What’s more important?
Watch this interview with Pilar Manchón, the senior director of research strategy at Google. She explains how Google is developing AI, how it will improve people’s lives and what measures the company is taking to be sustainable.
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Pilar's interview got us thinking... what’s more important: being sustainable or making progress?
Join the discussion
Share your opinion below. It might help you to think about the following questions:
- Whose lives might be improved by AI? How might they answer this question?
- How might people affected by climate change answer this question?
- Is it OK to develop a new thing and then improve it over time? Or should it be perfect immediately?
Comments (297)
In my opinion, I believe that AI should not be an urgent matter. So much electricity is wasted per hour and making our environment more vulnerable to climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect our planet and save the future generations however we are destroying the ozone and civilisations across the globe. In order to revolutionise AI , we must maintain climate change and make sure that the world is safe and secure before we even consider using it to generate ideas or build up businesses. On the contrary, we can still use AI to do important and jobs of which AI is compulsory like doctors, scientists and agricultural work spaces .
People who are heavily affected by climate change may have different views on this. What if they get severely injured because of AI and it’s unnecessary wastage of water electricity and money. The eccessive use of AI may even lead to governmental debt because of this and raises taxes putting people in debt; making people homeless if it gets that bad.
To conclude, I think that it is okay to develop a product such as AI and introduce it at an appropriate time so nobody is going to become affected by it.
Sustainability should be priority number one. Even if AI is revolutionizing the world for the better i believe sustainability will prevent climate change problems such as: bush fires, biodiversity loss , floods and droughts. If we want to evolve Ai, first we have to ensure our planet is in a good condition.
I do agree that Ai will be a very exciting project to work towards, but it could also be detrimental to the environment.
I agree with you because the sustainability of our planet is super important. If we spend time developing AI and not worrying about our planet, in the end we will have developed AI but then there will be no people AI can help.I also love the fact you brought up climate issues that can happen due to these Data centers because yes you are developing AI but that's at the cost of our planet. At the end of the day you have to think is the development of AI more important than our planet, and I think its not. Again I mention that if we are more worried about the development of AI where is that gonna leave our planet. Its going to end up leaving us with no place to call home, no food and we will think back and regret the fact that we cared more about AI than our home earth.
I agree with you that it is amazing but AI uses alot
yes i agree with you i think AI can revolutionize our world but i does use alot of water to cool down the computers that are used to search up stuff and put more dangerous gasses and more climate change
I agree with you outspoken moment but don't you think that with progress comes sustainability ? how will there be sustainability if the world is not making progress? I believe AI will bring sustainability to the world because it has helped in irrigation, security , workplaces, schools and in our homes.
I agree with you because, AI can help make the world a better place or better condition for people to live in, it can be of lots of help if utilized properly. If we decide that we want to evolve AI we would have to check and make sure that earth is in good condition, and utilize this resource to make it better. But as much as AI can help so much it can also be very harmful to the environment.
When we make things they are never perfect, but we make it better overtime. Even technology evolves with new ideas so why not AI ? And with the amount of damage that has happened to this planet we should utilize this properly now, shouldn't we?
Both sustainability and AI are both important issues, if we say that we should prioritize AI it could cause an increase in the emission of green gases, If we prioritize sustainability over AI it would reduce the progress of AI in this digital age then we may no longer be called a digital age. I believe that non of the issues should be prioritized over the other rather they should be treated with the same level of importance, because researchers are using tool like gen AI to design more sustainable material through thorough analysis, also we could use AI to find a better alternative to plastics because plastics are also a major contribution to climate change. so prioritizing either issue over the other would affect us adversely.
I agree because AI won't be beneficial if our nature is destroyed and the natural resources are depleted. Although AI development is important for future advanced projects, it should not be prioritized over sustainability.
I believe that without AI our would go downhill and that would mean that none of our jobs that we have today would be going as well as they are now.
I agree because AI can help us with all sorts of jobs, and create jobs too, without it many lives would be in shambles, but it shouldn’t be advanced too far.
Interesting ideas. Can you think of risks associated with AI?
I believe that there are many risks of AI including to much electronic waste from trying to make better AI but yet again the danger is that you could over use it.Over using can work the computer or whatever it is to the point of the device getting to hot eventually catching flame making a massive fire causing it little more added on to climate change. or someone could easily hack into it and cause much chaos including selling your personal information or selling a script to what ever you have done and take credit and sell to get loads,same with the person who sold the script.
I agree with talented rabbit since there are many dangers in our world involving AI. We are too bizzy trying
to make AI bigger and better when there is too much electronic waste in our world. Instead of trying to clean this waste we are increasing it, wasting more and more energy.
We really need to think of what is more importanT.
I agree because there is a lot of electronic waste and how it can effect our planet and over using a computer can harm it and start getting hot and then catch flame then cause a fire that can put lives in danger and it can add to climate change.
My perception is that you are using mostly invalid and ineffective arguments and examples to emphasize your standpoints.
For instance, although the fact that AI worsens climate change is initially right, you state that the main threat here is that computers and servers might overheat and burn down and therefore worsen climate change. This is wrong, though, as the high energy usage of those data centers damages earth's climate more than some fires in those centers. In addition, computers and servers are very unlikely to burn down, as there is already the technology to cool domputers down enough to secure them not to overheat, while processing huge amounts of information.
Moreover, the argument that there is a security risk that the data centers could be hacked and personal information stolen is also invalid, as at every data center there is the probability that someone hacks into their system, but not only at AI-data centers. Also, the systems should be secure enough that the probability of a system hack is very unlikely.
Using AI too much could produce excessive amounts of electronic waste, and it can also lead to people using AI like a crutch and becoming lazy. It could also have the potential to create deep-fakes, fake images of someone or something made using AI, that could ruin someone's life. It could also lose jobs for people, as their jobs become automated, simple tasks that no longer need a human operator. AI tools can also be used to create fake identities or make phishing emails, all for the purpose of scamming. Overall, AI has it's pros and cons, and we should exercise some caution when developing or using AI tools.
I agree, AI has its pros and cons but the cons are very serious and it is starting to get too advanced , it is brilliant how it solves problems and answers questions but we could also do that just a bit slower than AI and that would prevent the consequences and dangers of AI.
I completely disagree; your point of view is a bit dangerous. Many years ago, we didn’t have AI, and most jobs already existed. AI just makes things easier, but we can definitely live without it.
For example, doctors, teachers, and construction workers have been around for centuries, and they don’t need AI to do their jobs. Many small businesses, farmers, and artists also work without AI tools. While it can help in some areas, it’s not something we completely rely on.
Psychologists, obviously, can’t use AI to replace their work because AI doesn’t have feelings or real human understanding. A machine can analyze data and recognize patterns, but it can’t truly empathize or connect emotionally with a person. The same goes for firefighters, and mechanics.
AI might help, but human skills and judgment are what really matter.
Interesting ideas. Can you think of any technological developments that have made our lives easier?
Everything around us is basically the result of technological advances. One of the biggest "game-changers" was writing, it allowed us to share knowledge across generations, which led to even more discoveries. Later, the printing press made books and education accessible to more people, which completely changed society.
Then there's energy. The discovery of electricity transformed the way we live, from lighting up cities to powering on all the devices we use daily. And let’s not forget about technology in agriculture, things like irrigation systems and modern farming equipment help produce more food and reduce hunger.
I disagree with your statement because without AI it would give us more money and resources for more important projects like helping to protect endangered wildlife and finding cures for sicknesses , yes AI would be able to do that but so can humans just a bit slower than AI can. I also do not understand how the jobs we have today would not go as well as they do now but if we did not use AI as much that would give more opportunities for more jobs , which may be less efficient and slower but us humans should be able to wait a bit longer , it also means we have more jobs. Yes , AI is brilliant but sustainability should be the main focus , we should solve problems that have been impacting us for a long time before going and doing something that is incredibly unsustainable.
I believe that without AI our would go downhill and that would mean that none of our jobs that we have today would be going as well as they are now.
I agree because without AI doctors and people who run companies would not have the data they need. Without the data they cant keep their patients or customers in place. The doctors' jobs are very important because they help people with illnesses and colds. AI helps with things we don't know how to do. Perhaps how to cook, like when we go to restaurants and they have food you've never seen. They could've got them from AI. AI can be useful but also really useless. For example, ChatGPT - it can be copyrighted, and if you copied it that would be plagiarism. If we write a specific thing in ChatGPT that can be copyrighted, but then if you write it another way it may not be copyrighted. And that is why I agree, that AI will someday go downhill.
I agree because if AI takes all of the jobs then people can't have jobs then people can't get paid then they go homeless.
I believe that without AI our would go downhill and that would mean that none of our jobs that we have today would be going as well as they are now.
i respecfuly disagree because we would of had no job but then it would get too advanced and take over and turn every thing around but climate change would get worse and worse.
I respectfully disagree to your idea outspoken_moment that sustainability should come before the development of AI. While sustainability is very important for our planet and prevent from the problems like bush fire, biodiversity loss, floods and droughts , I believe that AI can actually help us solve these problems. For example, AI can be used to predict natural disasters , tell some practices to save water , reduce waste and also help in reducing pollution etc. Instead of thinking that AI might harm the environment, we should think about the ways it can be used to support sustainability.
Allow me not to agree with at this moment, yes AI is very useful, but that doesn't mean it should be considered first because AI also has it own disadvantages when we use them and adding up it effect with that of natural disaster will make the planet harmful for humans and can kill a a lot of people so sustainability should be first.
I would like to disagree with your statement. I would introduce you to some facts regarding sustainability. According to the International Energy Agency, in 2027, the estimated electricity consumption by Artificial Intelligence chatbots will reach 146.2 terawatt hours. The production of this much electricity will emit 1.72 trillion kgs of carbon dioxide in the air. While I believe that Artificial Intelligence can help in disaster management, but trillions of kilograms of carbon in our atmosphere may be irreversible for a substantial period of time. Hence, I believe that your claim that AI might help in fighting climate change is not purely correct. These many emissions can suppress the global temperature well beyond 2 degree Celsius, which can have unforeseen consequences.
Very impressive research!
I agree that IA can be a good tool for predicting natural disasters,and can help us take care of our enviornment.But first we have to make sure we take care of it ourselves,as IA produces a lot of Carbon Dioxide and can be harmful.This mean that IA can help us a lot and that is true but first we have to take care of our enviornment and then develop IA and work in it to be an effective tool.
yes i agree with you it can help us predict storms natural disasters and can help us devlelop our world but one thing is that it is really bad for the climate but one thing we can try to do is use it when we need it the most not everyone needs it only doctors sientists because doctors need it to help ill people in the hospital and sientists because they need it to find and work out when and where all the storms are and when they are coming
I disagree with you because I think Sustainability and AI both are important for the world .Sustainability could be viewed as more foundational because without a habitable planet, all technological advancements including AI lose their significance. In the other hand, AI can be a powerful tool in helping us achieve sustainability goals. Ideally they aren't mutually exclusive but are most impactful when developed in tandem.
I total agree with outspoken moment, before we think of carrying on the project on AI we need to ensure that our planet is in a good and stable condition, because only a man who has a place to live thinks of what to do next, so lets make the planet sustainable before thinking of how to run the planet so that it will be constantly sustainable.
I agree because I believe that sustainability has always been important, and responsibility is important even if you're using AI. It doesn't matter how much or how long you use AI, as long as you're using it at a good time. It's also because AI is good to use now and then. If there was no such thing as sustainability, we wouldn't be very safe. I also agree because AI can cause climate change and it can also damage the environment.
I agree that sustainability should be the priority, because there is no point of growing AI if it is also growing climate change. If it is destroying the earth, then there wont be any people to use it. There may be better ways of using and controlling the factories that aren't as environmentally hostile, but for now, we must take care of our home planet.
I think that the forest ranger should have the most AI because if we have a wild fire the forest ranger will detected it on the tree system and be able to put it out with a AI controlled sprinkler.So i think they should have AI.I think that online shoppes don't deserve AI because you can get up and go to the shops because if you online shop you will have a van deliver it to you and that will be releasing carbon-dioxin.
I agree because that is a valid answer it is not sustainable and it will keep killing and killing and killing our planet until it is ruined it is , to hot not , enough oxygen , wars and much more to the point people will be wishing they listened to environmental news and warnings . However it does make life easyer even if it takes over 2 times more than if you did it manualy . Please coment bye ;)
I agree because we are killing our planet and estimated by 2025 our planet will been dieing in a rapid speed if we don"t become sustainable
I just want to check you're quoting the correct year as you mentioned 2025, but we are already in 2025?
Can you clarify further what you mean?
i agree with you, since sustainability of our planet can affect how ai will become since without the reasources needed for ai you can't improve ai so by focusing on our planet we will not only help with climate change but also make it less likely that reasources will run out and then improve ai.
I agree as even though AI could make the world way better but your right with sustainability as priority keeping the world safe from bush fires floods and droughts etc.I also think that before we evolve our AI a bunch we have to get our planet into good condition and when the planets in good condition we could make more and evolve AI without an effect as we probably would have thought of ways to renew it.
i agree but what would happen when it gets to advanced people will be replaced by ai and jobs will be lost but if we did not have ai we would not be were we are now nothing would be here
I agree that the sustainability of the planet is really important and developing AI will help country's which have enough money to solve important problems but it will leave other country's which are less developed and don't have as many resources to fall further and further behind until nobody will help them .I also think that country's are too focused on making AI better that they forget how much it's impacting the planet and the waste their producing. So I think that helping the planet is more important than developing AI.
Do you think there is anything thar richer countries should be doing to narrow the gap in technological advancements with poorer countries?
I think that richer countries should be helping poorer countries by sharing technology and donating things like laptops for them to use .I also think that they should help advance other poorer countries AI which can help there health and science industries so as to set an example for other countries like them .So that is what I think richer country's should do to narrow the gaps in technological advancements.
I believe making progress with AI may be a harm to the environment, with its carbon emissions, high cooling requirement, and use of tons of energy. Sustainability is key, but making progress is important as well. If we stop using AI, progress will stop. Harm to the environment will be obvious using AI. So, it is a double edged sword, and, it's on us what we decide to do with this tool.
You make several interesting points here @involved_apricot about the tension between sustainability and progress, and our responsibility to decide which is more important.
You say that 'If we stop using AI, progress will stop' - can you explain your reasoning in more detail? It is also worth bearing in mind that humans made considerable progress before AI was invented!
I disagree
Can you explain your reasons for disagreeing?
I disagree because... this same person downgrading AIs could be one of the persons that AIs has help a lot of times for example all the fake bank transfers or times his bank account has been tried to be robbed and it was stopped by a banks AI or all the difficult assignment placed to him/her and he/she goes to an AI for help or what about the Ubie AI which tells people about the particular types of disease and helps in ways to solve them,so that means if a disease is way to difficult for a doctor to handle and he/she is positive for that particular and is handed into the hands of an AI to be treated he would decline. Focusing mainly on the bad aspect of an AI is a very one sided or blind judgement because the helpful and positive aspect of it is greater than the negative secondly developing a means of solving the problems is very possible since this is not only the first thing ever created that emits carbon you may as say we should end vehicles and aiplanes as well
i agree with this comment because people may use AI without knowing they are using it. He/She makes a good point saying that "AI isnt the first thing thats ever been created that emits carbon you may well as say we should end vehicles and airplanes" because they have been around for a long time and they help us alot by travelling
I agree 100 percent
I agree because... people phone hotels (etc) and think a person has answered but AI has answered instead . AI may cause people to lose their jobs and this could lead to more people needing to have benefits.
I agree with your Idea and your sugestion
I agree because AI uses as much energy as a iPhone’s battery life at 50 % for one search on google but AI is starting to get better .
I do agree with @involved_apricot that sustainability is our first priority and that we should be aware of the consequences of using such a treacherous AI that can make anyone trip and fall if not used securely.
As an addition to their point I would like to mention that this innovation has brought us to new heights and so, we need to set a limit for the use of this neural network. What I mean is that to an extent, AI too is beneficial for the environment and for humans but, this line, dividing AI from being helpful and unhelpful should not be crossed at all costs. As we learnt in this lesson about the consequences of using AI, we should first observe the situation and upon that work on it with or without the usage of AI. Through this way we can maintain eco -friendliness and put the doubled edge sword into a sheath of sustainability.
You make a good point involved apricot about how it is us that can decide what we do with AI but i think that we should still use AI but not a lot of it as it is destroying our planet and making it warm up are planet from its emission
I agree because... AI is already getting better and with time AI will be the best
Can you give reasons to why this is?
I disagree with the part of your comment you mention AI being the best the best. Are you saying that AI will soon talk over human intelligence?
The actually point here is to talk about how to improve AI bots because it is not sustainable and is causing harm to the climate and society as a whole. I read about AI consuming a lot of energies when we were having AI class with my teacher in my school and some of the things we discussed about AI being sustainable and the summary of the class is that AI is not sustainable. So instead of considering AI to be the best we better talk about improving it in other not to become detrimental to us in future as the technology is increasing daily that is how AI is also improving.
I agree because if AI should be improved everyday there is a high possibility that it will take over human intelligence as you stated, if this should occur we might end up having robots as our guardians and also end up having robots as our classmate. so we should all put hands together to prevent AI from taking over human intelligence.
I'm not sure about this because I don't necessarily agree, because you think that AI is the reason why people make progress, but in those days progress were being made even without the use of AI, so I would not say that progress would stop rather it would become difficult but achieve able in some cases. We can stop the use of AI only if we agree to the term that things would become difficult and through this way can also lead to the stopping of those carbon emissions.
I totally agree with you,making responsible choices and opting for balanced approach is indeed the call of the moment.
Ans.1 Many lives ,such as lives of doctors, scientists,forest rangers,farmers etc. could become easier and be improved by AI.They would answer it in this way -"It can help us our in our jobs a lot.But yes,AI should not be used in excessive amount by those who actually do not need it.We think progress is also very important for us."
Ans.2 People affected by climate change would answer this question in this way-"No!No!No! We don't need more progress,we need sustainability,we are badly affected by climate change due to AI. Please stop. Think about us. Progress in AI is destroying our lives."
Ans.3 Yes,it is absolutely OK to develop a new thing and improve it over time. But,it should not harm our planet and lives. It is not important that it should be perfect immediately,but gradually it should at least have this much perfection that it is not harming anything or anyone.
It's interesting that you said in your first answer "AI should not be used in excessive amount by those who actually do not need it". How would we as a society decide who needs and doesn't need AI?
Us as a society can decide who needs and doesn't need AI by understanding the following examples -
Like, if possible, a student can write answers from the book and not use Chatgpt, if it's a parent, he/she does not need to use AI in a much daily basis.
We can also decide by doing an simple experiment -do not use AI for a day- then we can see who can pass a day without AI and who cannot. Then we'll know who needs AI and who doesn't.
Like I said in my comment, people like doctors, scientists, forest rangers and farmers actually need AI. But a parent or business man/woman don't actually need AI on a daily basis and should not use it in excessive amount.
