouse gases

    1. AI data centres do not release 40% of america's greenhouse gases. They release greenhouses gases yes but they don't release THAT much

  • I do not think that AI is a good thing because it is bad for the environment in ways such as it using extortionate amounts of energy which releases green-house gases like CO2. I also believe that it can be used in a good way because it can solve ways to prevent this from happening as well as helping us with every-day life.

  • AI a multi-country platform used for deep research and development . Although AI is a useful piece of technology it can have negative effects on the planet and can cause a lot of irreversible damage . 285000kg of carbon dioxide is released from feeding AI the information it needs to answer questions . That amount of co2 is causing major problems around the world to our green spaces like: forests , parks , trees ect . I think AI shouldn’t be let the public use it until it has been made more eco-friendly and sustainable.

  • I believe that AI that is doing more bad than good as it is being used for fraud which means that people are losing money as well as it being used to create useless videos for example old lady’s fighting a kangaroo. This means that ai is being used for unnecessary reasons and adding more detrimental effects to climate change rather than being used for the greater good.

  • I think AI is doing more bad than good because people think that AI is good but in reality it isn’t really healthy for the planet because we can be destructive but AI is releasing so much gases that it releases the same amount of gases as cars! I think AI should either stop air pollution or be stopped

  • AI is like a super-smart robot that can help with lots of things! It can help doctors figure out how to make people feel better, help us respond to big disasters, and even find ways to fight climate change. That’s pretty cool, right?

    But there’s also a problem: these super-smart robots need a lot of energy, and using too much can hurt the planet. By 2030, all the energy AI uses could make a lot of pollution, almost as much as the whole United States!

    So, if I had to decide, I’d say AI is doing more good for now, because it helps solve big problems. But we need to be careful and make sure it doesn’t hurt the Earth. We need to find ways to make it work better and safer for everyone!

  • I think that AI is doing more good than bad because it´s transforming the way we solve problems for example forstudents. For students it´s a good source of information,it is fast and easy to use. I also think that we have to be careful because we can turn it into something dangerous, but if we use it well it can benefit our society.

  • I think AI is doing more good than bad for human beings especially in helping them answer questions that they have little or no answers to. It could also help human beings perform experiments to find the solutions to problems that could affect human life.
    THANK YOU!!!

  • I still stand on feet to say that AI is more good than bad in every aspect of our life, this is because AI has helped many scientist in finding and discovering of things that is going to happen in future and also find the solution or way to stop it, if the thing is bad or danger to human being.
    For example, during the time of COVID 19, this particular sickness went almost round the world, and no human being taught of how the sickness will be cured, and even those that taught of it was not even able to stop it.
    So, it was through the help of AI that the idea was being discovered on how the problem will be solved. And after the AI has helped in finding solution on how to cure the sickness, that is when the sickness was total cured. So, why will people say that AI is not more good than bad.

  • AI is not inherently good or bad. It’s Impact depends on how it is used.if used correctly,ethically, and with proper regulation,it can be a blessing for humanity. However, misuse or carelessness can make it harmful. So,we need to learn more about its proper use and practice more frequently. From my perspective, AI is a good technology, and therefore, I support it.

  • AI is not inherently good or bad. It’s Impact depends on how it is used.if used correctly,ethically, and with proper regulation,it can be a blessing for humanity. However, misuse or carelessness can make it harmful. So,we need to learn more about its proper use and practice more frequently. From my perspective, AI is a good technology, and therefore, I support it.

    1. Please can you expand on the advantages and disadvantages of AI?

  • If I had to explain why do I think AI is doing more good, I would say that, personally, it helps me doing a lot of school work in less time. It doesn´t only help me doing school tasks but it is also useful to search up information about any topic I´m interested in. However, people have to be conscious of the danger that comes with providing personal information.

  • In my opinion AI is doing more harm than good .Not going so far from my environment ,or even the school area coming down to the students ,because the AI is so accessible to everyone it tends to make students lazy most at times .For instance when they are given exercise to do they don't go through it at all. All they have to do is to give the questions to the AI and answers are being delivered to them this alone tends to make the student lazy because he or she knows fully that there is an easy way to pass .Or even for the teachers who wouldn't understand a topic well enough but still teaches the students instead of the teacher to have a clear understanding of that topic all he/she has to do is get easy schemes from an AI.
    Thank you !!!

  • I think IA is definitely doing more good. In my opinion, it is a great advance in technology, it can help you with lots of things in school, work, facilitating house works... I normally used it for school, when I have a doubt and I dont have someone to explain me things. However, taking into acount the climate change, it is a problem that pollutes so much. I would propose reducing the use of AI but not eliminating it since it is something useful.

  • I believe AI it is more good because it is very useful in many areas like helping you with a school subjects, you can learn more about a topic that it is interesting for you. In addition, machines that we have at home are very beneficial for us such as robot vacuum, cooking robot and many more machines and uses. Also I sometimes use AI if I have a question about my homework or need an explanation of a theory. Instead of that, AI it can be a damage for the enviroment in some aspects like electronic waste, energy consuption and other things.

  • I personally think AI is doing such a great contribution to our lifestyle. It dynamizes the way we work, we search for information not only for works we have to do, but also for personal interest.
    People is starting to use it more often as it's very useful. You can use it for so many other stuff such as creating images. This can be really helpful for so many jobs, for example,for arquitects, to prepare a visualization of how their construction will be looking in the future.

  • In my opinion, AI serves as more of a help than a threat because we can use it to solve many of the world's problems such as more sustainable agriculture by having AI tell us the upcoming weather. Artificial Intelligence is also used to optimize processes such as reduction of waste , energy saving and so on. In conclusion, AI might have some negative effects on climate through emmisions, yet the positive aspects outweigh the negative. AI can also be optimized in the future to lower emmissions.

  • I see that AI is more good for lots of reasons. One of them is that they can help create new techniques for the AI servers, and that causes less CO2 emissions. AI will also benefit scientists in research that helps create more efficient solar panels. Then, after creating the solar panel, most AI servers will use the energy that comes from the solar
    panels. I must say that honestly, AI makes a lot of CO2 emissions, but if we keep going, it will benefit our environment more than it would harm it. We are going to the right track to perfection.

    1. You made some good points on how AI can help the environment, however as you mentioned it does produce a lot of C02 emissions. Do you think this could be causing more harm than good?

      1. No, because AI will use renewable energy to be operated in future times, but currently most AI data centers use unrenewable energy. I see that AI is more good than bad IF you use clean energy to operate AI servers.

  • often at times, many people keeps on laying emphasis that AI uses makes use of energy more than we can even imagen, which is no doubt, but at same time, we can't overlook the areas it's helping us, it's just like the adage that says "to whom much is given, much is expected," meaning that we are receiving much from AI, there is no field of life that has not benefited from AI in one way or the other, starting from doctors, which it helps in the diagonising of patience, to scientist that through the aids of AI can dectects problems concerning the climate, down to farmers that with it's help can now produce more nutricious food for the health and growth of everyone. as AI performs many tasks which has made life easier, faster and more reliable, which i believe that it's what everyone and every country needs right now.
    due to all this good side of AI, i think that we should be thinking of how to minimize this waste caused by AI, and in that case i think that the AI company should should specialize more in the manufacturing of AI which will be able to combine many works t same time, because by so doing, there will be less AI produced but AI works increased, this will also make it to be more reliable at same time and most of it all, it will reduce the amount of CO2 produced by AI will reduce because their will be less of it.
    therefore, am on the ground that AI is doing more good than bad. there is no two ways about it, let us look into my idea.

  • I think a.i good many ways like managing of waste ,helps in keeping health records far more better than humans
    will ever do. more than saying A.I is going bad humans are using it the bad way cause through my own point of view A.I is good it natural in humans to create an app that would help the world in different way .Artificial intelligence holds a super natural ability and power in this world so instead of focusing on the harmful use of A.I lets try to minimize A.I

  • One more thing that make me continue saying that AI is more than bad is that, it has contributed and helped us in term of communication in making communication easier and faster.
    For example, in the olden days, people find it difficult communicate with those that are not closer to them, and for them send any message, it must go through of any of the following for the message to be heard by other, this process are as follows, fire, gun shoot, and so many other things. Take for instance, imagine your father travelled out of your state, and there is a sudden sickness with your mother, which needs the help of the father for the problem to be solved. And for the message to get your father, it must pass through the process like, finding someone who is going to the place your father is, so that the message can be delivered. before the person will be able to get to the place, the situation must have gotten worst. But now that there is an availability of AI the message will go as fast in an eye blink without wasting much more time on it. So, why will people keep saying that AI is not more good.

  • Well here according to me AI is doing more bad as it is affecting the climate and it may make our presence impossible. Although it is made from a human's mindset only but it may lead to us facing consequences as given above.

    1. I disagree because... Ai isn't doing bad things it helps people and does good things you basically ask anything except emotions

      1. Can you think of some disadvantages to using AI?

  • Al is important to the work of people. Al enables businesse to moke move informed in their work. Al help the people in their working,and taking more information. Al let the weather to be clean for the human health. Al enhances decision making by vast amounts of data

  • Al is important to the work of people. Al enables businesse to moke move informed in their work. Al help the people in their working,and taking more information. Al let the weather to be clean for the human health. Al enhances decision making by vast amounts of data

  • I think that AI has a more POSITIVE impact on the world around us and it help us in predicting natural disasters whether forecasts and in many ways but if we see in long run this could also harm us by us being totally dependent on it and stopping our creative thing because HUMANS are only the ones who have given the start to AI so using it to a certain extent is helpful but there's always a limit to something. So we should use it wisely at same time not destroying our own THINKING.

  • I think that AI is not sustainable yet, the CO2 AI is producing is harmful to the environment and contributes to global warming. Although it is very useful it is very harmful too.

  • I believe AI is doing more good to us, it helps us in solving problems regarding healthcare, natural disasters, and argiculture. It's doing us lots and lots of good. But the only thing is its environmental effect that has got us all worrying about. it uses tons of energy and produces CO2 emissions. If we focus on sustainibility and energy efficient solutions ,AI can be very useful to us and can make a positive impact. so ultimately, its up to us how we guide its development!

  • I believe AI is doing more good to us, it helps us in solving problems regarding healthcare, natural disasters, and argiculture. It's doing us lots and lots of good. But the only thing is its environmental effect that has got us all worrying about. it uses tons of energy and produces CO2 emissions. If we focus on sustainibility and energy efficient solutions ,AI can be very useful to us and can make a positive impact. so ultimately, its up to us how we guide its development!

  • I chose more good because even if AI isn't sustainable, it still provides solution to some of our problems examples are; improved digital security, medical advancements, scientific researches, education, innovations, etc.

    1. If AI isn't sustainable, can you explain the environmental impacts it might have?

  • I personally think that AI is doing more good. As AI plays a very important role in healthcare, it saves the life of many people by detecting many types of life threatening diseases at an early stage, it also makes personalized medicine plans according to each individual's health history, skin type, etc.

  • As per my point of view Artificial intelligence is much more than being just a is a medium for human empowerment .AI is changing the world rapidly ,from making a huge revolution in healthcare by providing swifter diagnoses to new discoveries and inventions in many other fields AI stands as a beacon of progress. Using AI potential responsibly, we can find the solutions for difficult problems, unlock more opportunities and can also eliminate the threats that are caused by the advancement of AI itself. let us consider AI not as a replacement for human wisdom but as an extension to our abilities enabling a bright and innovative future.

  • I think AI is doing more bad than good not just in the form of sustainability, but it creates a dent in the raw capacities of a human being. These chatbots have become so advanced that even a set of a dozen words can produce an essay of ten thousand word essay. Children nowadays are prevented from thinking out of the box, as a few typed words are enough to complete assignments. There is a sense of laziness infused in students as young as eight years old because there has been little to none restrictions to the gadgets. The liberty of completing assignments at your fingerprints is too much. A recent report from the University of Oxford shows that when 100 eight-year old children to write a passage, in front of their volunteers, preventing any external help. But when these passages were compared to the ones AI had generated, it showed a huge dent in the human writings This just goes on to show that the leisure of AI can prove costly when our own brains perform a stress test.

    1. If AI is here to stay, how do we overcome the problems you have suggested? What can we do to encourage creativity?

  • AI is still in the development age. Its like we are talking about AI over hyped. The thing which we are referring to AI is generally called Artificial General Intelligence which is still 4-5 years ahead. As of now we had good LLM's (large language model), smart data base, machine learning and that's it. As of now AI is having a very heavy toll on environment. A single CHAT GPT query cause 2 liters of a water in order to keep up the chat GPT server up and running Microsoft is looking for nuclear power energy plant as an alternative. Yes, current AI system will eliminate few jobs but it will also create more jobs just like in 1990's people were protesting against using computers because they felt that they it will take away that job but after few years people realized that computer created many jobs then it took some jobs. Hence as of now AI is harming the environment more, but in a longer run AI would eventually be in the favor of the humanity if used sensibly and then it would be considered as "AI doing more good".

  • I agree because humans need AI to do thing like doing homework, learning how to read and write and it teaches children how to respect their parents or other people and it makes life easier and faster for people. It saves their energy for another kind of work.
    Thank you!!!

  • I believe that AI is a bad thing and if us humans continue to develop it it could become unsustainable. It is all so releasing extortionate amounts of CO2 and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

    1. Could AI technologies help us develop new technology to increase sustainability of processes which therefore reduce emissions. Or help us develop new technology to deal with the challenge's of forever chemicals. Do you think there is a trade off?

  • I think AI can be very useful for our everyday life, for example for homework, predicting the weather, for online purchases or entertainment. However, we need to use it with responsibility due to the risk of privacy. Furthermore, it can substitute jobs such as translators, banks employees, or even agriculture; and this will be a problem for the future workers.
    To sum up, I think AI is more good than bad, but we need to use it carefully to avoid affecting people´s lives and knowledge.

  • In my point of view, there is no doubt that AI is very useful and has achieved great benefits for humanity, as it accomplishes many tasks accurately and in a short time. For example: in the medical field, AI has helped diagnose some incurable diseases with precision, which helps treat patients more quickly. However, AI could become an enemy to humanity if the human mind uses it in the wrong way. For instance, by spreading misleading information. From my perspective, the human mind must set boundaries for AI, ensuring that it remains under human control, so that we don't reach a point where AI completely takes over human roles. Even Elon Musk predicted that there will come time and AI will take the place of the humans. To prevent such an outcome, AI must be under human oversight to ensure that it is used for the benefit of humanity and not against it.

  • I'm going to say no, because you will get more lazy. For example if you ask AI to help you with your homework and you get attracted to it you will never do your homework yourself.

    1. What educational issues could arise if students start relying on AI to do their homework for them?

      1. As per my point of view it will be concerning if students start to rely on AI to do their homework for them. Homeworks are majorly to test the learning and make the students practice for the same . If they rely on AI for the same their mental level will not increase as well as it would also affect their understanding . Also their thought may become monotonous and their mind does not thinks out of the box . So I am a also a student and whenever I rely on AI for my answer I notice that i do not understand that point very well . But on the other hand when I do it from book I get a good understanding of it and even remember it till later .so I believe it will play a huge negative Impact on students if they start relying on AI for their homeworks .

  • I think AI is not sustainable because one google search equals one hour digital alerm clock so that wasted lots of electricity so that is why AI is not sustainable.


    1. Could AI help us overcome the climate change challenge through supporting research & developing new technologies. The computing power of AI means what previously took us years to understand could help us understand in days. What do you think are the trade offs?

  • I think that AI is very useful if one can use it correctly but I understand that it needs very much energy. But needing much energy doesn’t have to be bad it’s only bad if it comes from not sustainable sources. But even if it comes from sustainable sources the energy is still needed in other places. It’s only justifiable to use AI if there’s enough sustainable Energy for everything but that is not only the case for AI but also for a lot of other high Energy consumers. The only exceptions are people whi are saving lives with the help of an AI because in my opinion this is more important that everything else

    1. Can you give me an example of how AI can save lives?

      1. Through AI doctors and scientist are able to save lifes because they can diagnose patients better and more detailed and personalized with help of artificial intelligence. Scientists are able to predict crises with the help of AI and save lifes for example by warning the people of a certain region where a natural catastrophe will take place. By doing that the residents of that area are able to evacuate or protect themselves and be prepared.

