Standpoints by eager_bell Written by: eager_bell Pollution and its effects 15 May 2023 6 comments Comments by eager_bell Comment Post Date Equality is not limited to a person, a city, or a country, but rather it includes everyone, and... Suggest a discussion! 12/5/23 The word equality may be small in its letters, but it is great in meaning and great for many... Suggest a discussion! 10/5/23 After the presence of a large number of international leaders at Westminster Abbey in the... AI poll results! 09/5/23 Retrograde intelligence is a double-edged sword. It has advantages: 1. The intelligence tool... AI poll results! 05/5/23 I think the term (writer-artist) is applied to everyone who uses artificial intelligence in... AI poll results! 05/5/23 Artificial intelligence is a professional system that helped us in many areas of our lives. With... Thinking questions 03/5/23 Artificial intelligence has transformed our lives for the better and helped us draw a lot of... Thinking questions 03/5/23 Artificial intelligence is a professional system that helped us in many areas of our lives. With... Thinking questions 03/5/23 I think that when some people want to write a poem, they use artificial intelligence, but they... Thinking questions 03/5/23 Strike: when the state does not give employees a salary They carry out a phenomenon which is the... Test your knowledge 28/4/23 Recently, technological development has led to traffic congestion, and the consequent air and... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23 The virtual world is an unreal world that completely changed the course of our lives. It created... Report back 17/4/23 I believe that more trees should be planted to increase the percentage of oxygen we breathe in... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23 I believe that the problem of the high dowry in Palestine must be resolved so that many young... Suggest a discussion 14/4/23 The weather in our region changes every day, and as a result the climate changes. Some days it... Climate change in your country 12/4/23 Many people use plastic products, and when disposing of them in several ways, such as: some of... Competition #1 News near you 10/4/23