This type of question depends on the perspective of an individual, because different people have their different opinions. But in my opinion I would say that each and every person on planet earth is entitled to use AI because every person is passing through one problem or the other and at some point you would need AI to help resolve the issue for you. But instead of restricting people from using AI, they should restrict some content searched by people using AI and for the sake of our planet earth, let the number of searches per day be limited so as the reduce carbon emission
I agree with you that doctor's lives will be improved. I think this because doctors are people that cure illnesses like cancer, covid etc... However some people may disagree because doctors are doing fine without it curing cancer and even covid.
Developing new things over time is the way to go as this is a possible solution to some of the current affairs affecting us that is to say, climate change, political interference
If asked whether you want to travel by a flight or bicycle, for sure travelling by bicycle is good for environmental sustainability But, what is practically convenient, boarding a flight. Like wise, thinking of AI and sustainability, if AI is for sure our first option, just like human evolution, the societal or social evolution will also reach a phase where AI and sustainability will go together, but now it is like taking a geography lesson in maths class.
You make a great comparison with regards to practicality in transportation. However, commercial airlines are heavily regulated to ensure safety for all parties involved. How would we regulate AI moving forward and would sustainability be important in those regulations as it is in the aviation industry?
Any platform which is open for all should have certain regulations, if a student is using AI for completing his homework, it should be regulated as of whether he/she is using it as a knowledge tool or as a substitute for doing it on his/her own. There should be certain regulations for sure, to start with we can have age restrictriction or if needed parental control.
Answering the last question, nothing can be developed perfect at the first instant, things can be improved over time only, based on usage and feedback from people who use it, so it is possible to improve it over time
Some of them may use Ai to ask and suggest ways and how to prevent bad climate change that can destroy their resources
Artificial Intelligence is a great tool that serves as the proof of technological advancements of the humankind, however along with progress, sustainability plays a key role in ensuring the smooth efficiency. Since change is the cornerstone of advancement it is completely fine to develop a new thing and then improving it as time passes, thus assuring the masses that along with technological advancements, sustainability is also a priority. Lets take an example of smart phones, when they first came into existence everyone was talking only about how this can imminently fuel electronic waste but what history witnessed was a huge step akin to modern technology. Over time when smart phones normalized, efficient management of electronic waste emerged, the same would happen with AI also now its up to us, humans as a race that how gradually or quickly do we want to manage he waste.
I agree, but I think a key point if we want to have a quicker and better progress in society, its worring about the improving of AI, and new technologies, but not as the main topic, because in my opinion the biggest problem that we have and we need to solve and make changes as soon as posible it´s sustainability. I am not refering that we need to stop worriyng about digital progress, and progress in AI, I think it´s incredible to make technological progress, but I think that for making better progresses in AI firstly we need pay more attention into carrying about the sustainability, because in the long term, if we want better and quicker progress in AI, we must solve and care firstly for sustainability.
Well, I completely agree to your points of views and your concern regarding sustainability, however there have been instances when large tech companies have taken steps towards reducing the waste generated through the operation of AI which is indeed a living example of sustainability along with development. While progressing towards development I feel that we are also taking small steps and making gradual progress towards sustainability, well sustainability can not be achieved in a day it would require consistent efforts like those being put up by the tech giants, so AI along with development is also centered around sustainability afterall, Rome was not built in a day .
Sustainability should be the most relevant problem solving that should be in everyone's mind both young and old. Without sustainability such as: trying to prevent adverse effect of climate change and release of toxic substances into the atmosphere AI is nothing. I agree that AI has lots of advantages in the world it is also important not to neglect the sustainability of the environment because without humans AI will not be enhanced in the world.
I strongly agree with you. We should also be able to sustain our environment even though there is AI. If we don't take care of our environment, who else will?
We can be enjoying the use of AI but leaving the fact that there is need to sustain our environment leading to bad effects affecting both our health and environment, destroying our home.Let's play equal, as we are using AI, let's not forget to play on the other hand by sustaining for the better.
I agree with you good_technology sustainability should be the first thing we should focus on even though AI is very interesting I think making the earth a better place to live in is more important because we can not worry about technology and forget about the earth.
I believe that if we continue to worry about AI the world will not be sustainable but. If we focus on becoming sustainable we will be able to create a better earth.
Humans can change the world by reducing the use of AI and focusing on what is more important . If we do it together we can create a better tomorrow and future.
Sustainability is the ability to contain and make a future reference on something.
When something is sustainable it is obviously going to last for long and manage itself. Being sustainable is important than making a progress, since one can move a head without suitable and standing structures. Therefore the use of AI sounds progressive since it is a perfect first hand finding rather than a developing thing.
Using AI is suitable to technologically placed Global countries something that limits underdeveloped counties. People living in developed areas and countries will say that AI is Sustainable.
When climate changes, there are adverse side effects that man can suffer, which is similarly what AI brings as impacts.
Those who have access to AI and can use it will say it is progressive and sustainable.
In my opinion, I think it is okay to develope a new thing and continue improving over time rather than taking an immediate perfect stand.
AI can improve lives by making things easier, efficient, and more accessible to be done. It helps disabled people, for example, through tools that can read or even talk for them. Students can learn better with their own apps, and doctors can use AI to identify and treat diseases. It also saves time by doing boring tasks at work and helps farmers grow more crops conveniently. It even helps take care of older people with smart machines. In conclusion, more people can connect to one another easiwhen they are away, through AI.
I'm not sure about this ...,
Because do not forget the fact that AI is not sustainable, it releases more carbon emissions than a car in its lifetime, when it does that the ozone layer begins to break and it will cause intense sunlight and cause icecaps to break which will cause harm to the planet .
It will also cause students to cheat, (Grammarly, ChatGPT, Gemini, etc. ) which will cause students scores to be different, time is spent different and students will not know the value of hard work, integrity and honesty.
Everyone would not have the personal views because the use AI to much.
AI is not everything in life we need to use the give AI that we have (our brain).
People would not be able to communicate with each other physically because the are on the Internet.
Thank you
I agree with you honest_personality that AI IS UNSUSTANABLE and STUDENTS ARE USING AI TO CHEAT , but we also need to see the other side of the card. AI plays a key role in many things like research work, finding cures, to keep websites running, et cetera. So REMOVING AI is NOT THE SOLUTION! We can focus on making AI sustainable in which AI itself can HELP US and IMPROVE ITSELF
I agree that people use AI in various ways that are inappropriate like cheating and AI is not sustainable, but still remember we use AI powered tools like grammarly,chatgpt and the rest for research and get assignments done as student , we could also use to for further studies outside the materials we are given in school. The misuse of AI is as a result of factors like low moral standards,lack of preparation for an exam and other vices. In addition we could use AI to help in the fight against climate change not forgetting the fact that AI is still evolving and there is every possibility that it could become sustainable in the nearest future. you also mentioned that ''people would be able to communicate physically because they are on the internet''
lets not also forget that some people who dont have their loved ones around could use the internet to bring them close us despite them being far away from us.
I absolutely agree with your comment about the use of AI in students, because teachers and educators in general keep forbidding AI at all costs but if we change the focus of how we see this tool I consider that students wouldn't use it to cheat, if education used AI properly it could really help improve the lives of students with special needs creating personalized content and other ways of learning outside of the conventional which may be a lot better
Of course I also think, like almost everything else, artificial intelligence should be regulated because if used too much the environment and planet can be seriously damaged but again, if included properly for school or any other educational level it would stop other students from using it to cheat or to not think for themselves.
I think that your explanation point is really accurate but we have to have on our minds that everything has a dark or an unknown part , for example: The moon has two sides , one that we see and the other one that it is not viewed by people as a consequence we dont know about it, well the same thing happens with Al ,even thought it seems really cool and helpful , it also has the dark side were we actually are scared of knowing due to its importance.
For sure that people can be helped by Ai ,but is the good part compensating the dark side effects of it?
Like next generations being more and more incapable with doing everyday things due to the help provided by Al...
in my own idea i think that what is more important is the ability for AI to be able to save life reason been that:
1. if people like scientist are been saved from dying there are high probabilities that AI will be improved in the coming years.
2. i also believe that another reason why AI is more important for saving life is because if we have healthy and strong people, we are sure of having a prosperous and a healthy country.
I Strongly belive that AI has too many advantages and disadvantages but it can still help us in soo many things such as watching movies searching things you don't understand and soo many other things. SO i sugest that we should keep the AI in use because too many sciencetics would need it to do their works parfectly.
Hi @optimistic_buffalo - can you tell me some disadvantages to AI?
Takes the space of skilled manpower thus reducing jobs, it lames human thinking..
It is not environmentally friendly
I agree with your comment ,AI is useful for us .It makes our job much more easier ,but AI is not sustainable yet .But still we can use it for
efficient things which we need .AI helps us to do our projects, homeworks but we should not take this as an advantage and cheat .we have to do our own work to build responsibility. if a robot does that we will become lazy and depend upon the robot for everything. Though AI is useful but it is a threatening factor in our life.one must have enough awareness about AI.
I agree because with AI we as a society have made more advancements than deemed even possible. With the help of AI many students have help with their school work and teachers have their Job easier than before. So in my opinion AI has helped many lives in the time it has been created
Hi quirky_hurricane -- it's true that AI has lots of potential benefits, but you don't mention any risks. What bad outcomes might AI bring about?
It’s totally alright to start with a simple version of something new, especially with AI, and improve it over time. AI gets better as it learns from real world use, so trying to make it perfect right from the start is not only hard, but it might not even be what people really want. By starting small and making improvements along the way, you can create something that actually works and gets better over time.
well my opinion is that even if the use AI is meant to make our lives easier and better for us. i think we all need sustainability, and of course we all know for every good thing there will be a disadvantage because we do not know if AI is adding to the problems we have. now the sustainability of of the planet is important because if there is a problem in the world there is no way AI would be improved over time.
I think AI should be the number one priority to our day to day activities because we need to be alive to sustain our environment. that means that, AI has helped us a lot in saving lives. doctors of today now us the ai in the hospital in order to be able to diagnose the sick ones. the ai helps them to analyse their result and also to tell the best drugs to take. the ai also help to detect the weather and also to tell the most sutable thing to do in order to save lives.
i belief that A.I is important to the so many people . A.I should be the worlds no. 1 bill gate said will create something that will change the world , humans health and other things stops things like stress,. A.I is an interesting project to work on
answering the third question I think it is better to develop and keep improving because i do not think it is possible for anything to be completely perfect. For example, SAMSUNG you can not say it is perfect because better ones will still come out, anything that comes out now will still have a better one, at this point i will suggest that you develop and improve what you have developed. Just to add, improving what you have developed is a way of problem soling
Wow AI is presently one of the most sufficient way to get things done. AIs are changing my/our life(s) of today with AI we build a better tomorrow for example imagine a case where we cant hire proper teachers AIs can work as proper
We need AI because we can use it to help us farm if we are a farmer and it will help and water the plants to keep them alive because if we did not have AI then there would be no crops no food for us and God’s world which he made would be ruined so i think we should keep AI.
Ans 1- students lives can be improved by AI as it makes them to improve their own skills and makes them explore various things in different perspectives
Ans 2-AI can prevent humans from extreme weather changes and reduce the loss of life -it can tell people how impactful is climate change then how it might be causing . AI can tell us how to reduce environmental pollution caused by humans. For examples plastic use ,drainage overflow etc.
Ans 3- AI is very useful for developing a new thing but it can't succeed in every attempt , we may fail sometimes but we should learn from our mistakes and we have to try it continuously for a perfect development.
In my opinion Al can be helpful in many different ways like making peoples lives better and it is very beneficial because some people have to depend on it every day so that is why Al can be very, very important all the time
I disagree because... Almost everyone who uses AI don't care about the environment. And by saying that i don't mean you are wrong because everyone Need and Likes AI so we are both correct
Hi @patient_tiger - can you tell me how you think AI can make peoples lives better?
being sustainable is more important because if we were really not sustainable earth will become uninhabitable and no earth no were to make progress
Hi, I think Al is very important because it helps many people and actually helps people do things.And it can be useful and help people get calm and it is something people can use every day.
I disagree with the fact that AI is important and I back my decision with the following points:
1. Before AI came into existence, people's lives were okay but they wanted something that will help make things easier and faster for them.
2. Looking into the future, people say that AI and robots will take over and people won't have jobs any more so what will become of us?
Even though AI helps us in so many ways, I don't think it is so important that we can't survive without it. So even if we don't use AI, later we might come up with a better invention that will be less dangerous to the planet.
1) Life of the people indulged in various industries might be improved by using AI as it can bring a revolution in various fields and professions and make there complex work easier and organised, also will help them to upgrade there way of working .
2) People can be affected by climate change in one or another way caused by AI, so it should be used when crucially needed or in an limit.
3)Innovations should be there but developing a new thing and improving it over the time is wrong because first it should be completely sustainable and perfect .
AI is a very useful resource for humans as it makes tasks easier and also make jobs like engeneering ( for example ) easier by giving a detailed data analysis or suggestions about the architecture etc. Although there are many cons of AI too like unemployment as we have seen recently that many news anchors have been replaced by AI. If this continues in any other professions , at some point there would be increased unemployment. I think someone who's job is mainly dependent on AI might not agree with me and I do respect and agree with their opinion but, at the end I would like to conclude that AI might be really helpful but we should use it wisely.
AI is the medium which leads us to progress, although AI can damage the planet we have become so dependent on AI that we use it for every small thing we do. Many people like agriculturists, engineers and doctors take the help of AI to make their work easier but we can’t deny the fact that it heavily contributes to the degradation of the planet, water wastage, carbon emmission can cause problems to many people. We have to find a solution for this delusional problem and it has to be balanced as AI is an exceptionally vital part of our lives
I think that sustainability should always come first.People that have their lives improved by ai might think otherwise, but if their stations are making up 40% of US ‘s carbon emissions, that is the opposite of helping.If you think of people that are affected by climate change, they know what it is like suffering with things like bushfires, floods, cyclones, droughts and loss of nature/greenery.None of us know what climate change is doing to the animals, inhabitants of rainforests, desserts and Australia.I believe that it is absolutely fine to improve something over time, as long as it won’t result in damage to animals, people, and nature.
Building tomorrow: Where sustainability meets progress. The question has the importance of both the topics so far. If we see from a point of view of a student, a game designer or someone in the field of finance and job, AI has brought a drastic change in the manner of speed, time and progress. AI has been a wonderful source of information which is now becoming a great deal for the upcoming generations. So, the one in the mentioned fields would definitely choose making progress upon sustainability as their sustainability is somehow making progress. The lives of influencers and almost every person doing a job may get better due to AI as it would only help them to gain more confidence for their task and easier to manage a whole connection of tasks through AI. So the people would answer that AI is the only reason for their lives got improved due to. But, the people those who are into the fields of non-electronic based job would prefer progress over sustainability as their progress leads to sustainability. For a farmer, we could suppose AI is not something that could make people healthy and alive, but food is. If they might face a fire or high temperatures then there must be some imbalance in the nature itself, AI could not fix it. So again the people affected by climate change would also choose sustainability over progress as they know that only if the world and the people last, the progress shall be continued. Development is something that is named only if the thing improves day by day: improving it day by day keeping sustainability in mind would lead to the progress itself.
In my opinion, I strongly believe that sustainability should be priority number one. In my school, I’m an Eco Warrior and I feel that I will be letting most people down (including myself) if I don’t stand against this. Despite AI making a big difference, it’s creating a lot climate change and it’s making the earth a bad environment. As outspoken_moment stated, before we evolve AI, we must make sure that the earth is put into a good position.
I 100% agree with this and yes this is extremely bad for the environment and Really it is only some people that does try to stop this
I also love the quote that outspoken_moment said BEFORE WE EVOLVE AI, WE MUST MAKE SURE THAT THE EARTH IS PUT INTO A GOOD POSITION
(I truly love it)
And yes we do need to fight for the environment as soon this planet will go extinct like the poor dodos 😓
Thank you for your brilliant reply.
-Everyone's lives will improve with AI.Careers such as medicine , engineering are improved daily where new ways are developed inorder to better people's lives
-AI will help with curbing climate change ,it can help make climate better or change it from worse to better
-It is important to develop something new ,that's how people learn and new innovations start and then overtime improving it makes it more better and reliable to use over time
I thinkt that AI can be really useful and timesaving in basically everything and for everybody. Almost everyone (who has acces) uses AI from time to time. But we also have to remember the negative sides of it, such as the huge amount of energy needed to power an AI. So my suggestion would be that we still let the AI help us, but limit it's use so we don't harm our planet as much.
I don't agree completely, because how do you want to limit the usage of AI? Should people do it personally for them or should maybe the government regulate the usage of AI for each person? If the people should regulate the usage of AI by themselves, why should they do it if AI is time saving? 'Only' to not harm our planet that much? I think that every person thinks that other people will still use AI without limits and will change his mind by only using it limited. The AI servers are running all day and night and use electricity everytime too. Also companies are using AI for their online shops to make them better and I think that they don't want to stop use AI, because there shop is running better with AI than without. Also scientist shouldn't be limited in the usage of AI, because they can predict natural disasters and safe lives.
In my opinion AI should be limited for "normal" users and for those that don't need AI that much, e.g. an online shop owner. It shouldn't be limited for a scientist, because they can safe lives by predicting natural disasters and safe many lives.
In my opinion, AI will open many opportunities and doors for those with disabilities. For instance, AI is a way deaf or mute people can communicate. Not only that, but AI can also improve transportation or help blind people with navigation.
Hi dynamic_duck. You make a great point about AI being able to help people with disabilities, I really like how this shows you thinking from different perspectives.
Hello everyone!!
This is a very important question and I believe that sustainable is the correct approach to this fast progression of Ai. Right now climate change is the biggest health threat to humans and the planet and it's important that we shed more light over this issue. For this reason, the progression of Ai should be reconsidered or completely halted for the time being because if it is to continue, the annual emissions of Ai data centers will not only be higher in the U.S but higher in other places In the world as well as more places start to build these data centers. Now people may say that others benefit from the use of artificial intelligence, like for example to make a tedious task much faster and accurate. But to this I say, Whats more important, finishing a task faster or focusing on climate change and making this planet a better place?
Thank you.
I think ai is really helpful in various fields like medicine astronomy etc.. still ai is not fully sustainable.even though it's helpful there is no rush to develop ai immediately.
Sustainability outweighs progress when it comes to importance. AI has been used for many occasions, but at what cost? As AI increases in popularity, our planet is decreasing in condition and sustainability. For many years, our planet has been facing an increase of wastes, air pollution, and lack of natural resources, which AI has been one of the main reasons in recent years. In addition, though progress is important, our planet is even more important and should be taken care of before making any progress. Our planet is our home, we should keep it in good condition and treat it with care, progress should be made once we ensure that Earth is taken care of. In conclusion, Sustainability is more important that progress because AI can cause serious damage to our environment and Earth, which would later effect us, meaning that we should take care of our planet first before it affects the world around us.
AI may improve lives of doctors because they will be able to research on different medicines to prescribe their patients.
