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Comments (73)

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  • My question is should there be legal procedures in place to regulate nepotism in the workplace, and if so, how can they be effectively implemented and enforced?

    1. We took a lesson on this very topic, “How to combat corruption in institutions.” It was really important and interesting. There are many ways to combat corruption, and local committees have a role, and international institutions also have a role. One of the most important of these methods is activating the judicial system in the state, legal accountability, and strict government oversight Employment tests and corrections, and methods for selecting scholarship students in all fields, government institutions or civil society institutions, employment of the role of international institutions, implementation of international agreements such as the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2003, and also individuals have a role to play, including reporting any suspicion of a process Choosing a person by and also we must not support any infant because we frustrate those who are working hard to achieve their goals

    2. Hello quiet swan, i really like your question. To answer this question of, if should there be legal procedures in place to regulate nepotism in the workplace.
      Usually nepotism in the workplace creates dissatisfaction among employees. And When employees are dissatisfied they may have a feeling that their hard work and dedication are not accepted or recognized by the organization.
      As for me it is illegal.
      It some times couses trouble to the area. I hope i have answered your question.

    3. Yes, of course, and it can be implemented through:
      - Self-monitoring of employees
      - And make them aware of the importance of acting wisely with favoritism
      Take the necessary measures to ensure justice among people
      Enhancing youth skills

    4. Great question.  Should there be legal procedures in place to regulate nepotism in the workplace?  Yes, of course, there should be laws like.  If a manager wants to hire a person, he must conduct a job interview with him in order to make sure that he is qualified for the job.  Regardless of whether he was close to him or not, because this law that I said must be applied to everyone without exception, because the work of one of the natural rights.  A job interview must be conducted with each person and a job test must be conducted for him. If he succeeds, he must be employed. If not, then of course he should not be employed, because he does not have the right to employ his relative who is not qualified to work.Rather, an opportunity should be given to more qualified people because there are many successful graduates who are unemployed They must be employed,  For the country to succeed and progress.

  • No, nepotism or bribery is unacceptable because it oppresses the rights of a person, for example, if you have a relative or friend who is not diligent in his work, or does not deserve it, and you employ him, this is not fair in our society

    1. Yes, nepotism is a reason for the spread of poverty and unemployment for those with qualifications and not allowing real talents to appear, and with time the principle of industry will collapse.

  • Hello, I have a nice question.. What are the areas of equality according to your knowledge?

    1. Well, arguably inequality can lead to social friction. It can be a factor in precipitating riots or higher crime levels. In this case, all members of society lose out. This is more pressing if the inequality is perceived to arise out of unfair allocation of opportunities.

      It can lead to unemployment, because The biggest cause of relative poverty is unemployment. Unemployment is considered a type of market failure because it represents an inefficient allocation of resources in a free market.

      Also Inherited wealth gives people an ‘unfair’ advantage in life. It may also make them lazy as they can live off rent, profit and dividends.

      I hope with these points of mine I have answered your question.

  • Hello, I have a nice question.. Do you know what is the reason for the concern about inequality?

    1. The reason for the concern of inequality is because of people feeling or being told they are lesser of a person then people who are born into more able, successful. Being a nepo baby can give higher advantages in work, experience and money while people who weren't born to already successful may have it harder especially in careers in entertainment where it all relies on auditions and your reputation. However, inequality can also come in concern for people who are less able such as having extra needs.

  • It is natural for people to want to help their family members succeed, and in many cases, this can be a positive thing that strengthens family bonds and helps individuals achieve their goals. However, there is a fine line between support and nepotism.

    Nepotism occurs when someone uses their position of power or influence to give preferential treatment or opportunities to their family members, regardless of their qualifications or merit. This can create an unfair advantage for the family member and disadvantage others who may be more qualified or deserving.

  • Hello, I have a great question.. Do you know what is the reason for the concern about inequality?

