busy_starfish has not published standpoints yet. Comments by busy_starfish Comment Post Date Comment: I think the most important NHS fact is that there aren't enough beds. This is because there are... Post: #26 - Fact Findings - Winners Announced! Date: 13/3/20 Comment: In this Issue, the hardest thing to make my mind up on was if politicians who have done a... Post: #23 - I Can't Make My Mind Up - Winners Announced! Date: 21/2/20 Comment: I choose democracy. What it means to me is giving all the correct age for adults to vote in the... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 17/1/20 Comment: Something I think WILL happen is that something else might be sent to space because lots of... Post: #15 - Will, Might, Won't! Date: 20/12/19 Comment: New satellites to help us understand climate change because we all have been causing global... Post: #13- Breaking News Reaction - Winners Announced! Date: 29/11/19 Comment: Motto: "Space can be a dream" Reason: I did this motto because space can be like a dream that... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19 Comment: Brexit is like wind because the first piece of wind blows sounds like it's saying "Stay" and... Post: Weekly Competition #25 Date: 14/3/19 Comment: I never thought, then thought that there should always be a leader when it came to making... Post: Weekly Competition #24 Date: 07/3/19 Comment: 'Hockey Player Revives Teammate Who Didn't Have A Pulse For 5 Minutes' This also makes me... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: 'Hero Dog Breaks Out Of Home And Saves Family From Gas Leak' This makes me happy because an... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 14/2/19 Comment: Shall crime be banned from the government? Post: Weekly Competition #20 Date: 07/2/19 Comment: To protect society from the criminal because that criminal can kill society without protection. Post: Weekly competition #19 Date: 31/1/19 Comment: Policemen Gather Around And Arrest A Criminal Who Killed An Innocent Civilian Post: Weekly Competition #16 Date: 10/1/19 Comment: Yes but a little bit no because they might give you money and might not. Post: Weekly Competition #14 Date: 13/12/18 Comment: Banking can be dangerous Banks can take your money But some banks don't Post: Weekly Competition #14 Date: 13/12/18 Comment: Profits through knowledge: Hire strong branch managers or Invest small fortunes? Post: Weekly Competition #14 Date: 13/12/18 Comment: I really don't understand what you mean. Post: Weekly Competition #12 Date: 29/11/18 Comment: Oh, the most helpful thing. Post: Weekly Competition #11 Date: 22/11/18 Comment: The most valuable thing is a bottle of water Post: Weekly Competition #11 Date: 22/11/18