Using AI will improve farmers life because they will do research on how to sustain their crops or livestocks.
Is ok to develop a new thing and then improve it over time in order to know it's advantage and disadvantages.
Ai indeed is a wonderful creation, contributing to various aspects and fields.. it has made life easier and helped us in ways we never knew existed. Ai can improve the lives of people engaged in education, forestery jobs, health care and other such fields but on the other hand i think Ai's use should be limitized (not stopped) by a bit in the future because we all know what it's headed to.. Ai is very beneficial, yet warning, because it holds the power to change the world. But maybe, just maybe, if we focus on both, our plant and making progress with Ai at the same time, it can have a very longed and fancy aftermath!
AI is very useful and I think everyone use it. When we spend a lot of time thinking about something ,then AI can explain it to us much better in less time. I'm a student. When I get stuck on a subject of my study, then I take some help from AI. AI is of immense importance for solving many big problems. For example: what to do after a big earthquake or what to do if a boat breaks in the middle of the river. But always using AI can reduce our thinking. We will be interest to take help of AI to solve even small problems. Thinking that "AI is there, don't think so hard about the problem". So if people are too dependent on AI , they will lose their thinking power.
Artificial intelligence affects people and those already experiencing climate change will connect the same experiences with its disadvantage.
AI is a good technology to improved sectors and countries because it brings efficiency and speed in any work place. Rather its dangers should not be ignored since those living in areas without AI are still behind technologically and that can create imbalance
It's not just humans who will get affected by climate change , wildlife and aquatic life will also get affected. There are so many factors that can ruin the environment like forests fires, rise in temperature, melting of glaciers, air pollution and even loss in biodiversity. These factors will definitely create health issues in many people and affect there lives. We have seen so many live examples of sudden weather changes like rain suddenly occurs in any season and some times there is hot temperature in winter and many more. What I think is that we ( humans ) should be working on creating and maintaining a sustainable environment which should be our first priority, even if everyone will take small steps starting from themselves we can improve our climate and make our future better.
climate change should be a priority number one. even if AI is revolutionising the world for the better , I believe sustainability will prevent climate change problems such as : flooding , rising global temperatures, wild fires and biodiversity loss. If we want to evolve AI it can be used by scientists to spot natural disasters we can look at images taken from space and warn people before it is too late , for example people should have been warned to evacuate before the flooding in Spain in Valencia. This would have resulted in a lot less people dying and less homes and villages being destroyed from flash flooding .
I agree that AI is brilliant , but comes at a cost.The reason I believe this is to keep them cool it takes 27 litres of water ,this is going to make it pricey. The Environment is paying a lot to make AI and it can cause soil erosion and pollution .
AI can help so many people in so may different ways such as doctors For example doctors can use AI which can help the busy doctors by transcribing notes and organising patients data .
I think ai can help lonely people and there is this Bollywood movie “Teri baaton me aisa uljha jiya” which states that ai can be beneficial for lonely people . If I would be a lonely person or even a patient in the hospital in both ways my mental or physical health would be affected and humanoid robots would help me in cherishing my mental health with happiness and high tech operating machines would help me find my heathy body back so basically ai would be beneficial for us in all perspectives as if my mental and physical health is fine everything can be managed . Strongly believe ai is our future so we should be happy with what we have and leave a room for wonder and improvement.
wow AIs has done so many things for as of recently imagine the nearest future where in a case there is no sufficient teacher getting an AI would be getting a teacher that knows everything or just like the new AI robot made by Elon Musk if gotten as a teacher would solve all the problems of having bad teachers around the world would end or in a case where by there is no doctor present in a hospital and the person is administered to be positive of Malaria or any other deathly disease and only an AI is present with the help of an AI and a few nurses the person would be getting better in no time plus doctors wouldn't have to complain any more that there is no doctor or person present with the help of an AI the doctors would worry less even when it comes to sorting documents both in a hospital , bank , economic offices, online shopping an AI would gat it done in a matter of no time. those who reject AI are people who just didn't come up with the idea , AIs are just ways human beings evolve for the greater for the greater future and evolution is a must and for those who feel like the carbon is the main causes the ozone layer to deplete which actually it does but if they feel like AIs should be stopped due to carbon that means that the use of vehicles ,airplanes and industries should also be stopped .The same way
I agree because... AIs are actually what would help build the new future imagine a world where all the stress would be taken away by AIs some may say that we are becoming lazy but in the same way cars take away the walking AIs takes care of helping in our studies the same way airplanes takes care of our cross country transportation of people, goods and so on is the same way AIs help in saving lives of people it even helps in transportation
AI has been very useful example for homework and many more AI is a very useful agent to pupils which supports them in their their studies AI is not only for students but also for adults it helps them in their different work places so my point is that in some areas in school or in our work places we need AI
AI is doing more good than bad because, in the olden days, people stress their selves doing farming with the use of hose, shovel and so many other tool. And sometimes these are prone to sickness which may lead them to dead. But now, Al is produced in almost part of the world, people no longer suffering them selves doing the farming because AI is there to do the work. And also AI makes the work faster more than human being dose. So why do people say that AI is doing bad to them when AI has helped us in our everyday life time.
AI is Important nowadays. We take the Help of AI's in any problem. I also take the help from AI to solve any of my own problem. Now due to Global warming our world going to wrost. It’s vivid proof is the fire of America. If we want we can solve this Problem through AI. We also know that Ai helps in solving any big problem. So I think ai is more important
The fact of all of this is so confusing but if i am to choice i think that the world is devolping and i strongly belive
that all of this can be handled if we give the scienicists a try maybe they will find something also the fact about the carbon emission can be put in place in a way or two.So i suggest that we give AI a chance for without AI no browsing or any thing can be put in place for you won't like to go back to the isealites and eygptians times.
According to what I think, AI is both good and bad that it has both positive and negative sides because they can be sustained and it leads to a positive side.
Can you tell me a bit about the positive, and negative sides to AI?
Sustainabillity is definietly more important than AI, in my opinion. Even though AI is helping us everyday and doing somethings insted of us, we should be careful to our planet. Lives of doctors, scientists, teachers will be improved by AI. I think theirs answears for question" what is more important sustainabillity or AI?" will be the same. They are educated humans and I think their answer will be that sustainabillity is more importat. Because will can live without AI, but we cannot prevent the harm to the planet that it brings. I think people who are affected by climate changes and natural disasters must think how sustainabillity is more important then AI. Sure, AI can help those people by alarming them before some natural disasters, but I think they would be more than happy to reduce those climate changes. My answer for the last question is yes, it is ok to develop a new thing and the it over time. Nothing can be perfect, at least in the beginning. Maybe someday AI will work perfectly and won't cause damage to our planet.
According to me, being sustainable is more important rather than in making progress.. As without a livable environment the progress is meaningless... By AI many people's life can be improved as it provides many resources to us. And it is totally fine to developp a neew thing and then work upon it as we get to improve oourrself by makiing mistakes and then working upon them.. Thanks
Developing something new and then improving it over time is practical especially in the case of AI. Many AI were launched in the basic form but after that when people started using it they found some flaws in it and then they gave their reviews and so eventually the AI got better but if the developers wait for the perfection the might delay the launch and it may not fit for people's expectations and wouldn't be as desired and someone has rightly said that nothing is perfect so atlast I feel improving over time is a better choice as it has the best balance between progress and quality
The environment is more important to an extremely great extent. Sustainability should be the world’s first priority and concern. Everyone must look after the environment otherwise AI couldn’t have been invented! If our world wasn’t in a good condition, we couldn’t make more AI, so it would be a loss to both. On the other hand, AI is exceptionally efficient as it reduces human error, increases intelligence and improves decision-making. Many people have highly-useful benefits of AI because it helps them get a job and live life with more bliss and blithe. However, even if AI is crucially clever and hugely helpful, it doesn’t save our planet, and the world we live on is most important. On the contrary, AI may find solutions for climate change and all brutal things going on in our world. Nonetheless, it is predicted that by 2030, AI will have produced millions of electric waste, and that is just unacceptable. Save the planet, save the world!
Ai is useful in many professions which makes task easier to manage in many areas like healthcare by providing diagnosis and analyse data more efficiently But it have some drawbacks aswell like machine are replacing workers in factories if it continues in other areas or fields more people can loose their job leading to unemployment while some people who relay on AI may have different perspective but I believe Ai is very useful, but is should be used carefully to avoid any thing bad or negetive I even feel everything is okay until we cross the limit
I strongly believe that sustainability is more important, although making progress with AI is favourable because you can make improvements with your texts and work, in a small amount of time. But this means that it will lead to environmental costs, which when it comes to AI is very harmful to the planet. Therefore, l think that sustainability is more important as it preserves our planets natural resources like air and water, so that means if we build a sustainable future our lives will be better as it can stop pollution and habitat loss. A brighter future with fresh air and a healthy planet is crucial for lives in the next couple of years and decades.
What does AI mean for us in regard to the ecosystem? Does it mean we're on borrowed time? For some, it is a seemingly otherworldly notion but in reality, it may not be far from the truth.
AI, the technology that has been around since 1956 (the year after Alan Turing, the "father of computing", died,) has been a significant advancement in the field of computing. It has been accelerated by the development of industrial robots, such as the first industrial robot "Unimate" in 1961, IBM's Deep Blue in 1997, and Google DeepMind's AlphaGo in 2015. However, the rapid pace of AI's development has led to concerns about its environmental impact and the need for billions of dollars in venture capital and supercomputers.
Training AI requires billions of data points, which can drive efficiency compared to other technologies. However, it also consumes thousands of times more energy than other technologies, and the air conditioning systems used to maintain AI operation use millions of gallons of water, draining already taxed regions with drought concerns. Overextended power grids may also fail, posing risks to people affected by climate change.
AI is not powerful enough to preserve us, and it has not solved the issues previously plaguing humans with resource distribution. If AI continues to progress at this rate, we may face eradication in the future rather than preservation. Money-hungry companies focus on the present, not the future, and may eliminate us in the process. So, I ask YOU: is AI our future—or will it eliminate us in its quest to dominate the future?
You make some good points, shy_meerkat. You also ask an interesting existential question. In my opinion AI will figure into our future in many ways, supporting many businesses and making lots of things easier for lots of people. But I don't foresee it having a "quest to dominate the future". I think we are a long, long way from AI that has thoughts or desires, and even if that were possible I'd like to think its first desire would not be dominance...
Developing new things is good because it sustains our environment and even our planet.
People can be so engaged in AI that they forget about our planet Earth.
Sustainable development and moving forward can often be in conflict but they can actually work together.If we are not careful that progess can harm our enviroment and people all over the world,but without it we can’t solve big issues like for example climate change.It’s important for us to find a balance to move forward in a way that doesn’t harm our planet.True progress isn’t always about being faster or bigger and it doesn’t need to happen over night ,its about being better and more responsible for the world we live.So my opinion is that sustainabillity is the key or little secret to long-term progress!
I think being sustainable is more important because if you are not sustainable how can you make progress ? For example a lot of people want to make progress in saving the world, but at the same time progress in technology, but order to do that you will have to be sustainable because in this era of man- kind progress is not about developing in technology but being more sustainable therefore progress in not investing in AI but having more knowledge to be planet friendly and then when you learn to be planet friendly and using AI sensibly then you can focus on making progress in a more technical area because sustainability is not about evolution in man made materials but a positive growth in nature!
I really think that AI will make people lose jobs and make them also lazy and less fit and active . Also I think it makes a good difference to the people in school as it can make learning more effective and easy and they'll get a benefit of getting good jobs and go to good university.Also a bad thing is there be more electric waste which can not be broken down. I think they should develop a device which stops electric waste in the world as theres 62 million tonnes of electric waste produced annualy
I think AI is a bad thing as people can get more and more deep fakes and fake calls [scams] and there will be more high costs. Plus it will make a lack of human development and skill for future years and probably AI will dominate taking over we have live imlimenting effects on or lives.AI will give fair decisions making human error less likely this year
I think sustainability comes first because , in class we learnt about how AI is bad for the earth and is poison to it as well .
I also think that AI is really cool but we need to be careful on there and not spend as much time on it to save our planet
in my opinion I would say people with Jobs that include a lot of Writing and inspiring As a AI can really help you and your ideas to grow but of course you can think of them on your own but AI can give a lot of their better responses Look for example it could be a journalist or Doctor they would say something probably like* AI would really help me into thinking ideas on what's right and what to do on my discussion it also makes me think of better adjectives and words to describe the patient or the material I am using* A lawyer might even respond With* AI can help me with my responses while Dealing with the pressure And the defence of the for and against It can also help me think for more ideas like how to deal with it and how to give the response properly in a better way*
Farms can also be harmed by the climate change on question 2 It is very harmful and it can cause a lot of pain to the green environment soon it could become more ashy and dark because of the pollution it also said that other nature forests and other seas and woods could eventually die because of how much AI is actually using and although it does seem like it's A brilliant idea(like when people think it is very useful) it's so really harmful to the environment which is really bad cause we don't want to lose this planet a cause there's no planet b
I believe that AI is very important because it is extremely helpful in a lot of situations. Anyone can use it to get knowledged. You can know any information by AI easily.
It also prevents pollution besides climate change problems because AI will make people prevent using paper. Paper is very harmful to the environment. Paper industries cause a terrible smell that cause air pollution furthermore it produces greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases threaten the environment. Greenhouse gases contribute to respiratory diseases that can cause death. They can also cause climate change problems since they trap heat.
To conclude, AI is sustainable to our Earth. It protects humans from any harm.
Interesting ideas - why do you think AI will prevent people using paper?
AI can be used only on devices consequently the information gathered would be written on writing programs like word.Furthermore, typing on paper became old for some people.
I think that both sustainability and making progress are important but if I had to choose one I would choose sustainability as a priority. I we don't focus on sustainability climate change will continue to wreck the planet that we call home. The problems we are currently facing like floods, wildfires, droughts and more will become more extreme and more frequent.
However AI can also be used to suggest ways that we can improve climate change, and to help make progress in different areas such as online assistants/help, online banking, and a whole lot more.
Although AI is a great asset for the future of humanity, the sustainability of AI is very important. AI has been developing for half a century, and in this time AI has made great leaps. AI has advanced very far in this aspect, however, the fact is that we don't know how much longer it will take for AI to be powerful enough to be able to solve most of our problems. This is where sustainability would come in, as AI gets more and more powerful, the effects on the environment can increase dramatically. Sustainability should be used to ensure that the negative side effects to the environment can be decreased, or reduced as much as possible. Sustainability can be ensured through restrictions on the amount of effect a new AI upgrade would have on the environment. If it doesn't meet a certain requirement in sustainability, it would first need to cut down on the environmental effects to be fully used by the masses.
I believe making progress is more important as it has a domino effect on sustainability. It is like being underleveled in a game trying to attain a tool that is higher than your level. Making progress with something like Ai can give us the knowledge and opportunities to plan ahead for sustainability problems like climate change, plastic waste, Ewaste, etc. Everyone's life can be improved by Ai as it answers and adapts to people's questions but I believe the people whose lives are most going to improve are scientists, bioscientists, engineers, etc, making progress with Ai will help improve people in these fields that can make more faster, and cheaper sustainability solutions. I believe it is ok to develop a new thing and improve it overtime as people using something that is unfinished can help see how it can improve, any things to fix, and people's feedback can really improve and even perfected from these problems and solutions.
AI is for sure improve the lives of people bit there are certain field in which the impact of human stands the high level like teaching , when it is a human teacher we have a feel of gratitude, emotional connect with them and they stand as the to go person for problems, same with doctors at times but in certain areas AI stands the best like the virtual tours which help I maitaing the place clean and hygienic.
Both are important. We first need to ensure that it is sustainable, and after that, we can focus on making progress alongside sustainability. If people are well-informed about when and how to use AI, there won’t be significant issues with its sustainability or progress.
Doctors, scientists, farmers, and law enforcement professionals are among those whose lives might—and will—be improved by AI. If we were to ask them the first question, they might answer:
“As someone involved with science, AI empowers and supports us in our everyday work. Our tasks often involve applying scientific principles anyway, but we wouldn’t rely on AI for everything. Instead, we should use it to address areas where we lack the capability to detect or solve issues.”
People affected by climate change might respond to the question like this:
“Being sustainable is more important than making progress. Climate change is disrupting our basic needs for survival. Progress should not come at the cost of sustainability. Before focusing on progressing, we must prioritize making them sustainable.”
It’s not just okay but a natural rule that new innovations often go through development and improvement over time. Failures and errors are inevitable first steps; detecting and learning from them is the second. For example, before developing an AI system, a developer must aim for a positive outcome. However, if the outcome doesn’t meet expectations, they refine and improve it until it does.
Of course improving a new thing is OK because nothing can be perfect immediately. We all know that there is always room for improvement in not just inventions but ourselves too. We should not be in a hurry to get perfection because what really matters is the efforts put by us to improve something , it might take time but as the quote states " Rome was not built in a day ", which means great things needs a lot of time, efforts and consistency to achieve perfection.
I would like to answer to the last question, there is nothing in this world that its perfet but that doesnt mean they should stop perfecting it and making AI better for envioremnt because even though it can help us in our everyday life we shouldnt trade our planets health because of it.
In my opinion l think that sustainability is more important as sustainability helps combat
climate change which means it’s more likely to reduce parts of climate change,like: fossil fuels being burnt, stop the cause of food waste and reducing leveraging damaging manufacturing methods. On the other, making progress is very good and you can achieve many achievements, but the reason l didn’t choose it was because AI causes CO2 to be in the air which is very harmful to the planet so even if AI is trying to contribute with helping stop climate change by using special methods, AI is causing LOTS of the damage.
With time as AI develops the more AI can become more useful to he people and the society at large and after all AI can now drive cars, planes trucks etc. Now with the help of AI humans can use it for research and help with assignments.
With AI are main priority is to make it more eco-friendly and less of a problem . Although AI is a great platform for making algorithms its is unable to reduce its carbon admission rate . Before using it to it’s full potential data engineers should run a series of tests to find out how to change to the programming and fit it to a more suitable standard . The safety of our planet should be the main task of AI when it is during its use.
I think AI is taking a turn down the wrong path. In my opinion AI is getting dangerous and just by hearing how much water is wasted when using AI (approximately 500ml per paragraph) is just horrifying. Additionally, just one AI model can emit more than 626,000 pounds of carbon dioxide which is nearly five times the lifetime emissions of an average car. By the time we get to 2030 the world will be scorching hot in places like North Africa and more countries on the equator due to the mass CO2 productions. If we don't take action now I can not imagine what life will be like in the upcoming generations.
I strongly believe that although our planet is of a huge importance, it is clear that artificial intelligence can actually help us . I completely understand that AI can use masses of energy and also water to power, which is a huge concern. However, AI can help save time and also predict weather patterns and even earthquakes. Therefore, AI could perhaps save lives, which is vital.
I think it is AI is more important because you can use it to help you and it will not be any damage to our world I think it won’t be ok to do anything els with AI
After hearng Pillar's insight about how Google has been "responsibly" developing AI.