    1. Nepotism and favoritism are types of corrupt practices that have the potential to undermine the proper functioning of the state and compromise the ability of public authorities to serve the public efficiently. The main reason for the concern of nepotism is that people in high places often decide to favor family or friends just to gain recognition. In most cases, those appointed family members of friends end up being corrupt and power intoxicated causes a dent in the economy especially when it comes to major ministries in the country. There would be no problem if the appointed members were to be competent but irrespective of how a person's character is, leaders tend to want to please their love one's and increase their standard of living thereby causing nepotism.

  • I think that the acceptability of family support versus nepotism depends on the context and circumstances. In some situations such as small family-owned businesses it may be expected and acceptable for family members to work together and support each other's success. However, in other situations such as public institutions or large corporations, nepotism can be seen as damaging to fairness and merit-based systems.

    1. I completely agree with your statement indeed nepotism can be seen as damaging to fairness and merit-based system.
      The are two types of nepotism : reciprocal nepotism, entitlement nepotism. Difference between reciprocal and entitlement nepotism
      Reciprocal: a family member accepts a position because they are financially dependent on the employer , they feel obligation and loyalty or nepotism has become a norm in their family.
      Entitlement nepotism: a family member accepts a position because they feel entitled to it.

      1. I agree with you there are two types of nepotism but i think it is acceptable for family to support against nepotism depends on the circumstances.

    2. I disagree with this your sentence of supporting nepotism in small family businesses. For your small family business to succeed you need people with interest for the business, who are willing to help the business grow and develop. Some or most of your family members might grow to have interest in something else, them participating in the business might not bring the required result to the business.
      But when they give others who are qualified enough and have interest in that sort of business the chance to join there family business those people can bring new ideas into the business which might help their business develop.
      I don't see nepotism good in any circumstance,as u should always pick the most deserved person for the development of the business and the society.

    3. I agree with your perspective that the acceptability of family support versus nepotism can vary depending on the context and circumstances. The distinction lies in the extent to which meritocracy and fair competition are compromised.

      In a small family-owned business or a closely-knit environment, it's not uncommon for family members to work together and support each other's endeavors. This can be seen as a legitimate form of family support, where merit is not necessarily the primary criterion for involvement. In such cases, the expectation and acceptance of family members working together can stem from the trust, shared values, and close-knit nature of the business.

      On the other hand, in public institutions or large corporations that strive for fairness and meritocracy, nepotism can indeed undermine the principles of equal opportunity and fair competition. When individuals are given preferential treatment based solely on their family connections, it can be demoralizing for others who have worked hard to earn opportunities based on their own abilities and qualifications. This can erode trust, dampen motivation, and perpetuate inequalities within the system.

      It's crucial to strike a balance between recognizing the value of family support and ensuring a level playing field for all individuals. Transparency, accountability, and merit-based evaluation processes can help mitigate the negative effects of nepotism in contexts where it is deemed unacceptable.

    4. Concerning what I said with regard to private companies and the employment of relatives, here the situation is different and does not fall under nepotism at all. This is a private job from their money and they have the right to operate whatever they want and success or failure is up to them.
      The term nepotism is used when extracting an opportunity from a person who deserves it and giving it to someone who does not deserve it by using your authority and knowledge and exploiting your position. A manager working in the Ministry of Labor takes advantage of his position and employs a person close to him, or a manager leaks information and questions of the personal interview for the job to one of his children to get the job and other examples.

    5. I agree with you .... I know that we all love to benefit our relatives and loved ones, but there are people who need more and it is possible that the person we help is not qualified for the work and has no experience in this matter, and the other employee is very competent for the job, so all owners of companies must stop favoritism and must The government must punish those who deal with nepotism because unemployment does not spread in the world. Yes, unemployment. If every company owner employs his relatives and leaves other citizens, then of course unemployment will spread and the economic level of the state will decline and famine will spread because there is no source of income for the family.

    6. I do agree that it depends on the circumstances on which they find themselves but personally speaking the part were you spoke of situations of having nepotism in a small family-possessed business right, well first of all is this situation really nepotism considering the fact that it is a family business I just think it right employing family members and maybe even close friends so to me it cannot be really classified under nepotism. In fact maybe it could an advantage because like in businesses were they run restaurants and like keeping their family recipes a secret this could really help them knowing that most of the people involved in the business are family and it could help in keeping the bond strong.