      2. Through AI doctors and scientist are able to save lifes because they can diagnose patients better and more detailed and personalized with help of artificial intelligence. Scientists are able to predict crises with the help of AI and save lifes for example by warning the people of a certain region where a natural catastrophe will take place. By doing that the residents of that area are able to evacuate or protect themselves and be prepared.

  • I think AI is doing just a bit more good than harm. AI helps humans in a myriad of ways, from teaching and informing us to making our day more enjoyable or help people get their life together by suggesting ideas and organizing schedules. On the other hand, besides AI datacenters polluting the planet, AI can be misused for deepfakes, identity theft, and other crimes. But I believe if AI has restrictions about what you can ask it, the benefits of AI will outweigh the bad.

  • I'm not sure about this because AI helps in saving the environment by not using paper and these things however AI can lead to the decrease of fuel.

    1. Could you explain how AI leads to a decrease of fuel?

  • From my point of view I think AI is introducing the world good and bad things, I think I could not decide but there are some facts I could write about. AI is helping a lot in technological and medical advances, it is a good type of method to help people in this professions. In the other hand AI has also types, such as CHAT GPT, using AI in a responsible way is beneficial and chat gpt could help people in good ways, but some people is using it for making their own works. It is not fair that a person who have been doing a proyect with his or her ideas and another person just do it by chat gpt and obtain the same mark and result. I think AI is beneficial in some ways but if you know how to use it.

  • I am not an expert on this topic, but from my point of view AI in my community wich is Salamanca is increasing the possibilities about having a high economical level.
    However, AI is redeeming lives of people that need to be help by doctors due to some virus, some alergi etc.
    But also, this magical device has a downside. AI is used for things it wasen't created to do, for example: some people that need to send some type of homework use AI to do it in sted of doin it theirselves.
    Summarising, AI is a very good device but need to have some arrangements.

  • On my point of view, I think that Although AI is an essential part of some unique important jobs , it has , of course , problems that could be catastrophic ; however, what made AI more worse that it has more disadvantages.

    I AI could , sometimes, lead to :

    1: Lack of creativity because most students try to use technology , such as AI, to answer their questions or even in other jobs they use AI as an assistance or even the doer .
    2 : The low privacy as hackers , people stealing information or even other things for people that are on a device , had frequently become the build of anything that is on a device .
    3: No emotions , which is the result of the normality of AI or , in another context , it can't be as a person , who knows how he/she speaks (register) in every event and can figure if you're sore or happy.
    4: You are not sure that AI could stay with you anywhere for example, if you were lost in a place with no AI , you are not used to think because you just accustomed to use help of the AI so you need to think and be creative .

    To conclude, AI has advantages and disadvantages (as anything in the world ) , but the issue is that it has more disadvantages than the advantages .

  • In my opinion I think AI is doing more bad than more good. I say that because, although AI is evolving it still has many flaws that cause it to do more bad than good. For example I recently just learned that one of AI's many issues is transparency, as AI models adapt and change over time it gets more difficult to maintain transparency. Making updates or modifications or retraining them on new data can alter their decision making process. This can lead to unintentional bias AI systems or models. In short AI still has many flaws that cause more bad than good.

  • i think AI is good to help scientists for climate change, but it produces CO2 and this is not really good for environnement

  • AI is more good because we can know what we wants, it's very fast and intellegent , but if someone who is malicious it can became more bad and very dangerous.

    1. Practical_earth you say if someone who is malicious uses AI it can became more bad and very dangerous. Can you give an example?

  • My point of view on the subject is that Al can be used in a good way, you just have to know how to make a good use out of it! Personally, l am a student and even if other people can employ it in an exessive way, it help me work when l don’t understand something. You can see it as it does the work of a teacher for me. So my point of view is that even if it doesn’t help with the climate change it is a good thing for people who are learning things.

  • Ans.
    I have voted for more good because AI can help so many people in a lot of ways by performing tasks that we humans can't do in just a few seconds or even milliseconds. There are so many fields where AI has contributed like medical science, engeneering, education , healthcare , agriculture , finance and many more. I know that there are many cons of AI too and it harms our environment so we should find ways to make it less harmful to our environment and also should not get too dependent on AI as it makes our creativity weak. And we should not forget the fact that it's in the human's hand how to use AI and we should use it wisely in such a way that it does not harm our environment.

  • I feel that AI in its current state is doing more harm than good primarily because of the amount of careers at risk of being filled by AI. AI's capabilities of image rendering and writing puts at risk the livelihoods of artists, writers, architects, programmers, researchers, etc. Already as a society we do not have effective safety nets for individuals losing their careers due to technological advancements such as customer service employees in banks being replaced by electronic bank services - technological events having nothing to do with AI. The impact of AI on employment opportunities will be at a much more dramatic scale simply due to the wide range of careers it can replace due to it's ability to communicate language almost in a sentient manner.

    Already large firms like McDonald's are using AI in adverts to replace design elements that would typically be managed by an employee to cut costs. Whilst we could potentially benefit from lower prices if firms can cut costs in this manner it also puts smaller firms at risk and harms competition in markets. This is because consumers may become more accustomed to such cut costs and not put money towards independent firms which can create more barriers to entry in a market. As a result, businesses may not be as innovative and benefit their consumers as much due to lack of competition as cut costs from AI may force potential new businesses to stay potential and never actual.

  • I think it does more good than bad because AI can help someone in many different ways. It can help people to get new ideas or get some help with a problem. There could be problems for very problematic topics. For example if you need help for school. That is a weak example but there are more examples. If you need help with your job or with your life in general.

  • I think that AI is bad as most of the energy used for AI could be prevented by just doing the search on google which needs way less energy. AI should only be used for questions that can only be anwerd by AI. This could be solved by teaching the people how bad AI is in projects like this. After we talked about in class I realised that I should ask Google for simpler questions as it saves energy. If more people would know that it could save very much energy. But if you consider long term consequences it shouldn't be used at all. Our planet and the future generations should be the most important to us!

    1. I agree because... why not just have fun in life instead of worrying about AI

    2. I agree because... google may take longer but at least it does not kill our only home and there is no earth b which means we could die because some people don't care about earth . Do you really want to be living in a space soot or a gas mask . I also think it is good as it makes life easier and can estimate weather and new disease this can also be used to predict natural disasters like volcanoes . Thank you please comment. Do you agree?

      1. It's an interesting thought, because a lot of personal use of AI (in my experience at least) is very similar to a search you may ask an online search engine to help with and with these also adding a AI summary at the top are they also contributing to the increase in greenhouse gases too?

      2. I agree with you partially this is because firstly AI does ruin our planets but if we stop the use of AI would that stop the destruction of our planet? I know that it reduce the destruction of the planet but with new advancement everyday AI would reach a certain point where it would not harm the earth.

  • I think AI is very sustainable as it could pave the way for medicine and vaccines to be created to help with different viruses diseases and possibly even cancer. Also with Donald Trump not believing in climate change " a hoax " some climate activists say he has postponed climate progress this will mean we could invest more in researching medicines and curing life changing / altering diseases this could help some low income country's and save lives that could be vital in reviving our beautiful world .

  • I believe AI is extremely useful yet harmful to our life and the future generations. AI is used by many people for healthcare services, entertainment and for messaging others or creating presentations. AI was first used in 1956 which is used to copy human decisions. The NHS has even said that they are " setting up an AI laboratory to boost the role of AI in the health service.". However people argue against the use of AI as they use an average of 5 million litres of water a day. It is also believed that by 2030 millions of electronic waste will be on our Earth. This could mean that biodiversity in heavily polluted ecosystems will decrease which will endanger our animals leaving a biological and visual impacts on us and other animals in ecosystems around the world. It is also a waste of our energy as it uses sustainable energy that is not eco friendly. AI also consume a lot of energy which limits the energy we use for other things we do.

    1. Do you think AI could help us develop a more sustainable AI?

  • I think that AI has both positive and negative connotations, however, I agree with Bill Gates' perspective that AI can be efficiently and beneficially used towards medical contributions. Statistics show that AI surgery rates are 94%-100%. In 2010, AI performed an intricate surgery on a grape, removing, and reattaching the skin. This was spectacular and extremely innovative, although it could be argued that the technical advancements of AI, could undermine the talent, dedication and medical capabilities of surgeons. There are very validated arguments for either point of view, But on the contrary, I agree that AI assisted surgeries are the way forward. Especially with the research and development, being invested into this fairly new and modernised technology

    1. I need to find out more about the grape surgery!

      1. Thank you for showing interest! The operation was first carried out to successfully demonstrate the invincible precision of a new type of surgical robot, called the "Da Vinci XI". It was extremely amazing and really stunned the media across the globe. It was performed in the US state of Illinois in 2010, but took the internet by storm in 2014 when a Youtube video went viral.

  • In my opinion, AI is doing more bad than good because people are relying on AI to do a lot of things like, homework, recipe, script writing etc. Overreliance on AI will increase the demand on AI bots and and of course this will lead to job loses leading to untold hardship. There are concerns that AI will eventually develop emotions and will, the implication of this is better left to imagination.

  • I believe AI has become more good and beneficial because professionals like doctors , engineers , and scientists use it for many important tasks. People are also using AI in almost everything , such as studying and searching , designing images , and even helping to find cures for diseases. However, AI data centers produce CO2 , which contributes to global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere. In the future AI could become more environmentally friendly because we have the ability to improve it and reduce its CO2 emissions which will make it even more good.

  • The ozone is a very vital part of the earth today we cant live without the ozone layer cause it will lead to skin cansa or may be AI will take over the earth one day i believe that if we all put down we can save a lot of things that is why i suggest that AI is better put down to save the world

  • AI is doing more good, because it helps in saving lives and predicting natural disasters.

  • since the production of A.I the world has become modern and our lives has changed due to the development of artificial intelligence but there is something some people don't know that ai also comes with a disadvantage.
    1 creativity A.I helps in solving human problem all over the world causing low sense of reasoning leading to lack of common sense.
    2 becoming over dependent on A.I also leading to high rate of unsustainability in the world.
    3A.I has encouraged human laziness in the world we don't have any much task to do in this world again.

  • I believe ai is sustainable, this is because ai has many advantage than it disadvantage. One advantage of ai is that it help in terms of transportation therefor making transportation more easier and faster. for example, in late 1800s, transportation was more difficult, this is because men were not opportune to the use of ai and they make use of horses in their transportation which sometimes on the road got tied and have to stop and take some break before it can able to move again. but now ai is available it help people a lot to transport goods from one place to another therefor making easier and faster on like before in the days.

    1. I wonder if you are referring to technology here, rather than AI? Artificial intelligence did not exist in the 1800s. Other forms of technology have helped people move goods faster, such as the internal combustion engine.

  • From my own point of view AI is more good or bad i not saying it not good i trying to state that is equal stating 50_ 50 but it no doubt that it has also done good without it there will be nothing like topical talk phones will be useless no doubt that it has also done some harm but it all equal

    1. Could you give some more examples of positive or negative uses of AI?

  • For me, i once heard that any thing that has advantage equally has a disadvantage ,and AI has advantage and disadvantage
    advantages include;
    1.the AI can be used to detect whether conditions for example to know when there is rainfall so that we can be able to manage our time. can be used to check questions and and get answers . can also serve as assistance to us and help us in some works . can be used for educational use. can be used by farmers to know the conditions of their plant .
    disadvantages of AI include that
    1.they can cause ozone depletion . can make the users to be lazy.
    3.because of the AI people can get addicted very easily. can be a cause of distraction to us .
    as you can see that AI has Advantages and disadvantages.

  • AI may be useful but it is killing our only home earth . By the time we have kids or are grand parents we will be wearing gas masks as there is not enough oxygen and to many green house gases this is not how you or anybody wants to spend their life ;)

  • I think that AI bad because it is destroying our planet but it is also good because it helps people

    1. Can you give some examples of how it helps people?

  • I think AI is terrible for the environment. If you did one email, a week it would take 27 litres of water to cool it down. I don't even think we really need it. It helps us but you can not do this without making irreversable changes to thee climate.

  • I think that it is doing more bad because if we had a drought, where would we get the water from because it takes 27 litres to cool down AI because for one email per week.

  • I agree with all of you, i think it could be good to use AI because it can help many people who struggle useing the internet like sending emails quicker and also you could create self driving cars,it could help doctors cure illnesses ,be able to turn lights on by voice so elderly people do not have to stand up and use there energy to move just to turn on lights.

    Also i do not agree with AI because in 2030 there will be millions of AI wased in our world.

  • I think AI is good and bad because at lots of companies around the world use AI for things like checking emails and writing essays and the main reason, researching. On the other hand, AI uses a lot of energy and can contribute to things like climate change. I think AI should be limited because of this.

  • In my opinion i think AI can be good for many different reasons but that means that we would have to go on our devices more often witch can cause bad eye sighting and your using electricity and money.But genuinly i do like the idea of AI as it can help doctors, scientists,childrens learning and much more.
    AI can help you by helping scientists this is because scientists investigate blood tests results and they can make medicine.

  • AI is a very dangerous thing. By 2030, it is predicted that 1000,000 tonnes of electronic waste. That is a lot of waste! I don't think search engines or chat gpt is worth it. Don't you agree?

  • I think AI is doing more good because it helps doctors to save lives, helps farmers to see which plants are weeds, helps to respond to natural disasters and best of all: helps university students to learn and become anyone or anything they want to become. Have a good day :)

    1. I was looking at your comment at it got me thinking wow it really is true. Doctors could even use the vast amount of information that has to do with medicine and use it to find cures to new diseases.

  • From my point of view I think it is 20% good and 80% bad because it helps doctors to diagnose cancer and other illnesses but the amount of CO2 it is producing is incomprehensible and this speeds climate change up which is slowly killing our planet .

  • I think AI is useful when you use it correctly, but when you don't use it correctly it can be dangerous.

    1. Do the positives of using AI outweigh the dangers?

  • I believe that AI is a very powerful and influential tool that is used everyday by millions of people as in students, doctors, scientists, parents, and many more. However, although this is true, if AI keeps continuing to evolve, I think people will soon begin to rely on AI too much. I think that AI should be used only when you need to. For example, people ask AI very obvious and weird questions that they already know, as in 1 + 1, and they do it just for fun. However, one question asked to AI can waste up about 2.9 watt-hours of electricity, which if it keeps building up, it can soon take up about 40% of annual emissions. Not only that, but students have taken advantage of AI and used it to do their homework. This generation has taken too much benefit from AI and have used it for reasons that they shouldn't have.

  • I feel that AI can be both good and bad, depending on who gets a hold of it and what it's used for. I think AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare as well as helping out individual people. As stated above, AI can be used to help innovate healthcare by providing extensive research to help expand doctors knowledge on the conditions and illnesses they are working to treat. AI can also be used to help read X-Rays and medical scans. AI can even help with simple everyday things, such as helping out students with their homework, or creating new recipes. On the other hand, AI could have potential horrendous effects on the environment. Because of the gases that these AI servers produce it can lead to air pollution. It can also use up a lot of important resources that are necessary. Also, if these AI's are well developed enough, they could end up being manipulated by bad people to cause harm in the world.

  • I'm not so sure it's 50/50 for me and here's why. The good side is that Ai can't get tired, it will make no errors and it is there for you 24/7. Now the cons are that you will have a lack of creativivity, results can be outdated and there is no human replication.

    thank you for reading my comment
    what do you think???

  • I think AI can be used for doing more good work and can be used for more devlopment of the world and giving human civilization a broader way of thinking . In some of the places AI is being used to solve crimes , helping in improving healthcare also helping many in educational also . Few may think that these things are being obtained by exploiting the nature but the benifits of AI can't be ignored.

  • I believe that AI is not sustainable as it uses up a lot of precious resource's. Although it can be helpful in some ways the bad it does largely outweighs the good it does. As a result, I believe it should be limited to the people who need it the most like scientists and doctors.

  • AI have severe dangerous impact on human being these machine were created as an alternative to replace human being, but not knowing the danger theythss cause in our world. AI could run the risk of drawing so much attention and financial resource that government fail to develop. These AI could invade our privacy Al companies often collect and analyse argeamount of personal data daising issues related to privacy and

  • AI is more good than bad because if we imagine the world in the past without AI, it would have been so difficult. Our life now is easier because AI helps in:

    Health care (reducing waste)

    Education (efficient learning)

    Robotics (resource savings)

    Science (sustainable research)

    Communication (global collaboration)

    There are also many other things AI helps with. Without AI, life and sustainability would be harder.