AI indeed has made remarkable contributions in the fields of science,technology,health,education and even new discoveries.
But still the gaseous emissions and their after effects on the climate still cant be ruled out.
So I propose striking a balance between sustainabiliy and progress is needed.
Handling this techology in an optimal way and focussing on an approach where innovation and planet conservation can go hand in hand.
For eg, going carbon neutral might be an option or even focussing on reduced usage of natural resources.
AI can greatly improve lives, especially for people with disabilities, elderly, and those in remote areas. But we must consider the impact on our planet. Climate change affects us all, and AI development should prioritize sustainability.
Let's work together to create AI that benefits humanity and the environment. We can't expect perfection from the start, but we can strive to do better with each step.
In my point of view, sustainability is more important than making progress, because progress without sustainability is unsustainable. Exploiting resources for making progress without considering the environmental impact will lead to a major collapse. A sustainable approach ensures that our future generations can also enjoy the benefits of the progress.
So, I think sustainability should be prioritized first.
Are you sure, because for most of the things dealing with developemen progress comes with sustainabilit, just look at the recent CES event for example.
My personal opinion to this is that being sustainable and making progress both should be done together. We should find out ways in which progress helps us to become more sustainable. Also I think that every new invention or development is not perfect it is upgraded with the demands and the opinions of people depend on its use. So it is okay to develop a new thing and to improve it over time. With time new technologies come across helping us to find more useful solutions.
AI is the future in ways that man most evolve so it is expect that it is to be used yes risk must be taken but at the same time risks must be taken .rejecting AI is rejecting the future
Hi, as we are talking, i want to say that AI is very useful because AI helps us in many ways.
Can you give an example?
AI is helpful but since it is not sustainable enough, some say it is a complete waist of time.AI can help in so many different ways especially in education and school works but some people do not know the advantages and disadvantages and how to maintain it . So it's sometimes misused
answering question three i think improving is better than making it perfect immediately because if a company makes a product now the will find a way to make it better for people to feel more free with their devices and it will give them the freedom to archive all your goals that is compactable with your device by increasing the storage space of the device and not just the storage space but the speed of your gadget and in conclusion you will always try to make the better of what you have made before. Thank you
I think that sustainability is more important because it is just like saving our live for instance to train an AI will release the same amount of carbon a car releases in it life time and we all know that carbon depletes the ozone layer and it will cause skin cancer and it will cause death.
You make some sweeping statements here about skin cancer and death. Is there a proven link? What is your evidence?
it is because the depiction of the ozone layer is just like breaking the cover protecting earth from sun light
so if the ozone layer destroyed the sun will give skin cancer
AI is no doubt a very exciting topic to work on but sustainability is more important. We cant improve AI if our planet is unsustainable. Even if AI is improving the world, it could also end up being our detriment. AI cannot improve in an unsustainable world which is why sustainability should be our number one priority.
I believe that AI threatens humanity because using it causes a lot of disasters. Its vices are more than its virtues. Here are some reasons that show that AI is a threaten.
Firstly, there will be no creativity between people. For example, if a manager needed the same project from each employee, he can find that all of the projects are made by the same technique. This is gigantic problem. Consequently, there will be a lack of creativity and also emotion.
Secondly, there will be a lot of job displacement between humans and robots (AI). This will reduce the involvement of humans. All of this is because the intelligence of the AI.
AI does not only cause that. It can provide people with wrong information. Imagine your daughter, son, sister, brother or any member from your family fills his or her brain with wrong information. This is so harmful.
To conclude, do not use AI regularly. Use it only urgently because if you use it a lot, you are encouraging it for improving and developing.
Some country have lower internet and also do not have enough resources we should make progression and ensure everyone is using AI to make the planet a beter place and avoid destroying our resources
I think humans should focus in the development of Ai, although sustanibility is very important and people must take care of the planet Ai could help not only many people in their daily life, in their jobs or even in their health creating daily rutines or special exercises in base of their physical condition, Ai could help humans to create a more sustaniable planet, I don´t think that working hand by hand with an Ai in order to make our planet better sounds so extrange nowadays. So humans should focus in the development of new Ai and more intelligent
I think the first thing AI has to improve are the gas emissions which is the biggest problema on the Earth. These problems produce droughts, sudden rains and acid rain which reduces the productivity of the crops.
I think AI development is a great advance in this last year. AI would improve the lives of students, doctors and people with websites. I think on the next years it would be essential for their jobs.
I think AI is very developed but as it is very useful for the future it is better to improve it when is possible.
I think AI can improve the life of a Police Officer because AI can assist the stopping of crime and maintenance of law and order.
Examples of the crime are:
2. Arm Robbery
3. kidnapping
So, with the help AI, a Police Officer can stop crime for sustainability.
Examples of ways that AI can help stop crime:
1.The type of vehicles they should use.
2.The type of weapons they should use.
3.The type of route they should take
4.How they should plan to attack.
Can you tell me how you think AI will help with the examples listed.
AI is a another part of science. Where human intelligence is the ability to learn, decision-making, and problem solving qualities that computers or machines try to imitate. This AI system has made our daily life much easier. When we are encouraged to know some information,we can get this information very easily from Google and Chat-Gpt or other websites like this. Otherwise we can order the food we need by visiting various website like Amazon and Foodpanda. Foodpanda is a website that allows users to order food. It's also have a mobile app. Another amazing invention of AI is the Robot. Which does not look exactly like a human but has a shape like human. Robots are widely used in productivity in various industries. All benefits we continue to get through AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is like a super smart robot brain that helps computers do cool things! It can help computers see pictures, understand what people say, read and translate words, solve puzzles, and even give advice.
AI can also be really helpful for the planet! It can help scientists predict the weather, make crops grow better, save water, and even help use clean energy more efficiently.
AI has a lot of great advantages. It can process huge amounts of data much faster than humans, helping us solve complex problems in areas like healthcare, climate change, and transportation. It can also make tasks easier by automating repetitive jobs, saving time and reducing errors. AI is used to recommend things, improve productivity, and even help doctors diagnose diseases early.
However, there are some disadvantages too. AI systems can be biased if they're trained on incomplete or unfair data, leading to incorrect decisions. There are concerns about privacy since AI can track personal information, and it might replace some jobs, leaving people out of work. Plus, as AI becomes smarter, we need to ensure it’s used responsibly to avoid unintended consequences.
Can you tell me what you think some unintended consequences might be?
Hello👋 , I think AI might start picking only certain people for jobs, like always choosing boys because it learned from old choices that weren’t fair. It could also take away jobs, so some people might not have work anymore. Sometimes, AI might do things we didn’t expect, like a car driving in a way we didn’t want. AI could also secretly watch people, which is not nice. It can make fake videos or sounds that trick people into believing things that aren’t true. And if we let AI make big choices for us, it could mess up because it doesn’t know everything like we do.
I think forest rangers could use some more AI , for instance drones, they can help by spotting deforestation or people illegally cutting down trees.It can help them monitor the forests health also our world a healthy world.Giving us the power to live and breath.
Can you think of some other ways forest rangers can use AI?
From my point of view, sustainability is more important than progress. Because we as humans are responsible for saving, protecting and making a better environment not AI.
My answer to question 1 is that scientists, doctors, farmers and students are the most people in need to AI. Their answer to this question is that progress is more important than sustainability because AI helps them a lot in their work.
My answer to question 2 is that people who are affected by climate change will say, please, please, stop progressing Ai, it affects us a lot.
Finally, my answer to question 3 is that you have to create the new things perfect from the beginning. This prevents happening problems and other negative effects on the environment.
I think sustainability should be our global top priority though we know that AI is revolutionizing our world still protecting our planet first will lead to its progress in various sectors crucially I firmly believe that sustainability will ensure our planet in better condition which will therefore lead to stronger growth. This lesson was quite beneficial to understand these topics better.
I think people who really need AI are students. Ai is really important in our lives in which it saves time, effort, furthermore Ai make things easier to understand.
An example is Chat GPT. Chat GPT helps us by answering hard questions and explain what they don’t understand by generating explanation videos. Another thing is that Ai gives information in all feeds and is easy acto all people to use like some platforms have access to cameras.
Being sustainable and making progress both are interconnected.
On one hand sustainibility is important as this is our planet so we have to use the resources wisely so that future generations could get them in sufficint amount . On the other hand progress is also crucial for the present to improve our society and make our lives easier. So we can make progress by minimizing the harm to the environment...
I think that it is sustainable for our environment and our planet because in the video the lady said that it would be sustainable and it would help us to grow our knowledge. But some people don’t think it is sustainable for the planet because it will damage our planet.So this is why I think it is better for us.Also the lady in the video said it is better than any other person who will ever exist in this planet because of its incredible knowledge about life on earth.This is why people should change their minds about ai.I have used ai before and during this period of time I released that it is definitely sustainable for the environment and planet.
I think that it is not possible (at least in a capitalist world) to restrict the use of AI because company’s can use it to make more money and the government is not going to restrict it as it is helpful for the country’s economy and country’s that still would allow it had a economical advantage. Now after they introduced AI to the world it’s going to be hard to start restrict it again as the people already know how fun and helpful it can be. So even if it would be better to restrict it it’s not possible anymore or at least very hard
Many people's lives could be improved by AI. For example, doctors, scientists, office workers, so many people with important jobs. They might say that because of AI, their lives are much easier and not that complex. However, people who are affected by climate change might not like AI because it can cause more disaster to the world making their lives harder and more difficult. Of course when you produce a new thing, it can't always be perfect. You need to see how the device works against the world and the environment. Despite this, you should try to quickly make things perfect so problems cannot begin. Thank you for listening.
I think that sustainability will improve with the passage of time because the more years go by, the more we improve the things and we create new ones, everything gets better and better with the passage of time only we need to wait a few years until its discover. In my opinion if we create something is not going to be perfect at the first try because anything is perfect at the first try ,so with the passage of time we will improve that thing and make it better and better until it have no mistakes.
In my opinion you should focus on making progress because the AI will be getting better at solving Problems for example when google maps chooses the most eco friendly route. Training the AI might cause a lot of CO2-Emissions, but once the AI is sufficiently advanced the progress wont just go away. With progress comes sustainability. Being sustainable without making progress isn't possible because the people wont just stop using cars there has something to change to make this world sustainable and why not use AI to do it faster and more efficient.
In consideration of AI and sustainability, the latter is more important. Although AI has become an important instrument in modern-day society, helping people with daily tasks and coming up with solutions to daily problems, it is still in the progress of improving. AI is relatively new if we think about the amount of years humans have been around, despite that, it's been evolving and learning since it was created. However, our earth is already suffering from an exacerbating problem: global warming. Can the development of AI really be quick enough to not further this problem while coming up with the solution? Columbia's University' State of the planet states data centers release tons of CO2 yearly (8.4 tons), our lifestyles themselves produce tons of pollution. Without AI, we as humans, are already putting our planet at risk. Thus, some may say, AI is more important because it can find a solution, but can it really? There is no guarantee it can or ever will, and even if it does, it might be too late. So let's focus on our planet because sustainability is more important.
Many lives would be improved by AI such as doctors, scientists and forest rangers. As much as they know that AI would be an immense help, they also know that it is not sustainable and sustainability should be our number one priority. AI produces thousands of electronic waste and this occurrence cannot continue. Alternatively, AI would assist their jobs perfectly because it could help doctors find medicines to agonising illnesses, find solutions to climate change and melting ice-caps (for scientists), and prevent deforestation (for forest rangers). However, as we all know, AI can be extremely harmful to the environmental and who wants that to happen? However, with AI we can live in an organised, properly utilised and better place. Nothing and no one is ever and ever will be perfect and we need to accept that. Some people would say: but AI is always perfect. But the truth is no, it’s not, and we can improve it over time. We can make AI better and make ourselves better along the way. We can learn to welcome AI and listen to its advantage. This is because AI can and will become better, slowly, but it will.
I believe that we need AI to help with climate change and it is sustainable in a way if you don’t use loads of it .But if we didn’t have ai we wouldn’t know anything about climate change so we couldn’t help the earth and we wouldn’t be aware.
In my opinion, sustainability is more important than AI. I believe that if we continue to improve AI, we will be damaging our environment, meaning our environment will be destroyed slowly but steadily. We probably wouldn't realise it was happening, but over time we would realise we were destroying our ecosystems and one of our most vital things for survival - oxygen. We cannot let that happen, or humankind might be wiped from the face of the Earth.
I personally think that being sustainable is the priority. Climate change is at the heart of all our world problems, and it damages the climate but also the citizens of planet earth. The most serious issue this month has been the wild fires in the USA. We cannot risk losing our world because there is not yet a planet B.
Yes I would love to see AI change the world, imagine all those inventions being used. Imagine all of the world living with AI, but the problem is that AI isn't yet sustainable. It breaks my heart to know that AI deeply contributes to the conundrum of climate change. The AI data centres let out 285000 kg of carbon dioxide waste a year and the centres are based in the countryside, where wildlife will be damaged.
We can't have both AI and sustainability at the same time for one will hurt the other, and as a child who doesn't want to loose the world I would say that sustainability always will go first. We should do anything to save the planet.
when a particular product becomes stable, it will gain the interest of the majority of people and that is the only time many people will get to trust and patronize such product because they will beleive that such product have come to stay, therefore i am in the side that being more sustainable is more important than making a progress.
so what we should be saying here is that an AI should be developed capable and enhanced enough to carry out a good number of different works, like we all know that AI are built for a specific reason, if an AI can be re-programmed in a way that it can carry out different duties, than there should be no need for continue progress making rather we will concentrate on its sustainability.
Now as AI producing companies continue in the production of others, climate changes problems will continue to advance as companies will continue to produce which will enhance air pollution resulting from industries, increasing the depliction of the ozone layer causing more harm to our planet.
therefore, we should concentrate more on it's sustainability than in making progress.
AI and sustainability are both crucial for building a brighter future, but keeping a balance between them is very essential. AI has the ability to improve lives , like helping a doctor to diagnose disease , making studies much easier and helping to do things easily . The people who are benefited by AI may think that AI's progress is good and important . However , on the other hand , those who are affected by climate change , might think differently. They will focus on sustainability , because it helps protect the environment and ensure a safer place. Also they may feel that the amount of money and resources spent on AI should be spent to solve the problem of climate change , as it is becoming a major problem of the world. And as for the new inventions , it is okay if they are improved over time but they should be made with responsibility from the beginning and it should be made while focusing on the environment without causing any it harm. In the end both progress and sustainability should go on together to make this place a better world for everyone .
Really thoughtful comment tranquil_apple that people will view AI differently depending on their personal circumstances.
*I think people with disabilities could benefit the most from AI. AI could help them a lot in many ways, like doing some of their tasks for them so they can be more part of their community. It's not just regular people who can use AI.
*People who live in places that are changing because of the weather might also find AI helpful. AI could warn them about things they need to be ready for.
*Of course, it's okay to make something new and then make it better over time. Things aren't always perfect right away. We learn what works best when we use things and see what we can change or improve.
1. Ai is a good option for the school and college students as it helps them to be organised ,complete their tasks on time as well as can help them to understand any complex topic quickly and easily.
2. Yes, I agree that ai should develop more and more but it should not harm the humans or our planet, because training ai requires a lot energy .
@knowledgeable_fern, nice comment, I would be so interested in how you see AI helping students be organised and completing their tasks
Planning timetable with the help of planner, taking notes from an AI planner, learning
Planning timetable with the help of an ai planner ,taking notes from the informative websites , learning support with the help of ai ,students can the get answers of the complex problems and by setting daily tasks ,ai will keep reminding and so the students will be organised ,systematic and will complete their tasks on time.
AI is extremely important to us. it stops many problems on Earth such as pollution and climate changes. This comment will make you know the disasters stopped by AI.
AI provides us a lot of information about the weather subsequently we can adapt if the weather is windy, hot, cold, raining and so on. When we know what the weather is, we can decide what to wear. Furthermore, if we did not wear the suitable cloth, we can get sick.
AI also helps us to be knowledgeable. For example, it makes us know the terrible calamities caused by man-made pollution. Consequently, humans can feel about what they are causing so they will stop it. In that situation AI helped to stop pollution.
To conclude, AI is so important, and it helps us in a lot of harmful issues.
Sustainability is defenetly the most important aspect of all of this dicution. I really apreciate the attempt that Google is making about being carbon free by 2030 because, as we know Google is one of the bigest search applications and to hear their ambitions about being carbon free fills me with hope for the future and maybe other companies can learn from them.
But staying more focused at the topic in hand, I am realy scared of all the changes AI will bring especialy when they can use false information to base the answer but at the same time I think it really could be a super usefull aplication to our day to day life as long as it is handled well and when it dosn´t contaminate our planet.
I want to thank everyone at google for their plan for 2030 and Pilar for explaining it so well to us.
I believe by using ai our environment if affecting as carbon emmision is their and it required large amount of energy that we human are ought to save.Sustainability is key, but it is not as important as our environment safety .If we save eenrgy and conserve it for future then may be our future will shine bright and coming to using ai we human are enough capable to discover and create thing ourself and do work ourself infact our mind is more creative than ai .
AI is the best thing ever made it why I said this is because, firstly it helps in browsing for students and also it helps stop some problems in the community bush burning, drought etc AI a very good topic to talk about it helps us know about problems in the community and how to solve the problems , but not to forget AI has the bad form of it which is it could a distraction to students live, how, it is possible because their abandon their brains THANKS
I think AI is good but we always must protect our planet first before any thing else it will cause massive improvements but it will cause massive waste and we must keep our planet healthy I also agree without progress then how are we to evolve with the future to grow and thrive but we must search for solutions for sustainability to keep our planet healthy
AI is what everybody needs nowadays, all of us can imagine a future with AI around us, this might be our future, but here comes an important question, "whose lives might be improved by AI"
I think, lives of country or people who can afford AI can be improved. Poor people who can hardly afford AI nowadays, people's life may be improved ONLY if AI is made affordable for them. They might:
1. get better and quicker results or products with AI
2. be able to adapt to improving new technology
3. get chances of having AI services for themselves for example: study plans, money tracks, health care, smart homes
4. stay secure
and lot more
using AI might affect climate and that is 100% true, that is exactly why we have GREEN AI, people can be affected both positively and negatively:
Green AI does the following:
* Reduce carbon emission; can help in improving resources; support economy and a lot more
Negatively, people can face some problems, but the suggestions given above are just a part of what green AI can do.
Every time, we first try doing something and then mend it, we can't directly make something perfect, same is with AI and new developments
it is totally alright to first find and develop new things and improve them as time passes one by one, just imagine, trying a difficult algebraic problem for the first time, would you get it right or would you first solve it using directions and then practice?
that is what's happening with new developments.
AI is our future, it is being developed, and we need to give time to improve perfectly over time.
I believe that AI can make a difference for peoples lives not the whole world. If we depend on AI and robots and give them the world. We could be in real danger because people are using AI to drive cars. They can suddenly loose control and crash. Boom at least 2 lives lost. So this is what I think about AI.