  • Hi Kim ☺️👋
    I have a question and I want to know the answer : Are there rules against patronage؟

    And if there's a law against nepotism, what's the punishment for not enforcing it?

  • Nepotism is the act of hiring friends or family members to work within your business or organization . This can take place in many ways and in many different workplaces .
    Really it's not acceptable because it can foster resentment and distrust among team members who feel they were passed over for a promotion because they are not relatives of the boss .
    I think that nepotism is a kind of discrimination . This act very far from equality . Everyone deserves to have the chance to succeed without interference of nepotism .

  • Favoritism is a great blessing for many people. But what if there is no nepotism ?

    1. I gladly accept your opinion, because every person has an opinion that must be expressed. If nepotism did not exist, many rights and values ​​would be available, such as altruism, group relations, giving everyone his right, determination and determination to work, and other countless rights and values.

  • "There are many interesting questions about equality and nepotism that can be used to start a good discussion:

    1- Should we ignore social and economic differences when discussing equality?
    2- What are the negative consequences that can result from nepotism in institutions?
    3- Can family favoritism be an obstacle to achieving equality in societies?

    I am pleased to know the answers through you and the discussions on these questions

    1. I like your questions and I think they touch on a very important causes of nepotism.
      First of all we cannot ignore the social and economic differences when discussing equality because there is always a difference in social and economic status of people in the society, there are poor people, there will always be middle class people and there will always be rich people. What matters is that the country treats them the same when it comes to opportunities.
      Nepotism in institutions will cause unfairness, inequality and it will make other people feel that they have been treated badly resulting in lower productivity and lack of interest and commitment in the institution.
      Lastly, because one will treat his family better than others in the institution equality in the society can never be achieved. It causes anger and resentment instead

  • As for me, I would like to propose a discussion that I had in class with the Arabic language teacher. Last week's lesson was entitled "Corruption in Society". The lesson was about nepotism, bribery, money laundering and various forms of corruption.The teacher started the lesson by explaining the meaning of these terms, Where nepotism means using family or friends relationships to obtain better job at the expense of other people ,But I want to draw attention to is that everyone talks and continues to gossip about such issues in secret and in a low voice, but no one dares to reveal them to the public and file a complaint or objection for fear of their own interests ، As for the people who stand up to this corruption, they are very few, so do not expect the problem of nepotism and many other problems to disappear if you are not part of its reform and disappearance, And I am curious about whether people who depend on nepotism really do not know how dangerous it is?... By doing so, they caused the deterioration of society, and they obliterated those with real experiences and talents and robbed them of their opportunities ،On the other hand, those who depend on favoritism in matters of their lives , they themselves destroy themselves and their personality, because they relied excessively on others to live their life and did not try to rely on themselves and taste the bitterness of life that teaches them and gives them new experiences and wisdom and gives them another vision of the world that can only be gained through self-reliance and trying again and again without the help of others, but rather through personal diligence.

  • First....... Hello 👋
    ➡️ First of all, as we know family and loved ones are an integral part of every person's life... A person must earn their satisfaction in life to be a part of them forever.
    ➡️ I do not deny that a person must help his family in All life situations....but without reaching the prohibited limit.
    ➡️And as we see that some family members, for example, if the supervisor of a competition or something like that, and one of his family members is participating in that competition, always works to win....instead of helping him to win. Winning through training and encouraging him to work hard to win...and that is what we call wasta
    ➡️wasata is: nepotism or is expected without any arguments that it will be wrong ❌❌...because it is almost the same principle as cheating ..
    ➡️Help your family, but not in a way that defames you and your name..
    ➡️And among the ways I suggest to help the family: giving work and others
    🔚 Thank you
    and that's just Simple opinion 😁

  • I am really glad this topic has reached topical talk, and the reason behind this is that based on research I have done months ago, I found out that it is easier for college applicants to be admitted to Ivy League schools if they have a parent or relative who went there or works there. I find this incredibly unfair to those who want to enter, but have no relations whatsoever to the school.