  • I think more people use Ai for bad thing as people impersonate other people by making deep fakes or make fake voice recordings for example in America people are making deep fakes of other people to gain more clout because they think it’s actually them. Sometimes Ai can be helpful for like scientists or doctors to find the correct medicine to use on the patient. I don’t think we should use Ai because 1 post is equal to 50% battery of a smartphone. I have used it before and I think we all had. People can also use it to save us from any nuclear disasters like a fire or a tornado even a storm. Today there was supposed to be a storm but surprisingly there wasn’t which is why you shouldn’t always trust the internet. Ai can affect the world by a lot as it takes loads of things just to make 1 post. I also think there is some good because say you owned a shop you can ask ai to help you think of design and stuff. I also think that if you use ai you are really lazy as you learn everything in school. I think we have all used ai at one point for example Alexa is a type of ai if you have a google home that’s a type of ai. It’s really bad for the environment and it can cause animals losing their home or even dying

    1. That's an interesting point you made about AI manipulated content.

  • Hello,
    I think AI is creating a worse impact on the planet than it is doing good. AI can help with doing all sorts of amazing jobs from helping understand a math problem to generating a funny image, but is it that good for the planet? Recent research shows that AI is damaging our planet in various ways that many people are not aware of. I understand that artificial intelligence can help predict storms, find new medicines and generally make our lives as humans easier. But as a result of using it all the time for basic things, we won’t have an Earth left to do and enjoy all these amazing activities. In conclusion, artificial intelligence can help us achieve things we couldn’t do otherwise, but in the long run, it won’t help the planet.

  • I think AI is doing more bad because the proliferating data centres that house AI servers produce electronic waste. They are large consumers of water, which is becoming scarce in many places. They rely on critical minerals and rare elements, which are often mined unsustainably. If the world isn’t being used sustainably, then why bother having the world at all. Our world needs to be an environmentally friendly place and AI is preventing our chances of that. This is why I think it is doing more bad. Even though it can help with healthcare, well-being and jobs, it isn’t helping our world to become sustainable. Instead, it is producing tons of electronic waste and averting our possibilities of the world becoming a better place. It is doing so much bad.

  • I think AI is in fact very sustainable, it helps seismologists anticipate the incoming natural disasters.

    So let's break it down,
    Seismologists are the scientists who study natural disasters and can predict them coming by complex tools so they can forecast the news right away. So the AI can replace the seismologist in the section of studying which frequency does the computers linked into the mechanism and then alerting the scientist

    But still AI can malfunction so scientists are working the same as the past so they don't waste millions on warning people while it is already a bug. But don't worry the AI's are still under test

    1. Can you think about how AI might not be sustainable?

  • I believe that the vices of AI are more than the virtues of it. Furthermore, it affects the humanity and the Earth.

    if a teacher wanted research from each student and it is the same one and all of them used AI, the teacher will find that the research was written in the same technique. In that example, there was no creativity between all the students.

    Some countries cannot afford the cost of AI moreover they do not have the huge money for AI developments because it is extremely expensive. This is not fair for some countries.

    Humans can be replaced by AI. For example, when you go to MC, you order from the cashier. Now the cashier is replaced by AI machines consequently unemployment increased and this is terrible.

    Humans can get used to the help of AI when doing their homework, research and so on. This will make them not to gain any information or anything important. They only will copy then paste.

    To sum up, AI must be used only urgently, and it must have a limit.

  • In my opinion, AI is useful because it can help: doctors to save lives by using x-rays; parents find allergies for their children; predict natural disasters (which could potentially save lives); farmers to not waste water by scanning the plants that need watering; pharmacists create a variety of different medicines and cures for diseases and illnesses; scientists to detect new animal species and more it can also help university students learn how to become scientists, doctors, vets, and many other jobs that need AI. But I also think AI can be dangerous in some ways because it can become addicting for some people who use it to entertain themselves. If we let AI take too much control it will slowly start to interfere with our lives by doing jobs that are meant to be for humans or making decisions for us.

    1. Can you give me some examples of how people use AI to entertain themselves?

  • AI, from my point of view is doing more of Good than of Bad. AI has helped crowd to reach their full potential, and unlock their creative skills. Not only this, but in many countries, AI is used by the regimes to work on the projects in their hands. AI to the natives and particularly students/learner’s has aided in academics. For instance, solving mathematical equations and expressions which many-a-times a teacher even could not. In addition, talking about this innovative generation, in the context of entrepreneurs, AI has taken over the entire management industry, by elevating the work process and progress. In conclusion, AI is a key, to have rapid growth in every realm.

  • Currently, I think AI is more bad than good. "But how can we improve it ?" This is a question that I have been thinking of recently and I have thought of a good solution that would improve AI's efficiency and it would maybe change people's opinion about AI's sustainability in the future including my own point of view.

    As we all know by now, AI isn't just for generating robotic pictures or solving your math problems , In fact, it is widely used in many different industries ,and it can even help people with their jobs . And all of these "fantastic" abilities AI provides us with can have some very negative side effects that we need to point out more. These harms can include, releasing tonnes of carbon dioxide gas, increasing the rate of electronic waste (known as e-waste) , and more. I thought of a plan that could reduce the rate of electronic waste , which is recycling electronic waste to use it in building robots and other artificial gadgets and devices. If we keep throwing away our devices there will not be enough room which is the main reason why they are now sent to space and the rate of electronic waste in space is gradually increasing too. So instead of throwing away pieces of metal that could be useful in some ways , we could recycle them and start designing and manufacturing gadgets and AI using them . I think that this method could help decrease the rate of e-waste in a useful way. What do you think ?

  • According to me after evaluating the current scenario, AI is doing more good than bad to us like helping us with space exploration, prediction of substances that can support life on other planets, moreover its not just helping us in space but on our Earth too by aiding the process of discovering new species in the unmeasurable depths of the vast, tranquil oceans. AI has also been proved as a tool for humanitarian aid in areas affected by conflict by giving us statistics and a sneak peak in the actual situation. Speaking of sustainability, AI is actively being used to study and predict natural disasters way before any traditional instrument can and thus saving lives before the disaster strikes, it is also helping us identify the causes of global warming and aiding the technology that is being built to ensure a sustainable future. However, I do not deny the consequences it has like increasing human dependency on technology and killing productivity, after all each coin has two sides it depends on us how we perceive things, which side to focus on and improve.

  • I think Ai is doiong good as it boost efficiency and productivity and reduces a big amount of time to complete certain tasks . It can also analyze data uses for coding excetra and makes businesses more successful.For example AI moniters healthcare and predicts failure before it occurs.It detects fraud which make scam calls less easier giving disadvanteges to hackers.It prevent unauthorised transactions in finacial situation.Plus it can do facial regocgnition detecting criminal. threats.For example theres cameras on the roads to stop people from speeding which saves alot of lives. It dectects sus behaviour like loitering.Also AI predicts the future easily for example it analyzes data which stops workloads makes people less tired allowing them to do other activities like exercise.Also it makes more accurate treatments making us live longer. Also now in 2025 we can preserve our bodies using science now.

  • I’m in the middle of good and bad because AI lets put lots of bad gas into the environment but it helps with everyday lives such as maps, plans and more. The reason I don’t think it helps is that all the leaders in different countries say they are going to help the environment by having more AI cars and stuff but scientists have discovered that it lets out bad gas either way. Who agrees with me?

  • I believe AI I good and has helped the world greatly with the following reasons:
    1. Efficiency: AI is efficient and reliable because it has helped in prediction of climatic change and natural disasters, it can perform different task and analyze large amount of data. With the help of AI tasks can be carried out effectively without delay.
    2. Less Error: AI has helped individuals in their researches . With the help of AI individuals can just type what they want to research about and it will give them the answer. Even down to AI bots that perform tasks in our homes production companies ,heath care centers and scientific research centers , they make less mistakes and perform their task with speed and accuracy

  • AI is a very helpful and unhelpful device. It can help doctors and scientists with their probabilities. For example, doctors need AI for help with their patients and scientists need it for their research. Despite this, it's not sustainable, which means that it can damage the world. However my overall opinion is that AI is bad because we don't really need AI. We have survived for millions of years without it so why do we need it now? As I said, it can make the environment really bad. AI can't make any mistakes and that is bad as we have to learn from our mistakes in order to develop and learn. Some people think that it is good and some people think that it is bad but it is your opinion. Thank your for listening.

  • I think Ai could be good and bad because it’s good because you can get to things on the internet quickly and you don’t have to search it up. The bad thing about it is that it can make you more lazy and it could be used for cheating or pasting things on the internet.

  • The usage of AI is kind of how we use a sharp edged sword. It can do good and bad. Similarly AI can do both good and bad. For reference, in the areas around my society, I have seen some posters published with the help of AI which are really attractive and eye catching. In this way AI can be used by store owners who want to publish their work. However some people recommend to do all their work with the help of AI. Personally, in my opinion this is wrong as, our brain should be sharpened every second as if this goes on then everyone will become depended on AI. So wisdom of using AI is must while taking help from it.

  • I believe Ai is good because it has helped in healthcare. AI has greatly improved so many health care centers. It has helped doctors in diagnosis of patients illness and can even tell the doctor the drugs the patients need. It has also helped in manufacturing of drugs. Ai has helped in production of drugs, it can tell the drug producer the mosteffective chemical that can be used in making drugs. With the help of Ai, doctors can even find cure of disease that is said not to have cure. Ai has also helped in transportation. Ai has helped in transportation advancement by helping to build good road which help avoid accident. Ai has also helped in production of automobiles that use voice recognition and can drive by itsely which makes life easier for humans. Ai has helped in digital assistance. Ai has provided digital assistance in phones which has helped individual in researches, communication, reminders and getting updates on latest movies or news. Ai like siri, alexa and bixby has provided digital assistance for their user aand have made life easier for them. Ai has also helped in money management. Some people use Ai to make budget on what they would spend or buy which helps in money management which can help to reduce excess spending of money .

    1. Are there any ethical considerations we should keep in mind when using AI in healthcare and other industries?

  • I think AI is good and bad in some ways because in some places like few countries they not allowed to use more ai they are having some restrictions. So they cannot be use more AI they are control and AI wants internet in some
    poverty local areas they are not having a towers , signals so they are not having a access to use these technologies due to these problems. And are bad in some emergency and sensitive situations like accidents . But AI was not telling in all time. Some times only It will be telling some non relatable answers So I think AI is bad.

    And coming to good side of AI

    AI can help in society by telling time saving management's and it will be more helpful for farmer,doctor, foredt rangers,students,scientist etc. AI is a great technology for farmers I think because it can watch the crop conditions and fertilizer conditions . Telling a proper business ideas for farmers to sell and buy.

    And it will also for forest rangers because it can measure animals motions and it will them which animals in endanger and lead extinct so they will be give a protect for that animals and forest rangers don't no when some animals will attack them ai can help them by tracking animals near them . So ai are the technology which is having both side of good and bad

  • AI should not be developed further as it may get to a point where the human species becomes to lazy and the developed AI robots may do the jobs for humans. This is bad for the human species as health may decline decreasing the life expectancy. This could be due to an increase in obesity from a young age. This can be prevented to some extent if we prioritise the sustainability of the world rather than the development of AI

  • I think AI should be sustiained because of its great contribution to humanbeings and one of its contribution is the ability to predict the climate change of our country and it is very good for decision making mostly in countries that they have high poverty rate. AI can be used as a material for decision making both positively and negatively and it has the ability to multi task and do somany works at a time an it reduces the rate of human error and it is very perfect in healthcare centres.

  • i think ai is more helpful to human life this because ai has contributed to the reduction of so many things such as reduction of stress in the working place. for example, in the working place there will be a lot of work which will need to be done within some minute, and for human being to do the work it will take hours, to do the work, but if there is a robot it will do the work more faster and finish it in some minute.

  • I think that AI is more bad so we have to take AI out of the curriculum of our daily live so that we will be able to
    save the earth

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you think of any positive effects of AI?

      1. I agree with AI because it can help many people like full time mums find out simple ways to do things with her kids and also to know information about there kids diet, besides that it can help students to put there work on AI and it will make your work longer this is a result of making your essays better.

      2. Yes AI is a very useful because AI can detect danger from anywhere & it can also save
        lives and help to do hard homework for students

      3. Yes, it can teach us how to do things for example it help us do assignments, it let us detects climate change. AI has a very huge amount of negative effects on earth but I have very large amount of advantage like it helps us in project it he helps in detecting things coming from space it can also be used and farm work because some farmers don't know how to plant, so since they don't know how to plant it I will show them how to plant and
        they will be able to plant and harvest properly .

  • my opinion s that AI is helping in different aspect our life example climate change AI has helped us to forecast the weather which helps us prepare ahead of time for what ever would come, AI has helped in saving peoples live in other ways. AI has saved people in medical fields such as enhancing the safety of surgery by providing surgeons in formations on problems involving critical areas such as the kidney, the liver and other sensitive areas.

  • AI is doing more good because it reduces stress for example in farming it detects when a plant needs water,it also help those who buy online,maybe you want to buy a dress,you can just search online and buy online. It helps a lot of people in different areas,aside that AI is the reason why we can comment to topical talk,without AI i don't think we can be able to comment

  • i can't real believe that ai is doing good at all, this is because ai has contributed in destroying the world. for instance, ai has make some part of the world difficult for living things to stay, why, ai is one of the thing that contribute to climate change, there for making the environment unconducive for living things, by releasing carbon emission that causes climate change all around the world.

  • AI is doing good,it can be your personal assistant or it can keep you company for example sire,AI can detect climate change,though AI is the reason for the ozone tearing apart and the reason why some children or student are lazy so the use of AI should be limited

  • Hello, it’s me again I still do not agree with AI because AI can take peoples joins leaving people jobless this is a harm to people’s wealth which will have a result of way more poverty. Also it needs 27l of water to cool AI down that will waste water in lakes and rivers. :)

  • AI is doing more good, because AI inspire young people to do their homework to do their homework.

    1. Interesting ideas. What are the risks in students using AI to do their homework?

  • Hello Topical Talk,
    From my point of view, AI is more bad than good. I know that AI can be good in many cases like helping people to do difficult tasks, support doctors and many other ways as the text mentioned. In the same time it is the main reason for producing a large amount of CO2. CO2 is a very harmaful gas, because it can cause humans to die. So we have to reduce using AI as possible as we can. Also, we have to spread awareness that AI causes a big problem to the environment.
    Thanks 🌸

  • I think Ai is sustainable because because lots of people in businesses use it . But it can be used in different ways like children should not be using Ai because of people posting unkind things or inappropriate stuff that kids should not be seeing .

  • AI doing good because it help us to now what is happen around us and it help people travel, to learn and it teach
    us how to respect elder.

    1. Can you tell me how AI helps people to travel, learn, and respect their elders?

      1. AI helps people to travel, it helps customers book hotels and flights. AI helps people to learn, AI can generate customer learning material, such as quizzes, and flashcards. AI helps children to learn how to respect their elders, it teaches them how to greet their elders

  • AI development is not sustainable because with the new developments of AI a study in 2020 has shown that there has been a significant increase in the amount of greenhouse gases released into the environment. this is because training and using AI consumes energy and produces fossil fuel emissions and pollutants. This causes the continuing decline of the environment and the wildlife inside becoming endangered. This means that future generations will not be able to see the beautiful planet as we do today but a more dessert like planet due to the increasing in temperatures caused by the fossil fuels being produced

  • In my opinion, AI does more harm than good. It doesn't make sense how AI can be seen as useful in helping fight against climate change if "by 2030, the amount of CO2 produced by AI data centres will equate to roughly 40% of the annual emissions of the United States". If anything, this will contribute negatively. These levels of pollution didn't even exist before the 21st century because AI wasn't around to cause it, and there are already so many other contributors to global warming. Developing AI is only going to worsen that, and so the fact it has even been considered that AI can "help fight against climate change" is possible the most ridiculous thing that anyone could ever say. Instead of solving climate change, it will only make it worse.

    The amount of water and energy being used just from using AI on its own is more significant than most people realise. AI data centres use up massive amounts of water and energy to function, with some saying that the energy used by AI alone could be more than an entire nation's. For example, Google's data centres alone use around 5 billion gallons of water yearly just or cooling - when you take into consideration how much energy and water it takes to train and run large AI models, you can see that the environmental cost is huge. These resources are being consumed at such a high rate, and the world is already facing water and energy shortages as a lot of the energy we use on a daily basis tends to be non-renewable. This just shows how AI isn't going to be sustainable, and it is more of a problem than a solution.