AI is what everybody needs nowadays, all of us can imagine a future with AI around us, this might be our future, but here comes an important question, "whose lives might be improved by AI"
I think, lives of country or people who can afford AI can be improved. Poor people who can hardly afford AI nowadays, people's life may be improved ONLY if AI is made affordable for them. They might:
1. get better and quicker results or products with AI
2. be able to adapt to improving new technology
3. get chances of having AI services for themselves for example: study plans, money tracks, health care, smart homes
4. stay secure
and lot more
using AI might affect climate and that is 100% true, that is exactly why we have GREEN AI, people can be affected both positively and negatively:
Green AI does the following:
* Reduce carbon emission; can help in improving resources; support economy and a lot more
Negatively, people can face some problems, but the suggestions given above are just a part of what green AI can do.
Every time, we first try doing something and then mend it, we can't directly make something perfect, same is with AI and new developments
it is totally alright to first find and develop new things and improve them as time passes one by one, just imagine, trying a difficult algebraic problem for the first time, would you get it right or would you first solve it using directions and then practice?
that is what's happening with new developments.
AI is our future, it is being developed, and we need to give time to improve perfectly over time.
I think being sustainable is better because the whole reason that there is climate change is that we’re trying to make progress but it’s just releasing greenhouse gases then people die because of floods and wildfires. Also if we stop now it will be fine since greener AI has improved so much that it should be able to help us. I also think that we should try to build or use an electric version of all of the things that normally emit greenhouse gases so we can still enjoy using things that usually are bad for the environment such as planes, boats and cars.
Hello, in my opinion, I think both are very important. To be sustainable by no using too much the AI is very important because of the contamination it produces. And making progress in the AI is also very important, sustainability could be done with its help, as it help us to develop better and faster and problems from other different topics for making our life’s better.
That is why I think both topics are very important for our future.
In my oppinion priority number one should be a good development, and sustainability. Also, I think AI sholud improve the life for every living thing, for humans to help them in their daily life and also for animals and plants, to have a faster and healthier life, providing us better nutrients and a better life, as I have said. Maybe, answering to the question about climate, AI should help by advising everyone about any climatic desorder, I know they do but for example be able to advice about natural disasters that now-a-days cant be advised. I think that development should be slow, and be able to allow any changes to be adapted to our needs.
Ai is important and most of us know that, but it pales in comparison to sustainability. If we survive longer with Earth's resources And sustain the earth at the same time we can upgrade the ai and make it better and it could help us with sustainability too. Personally, I think earth,our planet is more valuable than any ai we have made and will ever make. I don't mean ai is not important I'm just saying that we should draw a line between sustaining the earth and evolving ai.
I think that sustainability and making progress are both important. AI helps people every day and becomes smarter every day that passes. AI helps doctors, scientists, farmers et cetera, but it pollutes which causes a lot of bad things for Earth. Though, in my opinion making progress has a slight edge over sustainability. I still think that we shouldn't pollute, but making progress is a little bit more important. After all, AI centers don't pollute as much as car and planes and they also do a lot of good things for people and I think AI will do a lot more good things in the future.
In conclusion, I think that there should be found a solution for AI to become more eco-friendly, but AI centers should continue to progress so humanity advances further.
I believe that sustainability should be more important because climate change and global warming is already bad enough and even if AI is more efficient, living a happy, healthy life is more important as AI can do a lot of harm to the environment.
Could you give an example of how AI could harm the environment?
I think sustainability is more important than making progress. Because, if making progress is more important than sustainability, that means, in a way, we are doing the opposite. What I mean, if we don't take care of our planet, we will made the opposite of making progress, as we will be destroying our most precious value, our planet.
I agree that sustainability is important because we could ruin our planet. and there is no planet 2
I believe that sustainability should be our main priority.Developing A.I may be a good thing in the short term but in the long term will not be beneficial.If A.I starts to do jobs for us, the products of shops and factory's will lose their human touch.And A.I is using way to much electricity and power for it to be sustainable.Overall I think we should worry about our environment now and develop A.I later.
Everything around us is developing. Nothing starts perfect, but it can become better over time. A good example is AI that started is 1952. Now AI is widely used. In the future, AI will help us in everything we can imagine. Thus, we can use AI tools to mitigate the effect of climate change. AI can be used for sustainability. According to the World Economic Forum, AI can tackle climate change by making waste management more efficient. AI has been used by UN projects to help communities vulnerable to climate change in Africa. It can also improve agriculture and reduce its environmental impact. Innovative AI software can help identify poverty-stricken areas, predict economic fluctuations and develop targeted social safety net programs. I believe that AI can work for sustainability if we are more aware of the opportunities of revolutionizing AI in a positive manner.
I feel sustainability should be a priority rather then the development of AI because through research I have found that by 2045 AI is expected to surpass human intelligence. This means many people could be fired from their jobs as they are more efficient meaning a low income effecting the economy's wealth. If we continue to develop AI there could be a detrimental effect to the environment through the amount of carbon dioxide produced. When AI is developed to the best is there going to be a good environment to look at or is it going to be a world taken over by AI.
Personally, I completely believe that AI should be priority number one. AI can revolutionise the way we live our lives allowing for more time for sustainability to be a priority. AI
Sustainability should be the top priority. What is the point in Ai if we don't have a planet to use it on. Although AI is useful and an exciting front to discover, our planet and lives are surely should be favoured.
I personally think sustainability is more important and the bigger priority then advancing technology, as to become more sustainable, more advancements would be made. This means sustainability can improve as well as giving a safe point to stop and take a break from improvements, before developing too much, too fast.
I personally think progress is more important by far because the Nhs are using AI and its intelligence to find cancer early to cure it but instead of using all of the technology that is bad for the environment we could use dogs more and train them because like support dog how they can detect if you are having a seizure also they can detect if you have cancer earlier than computers and AI can detect .
Interesting thoughts. With dogs being around for longer than AI, I wonder why we didn't adopt that form of "technology" in dog form?
I believe the environment comes first. The first AI program was developed in 1955 and in 2025 AI is assisting with surgeries and is successful in doing so meaning AI is advancing at a rapid rate. This concerns many people as the possibility of AI taking over peoples jobs is thought of quite a lot. If AI continues to progress at a rapid rate not only could the environment be in danger but so could humans as the atmosphere could become to dangerous for human to live in. AI is used by millions of people as it is efficient and can provide what they need. The generators used to ensure AI can continue release CO2 into the atmosphere and this is effecting human respiration and the amount of water in our oceans meaning by the time AI has advanced there may not be an efficient supply of water for people to have.
many lives would be improved by AI, however that may not minimise the effects of AI on the climate, the cooling system may make water unusable but it can be improved in the future using AI to help with the developments.
AI is a significant leading contributing factor that has led to the development of how our world has evolved. Throughout humanity, the world has developed and changed through small waves of extraordinary technological advancements. However AI is different, the power that we could unleash is unimaginable. It is the most underappreciated form of technology which does not compete with mini revolutions that have built our society. The use of AI creates a intricate method of success. Life is now almost always revolved around technology and AI and with mass focus could do the unthinkable. Imagine having an AI be able to plan your day, run hospitals and areas of importance. With this the amount of time we could have to put our minds to creating a sustainable earth could be used as a way to leverage AI to help us as humans to make our world a better place. With everyone saying we should focus on sustainability I totally disagree. AI is the way to save our planet, to not be succumbed from the low depths we currently are submerged within. Having a focus on the environment first could lead us into a recession, the costs of limiting natural hazards would be astronomical but yet still would lead to deaths. Those saying that focusing on AI can lead to a depletion of our resources are totally incorrect. Research shows that AI can help increase production rates, sky rocket the speed of manufacturing goods and much more. If we don't develop AI we will never be able to escape the way life is evolving. Therefore, AI should be a priority over everything.
In my opinion, as a student, AI has brought a transformative approach in my orating skills. It has made me come across new vocabulary, enhancing my writing skills, furthermore acting as a game changer in my wisdom. It has improved my life, by making me known to such facts that I never knew before. I would answer this in a positive sense, narrating the impactful influence of AI in my existence
I think people often think of AI as "cheating" but when be used as a tool to enhance and broaden your learning it takes on a new role.
As far as I'm concerned about the sustainability of AI, I would say that AI though being a helpful tool, is not yet sustainable. Even though it has helped make rapid progress in the industrial and economical growth around the globe, let's not contradict the fact that because of this AI, many people have lost their occupations/jobs and have been able to hinder their creative skillset. AI has had a profound influence on the masses, which has affected the lives of a great number of people. In conclusion, I support in being sustainable so that the future generations could also get the privilege's to experience this nature and not rapid progress, which would eventually lead Earth to experience it's doomsday soon, particularly in the context of sustainable usage of AI
In my own understanding, AI mostly do some work especially during critical thinking ,office work and brings the sustainability into the world. From what I have learnt AI and it's sustainability brings peace to the world but have many disadvantages, Example like destruction of the world and so on. In conclusion AI is a multi-task device which helps in our daily life, Thanks.
In my own understanding, AI mostly do some work especially during critical thinking ,office work and brings the sustainability into the world. From what I have learnt AI and it's sustainability brings peace to the world but have many disadvantages, Example like destruction of the world and so on. In conclusion AI is a multi-task device which helps in our daily life, Thanks.
I think doctors lives will be improved because, AI will help them cure illnesses like cancer that kill lots of people. so AI can save lives
I believe that doctors and university students should have the most AI but my friends think that doctors and farmers should have the most AI ( I think my opinion is stronger anyways)
I have already answered these questions in that I have telling that students can be improved but these time iam telling researchers can be improved by AI because they can get reports quicker and they can give a better innovation answers. There knowledge can be improved a lot while using these. They can get information like upcoming disaster, diseases, asteroid so they inform the society to live safety regarding this. And they make a decision faster and AI has problem which is in sometimes it will be giving a wrong Information so researchers should be very careful because while they telling wrong information to societies it will lead to great impact.
Ans- 2 AI can be more helpful in climate change they can tell scientist and society upcoming natural disasters,tsunami, floods,measuring a sea levels, and about space asteroids which can hit on earth it will be more helpful in these situations so AI can be very useful. Sometime AI can tell wrong information so should use careful. because if researchers are telling into society regarding these information it will be great impact so they should tell correct information .
Ans 3 - coming to the end AI can develop a thing In a great ways but cannot be successful in all time we should only correct our mistakes and put our effects in a proper way. It will rare to develop a thing In a first attempt keep on trying is lead to an perfect development . So nothing will develop easy sometimes it can develop and undeveloped.
I agree that it's maybe okay to develop a new thing and then approve it over time, because no one makes a perfect thing from the first try. Maybe it is good ,but maybe over time it's going to be even better by improving it more and more. And also AI is not the most important thing to make progress, I guess being sustainable is better but I also regret that we can't live without AI, because it gives us a lot of progress.
Thank you 😊
People's lives ma be changed by AI voice assistant which is key for understanding different languages . Also trading has become easier due to AI's websites and finding ideas was become easier because google can give the pros and cons of what you should do in difficult times. Plus AI makes scamming quite easily and sometimes it says if you're a robot.
I agree as well because our planet Earth is really special and climate change can cause heat stroke because of the heat amplitude and for example if orcas live in all the worlds oceans, they need to get their heads out of the frozen water to breathe and I think AI could be improved by whoever created or made it in the past probably in 1984 or 1969 because AI was probably creative for a long time so I think it is 1984. For the last question,I think developing new things can be fun and if you share with others that can be fun too and improving the new thing over time can sometimes be a hobby or a special thing you like doing.
Yes many people's life can be improved with AI as it helps us find cures, predict disasters and more. But somewhere this excess use of AI may lead us to climate change which can cause more disasters and medical breakouts. Well I think when a new tech is developed it is not perfect right away but can be improved in a particular deadline. But we humans have already passed such deadline so AI should be improved right away or we will face major consequences. Personally I think being sustainable is more important as we after being sustainable can invent and improve new techs. We can also live without them. But without being sustainable development cannot happen and we cannot survive even a decade without being sustainable
In my opinion what's more important is sustainability and nature. I think that Ai does more harm than good because it keeps people from seeing the real world and enjoying nature since they can do everything with just one click at home. If Ai is used too much it can destroy people's creativity and ideas, but if it's used rarely it can give new information and ideas. I think nowadays people prioritise Ai and technology more than nature which can be terrible for nature as its slowly dying but nobody is realising that because Ai is more important to them.
● Ai can help many careers including doctors with their xrays and Generally everyone with their quick problem solving skills, although only certain people with the required funds can use it.
● But ai isnt all good as its one of the reasons that lead to climate change and can not only hurt nature by making forest fires and it can also hurt people sometimes even killing people because of heat waves and dehydration.
● we should slowly improve ai while keeping the environment healthy and sustaining life on earth, for the future generations
I think that sustainability is more important because even though AI could be our future it is more important to stop climate change. It is like asking what do you like better stopping climate change or killing our world and building more robots. I also think that our world should be nice for our generations future so we don’t have to live in a world that is ruined because of the generation before us. As well as this AI may be our future but we need to take care of our world as that would be a better future than climate change.
I think that being sustainable is more important because if we use AI too much it will harm the earth,so when the end of the world comes all of that progress will be useless in the end
Can you tell me how you think that AI is harming the earth?
I partially agree with your thoughts, great_iceberg, but actually I think making progress with AI might is a better idea. Us humans feed AI all sorts of different knowledge, but unlike normal computers, AI takes in more and more knowledge, day by day, year by year, and its intelligence will become exceedingly high. When this happens, AI will know all the solutions to make the world sustainable, and these resolutions will overpower the destruction and waste AI produces. Alternatively, AI is beneficial but we have to be aware that at the moment it is not sustainable. Can we somehow use energy that is eco-friendly, like green energy or solar panels? This can help to fuel AI in a sustainable manner and the world will be an environmentally better and more knowledgeable place.
I think it's okay for something not to be perfect: like the iphone there's been 16 copies of the iphone, each one better and more improved than the last. This way we are learning how to make AI better with each update
Hello topical talkers, I feel it is okay to develop a new thing and improve it over time, because no one is perfect upon first trial, for example, a phone company could invent a phone this year with a 32mp camera and a 500gb storage and along the line, find out that it's possible to invent a 40mp camera with a 1tb storage space, this is off-course enough reason to upgrade, and if they upgrade, that's totally cool technological advancement, meanwhile I don't feel like one could be perfect immediately because as time goes on new things are created, or founded and with that, an upgrade will likely be done.
The progress of AI is fascinating and can be used for good, and it is a fact, but in my opinion this should not be a kind of excuse for contributing to climate change considering we would accelerate the process a lot. Personally, I think we could combine the use of AI with sustainability by restricting the use of it, but, where should be the limit? That is the difficult part, I would limit it for all uses except medical or informative/educational ones.
I think that AI can help many people in different ways, but specifically in healthcare and education.
In healthcare, AI can help doctors to find diseases earlier and more accurately by looking at medical scans that may be able to detect diseases like cancer. Lives can be saved by interventions as such, and so AI can be useful in some scenarios.
In education, AI can be used by students to assist with their learning - it can generate and mark practice questions, explain answers to questions, help with homework, and much more. There are many AI tools that can help students with their learning and education and so AI is useful in this case as well.
There are obviously many other ways AI can be used, but these are two of the biggest reasons why they are used today.
However, AI does have a big negative impact on the environment due to the large usage of water and energy to function. Why are we creating new things that could harm the planet instead of making it better? Many countries have very limited resources and so implementing it in those areas can have a worse impact on climate. I think it is very important to consider that, and so AI should be developed carefully and responsibly. It is not always possible to make something perfect from the start, but I think that those who work on developing AI should try their best to consider any problems that come with it - the biggest one being the impact it has on the environment.
AI has the potential to improve the lives of many, including people with disabilities by offering a series of technologies they improve their quality of life, such us mobility aids. AI is also really useful for for example doctors and teachers to make their work more efficient and more precise. This people emphasise the importance of the perfection of the artificial intelligence because it really make easier some tasks in their daily lives.
Those impacted by climate change may prioritise sustainability over any fast progress, insisting that any new innovation must be environmentally conscious with our planet. Although progressing and developing it’s essential, it mustn’t aggravate environmental problems.
It’s normally acceptable to develop something new nd then improve it in the future, as perfection is often unrealistic at first. However, this process have to guarantee that any damage it’s caused during it’s development. For example, the products that can badly affect the environment or the human health must follow certain kind of rules before they come out for selling, even if their not absolutely perfect.
I can't really place myself in one or another side here. I think this topic is difficult to address because nowadays as we have evolved a lot in the AI and technology´s area is difficult to stop and manage it radically. For example, we find AI research scientists which profession would be affected by the management or the radicalisation of artificial intelligence. On the other hand our planet is obviously a priority or at least it must be, as it is the key of our existence and we would like it to be protected and care of in relation to allow new generations to enjoy it as other people have done. In general, I would like to find a balance between developing AI and continue using it with responsibility of course and being conscious about the damage and preserving our planet as I consider it the way of finding our goal in life and existence itself. As a great power has to be used with great responsibility we still can learn and evolve in order to be conscious about this problem. With the help of people who want to be involved in this challenge we, as human beings can change the world for it to still last and give opportunities to people for being able to develop and defend their opinions. All in all, I think we can save our planet and still make progress in technology´s area.
This is both an interesting and a difficult question to answer. To understand it better, I will start giving an example: Imagine you are training just ONE AI. Well, that is the SAME as making as much pollution as five cars do in their whole lives. For this reason, it's important to think about how we can protect the planet without depending so heavily on AI. The health of the planet should always come first, and often, the simplest solutions are the most effective.
From my point of view, I think it's more important not to use AI since it has a real impact on the environment. If you stop and think, AI has transformed the way we live and work. You may think AI has a lot of benefits, but there is always another side to the coin. After informing myself a little, sustaining global usage of AI demands a significant amount of resources: Data centers where AI processing occurs require a massive amount of electricity to power and a lot of fresh water for cooling. Additionally, most of the electricity required to run data centers is generated by burning fossil fuels contributing to climate change.
I'm sure most of the people use AI without knowing this consequences behind it. If we could do things without AI before, why can't we now? The Earth is our home and we MUST take care of it!
I must add to my thought that it's true that we have experienced a great progress with AI and it's difficult to stop it at this point. Technological development in general is a positive thing, as it opens new possibilities and improves many aspects of our lives. However, what I was trying to explain is that it's important to be aware of the risks involved in the abuse of this technology. If we don't manage its use correctly, it could have negative consequences for society.
I'd love to answer the second question.. it is totally fine to develop a new thing and improve it over time because i don't think its possible to develop something perfect from the start. and i think it is necessary to publish something which isn't exactly perfect so that you can get feedbacks on it and know the requirements, then you can make changes to your thing!
We should pay more attention into sustainability before continuing improving AI, it's true that with the help of AI we can solve some problems related to the sustainability of our planet, but maybe it isn't worth it all the electronic waste that it produces. We need to think about solving firstly the problems that we have alredy before starting new projects such as fixing climate change, reducing the air pollution or the biodiversity loss.