    1. Can you explain why this is such a big problem?

      1. Indeed, what you said is correct. It is one of the big problems because there is no justice in it. Where is the equality? The best act of all is that we enter anyone who wants to enter to achieve justice and encourage them as well. Perhaps their parents are dead and the people around them left them, so we take care of the people.

      2. From my point of view, nepotism is a form of corruption and leads to others not obtaining their rights and leads to
        a decline in all aspects and levels, whether economically, culturally or politically, and will spread corruption, destruction and destruction of the country.
        I believe that whoever has the power must follow sound standards and in fair ways and choose those with competence.
        And put the right person in the right place away from favoritism and fraud. And he must be impartial and fair, and choose according to the abilities of nepotism from the types of corruption that lead to the failure of others to obtain their rights and lead to a decline in all aspects and levels, whether economically, culturally or politically, and he will work on corruption and destruction of the country.

      3. Because it includes inequality of people and not giving them the rights they deserve, and there is great injustice in it

      4. Wasta: It is that precious jewel, a pearl or a ruby, in the middle of the necklace, and they call it the wasta of the necklace..but there is another wasta..the underdeveloped countries have let the universities decline and their education has become does not matter, those who will get jobs in the end will get them through the means. University attainment has become a carton on the wall with Wasta turns the job into ruin, it becomes a means of mercenary, not production, and through the means the manager guarantees loyalties, but he does not advance his institution or the country. When the minister appoints his relatives, he steals the money of the state, he steals from you the opportunity .. Every person has the right to enter free competition with equal opportunities for any job .. I am totally against favoritism, nepotism, and bribery, because they are also considered means of stealing the future of qualified and deserving people.

      5. Wasta: It is that precious jewel, a pearl or a ruby, in the middle of the necklace, and they call it the wasta of the necklace..but there is another wasta..the underdeveloped countries have let the universities decline and their education has become does not matter, those who will get jobs in the end will get them through the means. University attainment has become a carton on the wall with Wasta turns the job into ruin, it becomes a means of mercenary, not production, and through the means the manager guarantees loyalties, but he does not advance his institution or the country. When the minister appoints his relatives, he steals the money of the state, he steals from you the opportunity .. Every person has the right to enter free competition with equal opportunities for any job .. I am totally against favoritism, nepotism, and bribery، Because it is also considered a means to steal the future of qualified and deserving people.

      6. This is such a big problem because when students are aware of this issue, they do not work as hard as they should to receive the position. All of these spots could be used by applicants who really put their soul and passion into their applications, imagine losing a spot to someone who tried two times less than you did.

      7. This is such a big problem because if you don't know anyone they may have not told you how the system is and that is why most people think getting into Ivy league schools. Ivy League Schools are also looking for world-changers who can positively contribute to their university community. They’re looking for humble leaders who will bring accomplishment and recognition to the school and those who are willing to share their knowledge to help fellow students accomplish their goals. League school is difficult.
        Key Components of Ivy League Applications
        The critical components of your Ivy League application include:

        1.Academic performance (grades)
        2.Test scores
        3.Personal essays
        5.Reccomendation Letters
        Ivy League schools are looking for people who stick out from the crowd, experts in their area of interest. They're searching for students who have transformed their big dreams into even bigger realities. Ivy League colleges want world-changers who are making positive marks on society with their resources.
        While the Ivy Leagues all share similar entrance objectives, their cultures and learning styles are not the same. Many applicants fail to get into certain Ivy League schools because they try to fit the university’s mold instead of finding one that fits their values and goals.
        That is why most people don't get to Ivy League schools and just as I said earlier the person you may know in any Ivy schools may give you a tip on all these and that is why most of them get admitted. And others that don't know how the system runs and also don't know anyone it may be difficult for them to get in.