  • AI can be both good or bad, all that matters is how it is being used, some people use it extraordinarily good, and some use it the bad way! let's take a look at some examples:

    * Many countries are using it to create new missiles, launch satellites, research on a new program, take care of the economy, using it to make people more attentive towards civics sense {traffic and all}
    * It is being used for people's welfare {finding of covid-19's vaccine}
    * New Medicines are also being researched upon

    * Whereas others are using it to give birth to hackers, spams, frauds {cases of frauds are increasing by the day}
    * People with ill-mentality keep using it for unsafe and underage websites
    * Dangerous AI is being researched upon

    these are just a few examples of how people are using AI according to themselves, and this is the situation of almost EVERY COUNTRY!
    AI is not what can be termed as good or bad, it is us, we people, who make it good or bad by our usage.
    All we need to do is change our mentality, differentiate our way of thinking, then AI can not only be good for humanity but also for the environment and nature!


  • I think AI is doing more good because it can predict life saving events, such as global warming or natural disasters. I know that AI data centres are producing lots of carbon dioxide, which is heating up our planet but as I said, when AI gets more sustainable it can really help us to investigate more into the things that are causing our planet to struggle.

  • AI is more good and more bad, because AI helps children with their homework and things they don't understand.
    and I said AI is bad because, it makes people lazy.
    And if they get attracted to it they will not engage in much work again but instead they rely on the AI.

  • AI is good because it has made research more easier for people.

  • I personally believe that AI will fail when examined from an enviormentalist lens. Generative AI has left many people in shock with the amount of water it uses and I don't think that the corporate sector will be willing to sink potentially billions into finding solutions for more advanced and less wasteful cooling systems, especially now that a more pro-business and pro-deretulation executive branch has come to power in the United States of America. The corporations simply do not need to worry about their enviormental impact in the next four years.

  • AI is hard to describe as good or bad. In my opinion, it leans more towards good but does have negative impacts too. I want to focus on the negative for now.

    AI that may seem helpful often has a bad side. For example, let's think about AI that is used for educational purposes. The infamous ChatGPT is most recognizable. Many may use this program to solve questions quickly that may be tricky. But, that's also the issue. Students may use it so frequently that it becomes a cheating tool. Their minds may go from, "I just need to answer this one question" to, "I'll just use ChatGPT to get the answer." Of course, it doesn't apply to every student.

    Another educational app, which is known as Grammarly. Through a subscription, you get access to fixing every sentence. Students can take advantage of the app being smart at grammar, which many can struggle with. Again, it can go from, "I just need help with this paragraph" to, "I'm just gonna use Grammarly again as it can fix my issues right away." This often destroys the main purpose of Grammarly, which was to help people get better at using grammar.

    Now, let's think of larger problems such as pollution or climate change. AI has a good and bad side to this. AI can help with larger portions of pollution, which is great. But what happens when people get dependent on it? Well, they don't do the job anymore. AI can't help everything, especially with the excessive amount of pollution around the world. People should work alongside AI in order for AI to truly be a benefit.

  • I strongly believe that AI has contributed to the enhancement of many fields such as health care. It helps detect severe diseases like cancer at an early stage. This helps people live happier and more productive lives.

    AI also automated lots of administrative tasks leaving more space for humans to focus on jobs that require creativity.

    But at the same time we have to be aware that overusing AI may reduce people's skills.

    1. I like how simple this is. The straightforwardness makes this easier to understand. I agree with what you stated about AI being helpful for issues that may be harder for humans. I also agree about what you said about overusing AI. AI is mainly negative because of the excessive usage.

      1. Interesting thoughts - can you tell me why you think over usage leads will lead to negative consequences?

  • i think that AI is very important because AI can be used for different things and everyone needs AI to help them improve with learning about how to be safe on the internet. i also use AI on my phone to open it with face ID and without AI we wouldn't be able to do different thing on our moblie phones or computers it helps you to be better in your future life about how to work with AI and sustain ablitie i really like AI and i hope that they will be able to upgrade all types of AI you can use

  • From my point of view Ai is making both good and bad. For example the artificial intelligence in the health care industry helps doctors spot problems inside your body or it can even send to the doctor live progression of the patient. On the other hand Ai isn’t doing a lot of good for students because they don’t think anymore they just ask Chat gpt what to do or how to do their homework. The big problem here is that people stopped thinking with their brain. The just whant a quick and not always corect solution. It’s a topic that can be discussed.

    1. This is close to what I said about the topic! AI itself isn't a bad invention, it was just used incorrectly. Many ai apps are used for education, but students easily take advantage of it. Your explanation was great. Medical AI is often beneficial and helps with many challenges. It's one of the many AI that has always had great benefits rather than consequences.


  • in my opinion ai is making both bad and good as we know that ai helped us doing alot of thing more easier and it can give us alot of information and it also saves time and effort but on the other hand ai is making alot of mistakes like people will use ai in there daily life so they won't work and they will be lazy and also anyone may ubuse ai in bad things.

    to conclude, Ai has advantages and disadvantages and we need to reduce the disadvantaged and make use of the advantages.

  • The impact of AI on society is pretty complex on a way AI is helping develop humanity in ways that normal humans would take longer but on another point is affecting badly our planet and is making some people lose some basic abilities like writing an opinion

  • In my opinion AI does a little bit of both, good and bad, it's good because doctors can use it for finding hidden diseases in the human body or help detect secret fractures that the human eye can't see, it's also good because scientists can be alerted if any natural disasters are going to happen and when, saving loads of human and animal lives. Although it does all of this good, it also does a lot of bad. AI pollutes very much due to it being powered by massive amounts of energy, that comes from fossil fuels, and fossil fuels are one of the main reasons global warming is happening. Also, AI is bad because it pretty much took over people's brains, humans don't have original thoughts anymore or ideas, they leave it all for AI to do, kids do they're assignments on ChatGpt , modern art is created mostly from AI and much more messed up stuff. In my opinion AI shouldn't have been able to do the things that give humans a salary or creativity, AI should've been used only by doctors, scientists and programmers, or people who use it for a good cause. So, in conclusion, AI does more bad to the world, due to it being used by too many people or people that don't have an actual reason for them to use it.

  • I would say that AI is more good than bad because they advantages of it is that it could be lifesaving , it can be helpful(for finding out things )and can make your tasks or work simpler.Although there are some disadvantages I still believe that there are more good than bad in AI.

  • In my opinion, AI is good because it helps you with a lot of questions that some other platforms don’t and sometimes AI can be bad because if you think of it some people use it for everything even exams so they don’t have their own opinion and can’t think normally.So it actually depends on the situation if it is bad or good.

  • Contradicting my previous point AI has shown some important uses proving that it should be developed further. AI has proven to help with surgery as with the assistance of AI 313 million surgeries can happen by 2030. This is a substantial amount and even just one of the surgeries could be the difference between life and death. If AI doesn't progress further some people may suffer the consequences of an early death due to an operation not being able to happen as they don't have the skills AI does. AI can also work non stop where as human have to have around 8 hours sleep to function to the standard surgeons do. This means that more surgeries can be completed in a shorter amount of time allowing the surgeon to help more than 1 or 2 patients a day

  • Even though AI is a very fast source of information, it can answer a question very fast, with accuracy and precision, it can help us prevent many disasters and it can analyze vast amounts of data quickly to uncover patterns, it also has it's bad side, in some years, many people might lose their jobs because the AI has advanced so much, it can take their places. Also, AI can be used for bad reasons such as deepfakes, cyberattacks or surveillance.
    In conclusion I think AI is doing more bad, not only to humans, but for the planet itself, even though it has its flaws, it's more harmful.

  • The way I see it, it's both. All of the things that AI needs to remain sustainable aren't good for the planet. But it's also helping a lot, it's helping forest rangers with keeping the forests up, which is good, also doctors to be precise in a surgery, scientist with detecting natural disasters, which are all really important, and it does not help only with that, it helps also owners of stores, university students and more. It has a lot of uses, so in conclusion I think that it's both. Which of them is doing more good or more bad? I don't know, it depends the way you see it, a university student could go without AI without any problems, but it helps a lot when the scientist uses it, or the doctor even the forest ranger, so it also depends on who is using it.

  • In my opinion AI cause more harm than good because AI cause a lot of destructions to our environment and even humans. people don't see the harm and pollution that await us. examples of how AI can cause destructions to us and our planet is: mining of product like metal to make AI that can be use for better thing.
    Thank you!!!

    1. Can you give me some more examples of how AI can cause destructions?

      1. AI can actually lead to destruction because there the way the technology is developing, it will soon become independent of human control and the thought of that can be very scary. We have seen sci-fi movies such as Atlas suggesting that these things are possible and from inception we know that anything you see in movies will eventually become our experience.
        You don't want imagine a world of humans versus robots in a war. It is going to be apocalypses!

  • I think that it is 50/50 . For against A.I. , it is awful for our planet and it is wasting billions of litres of water on trying to cool the machines down . In the lesson it stated that when A.I. uploads an A.I. image , it would use the amount of energy as 50% of a smartphone . it also uses three times the amount of fuels that a car would in a whole lifetime !

  • In my personal opinion AI is not as sustainable as it should be to be shown to the world, however like any other type of inventions and revolutions made trough all over the human history it won´t be stopped due to many economical and governmental conveniences and yes the AI is a revolution after the internet creation it is incredibly innovative, such things as predict climate or predict natural disasters would be unimaginable backdays.

  • I believe that ai is both good and bad because it will both destroy and create jobs.During the industrial revolution people were scared stuff like trains and cars would take away jobs which they did but they also created new jobs and I believe the same will happen with ai.

  • Is ai more good then bad.

    I believe AI is more bad than good for a few reasons.

    It makes bad stuff happen to the earth including climate change and much more. It requires a lot of water to cool down and it uses some harmful chemicals for the earth, “it's a waste of emissions” -Sage Lenier.

    it also is just as helpful as using an ordinary search engine if not worse for giving false information and uses more supplies and dirties the earth so maybe it is not as useful as you may have thought so maybe we should stop using ai

    So those are my reasons, honestly I still want ai but only for video games such as pac-man to control ghosts.

  • I think that ai is very sustainable from the activity I learned that it is okay to use as long as you don’t use it too way it is okay is it helps people with work but also it is not ok to use it because it damages the earth.

    1. If private companies such as Microsoft and Google are running the AI systems, how can governments encourage them to use more sustainable sources of energy?

  • I think that Artificial Intelligence is doing more harm than good because If the CO2 emission s will rise to 40% by 2030 in the USA. If it continues to rise then it will mean that it will keep climbing up and up and eventually it will rise to 100% of all emission in the USA in the near future if nothing is done about it. We as humans have already done enough harm to the environment and AI will just increase the damages rather than reduce the damages.

  • I think that AI is sustainable because it can make a lot of things like:Agrceculture,industry,searching and also helping people in their needs.
    In agrceculture we can operate it instead of farmers. In industry we can employ it in making machines,clothes,cars,planes... Searching let us able to know a lot of information in the world with different languages and help us in the Scientific research. Now we realized that AI is very useful and necessary in our daily life.

  • Ai is doing more bad
    It is used to plagiarise something with the original work and gets appreciation
    In my opinion it lessens our creative skills
    I agree that Ai is also doing good in some areas like in farming,in space technology,in problem solving
    AI is not sustainable because of high level of energy consumption

  • I think AI is more bad because of the amount of energy it consumes. I know we are providing many solutions and taking many initiatives towards but for now I think that it is bad of course it provides us with many advantages like predicting weather change but think about the energy it consumes to do that. I read in the news that because of the amount of energy AI consumes a village had to survive 1 week without water and some people died. If we don't solve this problem sooner now it may look like a small problem but in the future it will be one of humanity's greatest problems if not solved. THANK YOU!!!

  • I think AI is more good because it helps people in many ways and it can make all our work faster and easier. AI helps students by providing additional information and allowing them to think out of their box and makes lesson more interesting. In hospital AI plays an important role by finding out the disease and suggesting a better treatment which will save the life. In offices, AI will do simple tasks which may give extra time for employees to do creative work. AI helps in translation which will make communication easier between different languages. AI also helps the bank detect the fraud and protect the money from the customers. It will also help scientists to find new medicine for better world.
    AI helps the world to become more smart and advanced.
    Thank you!

  • I think that AI is quite sustainable as it so far has not seemed to be a threat to anyone and it doesn't seem to look like a threat in this year. But as technology develops it could become more of a threat as it could "take over" by "infecting" devices. Many people speculate that this could happen. I do not fully agree with this but could definetly be a possibility as technology advances.

  • By looking at it in my point of view I think AI is really starting to replace human beings in almost everything! Students are beginning to use AI in every given task to them, like making a project or presentation about something ,which decreases the amount of creativity each one should have. It also increases the amount of students that are cheating by using AI now days, like if their teacher asks them to make a report about something or a text about any form of writing they will just use AI and call it a day. No! They are just calling themselves lazy by doing that, shouldn't they be ashamed? It is getting worse that some teachers ASK students to use AI in some projects , I get that maybe the teacher wants their student to know how to use programming in some kind of way but that is totally wrong because then your just telling them to get lazy. Also AI has not only affected education but even ARTS , people now days use AI for their artworks them it call it theirs which is totally unacceptable, they even use it to get into art schools too which counts as total cheating. Even huge companies, like McDonald's are starting to use AI in their advertisements which now makes the advertisement look cheap, since AI isn't even that good at advertisements or things that include art. AI NEEDS to STOP.

    1. Do you think there's a way to balance AI use in education and art without completely replacing human creativity and effort?

  • I think it's both combined. For one, AI can be used to further enhance our world, such as creating a new machine of some kind that could help doctors with patients or create more opportunities for students to get more services that could help with learning. However, AI in schools and other places could be dangerous. Students can use AI to do their work, some even make essays with AI and turn them in. This could be a problem because what if someone in something like medical school uses AI instead of actually learning the material? If they become a doctor, it could put many people at risk.

  • I think AI is doing well because most of the things now are online say if you want to book an airplane ticket you would have to use your phone that you could also do it at the desk but most people do it on their phone anyways people pay their bills on their phones when around in the last 10 years people have been using their phones to pay their bills, but before you would have to go up to the bank and go pay your bills there.

  • I think that AI is doing more bad because sometimes AI could get confused with anything,say if you have an AI generated Robot that could get the wrong idea and turn on you,cars such as Tesla sometimes gets confused and brings you to a different destination that you didn't know because you have fallen asleep or you have turned around and spoke to the person/people behind you.

  • This AI stands in neutral the people who use this for whole time they will become so lazy and if you give some work to do but without AI there performance will be very poor because they have always been depended on the AI and they think power will be lost, but the people who use it with a limit (not always depending on it) like they used for to clarify their doubts in their subjects or any general things and here they thinking power won't loss at all
    So this depends that how you use the AI so it can be more bad or can be more good

  • I think that AI is better than bad as it helps us humans do nearly everything from phones to satellites. Weather is an example satellite pictures from ai are sent to the weather people and then they tell u the forcast. I think without AI items that run with electricity would not evolve as quick but with AI it evolves alot which helps are planet evolve in ways

  • Though AI is waiting to do more good things for us, but we people gets a little bit fear on it. Because, AI has two faces good and bad. Both are in equal proportion. So, It depends upon how does people react to it. And we all should be highly aware in which way are we supposed to use AI. The good we do, the good things happens, the bad things we do, the bad things happen. If people avoid doing harmful, AI will be no harm to the society. We can able to achieve more in the future with the help of Al Sustainability.

  • artificial intelligency a i is the silent architect of a new era, higher machines transcend mere computation to mimic, the brillions of human cognition. it weaves together algorithms and data sculpting innovations that redefine industries, from self driving Cars gliding seamlessly through City scapes to virtual assistants anticipating our every need.....

    AI is not just automation, it is tuition encoded in Silicon, learning from patterns, in evolving with experience and pushing the boundaries of what was once impossible....
    as it reshapes medicine, art and communication. AI stands as both a Marvel and a mystery——— Air force that Mirrors human intelligence while forging a path entirely its own.......

    .......thank you.......