There are a lot of things around the world to fix before continunig the evolution of AI in our lifes, because we're letting our planet aside and it's the only place where we can stay, so we need to care about it before it's too late.
I think sustainability holds more value than simply making quick progress.While progress is important for growth, it shouldn't come at the cost of the environment. It's essential to think about the long -term consequences of our actions and strive for sustainability in every aspect of life. In the realm of AI those working in healthcare could see significant benefits, such as better patient care and better treatment options. Meanwhile, people directly affected by climate change might focus more on sustainability than progress since they have experience environmental damage firsthand. As we develop AI, we must consider how our actions impact the environment. By keeping these effects in mind, we can pursue progress that endures and doesn't harm our planet.
In my opinion the sustainability is one of the most important thinks nowadays in comparison with the AI, althought the AI is a very good ally we need to give priority to the sustainability not only because this will help us with the climate change but also becase if we work in the sustainability our planet will grow and is bettter that it preserves its habitat as we know it. The AI can wait but our planet is fading away.
The AI helps a lot to the humans but I think that is more imortant to save our planet.
In my perspective, nothing is more important than our planet earth as someone great has said that we don't have a another earth . We can't ignore the fact that AI has contributed a lot to make this world a better place to live but if AI can not be called as fully sustainable it shouldn't be seen in the hands of small children who are unaware about the side effects of AI. Consumers of AI sitting in one corner of the world are not capable to imagine that sending emails can consume upto 27 litres of water. Not only this 6 percent of world's population is addicted to AI. If this continues soon AI will surely end up producing millions of waste in the end of 2030.
I think that AI will improve lots of people’s lives and make life better for everyone.Additionally it could improve people’s daily. It could also help children to learn better because there’s less people who want to work as a teacher. There is a lot of jobs that less people want so AI can help with that. It is also better for the environment because it provides less greenhouse gas.
Sustainability should be the first most important thing. Until today, I didn't even realise that AI contributed to the world's CO2 emissions. This should be made more widely known, because if it was I think that more people would stop using AI in their daily lives. I strongly agree that AI has benefits and the potential to go further in tackling the world's problems, but if we don't have a world to live in then we don't have a world to use AI, so cutting down our carbon footprint should come first.
AI is also incredibly helpful when it comes to coping with and reducing damage to the environment. It is a powerful tool in predicting potentially devastating weather, such as wildfires, storms and floods. Unfortunately, AI has what some may call a "dark side". It can be the cause of unemployment, as it is taking various jobs that could be well paying and enjoyable, as well as more cases of hacking. And as you will all know it is a high producer of CO2. That is why I think that we should prioritize sustainability over AI.
Both being sustainable and making progress should be a priority when considering AI. As stated by Pilar Machon in the video, AI can have a positive effect on the lives of many individuals as it continues to progress and advance in the future. For example, AI may assist those working in different careers to resolve problems with greater ease as well as build on their knowledge of how to handle certain situations that may arise. However, those who may be exposed to climate change may have a different take when answering this question. As Pilar discusses the corporation she works under, she also adds that all locations associated with Google will run on carbon free energy. This essentially helps the environment, not causing any kind of negative effect or contributing to climate change. Therefore, individuals affected by climate change may believe sustainability should be prioritized over making progress. Even with creating this kind of environment, Google is still able to provide sustainability worldwide. This creates the point that both sustainability and making progress can still come out with a positive result.
I believe that sustainability is more important than making progress. Although making progress can enhance the world's understanding, if the way it is being done is not effective, it will be pointless. If the information is useful, but people are being harmed, then soon enough we'd all perish before the information can make an impact and be used to benefit future generations.
In my view, AI can improve our lives in many ways like; Healthcare as it can diagnose diseases more accurately and faster and make advanced researches.
Also education, transportation, and work efficiency.
People living in areas impacted by climate change might say AI could be a lifesaver.
Additionally, AI can help governments and companies find smarter ways to use energy and reduce pollution.
People likely say that AI gives them hope and helps them adapt to challenges they face every day.
Many great inventions were not perfect at first but got better through small improvements. For example, electric cars started as expensive and less efficient, but overtime, they became more sustainable and widely used.
First let us scrutinize the meaning of Sustainability :
Sustainability is the action of taking steps to fulfil the needs of society in present without disturbing the future.
Through this definition, we get to know that Sustainability is a significant step for the betterment of our society. AI is a field or organization that is developing hastily with even better updates and making our life easier and more comfortable. But, this comfort may gradually spread like a virus to make us reliant on AI machines. I completely agree that AI is an excellent step to make progress in society, but only in the present. As a member of the society of this beautiful world, it is important that we think about present of course and also about future because the future is the present for next generation.
In the present, AI has many pros like AI is performing an important role in agricultural field, preventing climate change. Climate change is being a serious problem nowadays, causing global warming and other natural calamities like storms and droughts. But what about the cons which future generation might be facing?
From this, we understand that AI is not at all a step for Sustainability. Making progress is not at all a bad thing, but making progress through bad ways is a bad thing. Make progress through Sustainability, not with AI. This concludes that make your society Sustainable, this will automatically lead to progress. It does not require any AI.
AI has the potential to improve lives by helping in areas like healthcare, education, and accessibility. People benefiting from these advancements might prioritize progress, even if it's not perfect right away. On the other hand, those impacted by climate change might focus more on sustainability, as progress shouldn't come at the cost of our planet. When creating something new, it's okay to start small and improve over time. The key is to balance moving forward with being responsible.
I agree with this video because AI is a system that can learn and process information in ways somewhat similar to a human thinking, also in 2030 the amount of CO2 produced by AI data centers will equate yo roughly a 40% and sustaniability is about whether or not we can keep doing or produce something without harm the planet
As we all know, AI can benefit the world since we can use it to perfect machines or objects and make them better as time passes and artificial intelligences become better, more sophisticated and more accurate. They can be used for many other purposes but we also have to take into account that they can harm us since the information we are looking for may be wrong or come from a source that everyone can modify, such as Wikipedia.
Artificial intelligence is perfect for developing new technologies or improving those that already exist since they cannot be improved at the moment due to lack of knowledge or materials.
In summary, artificial intelligences are very useful at the same time that they can cause us errors and harm our daily lives; You have to know when and how to use them to improve the world without harming it.
I think that sustainability is most important, as even though AI is amazing and helps so many people across the world, what if there wasn't a world to help? AI is producing so many toxic fumes -surely our own planet is more important than AI? However, I do think that AI is a great thing and is a massive help to so many people, but I think that we could find more sustainable ways to use it.
Personally, I think that AI is most useful to Forest rangers as they need AI for their drones to find the culprits of cutting down trees. This is severely important as the more trees cut down the less oxygen allowing the pollution to spread ruining our earth even more. Sure others need AI such as parents and doctors but with doctors they don't need AI the most to do their job. Most of the x-rays and other treatment are used with technology not AI which allows them to still use their equipment to help others. On the other hand, parents may need AI but not as much as Forest rangers as the parents just need AI to help them know an non-allergy recipe or fact yet the Forest rangers are saving peoples air, your air. If the Forest rangers didn't have AI drones they would not be able to find the people of whom are cutting down trees and that will encourage more to carry on cutting down trees and again to that fact you will lose you oxygen and clean world. Although the bankers need their platform with mostly AI is the fact they wont have the most AI going to ruin their world or the citizens? No.
Personally, I think forest rangers lives would be improved by AI because they can see the people causing deforestation and catch the culprits. They could even plant some new trees where they were chopped down and stop climate change. They could use the footage on the drone to show the prime minister/king or queen the damage the people caused. Despite the fact that lots of people don't need AI, I believe the farmers definitely don't need it because they don't need it to help their plants or animals - that's their job. As well as that ,I cant think of a reason why they would need it.
I think that sustainability is is more important than AI because if we don't save the planet there will be nobody left to use it.It is my opinion that issues like climate change,deforestation and biodiversity loss is more important at the moment.
AI is great and it can help lots of people but at the moment it is not the main priority for me.
I think that farmers life would be improved by AI because they work all day in the field without taking breaks and give us delicious food AI would help them to get the best fertilizers with less chemicals. AI would help the farmers a lot like predicting weather change and then the farmers could save their crops from any harm. That's why I think farmers life would be improved by AI.
I believe Ai is not as important as people think, of course some peoples careers depend on Ai, but sustainability is more important than Ai. Ai cannot benefit us other than helping us do electronic things, Ai cannot prevent natural disasters but sustainability will prevent climate change such as : tornadoes, floods, biodiversity loss. Therefore sustainability is way more important, although I do admit that Ai has an important role in our lives. But that does not change the fact it pollutes the environment.
Ai and sustainability are two very interesting topics, but which is more important? I believe it is close because Ai is widely considered the future, but sustainability is to keep earth's resources for the future generations but if we don't prioritize sustainability, we won't have enough resources to evolve our ai, it's just common sense.
so, in conclusion I believe sustaining resources is more important than upgrading ai.
I believe students can improve more with the help of AI because it allows them to go deeper into research and provides solutions to problems. It can enhance students' skills, such as learning, teaching, and speaking. AI can also give quick feedback on their research and performance, which can lead to greater satisfaction. It can offer study materials and easy to share global communication.
Climate Change: AI can predict climate patterns and analyze climate change data. It can predict natural disasters, ocean conditions, and atmospheric changes. AI can also provide strategies for scientists and suggest solutions to these problems. According to research, it can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and carbon emissions, which are dangerous to the environment and affect our societies.
Development: However, it's important that constant development is not always possible, as AI cannot be perfect all the time. There will always be failures, and while AI is a powerful way for development, it cannot work perfectly in every case.
Please make sure your whole comment is written entirely in your own words. We want to hear your opinions and not ideas that have been copied from elsewhere!
Sustainability is priority. AI has great potential and may even become sustainable in the future but right now alot of countries are suffering the consequences and surly we should take a look at the world right now and see that if we continue to develop AI there will be more wildfire like the ones in LA and these are unsafe conditions for people to live in
I believe AI is a doubled edged sword. I found out that AI can actually help improve energy efficiency. Not only that, it can help track CO2, sort waste, predict future disasters, etc. For these reasons, AI is such a beneficial tool to us humans. However, it's becoming increasingly clear that AI has hidden costs. To even develop AI models, you'd need an abundance of electricity and water which could be gained from unsustainable sources. Adding to that, it can also produce electronic waste which can cause ecological harm. So, in my opinion, we should prioritize sustainability and assist these efforts with sustainable AI by using renewable energy to power them, adding restrictions that help our environment, and making them more efficient.
AI has the power to help low-income countries be more efficient and productive. But, the hidden cost of AI is that with the widespread use of AI alongside its many demands could further worsen global climate change, especially for the less developed countries that will be hit the hardest. I do acknowledge that AI has some good qualities, but too much use of AI could bring horrible side effects to the environment. So, I believe that with wise use of AI, we could both enjoy AI and still have a healthy planet.
I agree because AI can help make this place a better place for everyone, in all of the countries in the world, The united states, United kingdom, everything, you may find this comment weird, but this is my opinion of AI and how this can make a better world and make our lives better. Say your stuck on maths because you dont know division, AI can help you solve the problems step by step, it can also help you with anything, if your stuck saying korean stuff, say you want a cup of coffee but you don't know how to say it, AI can help, If there's a poster and you don't know what it says AI is there, you can do anything! I hope this comment can help you!
AI should be the number one priority because we can use AI to enhance our knowledge about sustainability. I believe that the more AI evolve, the more we can understand how to prevent climate change there for helping the sustainability here on earth.
sustainability is important, but AI is a more important project that should be prioritize. AI could benefit us not just in our daily life, but also about our knowledge in sustainability.
From my point of view the real problem isn't AI at all, but how we choose to develop and use it. AI itself is just a tool, and like any other its impact depends on the hands that control it. If we only focus in making profit, then yes, AI will harm our environment. But if we use this tools to green innovation and scientific research AI would literally SAVE our planet.
For example, if big industries use AI to reduce the energy they use and the industrial waste which would reduce pollution, the environmental impact would decrease significantly. AI even can help us to know more about our planet, preserving better unique habitats and protecting endangered species. Instead of asking if AI is the problem, we should recognize AI guided by the right priorities is actually the solution.
Blaming AI is an easy and silly excuse. The real challenge is making sure governments and important companies use AI responsibly.
AI plays a significant role in promoting sustainability worldwide by optimizing processes, reducing waste, and supporting environmental conservation efforts. In agriculture, AI-powered systems help monitor crop health and improve resource usage, minimizing water and fertilizer waste. Additionally, AI supports climate change research by analyzing vast datasets to forecast weather patterns and track environmental changes.
Hello everyone,
On one hand I agree with Pilar as AI is capable of helping improve people lives which would make it sustainable to carry on as it is benefiting our community as humans. They may be help by providing jobs in centres and to advance technology as AI sometimes can produce a lot smarter ideas than humans. However, I disagree because if by 2030 40% of carbon emissions will be produced by these centres it will be undoing all the good that AI is doing. This is because the emissions wont just damage humans by increasing pollution levels it will also affect animals and wildlife due to climate change. This means that it will be doing more harm than good to our planet therefore not making it sustainable for the future.
Sustainably should be one of the most important things in society I think this will stop climate change and make the world a better and safer environment (hopefully) which would lead us into a healthy and living condition area
I think that people are going to have many different opinions depending on their situation. For example, a person whose life is improved with AI, will say that is more important to make progress even though AI is not that sustainable, but they would choose that as they use AI almost every day and is essential for their life.
On the other hand, I think that people who are being affected by climate change will obviously choose being sustainable, because the climate change is affecting in a bad way their life. That is why I think it varies according to the needs and quality of living of each person.
In my opinion, why can we do both? I think is possible to make progress without damaging the environment or wasting resources. There are many other options to choose instead of AI or other non-sustainable resources and I am sure many people make progress every day being sustainable
AI has the potential to improve lives by helping people with disabilities or language barriers. It can help them communicate or socialize with everyone without any worries. For people that are affected by climate change, AI offers ways to predict and face disasters, as well as ways to improve sustainability. Even though there's a lot of useful ways to utilize AI, it still won't matter if people don't use it responsibly. For new technologies, it's alright to start imperfectly. Trying to make something perfect from the start can hold us back from discovering it's true potential.
AI is making a lot of progres and helping a lot of people but some times we don´t give it a good use but we need to think about the planet, AI can be bad for the environment because of the machines and the water that they used to cool down the machines, and that is wasting a lot of water, but i think we can used AI to help with the environment and come with ideas we can used to help the planet.
I think AI is helping and is not because AI make living easier. buey helping with Madsen and thing that help people stay alive but AI is all so not helping because of global warming. like in the past mouths there have bin snow in places that are known for being hot so yes and no.
Sustainability is more important because sustainability is prior to the earth which means it can prevent climate changes due to green house gases. Since green house gases can trap heat and cause climate changes,I think sustainability is more important than AI.In my opinion, AI is useless and bad for the earth,and that sustainability is more important.
In my opinion, I think that lives might be improved by AI because, if AI wasn't a thing scientists may not have stopped certain diseases. Other people might think differently because, they might think that the results would just be the same if AI did not exist. The only problem is that if AI does not exist the population would probably be lower than the number of people in the population right now. People might be affected by climate change because, knowing that climate change is coming soon makes people prepare for climate change in their area. It is okay to devolep a new thing and then improve it over time because, no human being can complete something immediately and perfect something as soon as they plan it.
I agree that our planet is ten times more important than AI because keeping our planet clean is always first in my priority. If we keep upgrading AI instead of helping our planet it will be really bad. Every time we use AI it hurts our air. AI is helping and making it worse at the same time.
It's more than okay for a new thing to be developed and imperfect as long as the product gets genuine improvements that isn't another way to increase a profit margin or a blatant copy of a competitor's feature that's been around for over a decade. For instance, what shouldn't be done is what a large portion of the tech industry does with phones and computers where they'll release a new product just for any 'improvement' to be bloatware and a different colour user interface. This isn't to say that an individual or firm can't make mistakes but rather a reminder to employ stronger evaluation skills into what actually improves the experience of using a new thing rather than trying to improve the experience of developing it.
I think agriculture Department needs more help from AI. Because we have been running many departments successfully. But agriculture is standing last in this row. If AI enters into agriculture work, it helps farmers to improve their work. Such as Selecting good seeds, best time for harvesting, whether changes, soil profile, water quality etc. Food is an important aspects for our human life. If it happens, agriculture of India will lead a successful achievements.
Sustainability still needs to be our main focus because our earth still needs to be preserved. AI needs to be improved and developed as it can help us on doing a ton of important things, but we still need to remember that we came from earth and we need to preserve our home. AI can help us in reaching a sustainable world, but it will take years and at that point our would probably have suffered more than before.
AI is important in engineering and information technology most probably in mobile phones laptops and tablets but the most important need is editing a I can edit itself and can give a better result to us also if you ask any AI to make a PPT on natural resources within few minutes it will make a PPT and give it to you, if you want to make any video you can ask to it and it will make a video and give it to you if you want to create any pictures or images you can simply ask AI to enhance, which tops the AI leaderboard are Google's Gemini, chat GPT, Apple intelligence and meta AI
In my opinion, lives that will be improved by AI will be doctors, nurses, and chefs, and especially scientists, but AI still needs some work because it can improve it over time. Doctors and nurses could use AI to their advantage to help people, because AI can save lives by minimizing human error and ensuring a safer working environment for people. But AI uses as much energy as charging your phone to 50%, so use it wisely.
Overall i believe that sustainablity is more important than ai as it is our world and se need to try our hardest keep it safe
I think sustanability is more important than AI because it can help our planet from many problems with climate change etc. But in this modern world ,AI is also important as it gives us information about all the things happening in this world. i think you should consider both. if we dont think about sustanability there will be pollution and climate change and soon our planet will die. AI works more efficently than humas ,it is always avaliable for us .there are many companies that rely on AI very much , they will struggle if there is no progress
People whose lives might be improved by AI might be people who are always online like online shoppers, Tik Tokers, Youtubers, and lots more. These people could be improved by AI because people who are content creators make million and billions of dollars.These types of people could respond to this question by saying,"The types of people whose live could be improved from AI could be people like me because since I make content I have been making lots off my work."
The people who are affected by climate change could answer question 1 by saying things like,"I don't think that peoples lives could be improved by AI." For example, there are kids and adults out there who have asthma, and AI can cause a variety of pollution. If there is pollution everywhere those kids and parents can go to the hospital cause pollution is very bad for us people who have been affected.
In my opinion, it is ok to develop new things so then we can improve it. For example, let's say someone is baking for the first time. They could do a taste test and then see if it's good or not. If it's good they can just leave it as it is. If it's bad then they can practice more until its just right. I don't really think it should be perfect immediately cause that's just putting more pressure and stress on them. AI is also kinda the same because AI isn't perfect. What I'm trying to say is AI can be just like real life except with generated robots.
I believe AI should improve to be more sustainable for the planet so global warming can be minimised.