      8. I would like to share my opinion on Nepotism. Nepotism refers to the practice of favoring relatives or friends, particularly in terms of hiring or promoting them to positions of power or influence, without regard for their qualifications or abilities. It involves giving preferential treatment to those who are part of one's social network or family, often at the expense of others who may be equally or more qualified but lack the same connections or personal relationships.

        Nepotism can be problematic because it undermines the principle of meritocracy, which holds that individuals should be judged solely on their qualifications and achievements, rather than their personal connections or background. It can perpetuate and exacerbate existing inequalities and inequities in society, as it can make it more difficult for individuals from underrepresented or marginalized backgrounds to gain access to opportunities and resources. Moreover, it can also reinforce existing power structures and networks, allowing those who already have privileged positions to maintain their advantages and exclude those who do not have similar advantages.

        Can you explain why this is such a big problem?

        This was really an awesome question. This question made me think in a broader way. The issue with nepotism, particularly in college admissions, is that it goes against the principle of meritocracy, where individuals should be judged solely on their qualifications and achievements rather than their personal connections or background. When a college or university prioritizes applicants with legacy status or connections to the institution, it undermines the notion of a level playing field and disadvantages other applicants who may be equally or more qualified but do not have the same familial or social connections.

        This can perpetuate and exacerbate existing inequalities and inequities in higher education, as it can make it more difficult for individuals from underrepresented or marginalized backgrounds to gain access to elite institutions. Moreover, it can also reinforce existing power structures and networks, allowing those who already have privileged positions to maintain their advantages and exclude those who do not have similar advantages.

        In addition to being unfair, nepotism in college admissions can also have broader societal implications, as it can limit the diversity of perspectives and experiences within educational institutions and perpetuate patterns of inequality and exclusion in society at large. Therefore, it is important for colleges and universities to adopt transparent and fair admission policies that prioritize merit and diversity, rather than perpetuating a culture of nepotism and privilege.

      9. I think it is a big problem because it leads to several problems, including the corruption and disintegration of society, and the lack of love, as was the case.

      10. Sometimes it is a big problem for example
        Employing a manager who works in his company, and the years passed, and this worker relied on his work and tiredness to provide his money, food and drink, and his condition and his family’s condition stabilized, and I trusted that he would provide everything on his own, and he might know the secrets of the company. So what is the position of this worker? Well, he will be fired, but the rest is food, drink, money, clothes, the house...
        You mentioned that he was tired in searching for a job. Well, he got tired again and searched and searched and searched and found the opportunity to work in a large company, and this company is a competitor to the company he used to work for, so he goes to take revenge on them, divulging and talking about all the secrets and weaknesses of the company, and thus this becomes their favorite worker and the company wins
        This is all wrong. From the first, the worker should not be expelled and...... suggest other ways
        Thank you

      11. I think it is a big problem because it oppresses people and deprives them of their rights, and officials and the government must take care of them and give them their rights

    2. You raise an important issue regarding college admissions and the potential advantages that come with having familial connections to Ivy League schools. The practice you mention, often referred to as legacy admissions, has been a subject of debate and scrutiny.

      Legacy admissions policies, which give preferential treatment to applicants with family ties to a particular institution, can indeed create an uneven playing field for other qualified candidates who do not have such connections. It raises questions about fairness and equal opportunities in the college admissions process.

      Advocates of legacy admissions argue that it helps foster a sense of tradition, loyalty, and alumni engagement within the institution. They believe that admitting legacy students can contribute to a stronger alumni network and philanthropic support for the college or university.

      On the other hand, critics argue that legacy admissions perpetuate inequality and limit access for underrepresented and disadvantaged individuals who may be equally or even more deserving of admission based solely on their merits and qualifications.

      Many colleges and universities are reevaluating their legacy admissions policies and moving towards a more merit-based approach. They are prioritizing diversity, inclusivity, and equal opportunities for all applicants. Some institutions have even eliminated or reduced the weightage given to legacy status in the admissions process.