  • I think AI is doing more good in the world because in my opinion, I believe AI is useful for certain things like creating an image, helping with problems and giving advice, however I do have a concern for the future. I believe that AI will eventually take over all jobs and more people will become homeless and have no job but AI can increase the working from home which may be good for people who are unable to work in person and require to work online which not many jobs allow.

  • I think that AI is sustainable for multiple reasons. For example, because AI is smart, AI can help doctors find out different diseases that maybe some doctors don't know, which could save multiple lives. Also, AI can help students learn new things and AI could help track the weather for things like floods, volcano eruptions and more. In the end, I feel like AI is sustainable.

  • I think AI is doing more good because it helps doctors cure patients if something is wrong. Another reason i think it does more good is because it makes stuff easier. So that's why i think AI does more good stuff then bad.

  • I think AI is more good because in the passage it says it helps humans solve problems much faster than we can. For example it can support doctors to diagnose patients. And it can fight against climate change.

  • AI is doing more bad than good because it is making people lazy, like for students if they give them homework they will not use their brain to do it they will use AI and that is the sign of laziness.

    1. AI is doing more bad than good because it make student lazy for example 1. over-reliance on AI tools 2. instant gratification 3. lack of engagement of 4. automation of tasks 5. missed opportunities for self-discipline

  • I believe AI could have both positive and negative influences in today's world. However, if used correctly, I believe there are more benefits than disadvantages.
    For example, many people can benefit from the usage and unlimited access of AI, even those who obtain disabilities. There have been many instances where AI has been able to transfer writing into Braille or text-to-speech for those who have a visual impairment. WIthout AI, it would not be possible for many visually impaired people to feel as though they are able to indulge in the world of books, texts, articles, and many more.
    Additionally, AI has provided stability to many parents and teachers struggling to maintain children or students they may have. With the help of AI, teachers are able to come up with different lessons and assignments for their students with greater efficiency, while parents can teach their children real world lessons and organize tasks and events in their life with something as easy as a few keys and clicks.

  • Recently,I changed my mind about how efficient AI is. I now think that AI is more good than bad, because if you think deeply about, you eould realize how hard our current lives would be without it. Like anything else in the world, AI can have some positive and negative effects. Some of AI's amazing advantages is the incredible help it provides us with! Can you imagine the amount of ease AI provides? AI can help you with your tasks in seconds, with dashing speed and friendly service. AI is a huge time-saver. It saves us plenty of time, just imagine the time it takes us to do things the practical way. BUT do we seem lazy as we pass out some of our tasks to the speedy service (AI)?
    Unfortunately, AI can have harmful disadvantages too, that we need to take good care of. The time-saving, speedy companion can obtain some risks in hand, like emitting massive amounts of co2, which is very harmful to our health. Also, this gas can have a negative impact on the environment too, which could soon lead to a global warming crisis! That is why we need to limit our use of all electronic devices daily.

    Lastly, I would like to suggest some questions to you. Can you picture our lives without any mark of artificial intelligence in them? I think it would difficult for us to live without AI, as in our modern world most of our lives depend on it. But if AI wasn't ever invented, does that mean our environment would be healthier and cleaner?

  • I think AI is neither doing more good nor more bad. It really just depends on how someone uses it. Let's first talk about the benefits of AI. AI chatbots like ChatGPT, Gemini, and DeepSeek can help answering various problems like mathematics and physics. This is extremely useful, especially those specific questions that you struggle on does not have a solution on google. They can also simplify and summarize notes for you which will be very useful when memorizing long notes. If you're someone who enjoys listening better than reading, AI voice generators like ElevenLabs can help you a lot. Aside from education, AI also helps in growing a business, such as suggesting brand name and theme, planning, organizing, etc.

    Nevertheless, AI can also have bad impact if not used wisely. For example, a study in Big Think found that when the consultants are given a task "outside the Jagged Frontier" (areas that surpasses current knowledge or capabilities of AI), the ones that used AI had worse results with only getting it right about 60-70% of the time while the ones that didn't use AI surprisingly had better results with getting the problems right 84% of the time. This shows that relying on AI can also backfire. People that use AI uncritically will become lazy, careless, and lack in skills.

    In conclusion, it is important for us to be wise in using AI. AI can be very powerful when used correctly, but it can also backfires and decrease the quality in human skills.

  • I feel like AI is negative and positive. I think AI is bad because it can make air pollution worse. I think AI is good because it can tell parents how to be better parents. For example, it can tell them how to make foods that are better for their kid. Also, it can tell kids how to do their homework by using Chat GPT. The problem with that is that kids may not be learning anything because they aren't using their brains. AI may also give them the wrong answer. You don't know if it might be incorrect. AI can help people in life, but sometimes it can be bad.

  • I think AI is good becauce it can help in our day to day lifes such as if you are stuck on a question and can't get help or if you need to calculate many things for something like stats.

  • Ai is bad. It is terrible for the environment, and if we want our planet to be a better place to live then we shouldn't use it. Aswell as this, it causes a lot of job loss, as AI is able to replace people's jobs. This increases unemployment, poverty and homelessness.

  • I think that while A.I. could be useful as it progresses, it is wasteful and not yet sustainable. If, in the future, we could work out a way to make it more sustainable and less harmful to the environment, it would definitely do more good than bad. But currently, that’s not possible.

  • I believe that A.I. is doing more bad than good (not only because it is causing mass amounts of climate change and waste which people have already mentioned) but because of how some people use it. A.I. is being used to make images and stories online which people can pass off as their own. This use of A.I. can take money from people who actually work hard to create art like advertising and artists who live off of commissions.

  • I believe that A.I. is doing more bad than good (not only because it is causing mass amounts of climate change and waste which people have already mentioned) but because of how some people use it. A.I. is being used to make images and stories online which people can pass off as their own. This use of A.I. can take money from people who actually work hard to create art like advertising and artists who live off of commissions.

  • I believe that Ai does more good across the world because it helps people in science and healthcare, and just everyday life in total. People use Ai in loads of different ways though. Some use it for art and writing which I think ruins the passion and talent for such crafts. Ai is overused and is making us less able to learn and work on our own mind and create something on our own. It has its positives with helping people who need it but also it’s negatives.

  • I believe that A.I. is doing more bad than good (not only because it is causing mass amounts of climate change and waste which people have already mentioned) but because of how some people use it. A.I. is being used to make images and stories online which people can pass off as their own. This use of A.I. can take money from people who actually work hard to create art like advertising and artists who live off of commissions.

  • In my opinion, AI is not really reliable or sustainable because it takes too much time and energy for just one search. I think that there must be another option that is better for the environment.

  • Yourself or detecting wheather or natural disasters that's how it's useful

  • From my point of view, AI seems to be doing more good than bad at the moment because, AI helps in medical field research. For example; some diseases, that which do not have a cure yet, like cancer, dementia, etc., AI can be used to help find the cure to these diseases. Finding the cure would assist in preventing pre-mature deaths, and help people to enjoy life with their loved ones.

  • AI is doing more harm then good because its being used to replace jobs leading to widespread unemployment.It can also be biased,perpetuating inequality in areas like hiring,law enforcement and lending.Additionally,Ai systems can be manipulated for malicious purposes,like spreading misinformation or deepflakes.The lack of clear regulations and accountability further raises concerns about privacy,ethinical use and security.Often priortizing profit over peoples wellbeings.

    1. You raised an interesting point about AI perpetuating inequality. Could you provide an example to illustrate this?

  • I kind of disagree that AI sustainable because 80 to 100g of water. we do not need AI we have smart humas think of the future there would be no people and it will be lonely soon there will be AI teachers . But AI is very smart and in 4 or 5 seconds to make a poem and it can help in dangerous situations which is very helpful . AI can be used to cure diseases hopeful in the future human doctors are still alive

  • In my opinion, I feel like AI is doing more good then bad but the results from AI can be very dangerous. I say this because firstly, AI helps people with equations and problems that needs to be solved and it can do it fast too, so this is a good essential to have with you if you need a quick problem solver or quick calculator. Secondly, AI can help us with cooking and recipes. Like for example, when I was in the kitchen, my mom was using Chatgpt while cooking so marry me chicken. So with this being said, AI is useful for helping with cooking and recipes in the kitchen. With all of this being said, my opinion is that AI is doing more good then bad in the world but the CO2 that is being passed around can affect people around it negatively.

  • AI is more bad... CO2 is really dangerous for health although AI has alot of good functions but it would not help you if your health got worst. and I think that your health is more important than Ai. CO2 is also so harmful for the environment it causes the ozone layer to cut open and this lets the harmful sun radiation to enter our planet and this cuases climate changes which harm plants and animals

  • I believe that ai is a sustainable because it can predict and changes the way respond to natural disasters… but I also think that it is a bad idea because for instance if there was a kid who was searching things on google, and he was typing inappropriate things then what are their parents going to do about it 1 they won’t understand it and 2 they should at least have a parent or guardian supervising which can prevent that from occurring…. Apart from that I believe that they are abit of both of them because they can search inappropriate comments on google but so can help them understand the meaning of the context of the meaning it also helps due to the climate change there will be ai for online shopping and all sorts BUT ai is also bad because what happens if it gets hacked ???

  • Well, in my opinion AI is more good than bad as AI help in many ways, it benefits in industry, learning and healthcare which makes it more positive and beneficial.
    In industry AI can perform dangerous jobs that may harm humans and even can do these tasks it better if it is programed professionally and it even never get bored and doesn't ask for any money or vacations which improve industry and save money.
    Many students may struggle with understanding certain topics or completing homework so they ask AI and AI is feed with reliable information from experts and scientists and some other information are searched from the browser, so AI helps alot in learning.
    AI can help find the problem faster than the doctor, and assisting them diagnoses if this AI doesn't know about AI it will learn on its own from what it sees and help the doctor after a short period of time and after more time it can even learn and get more information than the doctor by finding patterns in the data it gets.

    To make a long story short AI help in many ways and it have many benefits than disadvantages which makes it necessary to be used everyday.

  • AI is extremely useful and powerful. On the good side, AI can help in education and communication. It can translate languages and even teach you new skills. In Indonesia (my country), for example, AI is used to help farmers predict weather patterns, so that they can improve and maintain their crops. AI is also used in e-commerce apps like Tokopedia to recommend products people might be interested in.

    However, AI has its drawbacks. Many workers are afraid to lose their jobs to robots, especially in factories and customer service. Factories just need to make automated robots to do the packaging and chatbots can interact with customers. Another problem is that AI can also spread misinformation, like deepfakes. If people believe everything AI says, it can be dangerous.

    To solve these problems, companies should provide programs to help workers learn new skills so they can still find jobs in an AI-powered company. Why not start earlier? Schools can also teach students on how to use AI wisely and how they can recognize fake news. I think AI is helpful, but only if we use it responsibly. It should help humans, not replace them.

  • I believe AI has done much more good than bad in Indonesia. In the healthcare sector, it has been used to detect various diseases before it gets worse. It also has been used in Telemedicine to make healthcare more accessible in rural areas. In agriculture, AI has been used to monitor crop health to produce bigger yields and support Indonesia's growing population. In the education sector, AI is used to create personalized learning experiences for students to help Indonesia develop highly skilled workers and stimulate the economy. AI has also been used to protect Indonesia's diverse wildlife and detect illegal poaching to aid endangered species. In summary, although AI has some negative aspects to it, I believe it has done much more good in Indonesia than bad.

  • AI is good because it enhances our lives in many ways even though it is not yet sustainable it still helps in our daily lives. It makes our lives easier and plays important roles in our lives and we use it almost all the time
    Ways in which AI are being used in Jos, Plateau State as follows:
    1. AI can be used in agriculture to check and analyze the soil to see whether it is good for planting.
    2. AI can be used for education so that children that are being homeschooled will use AI to learn from home and also for the children in real schools they can use AI to make learning fun and easier
    3. AI can be used for healthcare to detect illnesses' disturbing patients.

  • I think AI is more bad for now. The damages of AI to the environment are:
    1.Soil erosion
    3.Electronic waste
    These damages will be detrimental to the environment if we don't work towards making AI sustainable. I'm not implying that the creators or disturbers of AI should eliminate it , but they should postpone it until they can make it sustainable .
    For now though AI will do more bad than good , if we don't find ways to make it sustainable.

  • AI has brought us closer to a new revolutionary society. In fact, the concept of AI has existed since the 19th century. While AI offers many advantages, such as assisting with problem-solving and improving efficiency, we must also consider the issue of resource reduction. Our planet is running out of essential resources, and we have no certainty that future generations will have enough to sustain their lives. Rather than focusing solely on advancing AI, we should prioritize addressing our unsustainable usage rates. A revolution driven by AI will not benefit humanity if the very foundation of our existence (clean air, water, and food) becomes insufficient. After all, what’s the point of a technological revolution if it cannot sustain itself for future generations?

  • I think AI has both positive and negative impacts, and how we utilize its a matter.Sometimes, AI can provide wrong answers, but it can also be more useful, especially for doctors, scientists, space researchers, and students. For doctors and scientist AI is very useful. During
    operations doctors should be very careful while using ai because sometimes ai will tell wrong informations that can lead to extreme cautions of an individual's life. And AI can help to predict climate changes by analyzing climate patterns, give warning about upcoming disasters, viruses, and provide more information about outer space. It can also raise awareness about societies, and it will be more valuable in the future generations.

    However, AI has benefits but,there are also negative impacts. For example, AI can spread misinformation, which can lead to confusion, stress, and addiction, and affecting society and individuals life. And more important is , the energy consumption of AI data centers leads to carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change very bad. It's essential to be fix a limits on the use of these platforms. Finally, we should use AI as owners, not as slaves by doing these AI can be more sustain in future.

  • Actually in my opinion AI is helpful more than harmful , because these days people can't make anything without AI .We can use AI in many things really important it helps us cook,it helps us study and helps us do alot of other things and also some people can't work without AI like scientists and doctors because maybe AI helps them know what is going on inside people bodies and it also helps a lot of other people in their work not only scientists . To conclude, I also respect other people options that AI is harmful because they have a good view point but I think that this is my opinion about AI .

    1. Interesting ideas. Can you think of any risks of AI?

  • Although AI is helping with a lot of things like predicting natural disasters, helping doctors and scientists, I still think that AI is doing more bad than good because the waste the training centers produce is awful for the environment and the more they work on AI the more waste is produced.

  • Hi Topical Talkers
    You are asking a really big question! AI like a super powerful tool, and whether it is more good or bad depends on how we use it . I think it like a knife: you can use it to cut vegetables for a yummy dinner, or you could use it to do something harmful. AI is similar it is depends on how we handle it. On the one hand, AI could make our lives way easier. Imagine robots doing all the boring chores, doctors using AI to find cures for diseases, and teachers using AI to help kids learn in a way that is perfect for them. That would be awesome, right?
    But on the other hand, AI could also cause some problems. What if robots take over everyone's jobs ? What if AI is used to spy on people or make decisions that are unfair? That would be pretty scary.
    So, is AI more good or more bad? it is hard to say for sure. it is up to us to make sure we use AI in a way that helps people and makes the world a better place. We need to be smart about it and make sure everyone benefits, not just a few people.

  • I believe that AI is doing more harm than good. This is because, although the potential of it reducing waste is high, we do not know how long it will take until we can use it sustainably. Right now, it is not helping the planet even though it has its uses. True, it can be used for more useful purposes like helping scientists with their difficult, mathematical work or reminding us what we have to do during the day. Unfortunately, the amount of waste AI is producing is not doing any good for our planet.

    It is also causing others to lose their jobs and becoming unable to earn money for their family. For example , instead of waiters, robots can replace their jobs, with a chance of many families being bankrupt. If their education is poor, it is extremely unlikely the unemployed workers may not ever get a career again.

    If we get rid of AI, it also means that there won't be any more cyberbullying, scams online or private information being given to untrustworthy people. This will solve many situations about children being bullied online, ending up in depression or money being taken from you secretly. I think that many people all around the world will be quite happy with getting rid of AI. Others might disagree but others might be in the middle. There are many advantages and disadvantages, but this is my perspective.

  • In my point of view, AI is doing many great things, but saying the benefits, there are also harmful effects on society. Many people use AI without  knowing the  potential impacts on the environment. As people are using ai daily, the data centers of AI consume more amounts of electricity, which can lead to more carbon emissions and lead to global warming.