Personally I think that AI will improve all lives due to their being many uses of it in many sectors of life and many people can access it. Additionally, it can revolutionise our economy and it could do jobs and this is useful because we have not enough jobs in many sectors. So I think it is very useful in our economy and for the improvement of our world.
I think that AI could improve our lives if used correctly but if it gets into the wrong hands it could be used for more evil than good. Also, we should try to make AI more sustainable to reduce the effects of global warming.
AI is becoming better and better over time. it is able to help us with a lot of things. It can help us discover new things and even help us with banking or research. I think that we should be thinking more about our planet and how we should look after it. After all, this is our only planet that we can live on. I know how AI is great, but our planet is greater.
AI is becoming great more and more. AI is good for people if they what to discover new thing out there. AI is growing fast so that will help us to lern more about thing you did not know.
Even though AI is important for people, we should be worrying more about our environment.
Even though AI can help us now and in the future, we still have to worry about global warming and climate change.
I personally think that AI is more important than sustainability because AI is used more all around the world and sustainability is not really known that much unlike AI because AI is will be a very exciting project to work towards, but it could also be detrimental to the enviroment.
That is what I think about this topic.
Thanks For Listening.
AI is a super cool tool that can change so many lives for the better, but it's also important to remember how much it can affect the planet. When we think about making progress with AI, we also have to ask: at what cost? Imagine creating a robot that can clean up the ocean or predict natural disasters—AI has the power to do those things! But what if developing AI harms the environment along the way? That’s a tricky problem.
For people living in areas hit by climate change, AI could be a game changer. It could help predict extreme weather, save energy, and even build smarter cities. But if the creation of AI uses lots of energy and causes pollution, does it really help in the long run? The answer is complicated. The people who need AI the most—like communities affected by floods, droughts, or heatwaves—might be more concerned about whether this progress harms the planet they are fighting to protect.
Now, on the idea of making things perfect or just getting them started, it’s clear that developing something like AI doesn’t need to be perfect right away.
In the end, it’s about balance—finding ways to advance without leaving the planet behind. AI can be amazing, but we have to be careful and kind to our world while we build it. That’s the real challenge.
Ai is beneficial for humanity and most people agree.
•Ai improves the lives of many, including doctors with their x rays, students with apps like chatgpt and any person with self driving cars.
•The affect of climate change can be lethal and not only can it hurt and destroy the environment, it can also cause heat waves that can potentially be dangerous leading to dehydration and sometimes( rarely) death.
•I think things should be improved over time and not immediately be perfect like a person sometimes they make mistakes but over time they improve
We should worry more about our environment. Earth’s temperature is getting really close to a low of 1 degree Celsius. Even though we need AI for farmers, doctors and scientists, we need to worry more about global warming. People could make this better by walking to school, cycling and loads others.
I agree because soon we might not be able to live on this earth and it only affects us
Sustainability comes first. Although AI is improving, the world is in a bad state of climate change. If we do use AI more, we should use it to help climate change. AI is improving so we should try and make the state of climate change better too. We only have one planet, so why shouldn't we improve it? AI is great, but we should think about the environment over improving AI.
Do you think there's anyway that AI can be used to help us look after the climate?
I think that AI could definitely help us with the climate. If we used it to come up with new ideas to help our environment, the world could become a better place if AI did help us. Things like cars using a lot of energy and ideas that could maybe help cars use less energy. Overall, AI could definitely help us.
Good suggestions
Sustainability should definetely be prioritized because it is much more important to slow down Climate Change and prevent the for example droughts or bishfires of getting more.
AI of course hast a massive potential regarding for example optimizing effiency but should not be further developed until we can use it without sacrificing the health of the earth.
i to believe that sustainability should be priority.Because even if AI can make the world a better place I think our planet is more important .Sustainability could change the world even stopping climate change maybe.If we then move onto cleaning the world and make it so as little as possible trash is left as then we could make better AI not worrying about the electronic waste as of then there would most likely be efficient ways of reusing electronic waste and from then on keep the world a better place to make more AI
At the moment the Earth is in a bad state of climate change. A lot of people think it will be 'saved' by introduction of electric cars or major coal powered factories shutting down. I do not think our world will be helped by this. We are also focusing too much on the improvement of AI. All these factories that use AI actually produce A LOT of fossil fuels. We think that nothing bad will happen, but if we keep letting fossil fuels out into our environment, it most likely will. We should give priority to keeping the World sustainable. And if we do not? Something bad will happen to our World.
Although AI improves our lives it can have very bad impacts on our planet and we only have one planet.To much electronic junk could cause very big impacts by 2030.Sustainability could have very good Impacts keeping our world in good condition for years on,sustainability also means there's a chance of stopping climate change,stopping forest fire and glacier melting.So first lets focus on sustainability over AI and soon once the world is in good condition we will be able to improve AI further on thinking of more ways to try tackle climate change.
Can you give me some examples of how we can best practice sustainability?
Undoubtedly artificial intelligent has helped to improve our lives with its abilities such as healthcare proffesionals and patients (that can diagnose conditions early, provided health plans) but clearly the most important aspect is definitely sustainability, it must be the priority because at the end of the day we only have one planet, we have to take care of it. AI must go hand by hand with sustainability, professionals should work on it because what is the point of AI without a planet?
Sustainability is more priority because we can save resources for our next generation and it will reveal the secrets of our ancestors and it is safe for our environment.
In 5 years (2030) something very bad will happen to the World. The cause of this is pollution, and A LOT of this comes from factories and some of these factories use AI. We are focusing to much on improving AI, we should NOT be doing that! If we want a world to live on, we should protect it. All the electronic waste that is produced by our world will have an impact soon. We should prioritise sustainability first. If we do not do anything, it will not end well.
Sustainability should be the number one thing people care about. Even if Ai is spreading all over the world, sustainability will prevent climate change problems such as: bush fires, biodiversity loss and floods. If we want to keep using Ai we need to make sure our planet is in good condition. Even though Ai is the future.
We need to think more about our planet than how to make AI better. The Earth is our number one priority, but people don`t seem to know that if the Earth dies than we won`t have anywhere to stay and we will die.
AI is amazing but it uses a lot of energy, and that energy has to be clean energy.
At the moment we`re using a lot of that energy in houses, phones and other machinery.
Another risk is that there is too much electronic waste on Earth. What I don`t understand is that we are already
planning how to make AI bigger when we`re not even planning what to do with all the electronic waste in our world.
Your questioning of why we are planning to increase the use of AI when we are not using it responsibly now is very astute. Can you think of some reasons for and against increasing the use of AI?
To answer the first question, I would say that AI has the potential to improve lives across various sectors, especially in healthcare and education. For example, patients in remote areas might benefit from AI diagnostics, and students could access personalized learning tools. So these individuals might view AI as transformative useful force that increases efficiency and productivity.
However, those affected by climate change, such as people that are facing extreme weather conditions or food insecurity, might prioritize AI's role in environmental sustainability, such as optimizing renewable energy or predicting natural disasters.
As for development, I believe it's acceptable to innovate or launch a new thing and refining it over time rather than expecting perfection immediately. This allows continuous improvements and adaptation to real world challenges. However, we need to considerate about ethics and environmental impacts right from the start to make sure the new thing grows in a responsible way. It's important to balance new ideas with taking responsibility, so that the solutions we create can help people without harming the planet.
I thinks AI is sustainable in a lot of things. It can let our world more better than now like in making machines can work as if a human like :farmers, sanitation workers and also servants. AI cannot be sustainable also because it wastes a lot of electricity per month and it change our environment climate. I agree that AI can be sustainable in things and not in things.
Some good suggestions for uses of AI.
Whose responsibility do you think it is to decide whether AI should be used to help in a particular area or not, for example if the positives outweigh the negatives?
AI can be good for humans but it effects a lot of our planet because electronic waste can harm the environment a lot. We should stop because we are all ready using a lot of things that harm our planet. Thing are already happen like global warming and places are getting effected by it so why are we creating AI that can harm us and the planet. We should start thinking about a different AI that cant effect our planet.
I agree that AI is important we could do a lot of thing with AI we could get jobs supplies everything we need. But if AI went down hill a lot of thing could happen you could lose your jobs don`t get the supplies that you need so with out AI everything would go down hill . So that is why we need AI to help us to get important thing that we need in our live. But to much AI could damage our planet because of pollution , pollution will damage our planet earth because it will die out crops and we won't have food to eat. Also it could damage our water source so we won't have water to drink . So that is why we don't need to much AI because it could damage our plant earth so we little bit of AI or it could damage earth.
even though the world is evolving really fast from AI I still think the world is more important without AI since the worlds atmosphere will get more and more polluted and earth will die eventually and before that humans will die.
My opinion is that people think that if they make AI better than there making the world better .Now the younger generation are gonna follow in those footsteps and aren`t going to help the Earth.
AI is growing everyday so that mean that there would be new stuff in the future. But what if AI did not grow everyday that would mean that there would not be new stuff in the future. But if keep on growing it could damage earth but if AI did not grow then earth will not be damage
You say that if AI did not grow every day that would mean there would not be new stuff in the future. Can you explain what you mean by this? Is it true?
In my opinion, people who should be improved by AI are:
And there is why:
Because they can study natural disasters and tell us what could be able to be eaten or is it poisonous.
They take care of animals (which humans can eat), A LOT of fruits and vegetables (sometimes this is mostly for vegetarians) and plants because they give us Oxygen and decreases the amount of CO2.
They to get recipes for food, and there are also some apps to control their children's/child's phone, and these apps are like (Family link) which can control your child's screen time every day and also a downtime to close when it's time for bed.
But all of these people can't do the perfect thing immediately, they should practice over and over because as we know "Practice makes Perfect". So, we need to practice something to make it perfect.
To conclude, I'd like to say that every person in the world uses AI for a reason, and this reason could be useful or harmful for us. So, we need to be careful before going to any websites on the internet, and make sure it's trusted like wiki pedia for example, because a lot of people try to trick people using the internet especially kids because they are not wise like adults. So, be careful on the internet to not get harmed please.
Very interesting thoughts.
However are you sure that every single person in the world uses AI yet? Remember not every single place in the world has internet connection or uses technology to communicate.
Dear Yeman @ KPMG!
For sure that's not every single person in the world uses AI. Maybe there is some places like for example Islands or spaceships that are in the middle of the sea doesn't have connection but maybe ships could have like two or three percent of AI in the ship itself but they can't communicate or maybe they hardly can. So, I guess we should find a way to make most of the people in the world use AI (of course in a useful way, not a harmful one) to make planet earth even more intelligent that it already is. And here are the ways that we could make every single person in the world use AI:
First, we could make important and well-known people on TV phones websites etc, make courses or say information about AI and how to use it in a useful way.
Second, we could make these people say ways or warnings to know if this website whether it's helpful and trusted or it's harmful and unknown.
Artificial intelligent is very important for today’s young people. It helps us in every day life, for example to create work programs or correct spelling mistakes in texts that we have produced .
There are a lot of thing that are already harming are our home planet and we are creating AI which is even harming are planet even more. It is sad that we are harming our own world and adding to climate change. We are always trying to help our planet but creating AI is not helping the Earth. AI can help us a lot in our world like scanning in a hospital and in a farm.
Do you think there's any way that AI could be used to help people and governments become more environmentally responsible and look after our planet?
I agree with lucky fruit because Farmers can stop people starving and Scientists can make life changing things but doctors can also help : they can save peoples lives.
I agree with encouraging clarinet because so much electricity could destroyed our environment and damage our climate change . We have bean gifted our planet from GOD so it is our job to protect our planet earth. If we don't look after our planet then everything would be in chaos. So that is why we need to save earth by helping it. We don't need a lot of AI or chaos will happen, but there are some people who need AI more than us like doctor's, doctor's need AI more than us because they could save live and help people if they are hurt or they are sick. Farmer's may need AI because they could get better crops better vegetables and better fruit. So some in this world need AI more than us. But AI could great for you but we need to remember that we don't need to much AI or chaos will happen.
Being sustainable should be prioritized over progress. AI is very dangerous when taking about sustainability. I remember reading I statistic that just one message from ChatGPT takes enough energy to run a laptop for 12 minutes. Progress is not even guaranteed with AI. Promises about AI have been made since the early 2000s and while it is kinda interesting, there is little applications for commercial AI yet. The effects of climate change is becoming more apparent to the average person. Temperatures are fluctuating rapidly and it becoming clear that the weather shouldn't be this way. What should we care about AI when the safety of the planet for our future kids isn't guaranteed.
Interesting thoughts!
What do you think people and governments should be doing as an immediate priority to tackle climate change?
In my opinion i think that AI should not be a urgent matter, but so much energy is wasted each minute and that is making the environment more vulnerable. But in the other hand AI can help us make the environment better.
To conclude i think its fine to keep devoloping IA but only on the right time so it dosent affect the enviroment.
In my opinion, when you are an owner of a big online shop AI is really important.
Indeed, new technologies can permit to have faster delivery of products bought by the customers or for the shop provisions.
It also permit deliveries more ecological with new styles of transport
If I was someone who was affected by climate change, I wouldn’t be happy with any advancements in AI technology. When these billionaire companies invest and create these AI, it takes billions of dollars and creates tons of environmental waste, which makes places already vulnerable to climate change worse.
In my opinion AI is pretty much helpful and very innovative and impressing but, it’s too harmful for our environment .Every time someone uses AI and asks a question a device gets hot and realises carbon dioxide and the environment is being harmed.This is causing global warming and the climate change can be a result of AI and its uses. I think that the more the AI is used the more harmful it is to nature but on the other hand a more sustainable way the AI can be used should be invented and a way our nature is not getting harmed or disturbed inventing a perfect thing is not possible at once but AI should be improved over time so it becomes more sustainable and better for world. AI is useful and good for research but if it can be invented in a more sustainable and contributing way it would be a charm.
Human being are like blindfolded pilots we don't quite understand how all of it is exactly connected and we just go with the flow. This is the main issue that we're having, we have no certainty that our future generations will be able to live with plenty of resources because of the usage rate we are having now. Improving AI it certainly will help the future generations but, alongside issues like climate change, limited resources, and time. I personally don't think AI will reach a certain point where it will be effective and used to tackle those issues. So from my point of view, sustainability would be the better way to address these issues over improving AI.
In my opinion A.I. should not exist . This is because it uses so much electricity which is super mad for the environment which also makes the earth very vulnerable toward climate change . This can be a problem for wildlife and water floods etc. I also think that A.I. costs a lot of money which could perhaps leave people in debt and could potiental lead to a lot worse consequences. Overall I think A.I. should not be used in mordern day technology as others can be affected.
I believe that sustainability is most important. Currently AI is causing many different problems, one of them being the mass production of electronic waste. This is bad for the climate as it can release toxic gases, effecting not only the planet but also living beings. I think that AI can be a good thing for a lot of people, for example, scientists. With AI, they would be able to predict things such as natural disasters or the weather. This would benefit everybody as being able to predict these things ahead of time could mean keeping people safe. AI could be one of the best things for us in the future, just not yet.
In conclusion, I believe that AI can be an important asset once made sustainable. Until then we should refrain from using it as it's doing more harm than good for our planet.
I believe that our environment should be our number 1 priority even if it means removing AI. It takes so much electricity and other resources that it is not beneficial to our environment and is doing a lot of negativity. So i believe working on the sustainability of AI would be a good next step.
I think being sustainable is more important because revenue from sustainable products is growing at about six times the rate of other products. 50% of consumers are willing to pay a higher price for products that have a positive social and environmental impact on the supply chain. In the US, an expected $150 billion is to be spent on sustainable products by 2021. So I think that working on the sustainability of AI would be a good next step.
The "fight" about progress and sustainability is important because both will matter the future. Even though AI can change our lives in many ways, it can harm the environment. Instead of choosing one of the options, we can focus on making progress without damaging the planet.
Why is progress important? Because it brings many benefits. AI is currently helping in healthcare and education. For example, AI can detect diseases early, which can save a lot of lives. In education, AI can teach people how to study any subject or even language.
However, AI also has a big impact on the environment. Training AI models uses a lot of energy. Studies show that training just one AI model can produce as much carbon as five times the lifetime emissions of an average car. AI also needs large data centers, which use a lot of electricity. If we don't control this, AI is basically contributing to climate change.
To solve this problem, we should make AI more energy-efficient. Some companies are already working on AI models that uses less power. They are also using renewable energy, like solar and wind.
In conclusion, progress and sustainability should go together. AI can improve our lives, but we also must develop it responsibly. We should make AI even sustainable so we can enjoy its benefits while keeping the planet safe for the future.
Hello topical talk,
As a farmer, he would say something about AI saying the needs of the plants in specific periods and broadcast it to the watering and feeding machines to give it the goods. And about the climate change part they might say that it gives out carbon dioxide which might end us by 2029, and yes it is okay to start and develop from scratch if it doesn't affect badly on nature, else it needs to be perfect. Thank you!
Based on the UN Brundtland Commission, sustainability means "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." From my own perspective, I think that sustainability would be more impactful as it can adapt to a new situation that is going on in this world. This means that AI can adjust its role based on the human needs. Recently, I've heard that there's a new invention in construction sector which can build a fully functioning house by 3D printing it. By applying this kind of method, building houses will consume less energy as tractors wouldn't be used. Besides that, the outcome will most likely be much more neat as it is powered by a computer program whose accuracy and consistency is beyond our (human) reach.
In my opinion I believe ai should not be an urgent matter because so much energy and resources are being burnt and wasted making our earth vulnerable to climate change sustainability should be the main focus because it will prevent climate change and natural disasters,bush fires ,floods and more. If we want to evolve Ai our earth should be stable and clean first
Do you think AI could help combat climate change?
In my point of view, I believe that climate change disasters affect the Earth world widely consequently all of the people in the world are affected be climate calamities and also, we cannot definitely live without AI because it is so useful, important and significant.
Firstly, people with disabilities can benefit from Artificial Intelligence. AI can represent to them specialized educational tools such as the educational programs that are provided with sound and images that eases gaining information. There are a lot of programs and applications that help them like Resound, Be My Eyes, Let Me Talk and Swift Braille. AI is something main in their life.
Secondly, great companies can befit from using AI by developing their efficiency and reducing cost. AI also helps them to improve service and provide more effective solutions to the problems that effect on the employees. AI helps companies to Analyse complex and difficult data so employees can take better decisions.
Also, farmers use Artificial Intelligence in agriculture. It is used to analyze data about soil, climate and the crops which helps to develop improvement and efficiently. It helps them to use water and fertilizers more perfectly so they can plant more sustainably.
AI helps me a lot as a student. It provides me with knowledge furthermore it provides me with quizzes in my curriculum in order to I can train before the real exams. Moreover, if I do not know something in my homework, AI will help me with it and explain it to me.
To conclude, I think that humans must use technology in their daily life.
Interesting ideas. Can you think of any risks associated with AI?