      The ongoing discussions and changes in the college admissions landscape indicate a growing recognition of the need for transparency, fairness, and a focus on individual accomplishments rather than familial connections.

      Ultimately, the goal should be to ensure that the college admissions process is based on merit, diversity, and equal opportunities, allowing talented individuals from all backgrounds to compete on a level playing field.

  • The Karate Kid movie released in 2010 was a movie acted by Jaden Smith son of popular actor Will Smith. The movie was acted on a budget of forty million dollars. Was the movie successful? Yes, it was as it bagged about three hundred and fifty-nine million dollars. Is the success of the movie based on its good content or the influence of Will Smith and his son, Jaden Smith?

    1. Left to me, I really think the success of the movie was based on both its good content and the influence of Will Smith and his son, Jaden Smith. The actors are both popular actors known world wide so therefore they are able to attract different people all over the world to watch the movie. Also most individuals in different areas of the world are concerned with just the characters acting the movie and not the information it is trying to convey. Some movies today are not popularly known not because it has a bad content but because it is just the present in the movie are not popularly known.

    2. Nepotism is a big problem because,it is not common in only celebrities but, it is also done by the government. Which has caused many youth to be unemployed, and it as drastically student thought on education. Why should the same people continue to rule, without even think about others.most of the youth are not given privileged,the youth need to be seen.

  • The discussion in my class centered around nepo babies and our case study was Kiefer Sunderland's whim in all fairness I chose not to call a nepo baby. I never knew his parents Donald Shirley Sunderland were actors and actresses. He has completely obliterated their achievement, the movie 24 was such a success that is rarely seen in the film industry.

    He has established himself in the film industry. How does anyone want to suggest that he is a nepo baby? What parameter is been used to determine that the success of a person is based on the success of his parents?

  • After listening to your topic, I was curious to stop a little about the effect of nepotism or exaggerated family support within the members of the same family. Here I will highlight the family that cares exaggeratedly about the son and distinguishes him from the daughter as the heir of the family or he who bears the name of his father and the family name, striking with a show The wall is the rights of the girl or the female in the family, and assistance and material support are provided to him in all its standards without any censor or accountant only because he bears the status of a male and that he has the right to be supported and aided regardless of whether he is in need or not..but from the logic appointed the individual in the family whether male or female who He has the right to obtain the support of his family if he is in dire need of it or if he is exposed to an obstacle in his life. He is not alone in need of support only, as there is his sister and younger brother. This is a kind of nepotism, racism, and gender bias. Favoritism leads to distrust, loss of the rights of others, marginalization of others, and reinforces inactivity. You and I, he and she, you have to do your best and rely on yourself, and if you encounter a problem, do not hesitate to ask for the help of your family or even others..nepotism is a kind of corruption and relationships that are governed by interest in the absence of principles and values, and what is forbidden becomes permissible and what is prohibited is permitted

  • Do those who have power deserve all that special appreciation and preference?? If no, why and if yes, why?

    1. The question of whether those who have power deserve special appreciation and preference is subjective and can vary depending on individual perspectives. Here are some points to consider:

      No, they do not deserve all special appreciation and preference:

      Merit and Fairness: Granting special appreciation and preference solely based on power or status can undermine the principles of meritocracy and fairness. It can lead to the exclusion of deserving individuals who may possess talent, skills, and achievements but lack the same level of power or influence.

      Equal Opportunities: Valuing power above all else can perpetuate inequalities and limit opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who may face systemic barriers. It is important to provide equal opportunities for all individuals to succeed based on their own abilities and efforts.

      Accountability and Responsibility: Placing undue appreciation and preference on those with power without holding them accountable for their actions can create an environment where abuses of power go unchecked. It is essential to prioritize ethical behavior and responsible use of power.

      Yes, they deserve special appreciation and preference:

      Experience and Expertise: Those in positions of power often have acquired knowledge, experience, and expertise that can contribute to decision-making and leadership. Recognizing and appreciating their contributions can be warranted in certain contexts.

      Influence and Impact: Powerful individuals may have the ability to drive significant positive change, make important decisions, and implement impactful initiatives. In such cases, showing appreciation for their contributions to society can be justified.