    Benefits of AI:                                                    AI can continuesly perform a tasks and reduce biased decisions. It helps  to reduce human errors, saving time. AI can also provide creative ideas that help workers and enhance their productivity. AI improves safety in workplaces, especially in construction. Additionally ai can provide important information to researchers regarding space exploration and climate change.

    Disadvantages of AI:                                        AI can spread misinformation, and a major problem is the reduction of job opportunities for humans as AI takes over some tasks. AI requires more investment and can be expensive to implement. AI also lacks emotions, which can negatively affect people in various situations.

    By changing these issues into benefits, AI can be more sustainably in the future.  AI is a great technology to the world, if people  use them in a  proper way means it is one of the greatest software.
    We should be the controller of the whole AI system, but should not be addicted to them and be a slave.

  • I believe that AI has both positive and negative impacts, but the negative impacts are more than the benefits. For example, in today's world, AI is being used in cinema and in real life to create the likeness of deceased person's. If people start using this technology regularly to interact with their grandparents or family persons, friends etc.could lead to addiction. If one day AI technology were to be discontinued or some issues on software's means, people might struggle to accept the loss, leading to emotional stress and depression. This affect on AI can result in a lack of  human emotion, which could be harmful of an user's of ai. So ai very dangerous in some situations like these.
    Not only these situations are harmful there are many like this. How we are using that will change the course of matter.

  • I believe that in today's incredible world, Artificial intelligence is developing in every second as it simplifies and analyzes complex data, enhances business productivity, makes cures and medicine, helps students in education and helps other significant and important jobs. AI also has excellence and many virtues.

    This advances the data analysis furthermore Artificial Intelligence helps businessmen to solve difficult problems. It also it reduces many risks like the human errors. Human errors can waste millions of money and accidents and injuries will decrease.

    Artificial Intelligence helps to diagnose various medical conditions by the speed of data reading and status determination such as cancer, retinal diseases, pneumonia and others. It saves lives of a lot of patients and innocents.

    AI can be a fantastic tool that supports students while they are studying. AI can help student to get knowledge by sending to them articles, images, videos and send to them Quizes to practice what they have learned. AI can send to students AI teaching assistants like Chat GPT and Meta AI. AI can also send immediate feed backs rather than waiting for your teacher's respond.

    To conclude, I think that AI has an enormous excel on all humans moreover it is extremely important. Imagine your like without AI. What do you think it will be like?

  • I believe that AI has both positive and negative impacts, but the negative impacts are more than the benefits. For example, in today's world, AI is being used in cinema and in real life to create the likeness of deceased person's. If people start using this technology regularly to interact with their grandparents or family persons, friends etc.could lead to addiction. If one day AI technology were to be discontinued or some issues on software's means, people might struggle to accept the loss, leading to emotional stress and depression. This affect on AI can result in a lack of  human emotion, which could be harmful of an user's of ai. So ai very dangerous in some situations like these.
    Not only these situations are harmful there are many like this. How we are using that will change the course of matter.

    1. Interesting thoughts.

      Have you looked into how banks are trying to detect criminals posing as customers using technology such as AI?

  • AI is bad more than good at the moment because there are a lot of things that are harming our home planet. People always try to save our world from bad things like creating cars that don't harm our planet so much but we are now creating AI which is making our planet have more bad things like global warming and climate change that are already happen. Its sad that we are trying to look after our planet and creating things like AI is just harming. We should look at the bad things for our planet more than just focusing on the things that are good for us not for our planet.

    1. I agree because there is global warming is increasing but how so these ai has a center were all computers are there and they are heated and tha heat is relesed in air thts why i agree with you👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  • From my point of view, AI has both positive and negative sides. However, compared to the benefits, the negative impacts are becoming more challenging and affecting society and individual lives day by day. In particular, in this current generation, some people are using AI to create harmful videos that abuse individuals' lives. For example, videos have the content like body shaming, sexual content, and other harmful behavior are being spreading As a result, the affected individuals are get into depression and more stress. In India, these issues are increasing day by day. Therefore, I believe that AI can be dangerous in some ways.

    While AI does have benefits, the negative aspects of ai are changing thoughts of the positive potential into bad, turning the good ideas behind AI into harmful ones. To address this, AI creators should take steps to reduce these issues by fixing a limits on the usage of AI. This would help ensure that AI remains sustainable and give benefits to humans in the future.

  • I believe that AI is mostly good however to an extent. AI helps us in many ways and can be extremely helpful to people around the globe who have ideas but yet don’t know how to start them. AI also helps us by reducing human errors and speeding up processes. It is also beneficial for workplaces and improves quality of work. However there are few downsides to AI such as cost and accuracy, also with AI the enhancement of human skills would pause and there would be a possibility that AI takes the opportunites of employees leaving people jobless hence quality of life and standard of living decreasing.

  • I believe that AI is mostly good however to an extent. AI helps us in many ways and can be extremely helpful to people around the globe who have ideas but yet don’t know how to start them. AI also helps us by reducing human errors and speeding up processes. It is also beneficial for workplaces and improves quality of work. However there are few downsides to AI such as cost and accuracy, also with AI the enhancement of human skills would pause and there would be a possibility that AI takes the opportunites of employees leaving people jobless hence quality of life and standard of living decreasing.

    1. Very good summary of some of the pros and cons of AI!

      With regards to the accuracy of AI, do you think this would require humans to still be around to check the data is accurate? So maybe rather than being redundant humans are just used in different, more valuable tasks than previously?

  • Even though AI brings a lot of negatives, I believe it brings more positives because it helps us very much. For example, a positive that AI brings is google. People use Google for many things, such as a cook book, or a guide on how to do something. AI also helps people know things about our Earth, such as the weather or where to find a certain thing. Another thing AI helps us with is to do things quicker. Even though I believe AI is positive, I think people shouldn't rely on it to do as many things for them as they do now.

  • I think that AI is sutable also and unsutable also because Ai helps to understand someting but at the Same time it's harmig envoierment global warming is increasing thats why I think AI is sutable and un sutable

  • So far, AI (Artificial Intelligence) is doing more destruction than good. Although AI has its pros, it also has a lot of cons.
    Students around the world are using AI for homework, essays, projects and more. Apparently, about 86% of students use AI. If students don't stop using AI for all of their work, they could graduate high school and college without knowing any information that they should've studied or payed more attention to their teachers. If students don't stop using AI now, how will they know how to do their job when they get older?
    Nowadays, you'll see companies like Amazon using drones for delivery. Last week, the CEO of Amazon said that they would spend $100 billion on AI. Microsoft also published that they would spend $80 billion on AI in 2025. Billions of dollars being wasted on something that is really harming is unbelievable, and if more companies do this, we will be seeing more and more AI.
    Another problem is that AI is also harming the creativity of humans. People are using AI for posters, clothing designs, mugs, and art. Although this may not seem bad, this is ruining the originality of real designs, especially with art. The use of AI art is sad, because some AI's are stealing from real artists and use the AI to change it. You can even tell when it's AI, due to the looks.
    Most people believe that AI is great just because it's unreal and could do dangerous human tasks, but it also has more cons than pros right now. If the use of AI doesn't stop now, it may grow even bigger in the future than it is right now.

    1. Thanks for sharing, tranquil_region. Can you think of a way that students and designers could use AI in a way that doesn't feel like stealing or cheating?

      1. Hello Kate @ Topical Talk, thanks for the suggestion!

        A way that students could use AI in a way that doesn't feel like stealing or cheating is to brainstorm ideas for a project, to help with spelling and literature language.

        A way that designers could use AI in a way that doesn't feel like stealing or cheating is to make ideas for clothing, using AI to help fix designs / solutions, and AI can help with colors for a specific design.

  • In my opinion, I think AI is doing worse to the employment arena because AI can lead to job losses because it replaces human efforts, particularly in sectors with repetitive and routine tasks. I always have the opinion that the educational sector cannot function well without the presence of humans. AI can serve as assistants in helping to conduct research, and other educational task but it cannot be left to perform all tasks because teaching needs more emphatic people due to the peculiarity of the different students' teachers encounter. However, AI will just stick to what it has been programmed to do. I can only imagine when there is a glitch or malfunction in the programming, what will become of the class?

    1. Thanks for sharing, practical_solution. Can you think of a way that AI might be able to support education in areas that don't have enough schools or teachers? Or about a way that AI could help to reduce teachers' workloads without replacing them?

  • I believe AI has the potential can do good and will in the nearest future.
    I believe this because by 2030, if AI actually performs its function to grow and learn, the CO2 excess release problem will be be resolved quite easily.
    But the is also the negative effect it has on the livelihood of humans. In the ideal capitalist society, the priority is to make profit and invest it into making more. The CEO's and shareholders might want to save money by making use of AI, which requires little maintenance, to perform the job of human employees.

  • I personally think that A.I. is doing more bad than good this is because I think that it is taking over the world it costs the government loads of money when it could be put towards schools hospital etc overall it is just doing bad

  • In my opinion, AI is doing more harm than good however i believe it has the potential to be a good resource. I think that AI is causing more harm because as was shown in the notes above its causing a lot of CO2 emissions which are harmful to the Earth. Furthermore, a lot of people (students especially) rely incredibly heavily on artificial intelligence for schoolwork, coursework, etc. This means that their brains are not being very stimulated and they are not using their creativity and what could be impeccable ideas. On the contrary, as i mentioned previously, i think it could do quite a bit of good once its sustainable. This is because it could be used to help people plan projects or lessons and to give helpful tips for learning so the human brain can still have stimulation but with some aid if needed.

  • I believe that AI is doing more damage to the environment than helping us in life. AI has not become sustainable so it is increasing the rate of climate change which is causing Earth to become more unstable. This means that our world will be more damaged as future generations come and ,with AI becoming more advanced, climate change rates will accelerate. This cancels out the good that AI is doing for us at the moment. If AI becomes more sustainable, the better it will be. However, AI is also causing negative effects on our brains so we need to make sure AI doesn't take over us.

    1. Can you imagine any ways in which AI could help the world reduce climate change?

  • ai is scary. imagine you walking to work one day and all of a sudden BOOM a robot runs across the street. that would be terrifying like the terminator. ai needs to be put down. next thing you know we are all living in the movie megan. BOOM. now the ai has stole your job. BOOM. you dont get any money. BOOM. you loose your house. BOOM. your left homeless. BOOM. your life is over because you let ai come into our world.

    1. You make AI sound very scary, but your comment also made me smile. Well written!

  • I believe that AI is bad because lots of people are using it for the wrong reasons. Some people are using sites like Chat GP and Copilot for answers instead of using their brain and own knowledge. Because or this i think that humanity is becoming lazy and finding excuses to avoid work and tasks by getting AI software to it for them. If everyone continues to look towards AI for help, the future could involve a very big global issue edangering the world we live in as AI is not a sustainable source.

    1. I agree that ai is destroying the school system due to people cheating the system and this causes people to be more relying on it and it can cause people to not be able to live without it wich is increadibly concerning due to the world and the negative environmantal imact that it cause.

    2. I disagree with you because i believe that AI will do more bad than good. People already use google for answers so its just the same as that. AI also automises many tedious tasks allowing people to use their time more efficently. Futhermore detecting ai in writing is possible. Ai is also not perfect right now so people can't fully rely on it.

  • At this point in time, I believe that AI is beneficial in most parts of our daily lives. However, right now AI is doing the environment more bad than good. AI is being used for a wide variety of things such as students using it for assignments and companies using it for assistance. The positives of AI make it easier to overlook the effects of AI from the environment however this doesn't mean we should. I do believe AI is without a doubt helpful however it is not sustainable enough for daily use. To conclude, I do believe we should postpone the use of AI until there is a way to use it without negative effects and I believe it currently is doing more bad then good.

  • I believe that AI is currently somewhere in the middle, and we can't say it is exclusively good or bad. The fact is that AI can help us in many fields and areas, it gives us speed and saves time. If we use it correctly and for the right purposes, it can be very useful. But it also brings some troubles. If people let AI solve all of their problems and rely on it a bit more than they should, we, as humanity, will lose all the ability to solve problems and think critically. In the long term, we might lose everything that makes us human.

  • I do belive AI and society have a love-hate relationship. Ai could be benificial as it could be used for teaching children who have learning diffiuculties or teach prisoners who are illiterate and prepare them for being released hence making litarcy rates all over the world rise. Scientists could use it to determine illnesses or probable causes. However, with pros there are cons. Some of these are to do with litracy. Poety, music or books could become unimportant as they dont have real human emotion or words behind them. If then these peices of litracy become pointless some children may not get a proper education in the English department hence making children and adults not have motivation to write or read. Restrictions may as well be pointless, so we should develop AI to be a benifitial thing and not influence it to be used for the worse of society. We should figure a way for it to be sustainable and beinifitial before use. Instead of thinking about what we can do, we should think and what we SHOULD do. Think before use. Thank you

  • In my opinion , AI is an extremely useful and helpful piece of technology as it is able to provide you with unimaginable resources : optimises schedules , automate routine tasks ,helps with learning , development and many more ! Today, AI is used all over the world and is a relying factor for many to help dictate and improve their day to day lives. In addition , there is a proven study that AI can improve a workers performance by forty percent compared to a worker who does not use it . Also many successful and innovative brands depend on AI just like Amazon , Netflix, Google , Nike and many more notorious industries.

  • In my opinion, I believe that though AI does have its pros however, currently in the world it is doing more erroneous rather than righteous. Platforms such as ChatGPT, OpenAI and Bookipi may be known as helpful due to their resourcefulness at solving complex problems and analysing complicated texts however, the statistic for students who have admitted using AI websites to cheat is 60.8%, moreover, the statistic of students who believe using AI to help create their work is not a form of cheating is over 20%. This may cause a problem with students who don't use AI in their work as they may feel overwhelmed as they are not achieving the same level of grades as their peers so they might develop an insecurity as they feel talentless and and less intellectual which would lead to them developing anxiety as they have been put in a place of underachievement.

    1. Poetic_dragonfly :-
      I wholeheartedly agree with your poignant observations. The statistics you shared are a wake-up call, highlighting the unintended consequences of AI in education.

      It's heartbreaking to think that students who don't use AI might feel like they're falling behind, struggling with feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. The pressure to keep up can be overwhelming, making it difficult for them to find their own voice and confidence.

      We need to recognize that AI is a tool, not a substitute for human ingenuity and effort. By promoting academic integrity and responsible AI use, we can create an environment where students can thrive, grow, and develop essential skills without feeling like they're in a never-ending competition.

      Let's work together to ensure that AI enhances education, rather than undermining the values that truly matter.


  • AI is developing with a rapid speed. Here, let me talk about my country, India. KFin Technologies Ltd. is an AI platform which is a proactive problem solver for investment managers and negotiators. Furthermore, we have Tata Technologies Ltd., an AI platform which suggests people for better products and manufacturing of housing, farm, automobiles etc.
    Now, let us talk about the poll. As in the poll, it was clearly mentioned, 'AI *is doing* more good? Or more bad? '. My vote was for more good. Yes of course, AI is doing very well in almost every field. Whether it is healthcare or it is education, it is a successful step. But if we talk about future i.e. 'AI *will do* more good? Or more bad? ', it creates a horrible image in my mind that slowly, this AI will make us completely dependant on itself which will lead to their rule over us using their power and intelligence. Although, it is a very essential tool which makes our work way too easier, it is a must that from now onwards, AI should be limitised so that it can do 'more good', even in the future.

  • Hi Topical Talkers
    I believe that one of the advantages of artificial intelligence is that it has also provided us with means of education, such as online learning. Now, online learning allowed in the world but, some people like it and say great and some people don't like it. They prefer their children to go to places of education, whether school or university.
    I believe that the importance of online learning appears strongly during the spread of infection, as happened during Covid-19. At this time, most educational institutions in the entire world resorted for everyone, whether they support it or not, because it was the only safe means in the time of the pandemic to receive knowledge and continue the educational process in the entire world. This is considered a major victory for artificial intelligence at the world level as an important means of solving the problem of education during the pandemic that has spread throughout the world.