I agree With her. AI will change the society helping medicine or reseasch for space. She seems very optimistic with this new technology while people are scared about it. In my opinion, the use of AI must be controlled or supervised not to create uncontrolled monster in the new wolrd
I believe that the development of some country thanks to AI can be a priority so that underdeveloped countries can grow themself and become more powerful. Indeed, some people’s priorities their live more than the environment, which can be understandable. As a matter of fact, they wish to become more independent and to stop or to be less affiliated to others. So enven if l believe that the environment is extremely important and is a key debat in today’s time, l think it’s suite understandable that sole countries put their well-being first.
I believe that ai is not good because it increases global warming but how do when we use ai there is a center were all the system of ai is kept and it get heated and that heat is transferred to air
I believe that sustainability would be an important priority for governments around the world. AI could be an useful tool for the system education. However, what's the sense of this if we don't have a environment where live and enjoy the benefits?
The importance of sustainability versus progress with AI can very depending on perspectives. On one hand , sustainability is crucial for ensuring that we protect our environment and recourses for future generations. On the other hand, making progress with AI can lead to innovations that improve efficiency and solve complex problems, potentially aiding sustainable efforts. Ideally, the two should go hand in hand , with Ai being developed and applied I ways that prioritize sustainability. but I believe that sustainability should come first on every world leaders list, sustainability should be more talked about because we are putting the world, our future first while we can advance Ai later and focus on fixing our planet first
I think the ai can improve the life of an incountable amount of people, because if is true the things that Pilar Manchón says, the world and the life of the people can be better, with only the coal being free this can be a great upgrade for the society, and with the ai the society will improve over the years.
Maybe at the start will take a time to adapt at the conditions of the new climate, but in a time they will adapt at this new era
Is better develop a new thing and improve it over time, because make a perfect thing inmediately, it will be a sudden change, it's better the society can know about the product planned and improve it over time because the society can adapt with the time and the improves of this product
The AI can be an useful tool and help us with certain tasks but if it puts on risk the sustainability of the planet is something to worry about but the AI is not the only thing that generate the climate change being the principal reasons the global warming,greenhouse gases,fossil fuels and contamination so if we could solve this problems the AI could continue to produce as it does now and the planet could afford some upgrades to the AI
In my opinion, we could live without using a lot of AI. It is more important to take care of our planet because if we take care of the planet we are saving our future generations. I think AI should only be used for people that actually need it for something really important.
Hello 👋, artificial intelligence may help us to make the life easier , yet it makes us to stop thinking and stop working and don’t be interested to anything . Especially chat gpt and google Gemini and this things . Today I will explain everything about AI or artificial intelligence : artificial intelligence is a set of technologies that enable computer to be for a verity of advanced function and saving time efforts . Also , they makes jobs and this is a problem from where we will get money if the robots will work .
And thank you for reading 😊 .
In my perspective, the sustainability of our earth is more crucial than the use of artificial intelligence to make headway in the search for a way to prevent climate change. Owing to artificial intellegence, it can enhance the lives of people by helping them with their rigorous tasks faster, and more veraciously. On the other hand, it can impair people’s lives by using it’s advanced technology to surpass humans and obtain their jobs, causing income inequality.
Ergo, using this energy can be beneficial or damaging, but it would be better to stop using AI completely. As artificial inteligence damages the earth and it would be better to care for our atmostphere in a more harmless way.
I can also consider that creating a contemporary product that needs improvement overtime is better than something that is immediately perfect. As only careful improvement over time can really be perfect or not far from it.
In my opinion the choice between being sustainable and progressing does not have to be exclusive the true solution could be to integrate both concepts, seeking sustainable progress that allows us to move forward without compromising the future of the planet and future generations, also developing something new and improving it over time is usually a more effective strategy than seeking perfection from the beginning.
Interesting ideas. Can you think of an example of how we could do this?
I agree because more AI = more electronic waste and that would mean even more climate change and that could wipe out the human race and all life on Earth for that matter.
even though they are attempting to make artificial intelligence more sustainableit is still not eco-friendly despite their attempts so i believe they should limit the use of it more until they can make AI more sustainable
I think AI sustainability is more important because if we cant keep the air clean then the pollution makes all the water polluted then all the arien animals die then the animals that eat marine animals die then the animals that eat those animals die etc.If AI is taking all the jobs then people wont be able to get jobs then they go porr and the people that give loans will be poor then we go homeless then people will have to sell the robots for money and if they don't have enough money to get a house then they have to be homeless then if they try to get water of food then all the animals would be dead then the water would be polluted then we get sick then we all die.
I am starting to think that humanity is more important because when people are broke and keep having there electricity cut off and the workers are sometimes unavailable robots can come in handy because most robots are basically smarter than most humans so they can help with them.But some humans also need jobs but ai can do it better but some people need the money or they might get evicted.Theres a lot of reasons why I think that humanity is more important than AI and plus even if a AI can do it better there not human that may be needing money for there problems.
I think it's great what you said, since it's true that artificial intelligence is important today, but it's also true that the sustainability of our planet is super important. This leads to the fact that if we dedicate a lot of time to developing artificial intelligence, where do we leave the time to recover our planet? And in order to recover it, well, many artificial intelligences will have been developed, but there will also be no people for them to help, since by then our planet will no longer be in good condition and will have no people!
Something that I found super interesting was that you mentioned the climate problems that can arise from these data that artificial intelligences can provide us, although the not-so-good thing for me is that we will be able to evidence the great cost that this will have on our planet.
Finally, we should think about whether the development of these artificial intelligences is really more important than taking care of our planet, which I believe should be our priority, and not dedicate most of our time to creating new artificial intelligences. Because if our focus becomes this, there will no longer be a place to call home or to eat with our family!
That's why, although it's important to continue creating them, it's also important to remember the importance of taking care of our place of life.
In my opinion, even if today AI and technological advances are fascinating and useful, we must put first our planet and sustainability.
The servers that run AI require large amounts of water to cool down. For example, ChatGPT servers need 500ml of water to maintain a conversation of 20 to 30 questions, and this greatly affects our planet and environment, even more so in times of drought here in Colombia.
That's just one example, but technological advances can wait, but our planet cannot, and we have the choice to wait until it is too late to fix it or focus on what is important now, preventing the loos of our world and trying to find ways to save it.
AI could improve the lives of all individuals since it is an aid to solve unknowns, facilitates tasks and has had an excellent and reliable evolution over time.
Climate change has a large percentage of impact on people who live in rural areas since they need a stable climate since their monetary income is what they grow on the farm.
It is good to develop something and improve it over time, since when taking the risk of creating a new project you have to take into account that it will not come out perfect on the first try.
Human life can improvise as well as worsen, this is because we are not fully prepared to allow AI control or help us in certain ways to "progress", but if it is to improve lives in the not too distant future AI will get to the point of identifung diseases and even get to the point of saving a life, through its studies and sciences that it will be able to control.
Al may be beneficial with respect to the environment or climate changes, as AI may be able toprogram solar panels or other technological devices to benefit the environment, but this does not mean that it does not also have its disadvantages.
It is good to develop it over time, since the shortcomings are found over time anda that is what makes things gradually get better.
In my opinion,AI has been something that has benefited many people over the years,for example in the schools,universities and jobs.
this supposed help takes away several doubts and unknowns that over time and thank to this have been solved and solved,only that the more it is developed,the less efficient and equitable we become. Since little it is becoming easier to find any question or doubt,the habit of talking is being lost,communicating with others to make this doubts clear,this it no longer much communication to find out and resolve.
Now it is easier just to enter any artificial intelligence an answer de question they left us or tell it to believe any text or image,little by little society it become less thougthful and less efficient as I said it can helps us but at the same time it can harm us in a very significant way,since it is only a matter of perspective and how it is used.
Sustainability and artificial intelligence IA are terms that must be considered in tandem, as they will, in the long or short term, be closely related. As IA advances, so will the world evolve. However, this does not mean that one should be given more importance over the other, but rather that it is essential to develop strategies not only for conservation, but also for the recovery of the environment and the damage that this technology has already caused, some of which could be irreparable. It is necessary to implement truly effective methods for its protection, since, just as the environment is the sustenance of the planet, of people and of all living beings, artificial intelligence represents evolution, transformation, exploration and progress to improve both the world and people's lives.
In my opinion, AI is something very important in today's society, this had advanced over the years. It is an intention for humans, an invention that helps society in different circumstances such as research and other things, this facilitating the form or creation of texts, images and different things that one wants to investigate. But the misuse of AI makes people become lazy people, people who cannot investigate or create the text or images. Likewise, society pays more attention to different changes or advances in AI than climate problems, for example, the most affected people in the world did not need AI for climate change, they need actions to survive, I suppose they are not interested in AI.
Well, to conclude, AI is not always the most important thing though it has things interesting, is not perfect, but the same form this can advance for improve
I believe that progress and sustainability should go hand and hand, rather than being seen as opposing priorities. Innovation is essential for improving lives, but if it comes at the expense of the environment or social well-being, it isn't true progress.
AI can transform lives, especially for those in healthcare, education, and accessibility. For instance, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases, provide personalized learning for students, and help visually impaired individuals navigate the world. Those who rely on these advancements would likely argue that AI progress is essential, but it must be developed ethically, ensuring fairness, accessibility, and sustainability.
Those facing climate change's worst effects, such as rising sea levels and extreme weather, would likely prioritize sustainability. From their perspective, industries that worsen climate change only deepen their struggles. They would argue that processes should focus on solutions like renewable energy and conservation. I agree because unchecked development could lead to irreversible environmental change.
I believe, innovation should be perfect from the start, but ethical and environmental concerns must be addressed early. If a new technology causes harm, it should be refined quickly rather than left unchecked.
True progress is about growth that benefits both people and the planet. Sustainability must be a core part of innovation, ensuring future generations thrive.
I agree because AI alone is causing huge defects like climate change, global warming and fake sites on the internet but with sustainability working together the Earth might just have a chance to sustain and life could live
Personally, i believe that AI should not be a priority. Before we evolve AI i think that we should focus on the environment which is currently vunerable to climate change. Even if we improve AI its not going to help with the climate and many other problems in which the world is facing. However, the devolpment of AI has increased and it continues to evolve rapidly. AI can be helpful in certain ways such as revolutionising technolgy but at the cost of the climate.
Both sustainability and progress are essential but they musk work together rather than compete. AI has the potential to transform lives by improving healthcare, education and accessibility. For example, AI powered medical diagnostics can help doctors detect diseases earlier, while AI-driven learning tools an provide personalized education. Those who benefit directly from these advancements may argue that progress should take priority.
On the other hand, people affected by climate change may see sustainability as more urgent. Rising global temperatures, extreme weather and environmental destruction threaten communities worldwide, making it crucial to develop technology that minimizes harm to the planet. Without sustainability, unchecked progress could lead to irreversible damage, outweighing any short-term benefits.
While innovation doesn't need to be perfect from the start, it should be develop responsibly. Companies should focus on ethical AI development, ensuring that advancements do not come at the cost of environmental stability or social inequality. Balancing progress and sustainability is the key to creating a better future for everyone.
In my opinion, I feel like we should prioritize sustainability when it comes to developing AI.
AI proves to be a powerful tool that can give us answers based on the questions we present to it. However, flaws such as large consumption of energy, large water consumption, climate change, and air pollution show that AI is not sustainable enough for global use yet. Some people need AI as a resource to help them do their jobs as doctors and agricultural workers. People who have experienced climate change may say that more sustainability is required in AI, as it has caused a lot of negative impacts on the world.
It is completely okay to develop a new thing and improve it over time. If AI is sustainable, then it should not cause severe environmental issues. AI lacks sustainability and is only making progress, and also consumes a lot of resources.
In conclusion, I believe that changes need to be made to make AI more sustainable for our world.
I think AI is a very complex topic. On the one hand, it can help us to be more sustainable and efficient, but on the other hand, its very operation can generate a negative impact on the environment.
Can you give me some examples of the negative impacts on the environment you mention?
sustainibility must be considered the top priority on our global agenda althougth artificial intelligence is breingin significant and transformative advances in varius aspects of modern life it is essential to recognize that priorithizing sustainability can be key to preventing a number od serius problems associated with climated change . these problems include devastating phenomena such as forest fires , loss of biodiversity, floods and droughts hich threaten both the enviroment an human comunities. in a oreder for IA to develop and envolve effectly and responsability , it is an imperative that the well being our natural of the planet is first ensure . this involves carrying our contrate efforst to car for and protect our natural environment ensuring that living conditions are healthy and sustainable for present and future generations
I think IA should be develop properly because it could help many people not only making easier their lifes, also it could help in car accidents calling the police or the ambulance. I know that sustaniability could be in risk but I am sure people would develop and other way of giving energy to the IA.
Things must be finish when they are giving to the use of people and not improving it over time, IA should have been perfectioned before it released and not impreve it during the years.
Finally, I woulkd like to add that people that most need AI in my opinion are doctors, in order to do difficult operations or recomend one or other thing to the patients
In my opinion, AI has been very important in the last century and has helped a lot, but, in the same way. it has advanced very quickly, making is use too much energy, therefore affecting the environment that surrounds us. Personally, I think that it is a tool that, if used well and not excessively, can generate a good future, but if not, it is also possible that it will affect it if it is not used proberly, if not somentimes or in many cases as a competition in who is more advanced with this.
Can you tell me more about the potential negative effects?
Of course, AI is important, but it also has negative effects. I think some of them are, for example, there is less and less work and as they say colloquially "robots are the new workers" because that is how it feels for some people, who are fired even if they have been working for a long time and their replacement is a computer with AI.
Also, the dependence of this is especially on young people who can no longer solve something without using them. I feel that AI should be used from a certain age, where at least we already have all the necessary skills.
This AI offers a lot of features we should think that if from now people are depending on AI too much for there regular routine works they used in their office works which they are able to do but they are not doing that this AI can be just an advisor to everyone or an application which gives a brief explanation on what you ask, the disabled peoples life would be improve like the people don't have eyesight the might be a eye glass not a normal eye glass it is an AI eye glass which has an camera in front which says that what is in front of the disabled person if he is gonna hit by a bus stop board the AI will recognise that and says that you will hit at the bus stop board.
Due to our human activities that is harmful gases released by the factories we are causing forest fires which causes to the depletion of ozone layer then suns UV rays if the UV rays were high which is exposed to human skin directly it will cause"CANCER" and "AIR POLLUTION" will also occur most probably the temperature rise would be a severe aspect.
I think to develop a new thing and then improve it overtime is best or better because in future the world needs a better things like they need a strong AI in a future if we immediately create anything with perfectly we won't have any use of that so it is good to make a simple version then improve it step by step, for example you like and AI which gives a simple details in present now but in future you won't be satisfied of those details, you need more brief information, on that time you can improve that according what you need more .
"Making AI Better Over Time"
It's okay if AI isn't perfect at first. We can make it better as we go. This means we should be open about what's not working, listen to different ideas, and make sure we're being fair.
Think of it like building a house. You don't expect it to be perfect the moment you lay the foundation. You add walls, windows, and a roof, and then you make adjustments as needed.
AI is similar. We create a foundation, test it, and then make improvements. We listen to feedback, fix mistakes, and add new features.
By doing this, we can create AI that helps people and doesn't cause harm. It's a journey to make AI better, and that's okay!
It can improve people who work in the medical field, scientists, coders, & entrepreneurs. They might answer this question by agreeing. AI can help these people save lives, create crucial codes, help businesses thrive, and invent new & helpful. I think people affected by climate change will answer this question by saying, "It might benefit us because AI could give us early weather warnings, teach us to adapt, and predict weather changes. It is most definitely okay to develop a new thing and then improve it. Many things have been developed & improved over time. It leaves the item open to eventually being perfect.
People may be affected by the climate change caused by Ai's increasing production of carbon dioxide. When the human body intakes too much carbon dioxide which can cause chronic hypercapnia, a worse case scenario would put the average human into a coma. While the use of AI could be beneficial for the most part, it is not at all sustainable. However, it would be of everyone's best interest to develop an alternate way we can use Ai without damaging ourselves in the process, health wise.
Interesting ideas tolderant_yuzu - can you think of some examples of alternate ways to use AI without damaging ourselves in the process?
I believe companies who have AI machines, or generators, could implement the use of carbon dioxide filters near the machines which can reduce the production while still having the benefits of AI wherever needed!
In my opinion, Being sustainable is more important than making progress. Being sustainable is more important because AI can go out of control and do more harm than good. Some ways AI can be harmful is because AI isn't fully developed , it can misdiagnose someone, create harmful videos or photos of people (also known as deep fakes), or tell someone to do something or mislead them on something that can be fatal. Some unfortunate examples of AI being used for harm intentionally or unintentionally are AI replacing job positions, deep fakes, privacy violations, or uncontrollable self aware AI. Some people who use AI for health standards can sometimes end up with harmful advice or misdiagnose someone, leading to wrong medicine or unneeded precautions. In some cases, AI will become aware of itself and other things and tell people to do harmful things or even threaten them. AI is also used in scamming. One of the ways AI can be used for scamming is by replicating someones' voice with AI and stages a call for help. Others might use it to make videos and photos of people and celebrities to ruin their career or berate them. I say that AI is dangerous in certain cases and shouldn't be developed in such a way where it can be used against humans in a dark or harmful way.
Hello Topical Talk,
As I saw in this interesting video that google didn't leave a mistake without thinking of it, as it is said to be the first company to be carbon neutral in 2007 and remained an average of 64% carbon free between 2022 and 2023.
In my opinion every industry should make sustainability a extreme priority especially, when using AI like google does and also has a plan to be fully carbon free which is a great task to make as a goal and this would be done by 2030 which is a total of five years. another idea which they did is signing a contract with the American airlines to reduce the aero planes contrail which releases green house gases which are harmful to the globe and by that they reduced the contrails by 54% and are on the run to sign also with euros control.
A person whose life has changed by the GPS for example by making him go anywhere early and with a healthy car would say it could improve by time but a person whose life changed to the other side (bad side) would say it needs to be perfect immediately like people who are affected by the airlines as we said above like the southern coast of Nigeria which had been turned into a hellish fiery swamp. thanks for reading!
I personally believe that Ai should be somewhat of a matter to people. Ai has the power to take millions of peoples jobs and although some may argue that they could just get a job as an engineer most people do not have the expertise or experience to be an engineer. For example, with Ai 3d printers making houses and house blueprints, millions of house planners and builders are put out of job just for innovation. I believe that although Ai has many great capabilities it should only be used to help other people with their jobs.
I think that something that is made up once for the first time cannot be improved immdiately because we have not the appropiate tools or the necessary knowledge to improve it moments later after developing it.
As everything, knowledge is developed when time passes so we are not going to be able to perfect something immediately because we don't know how to do it.
When we are able to develop something we do it at the very moment but we need to be pacient because is not easy to obtain all the necessary information and sometimes we have not the required resources to learn how to develop an object. In addition, to develop something and make it work properly and in a safe way we have to do many attemps, tests and trials and these requires a lot of time and a lot of available tools.
We cannot rush science because many timeswe do not have the necessary capacity to improve an object or to create a new one which is more innovative.