Standpoints by artistic_conversation Written by: artistic_conversation Food for thought 07 December 2022 1 comments Comments by artistic_conversation Comment Post Date Comment: Hello everyone! I'm from Bucharest, Romania and I learn English at The Mayflower Centre. I'm... Post: Meet our…school communities! Date: 28/11/22 Comment: I think the space and The World Cup topics have a connection that is really important for the... Post: Competition #4 Connecting topics Date: 23/11/22 Comment: 1️⃣ I think that this controversy is a logical one beacuse, first of all, it is the first time... Post: Controversy in Qatar! Date: 22/11/22 Comment: 1️⃣ Romania imports a lot of fruits and vegetables wich can only be grown in a tropical climate... Post: What's on your plate? And where's it from? Date: 22/11/22 Comment: In my opinion, the World Cup or The Olympics can be hosted in Romania with some effort. But... Post: Coming to a town near YOU! Or not? Date: 22/11/22 Comment: I joined the Black Panther discussion and replied to Poetics Buffalo's comment from Mayflower... Post: Competition #3 Global discussion Date: 16/11/22 Comment: Diversity is important for me and also important in movies. A movie with all the characters... Post: Why is it important to see diversity in films? Date: 16/11/22 Comment: As an actress and activist, do you ever have a conflict of interest? For example, influencers... Post: ...Amelie Zilber our activist and UNICEF ambassador! Date: 14/11/22 Comment: 1️⃣ The information that surprises me the most is the gender pay gap situation because my... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 09/11/22 Comment: We spoke about a lot of problems that our country has so I was amazed that there are so many... Post: Competition #2 Questions for leaders Date: 09/11/22 Comment: I think that songs are the best way to share a message with everyone. For example Guerrilla by... Post: Protest songs: what would you choose? Date: 07/11/22 Comment: 1.I think all people can benefit out of space innovations because, some of them (example:... Post: Space innovations: what do you think? Date: 02/11/22 Comment: I think the statistic is that 36% of students think that their parents spend more time on social... Post: Competition #1 Interpreting statistics Date: 31/10/22