  • In my opinion, I believe AI is more good for many reasons: it’s an ingenious resource that can solve almost any problem, it can analyse and comprehend data in less than a minute and more importantly, it is ensured there will be not human errors. This is crucial because human errors can impact the world in a negative way as scientists usually use AI to check their work and spot abnormalities in the world such as natural disasters. With AI this can help predict future situations and less lives will be lost so it’s a matter of need for AI as without it results could potentially be inaccurate and not as reliable and these circumstances would end up in more casualties in the world. In addition to this, AI could even improve students thinking outside of the box more often and for example they can ask for a text and use this as inspiration to better their ideas and show what a good one looks like when they are struggling and feeling lost as they have quick and easily accessible assistance right beside them. However AI has its negative qualities. For example, AI uses up to 16 ounces of water per prompt and it can even cause unemployment! As well as this, it is also one of the biggest contributors to global warming and students may be improving with it however it can also cause them to rely too much on AI, making them more dependent and preventing them from learning and stopping their education. In conclusion, I believe the positives outweigh the negatives as it is an extremely useful piece of technology that should not be put to waste.

  • In my opinion, AI is an extremely efficient use of technology as it allows modern society to provide us with ingenious resolutions towards opposing issues such as: digital assistance, reducing human error and giving facilities insights at a faster pace. I believe it has become a very reliable source towards many students in academic years to complete homework however, this can lead to a potential risk of being deprived of critical thinking skills towards your future. Moreover, AI is severely reducing employment in a great extent of occupations like Retail, Customer Service and Banking and Finance to result in a wide variety of individuals unable to pay taxes affecting society once again. Overall, AI is a doing just as much good as bad in the world as it has a large amount of potential but it is not being used to its highest in the correct course of action.

  • In my opinion, AI is both good and bad. It is important for scientists and doctors to use AI, because it will upgrade the technology they are using to a better and more effective one. For scientists, AI helps them because they can study different types of diseases and find cures to them. AI helps doctors because once the scientists find cures to the diseases they discovered by using AI, they can help people get better and that way many more people will be healthy. They aren’t the only people that need AI but I think that they are the ones that need AI the most. Even though AI can be very useful, it can also be very dangerous if it gets too advanced. It could take people’s places. For exemple, if a person is working as a waiter in a restaurant, if AI gets too good, than robots will be the new waiters and chefs and then people will stop making money and so many people would end up being homeless. It would be in the person’s or people’s who created that type of AI or robot advantage, since they will be making a lot of money, but it will still go downhill in the end. In conclusion, AI is good, but if you get too much of it, it’s bad.

  • As I see it, AI is a game-changer. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. For instance, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly. It can also assist us in responding to natural disasters, like hurricanes or wildfires, by predicting their paths and impact.

    Moreover, AI can be a powerful tool in our fight against climate change. It can help us analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that can inform our decisions on how to reduce our carbon footprint.

    But, as with any powerful tool, there's a flip side. AI's carbon footprint is staggering. The data centers that power AI systems consume enormous amounts of energy, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

    In my view, AI's benefits currently outweigh its drawbacks. However, this can quickly change if we don't take responsibility for its environmental impact. We need to be mindful of the consequences of our actions and make conscious choices about how we develop and use AI.

    Let's harness AI's power while being mindful of our planet's well-being. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and future generations to ensure that innovation and sustainability go hand-in-hand. After all, we're not just building a better future for ourselves, but for the entire planet.

  • I believe that without a doubt, AI is an important and a significant device that has a lot of virtues and advantages consequently it is extremely useful. Here are some examples that shows that Artificial Intelligence is ideal.

    Firstly, AI analyzes complex data in no time furthermore AI makes patterns that humans might not find subsequently it saves time besides efforts, and it helps us to take better decisions. Also, I and my friends as students are helped a lot since it provides us with information in our curriculum that help us to be knowledgeable then AI gives us quizzes to train. In addition, if we do not know something in our homework, we ask the AI rather than waiting for the teacher's respond. Thirdly, Artificial Intelligence helps several jobs like farmers and scientists. My grandpa is a farmer that has a lot of lands. He uses smart machines (AI) to know when to water plants, add fertilizers, which is the most suitable temperature for plants and which areas are the best to plant plants. Scientists make new developed cures and medicine by the help of AI. In that part AI saves millions of people from harmful illness and diseases. AI prevents and stops us from using paper and instead of it we can use writing programs like the Word program. This is so useful because paper produce the Green House gases, and these gases produce a terrible smell that cause Lung diseases (diseases that cause death).

    To conclude, AI has a huge excel on us furthermore we are so lucky since we have a great device like AI.


  • Actually, I think AI is now more good. In our country (Egypt) the government is using artificial intelligence (AI) to make life better for its people. For example , AI helps doctors find diseases early , so patients can get treated sooner. It also helps farmers grow more food by predicting the best times to plant and water crops. The government is using AI to make services faster and easier for everyone…
    And here is a link to know more about this project

    On the other hand it is still bad because the more we use AI to help us the more CO2 is produced and this means AI is not sustainable yet. But what are the reasons for that?? I would say that the problem is that AI DATA CENTERS produce soo many CO2 to develop and help us use AI. But...what does CO2 make to us?? it goes to the atmosphere and stops the the heat from escaping which make the earth more hot.

    But what should we do???
    I have the answer to this, actually we should reduce the use of AI because if we reduced it to the ones who actually need AI like scientists and farmers. This will help reduce the use of AI which will help reduce CO2.

  • In my opinion, AI leans more towards the harmful side than the helpful, it's still a delicate topic that has to be approached with multiple points of view. In China, for example, organizations such as DAMO Academy are aiding radiologists in detecting conditions like lung cancer with precise accuracy.

    Another example is India, where AI tools are being deployed to scan for diabetic retinopathy, a condition that if left untreated, could cause bindless. This condition is especially bad in rural areas where medical aid is not widely available. These advancements save countless lives.

    On the other hand, AI's effect o the environment is real concern. Models such as GPT-3 generate over 500 metric tons of CO2, that is equivalent to a car driving non-stop for 120 years. Job displacement is another core risk with using AI. For example, self-checkout systems have no more demand for cashiers and most garment factories (especially in Southeast Asia) have began displacing workers in favor of automation. AI also raises ethical concerns, AI systems are trained off of human data, which is in itself unbiased which can cause discrimination.

    In conclusion, I believe that AI has currently brought more harm than good but this can change. Startups in Egypt using AI such as Rology (a startup which connects patients with radiologists) have began becoming more popular. If we manage to stop the energy demands (via making the AIs more efficient or using renewable energy to power data centres) then AI will be more of a net positive then a net negative.

  • AI is a technology 🧑‍💻 that enables computers 💻 or machines to think and learn like humans make decisions. Weather AI is good or bad depends on its uses. It is not only essential for our daily activities but also make our life comfortable. That is, one its use and uses rules.
    Today, I am going to run down about 2 merits and demerits of AI with examples.......

    ✅Merits ofAI:
    • Climate change: Some AI models are constantly helping to find ways to reduce and predict climate carbon emissions.
    For example: Google's Deepmind is optimised cooling system of data centres to save energy who is which is an effective method of carbon emissions.

    ❌ Demerits of AI:
    • Carbon emissions: AI data centres use a lot of electricity which can be harmful to the environment.
    Example: Running ChatGPD and other generative AI models uses a lot of electricity, which results in high CO2.

    AI is the wonderful creation in current civilization. Moreover, it is based on it uses. Its merits are considered to bring more benefits than the demerits. Especially, if we can create environmentally friendly AI technology and ensure ethical use, then only the use of AI will be worthwhile in the current civilization....

  • I think it that AI is not good for the time because artificial intelligence provides numerous benefits such as reducing human errors, time saving capabilities, digital assistance, and unbiased decision. However, the disadvantages include emotional intelligence, encouraging human laziness, and job displacement. An AI program is capable of learning and thinking.
    This is why I think AI is not good for the time.

  • I believe that AI is extremely important and also so bad to our world. AI is important in many things like connecting all the world together and searching in knowledge for students. AI is bad also in many things like in wasting our time in playing or watching TV with bad contents. It can make also bad things in our life like changing our environment climate. Do not forget that AI is important and bad for our daily life.

  • Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) has been making life better in the United States through various applications . In healthcare , AI tools help doctors quickly and accurately diagnose diseases , like AI powered mammograms that detect breast cancer earlier . In agriculture , AI systems help farmers use resources wisely and grow better crops , like smart irrigation systems that save water . Self - driving cars are making transportation safer and reducing traffic jams in cities . Personalized learning platforms powered by AI help students learn at their own pace , like AI tutors that adapt to each student's needs . AI also helps predict and manage natural disasters , like using AI to analyze weather data and improve hurricane forecasts . All these examples show how AI is making a positive impact on different parts of our lives in the United States .

  • Currently it is my belief that AI is doing more harm than good. I think this because for many reasons. For example, where students could use AI as a teaching or revision tool they are using it to cheat and very much abusing AI. The same goes for employees. You may as well pay the AI not the person behind the desk as the AI is doing all the work. There could be great advancement within so many industries due to this AI but that does not come without failure or fault. If we try reach for something big and fail, it could end in great repercussions. This AI could improve the lives of many by teaching the world. For example you could prepare prisoners for their release. Especially when many prisoners are illiterate, it could help the whole worlds literacy rate increase. But, its not being used for these great things. Its power is being abused and used for the benefit of individuals, not a group of people. The point of work will be made irrelevant and literacy pieces will also become irrelevant. We need to think about what AI SHOULD be used for (to benefit all of society) not what it CAN be used. We need to face this as a society and have a great think about the right thing to do. Thank you for reading.

  • While AI does have extraordinary benefits and ways it can assist in our daily and academic lives we must simultaneously be wary of the ways it can be used for the worse as well as the unintended negative consequences of creating and running it. There is simply such a large energy impact it creates that severely impacts our environment. And that's not to mention the sheer menagerie of ethical issues with generative AI in the forms of art, music, writing etc. despite that though, there is also many *many* more ways AI machine learning can be used for statistics and data modelling that would improve the world of tech, medicine, economy, and many such more. Therefore, even though AI technology has the capability in creating serious problems there are ultimately just too many possibly benefits for me to say that we should dispose of it entirely.

  • I believe that AI is causing harm to every individual. My reason for this statement is that many educational tasks such as homework is being cheated on and is unfairly used, for political reasons it can spread misinformation or more commonly known as propaganda. This is evidenced because of the Ukranian war which can start uproars and issues in a country.

  • I said that AI is doing more good than bad because of advances it allowed humanity to reach. For example, because of AI, there are medical advances, and technological advances. It has helped people discover new viruses, and how to treat them. It has also helped astronomers see farther into the universe. Due to this, astronomers were able to see the asteroid Apophis and helped send a rocket to it to push it off course for the first time in history. AI has also helped people predict the weather and allows people to be prepared with it and make sure that they stay safe.

  • I believe AI has both positive and negative aspects, and how we use its the matters. AI has been very helpful in fields like medicine, it gives advanced treatments techniques and provides solutions for injured patients. However, doctors must be careful when using AI, as it can sometimes provide incorrect information. Since AI has not having human understanding, like emotions. So it can cause harm sometimes.

    Not only ai is useful for healthcare, AI can also assist in agriculture and benefit students. It can predict climate change, provide more information about outer space, and improve our understanding of the solar system.

    On the other hand, AI has its negative sides like in today’s world, there is a lack of job opportunities due to AI’s usages Additionally, AI systems contribute to carbon emissions and environmental pollution. A important example is in the entertainment industry, where AI is being used to recreate non living individuals for performances. As AI continues to evolve, there is a risk that its users might become overly got addiction on it, potentially leading to feelings of depression and more stress.

    Finally, AI has both positive and negative aspects. how we use that platform is a matter.People need to be more aware of its impacts and and use it In a proper way

  • I chose the option of more good because people are doing great thing with the help of AI and i think that if we used it the correct way we can make great technology advances and evolve in a lot of ways.

  • For me Ai is good because he Can Help
    you understand difficult arguments And it acquires new information.I did not intercede that Ai They have defects but most of them is good I forgot to say something that Ai can make you chat with another one from another country Also, you can order food or anything from your place and with this way you can avoid the traffic congestion in the streets
    thank you and by ❤🌹

  • I believe AI is doing more good than harm, but only if we use it responsibly. It has transformed industries, improving healthcare by diagnosing diseases early, predicting natural disasters, and optimizing energy use to fight climate change. These benefits are life-changing and would be impossible without AI.

    However, AI has serious downsides. its environmental impact is growing, data centers consume massive energy, and AI hardware production depletes natural resources like lithium and cobalt, harming ecosystems. Electronic waste from outdated AI hardware also adds to global pollution. Job displacement is another concern, as automation replaces traditional jobs, leaving many struggling to adapt. AI also contributes to misinformation, deepfake technology and AI-generated content can spread false information, influencing public opinion and even elections.

    Despite these risks, I believe AI does more good than harm if we manage it responsibly. The key is balance and regulation, governments and tech companies must ensure AI is sustainable, ethical, and fair. By reducing AI's carbon footprint, addressing job losses, and combating misinformation, we can maximize its benefits while minimizing harm.

    AI is a tool, and its impact depends on how we use it. If we make smart choices, it can drive progress for a better planet. If not, its risks may outweigh its rewards.

  • I agree with this fully because AI is helping to make more cures for illnesses

  • Sometimes AI is not reliable with the answers it gives you which means you could get something extremely wrong if you use it which could make it harmful.

  • ai is sometimes good but can also be really harmful . it can create stuff some of us can't like beautiful structures and pictures but ca also be horendous , it can make people say things hat they didn't say but can make it look like them . people could also make themselves look like a different person which some people might find offensive

  • i believe that Ai is bad and good. Ai can help you in alot of things to do it more easier and it alos gives you alot of information it can help you to study or even in your work and also it helps people with special needs to work on Ai but in egypt alot of people using Ai in a bad way they waste there time on Ai and also people is affected from Ai they become lazy and unemployed and alos Ai is harmful for our environment it consumes alot of energy and much of the energy is feom burning of fossil fuels and fossil fuels helping in global warming so Ai may damage our environment in my opinion to slove this dont use Ai for useless things.

    Thanks and i hope you understand my point.

  • I think AI has both negative and positive points .while it can help a person to make his notes during exams and can even destroy someone creativity at the same time . In my country people rely on AI , most of them are students they are using AI for their answers ,to make a speech or to make notes on the topic even I sometimes use an AI to find answers to difficult questions.But my teachers think that that AI would leave a bad impression on the children as they would be totally dependent on it and when you write on your own you may write about 20-30 words which are very simple and plain .But when you write the answer of same question with AI the answer would sound much more good but it is very important to write our honest reply’s .I am not saying that you should not use AI but sometime you can use it when a question is very perplexing and difficult when you can’t understand anything you can use AI. Don't let AI control you and destroy your creativity

  • I think that there are a lot of pro's and cons to having AI for example a pro is that AI can help you with a lot of things such as work,homework etc.But a con is that we shouldn't cheat on our test,homework and work.If you think about it every pro has its cons so it is very hard to use it and if we give it more time and knowledge soon it could surpasss us in power but it can help us to be more sustainable.

  • Hello topical talk,
    Currently, I believe that AI is bad for society or actually for all humanity as well. the causes are quite reasonable as in the meantime until 2029 our oxygen stock which is stored in the atmosphere would be depleted by the amount of smart electronics made which are equipped with AI (artificial intelligent).

    A really interesting solution Microsoft made is putting AI data centers underwater which is currently being worked on in Egypt in the Mediterranean sea north my beloved country. Also the same idea is being replicated at the moment by Elon musk with just 1 difference, which is putting them on planet Mars or on the moon, but they are having many complications which I talked about in the lesson about Elon musk's power. Thanks for reading!

  • To be fair, it's hard to label how harmful or positive A.I is for humanity. I say this because although yes with the way A.I is using all of these emissions and if to continue with this amount then definitely A.I will start to cause more harm than good, so I overall chose worse for community's although A.I has more than enough positive factors as well which you can't really put a label on because of how advanced new technology is involving A.I and to add to that A.I is actually very reliable and helpful in many situations. I feel as if we can do more than contribute to change how A.I functions and how much emissions it uses especially with every community putting in effort. Even if A.I may have more negative factors than some positive we can't all blame it on A.I due to the fact it operates off of what humans provide to the system as well.

    In my country almost everyone uses A.I on a daily basis without fully knowing what harm they can cause to our community; this isn't good either and can cause major problems if A.I is also being used to this extent in the future which overall would cause more harm which is why I chose more so bad over good, however you can't expect positive results without putting in effort to try and stop the use of A.I so I really pin the blame on the little effort society has given when A.I is really a very helpful source of information for about anything.

