Comments by contemplative_fly

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I completely agree with your opinion that AI should serve humans instead of overpowering them.... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24
That was an amazing piece of information. I believe not only myself but other students may not... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24
I live in India, which is not only vast in terms of area but also in population. Having a large... Suggest a discussion 24/1/24
In my opinion, critical thinking is one of the skills that students must have. As the questions... Meet our Topical Talk skills 24/1/24
In my opinion, good climate education involves teaching students how to maintain clean... Climate change: regular reminders 24/1/24
That's a great question! While I'm not 100% certain about the answers provided, I do believe in... Classroom spy! 24/1/24
I noticed several reminders in the picture above, but the one that stood out the most to me was... Climate change: regular reminders 24/1/24
Sure. I just wanted to let you know that Chatgpt has been really helpful in finding historical... Classroom spy! 24/1/24
I have identified around 9-10 reminders from the picture that is shown to me. The picture... Climate change: regular reminders 24/1/24
Hey there! I just had a great conversation with some of my classmates about eco-anxiety. We... Report back 24/1/24
We can educate people more about AI and show them how much the world has developed. We can... What's your reaction? 23/1/24
I agree because... I believe that AI cannot easily take over human emotions. While it may be... Will schools exist in future? 23/1/24
Hey there! I was thinking that AI trainers could be really helpful for people who are just... Jobs of the future 23/1/24
I totally agree with you! Searching for study materials can be a real hassle for students and it... Classroom spy! 23/1/24
A few days ago, we had a debate in our class about AI. The topic was whether AI will create jobs... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
I disagree with statement A because schools not only provide information to the students but... Will schools exist in future? 22/1/24
I can think of one job in which robots with AI can perform better than humans that is a... People v robots 22/1/24
I selected the 'excited' option because I believe that the emergence of AI is a significant... What's your reaction? 22/1/24
The news story that caught my attention the most was about the Paris climate talks. This event... Competition #1 winners 22/1/24