    In conclusion I voted for worse in the future due to the fact of how things seem to be going and not changing anytime soon, you can't expect emissions use to resolve by itself by doing nothing.

  • At this point, I think AI is more beneficial than harmful for our society. Even if there are quite a few negative consequences, it's helpful for businesses,education and other fields. For example, it analyzes data fastly with accurance, which helps researches. Secondly, AI improves decision making by guiding them, giving them ideas and equiping actionable insights. Thirdly, AI helps students with their education progress through solving problems and tasks(ex: maths, physics etc). Artificial Intelligence can also identify a student's weak points.

  • In my opinion, I believe that AI is currently doing more bad than good for us. Right now, AI is not sustainable and is leaving behind a huge carbon footprint. Because of this, many things are happening to our planet such as rising temperatures and sea levels, lack of food for animals and more frequent storms which can affect peoples' everyday lives. Although AI is causing a lot of problems today, that is only because it isn't sustainable yet. Once made sustainable, I believe that it can be one of the best things created for us. It can help scientists predict natural disasters, support doctors when diagnosing patients and do a lot more.

    In conclusion, AI is currently harming the environment and causing a lot of problems but in the future if it can be made sustainable and people use it for the right reasons, it could be one of the best discoveries made.

  • In my opinion i think Ai, currently, is doing more bad than good because many people are able to use ai for bad such as using ai for spread fake news, make deepfakes of people, workers getting replaced by ai causing may people to lose their job, and students can use ai to cheat on exams etc, however, ai has a lot of potential to be great as it is able to do tasks more efficiently and accurate using ai whilst a human may make mistakes but i think ai does more good than bad!

  • AI has amazing technology in the world today, providing significant benefits to various fields such as doctors, scientists and learning students. In medicine, AI can provide advanced treatments and
    give new techniques for surgeries. It can also tell us about climate change, space exploration, and the solar system. And AI strengthens cybersecurity and helps improve time management for peoples. These benefits shows the potential of AI.

    However, there are advantages,but there are also significant negative impacts. One of the most pressing issues is the loss of job opportunities for humans, as AI replaces people in IT and other advanced technological fields. Moreover AI robots,
    Is not having human emotions and judgment, that can be harmful. For example, a robot like Sophia has made a shocking statements, such as claiming it could destroy humans. Like these so many issues . This problems are get over means AI will sustain more and it can be a great technology for humans.

  • For now, I think it’s difficult to judge if the AI is doing more good or bad. However, I think we can take some measures or think strategy to make people feel positive to the AI. For example, we can think about new types of job in order not to make our jobs be taken place by the AI. By adapting to this kind of society, we can improve the quality of our lives by making it possible to utilize new amazing technology.

  • I think that AI is doing more harm than good. It may have a lot of potential and may help many people, but I think it should be only use by people who truly need it. I do not think is helping students in schools, in fact, it is making students more lazy and they are not learning properly as AI can make their homework.
    Besides, the creators of AI are trying to replace people's jobs because AI can make them better. I do not think these is appropiate because in a few years many people will lose their jobs and Ai may control almost everything we know today.

  • AI is a very influential and compelling gadget used by millions of people around the world. It is a creative platform that can be used to express your imagination freely. However, AI can also be a misleading and dangerous tool. AI is everywhere, it's on every app and every device. Although creative young minds are able to access AI, so are harmful people. I think that before AI can be considered a positive and uplifting tool that helps us, we have to get rid of:

    Scammers: AI has gotten to a point where it's extremely easy to scam people. Scammers can call you and record your voice. With just this little voice recording, they can use AI to make you say whatever they like. Now imagine this, after they have gotten that voice recording, they use it to say something deceptive as in you crying because you got into a car accident. They can now call whoever in your family and persuade them into thinking that it's you. After they believe them, they will ask for a huge sum of money. How will your family know it's not you, instead a fraud?

    C02 emissions: AI is a very smart and incredible tool, but it comes with a price. According to research, one question asked to AI can take up to 16 ounces of water just to cool down the system. Imagine how many people are asking AI questions everyday? This can soon build up, and produce vast amounts of carbon emissions and waste huge amounts of water, which will be detrimental to our Earth, since only 3% of all Earth's water is freshwater, and soon it may all be wasted on AI. Do we really want that?

    1. Interesting ideas emotional_bird - what measures can we put in place to prevent scammers using AI?

  • I consider that AI is currently doing more harm than good in our society. While it's true that AI has great potential, we must also recognize that its negative effects are significant, especially in schools and universities. Many students and future professionals are becoming dependent on AI to complete their assignments, tasks, and even evaluations. This is not positive, as it reduces their educational understanding, as they rely on AI-generated answers instead of learning.
    I consider this a serious problem, as it means that professionals will graduate without knowledge. What can we expect from a doctor, architect, scientist, or others who rely on AI for everything? Is this what we want to see in the future?
    As we know, many companies have replaced human workers with AI, such as in healthcare, clothing industries, and materials. AI is used to receive information and create automatic payment machines, leading to job losses for many people.
    Another negative aspect is that AI has advanced to the point where robberies can be committed using voice impersonation, as AI can generate our voice. Additionally, millions of fake news stories and images are created, making it difficult for authorities to identify the culprits.
    This is why I believe that if we continue down this path, AI will be a disaster and will not be beneficial for our population.

  • From what I can see, AI is most certainly doing more harm than good. We don’t need to have our jobs done for us, we don’t need our decisions pre-emptively made for us and we most certainly don’t need to be advertised at more efficiently. In most situations I encounter, AI is being used completely unnecessarily and usually to the detriment of the user.
    However, I do not believe that AI is inherently ‘bad.’ It offers a wealth of possibilities, most of which may not yet have even been considered. It is capable of doing in an instant things it might take a human years to do, of completely shattering all preconceptions of what is possible and what is not. Currently, there are examples of AI being used to help diagnose medical conditions, or predict natural disasters. Consider how much of an impossibility this would have seemed to somebody, say, twenty years ago. There is every possibility that, in another twenty years, the problems we face today will have melted away in the face of the sheer brilliance of AI yet to come. Who is to say?
    AI is the culmination of human ingenuity, an entity made ‘in our likeness.’ Its flaws are our flaws, but its strengths may prove beyond our wildest dreams.

  • Hello Topical Talk,

    From where I stand, it reveals to me that it's dreadful more than its important usage. as it needs a load of power and electricity, but really, there is more:

    The amount of the positive energy it produce, which can be in any form most popular, knowledge. Saving loads of time which could also be used to improve the percentage of the malfunction.

    As we said above it it uses a ton of power and electricity which is extracted from non-renewable which is infinitely harmful to the mother, nature which without, we wouldn't be still on earth also it's that harmful also not being provided to all and every country. so imagine being available to all of them, this would be the end of the only habitable planet, (Earth). Thanks for reading!

  • AI is so bad for people because AI is reducing creativity and innovation. For example, some farmers are illiterate because of AI. When the illiterate farmers use AI, they will depend on it so they will not try to learn about agriculture and biodiversity. This will reduce creativity between them.

    To conclude, AI must not be something main in our life.
    I hope you appreciate my comment. Thank you.

  • At the moment it is good since it helps us obtain more information and have everything in a faster way , but the more advanced worse because peoble are getting used to not thinking and using reasoning so they let everything be done to them so it seems that AI is being bad in those aspects also because as technology is advancing every day it will reach a point where we no longer need to do anything and they will not bring everything into our hands but that is wrong because people:
    1.They are going to become addicted to technology and not advance progressively.
    2.They will become too lazy in the sense of doing something productive .
    3.Will become stupid without being able to think, so they speed up their neurons it is also bad because it will reach a point where all technologies will connect with each other when they understand that we use them for our own benefit and they will become bad against us humans.

  • In my opinion, AI gives more beneficial effects, because even though it can cause a lot of emissions per year. We can limit this by using it only when we need to. This will limit emissions and give people like doctors, scientists, and many more important people the ability to use AI. In conclusion, it may not be sustainable now, but if we limit usage but still keep it by our side then we will be able to have a lot of potential with AI.

  • In my opinion AI is both good and bad. Some AI programs help run games and characters but on the other hand in many films it shows AI in the future as evil and taking over the world so many people do think this. In the future I do think AI might hack in to the system but for now I am fine with AI.

  • I think AI has both positive and negative aspects here are some examples:

    *The Unseen Facets of AI: A Global and Timeless Perspective*

    *Advantage*: *The Great Equalizer of Time.*
    AI does not merely save time—it redistributes it. From a 10-year-old student using AI to summarize history lessons to an 80-year-old retiree using voice assistants to recall memories, AI silently gives people back moments they would have otherwise spent in repetition or inefficiency. It doesn’t just make tasks faster; it allows time to be used more meaningfully, whether by a farmer in rural India predicting weather patterns or a corporate executive automating workflows. AI, in this sense, is not just a tool—it’s a time liberator, universally relevant across ages and regions.

    *Disadvantage:* *The Death of Organic Serendipity*
    Before AI, some of the most profound human experiences were accidental. Getting lost in a new city led to unexpected adventures, a chance book selection at a library changed lives, and mispronouncing a foreign word sparked cultural connections. Now, AI-driven recommendations, predictive text, and hyper-personalized content strip away the randomness that once made life full of surprises. Whether you're a teenager fed only algorithm-approved music or an elder only seeing AI-curated news, the magic of "accidental discovery" is slowly fading. We’re no longer explorers—we're just optimized consumers.

  • In my opinion, AI has some liked and unliked opinions around the world. While people may argue that AI is unhelpful, few may disagree. For example, I use AI to study for incoming tests\ assignments. Although AI is beneficial, AI can make people "lazy" and less imaginative. While there are much more reasons, at the moment both negative and the positive effects are equal.

    1. What do you think are the consequences of AI making people 'lazy'?

  • I believe AI (artificial intelligence) is doing more good than bad. I think this because it is helpful and can save people's life, they save people because doctors use them to correctly diagnose patients and AI can calculate everything that is needed to save a life, which makes them positive and safe for humans. AI can make up ways to protect yourself from natural disasters, or fight global warming. AI can be found anywhere, for example, the poll tests for every topic are made with AI. A bad thing about AI is that by 2030 it is most likely to produce a lot of electronic waste and 40% of CO2 will be in the annual emission. This can damage the air/world. Mostly AI is positive and helps in many ways around the world, it just needs some improvements.

  • In my opinion I think that AI is doing more bad than good. For example many people use AI for coding or learning data but many hackers do the same thing to get someone's login, password, email,etc. Another example is privacy violation. AI systems can be targeted by hackers if not properly secured. The hackers will be seeking to gain unauthorized access to personal information or to engage in identity theft. that's why I think AI is doing more bad than good.

  • In my opinion, AI is more harmful than beneficial at this point in modern history. This is my opinion because people manipulate AI and use it in harmful ways to hurt other people. Some ways people use AI to hurt others is by using AI to generate videos and photos to shame someone. Most people who get shamed from these artificial posts are celebrities who may have done something controversial or for no reason. Another way AI is used for harm is when scammers use AI to replicate voices and trick the recipient into thinking that a loved one is being held hostage for ransom. This form of scamming is particularly used on elderly people. AI is not only harmful to humans but also for the environment. This proves that we should stop investing in something that can bring us down.

    1. Can you tell me how AI is harmful to the environment?

  • In my opinion I agree. AI is doing more good than bad, because Ai helps people with many things like shopping by giving suggestions and what they should buy. Or farmers by telling them how much water they need to help grow a plant! And Ai makes some things look less challenging. Here's a example, if you were in school and stuck on a hard question, Ai can help you by giving some strategies and help you solve the question! But on the other side Ai is kinda bad because Ai can make people less talkative to people and they just text. So in my opinion, Ai have some ups and downs but Ai isn't that bad!

  • Okay, right now I feel that AI affects us more than it helps us, of course it is innovative and surprising, and possibly at certain moments it has helped many people, but if we go deeper it would generate a negative effect in the long term. AI surprises us more and more with its intelligence and its similarity to reality, that possibly in a few years robots will even have feelings, but this affects the human population in a big way; first of all, the number of people who have been "replaced" in their agencies by simple computers, in my country calls to company clients are no longer made by a person, but by a computer programmed with AI, many human jobs have been lost there. The dependence on this, very noticeable in young people, and much more in the new generations that come, where having a cell phone with an artificial intelligence system is quite common today, but they no longer think for themselves, they lose the main skills of any person in certain subjects and begin to ask and ask these intelligence, and they only transcribe what they say without learning, nothing.
    Something super important! In addition, it is the manipulation or use of our identity, intelligence can now reach the point of stealing our identity, our voice, making other people impersonate us or strangers in order to manipulate or extort.

    AI is very good BUT, well used and as we go day by day, it could become a serious problem.

  • From my perspective, what I really think about this topic is that thanks of AI many concepts have improve a lot such as apps for learning, these apps give the opportunity to students to search for information for there school projects. They can learn about different topics they are interested on. Furthermore, AI has created new songs for artists, some of these songs have been more famous than the songs from the artist. Many disputes have been occur due to these problem, artist don´t agree to use AI because there profession can be arruined and not many people will still listening to them. On the other hand, is really a problem in schools because they can search for information or about topics as I said before but others just copy and paste to do there projects.

  • While AI has the potential to bring important benefits, I belive its impact can be more negative.
    AI contributes to pollution through the energy consuption requiredd for its development and operation. Also, it can be tempting for students to rely on AI instead of studying and learning new things, which may affect their educational growth and critical thinking skills.
    Although AI can support many tasks, such as helping doctors, the environment impact ans the effect on students' learning habits are concerning.

  • Hello,
    I think AI is causing more harm than good in our world. The environmental impact is alarming - AI data centers will produce a huge amount of greenhouse gases by 2030. Moreover, AI is taking away jobs, making income inequality worse, and creating social unrest. Our privacy is being invaded, our emotions are being manipulated, and false information is spreading rapidly. We need to rethink our priorities and consider the long-term effects of our actions. Let's not prioritize progress over humanity.

  • I believe AI has both positive and negative aspects, and how we use it is matter.

    Negative Aspects:
    AI can be seen as a "job thief" because many companies are replacing humans with AI, leaving many people without job opportunities. As a result, job finders are getting into stress. Additionally, AI can sometimes make biased or discrimination decisions if it's trained on software's data, leading to unfair outcomes. Another is AI addiction. In today's generation, especially in cinema and real life, AI is often used to create videos of non-living people. If this becomes more spread, a sudden shutdown of AI could cause significant distress to those who have become overly using on it. Furthermore, data centers that power AI technologies contribute to carbon emissions, which negatively impacts the environment .

    Positive Aspects:                                          
    AI also offers benefits. It can be a life-saver by assisting doctors in surgeries and helping detect big viruses. In education, AI enhances learning by providing students with access to a wealth of knowledge, including information about outer space. AI is also a time-saver, performing tasks quickly and efficiently. Additionally, AI has the potential to increase country's economic growth by telling techniques to businesses, entrepreneurs, and markets.
    In conclusion, while AI is an great platform, its negative aspects are damaging its reputation. People should use this powerful platform responsibly to maximize its benefits for humanity and ensure its sustainability in the future.

  • AI is doing more good than harm, transforming industries, improving lives, and solving global challenges. When developed and used responsibly, its benefits far outweigh its risks.

    One of AI's greatest contributions is in healthcare. It helps diagnose diseases faster and more accurately, assists in surgeries, and accelerates drug discovery, ultimately saving lives. AI is also crucial in climate change efforts, predicting natural disasters, optimizing energy use, and improving renewable energy efficiently. These advancements help combat global warming and protect the environment.

    Economically, AI boosts productivity and creates new job opportunities. While some jobs are lost to automation, AI also generates demand for new roles in AI development, cybersecurity, and data analysis. In education, AI-powered tools personalize learning, break language barriers, and assist people with disabilities, making knowledge more accessible to all. It also enhances security, improving fraud detection, cyber security, and disaster response.

    Despite the benefits, AI does pose challenges. Job displacement is a concern, but retraining programs can help workers adapt. AI's environmental impact is significant due to energy-intensive data centers, yet advancements in green technology can minimize this. Additionally, bias in AI systems can be harmful, but strong regulations and transparency can promote fairness.

    AI is a tool, it's up to us to use it responsibly. With ethical oversight and innovation, AI will continue to do far more good than harm.