      Organizational Success: In some instances, recognizing and appreciating those in power can be tied to the success and growth of an organization or institution. It can help foster a sense of loyalty, motivation, and engagement among employees or stakeholders.

      It is important to strike a balance between recognizing the achievements and contributions of powerful individuals while also valuing merit, fairness, and the broader societal impact. Ensuring accountability, promoting diversity, and providing equal opportunities are crucial factors to consider in evaluating the deservingness of special appreciation and preference.

    2. I believe. Not everyone who has power deserves this appreciation and preference. Why? Because some of them have power and are proud of it and are arrogant, unlike the good others who yes there is power with them, but they are kind. They treat people gently and help people, for example the cartoon (Ladybug and the Black Cat) and the movie (Krish), which indicates that not all strong people and those who carry power are good and not everyone He deserves appreciation and respect, because not all of them have the same qualities, whether they are arrogant or kind. This is my point of view

    3. Great question. Do those with power deserve this special appreciation and preference? of course not . They should be treated like all people (normal treatment), not because they have some money, we should treat them like kings. We are not saying we should treat them badly, of course not. because everyone should be treated with respect. Justice is the most important value we have been raised on. If justice did not exist, injustice and evil would spread. In my opinion, people treat them in a special way because they consider them superior to us. And this is wrong, we were created from the same clay and we are all equal in everything. We must not let power, money and power divide us. We are all one hand, love is strength.

  • From our lesson on nepotism I have learnt that nepotism is similar to discrimination, Nepo babies get added advantages in their lives because of their parents and friends.
    This question has been bothering me what if it is a family business? Shouldn't the family members be part of it? Is it nepotism if your child works in your business?
    Shouldn't nepotism be in the public sector?

    1. I believe that if it is a family business, then the family must first work with each other and provide material and moral support, so there is no nepotism here (and also because they are the ones who decided to establish this family business, so they are the ones who have the right to work in this company), but if I grow up This company has become a company that can hire other people just like any other company. Family members should not be preferred over others. There should be justice and employment of those who are more qualified for this work.

  • What a beautiful subject, how impatiently I was waiting for it. There are many questions that arouse my curiosity and I would like to share with me by answering them. I believe that nepotism is a painful reality and it is a kind of corruption and depends on preferring people as individuals and not as competence. Is there a punishment for people who commit this crime of nepotism? 2_"Does it lead to injustice to a large segment of society? 3_"Does it affect negative results on society, especially on the hardworking? 4_"_ What are the ways to combat nepotism and limit its spread? 5_"In your opinion, will nepotism affect a person's diligence to seek his right to a position Or a job?

  • I have a question "How does nepotism affect opportunities and meritocracy in the workplace or educational institutions?"

  • During my research on this topic, this question popped up. I feel this will make a great discussion, "To what extent does nepotism undermine the principles of equality and meritocracy in various aspects of society, and what measures can be taken to address this issue effectively?" I feel this question explores the relationship between nepotism and equality, considering the implications in different domains such as politics, business, academia, and the arts. It encourages participants to examine how nepotism can create unfair advantages, perpetuate social inequality, and hinder opportunities for talented individuals who lack familial connections.
    Additionally, the question prompts discussions on potential solutions to combat nepotism, such as implementing transparent and merit-based selection processes, fostering diversity and inclusion, promoting equal access to resources and opportunities, and creating awareness through education and advocacy.

    In my opinion, by delving into this question, participants can critically analyze the ethical, social, and economic consequences of nepotism and explore ways to cultivate a more equitable and level playing field for everyone.

  • Hello🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️
    What is the relationship between corruption and favoritism with each other؟
    What is the extent of the influence of Wasit and favoritism in obtaining a job؟؟
    What is the concept of favoritism؟؟
    What is the difference between the medium and the favoritism ؟؟

  • Hello... I have a question that comes to my mind, which is what would you do if you were a victim of favoritism at work??

    1. I will answer the question, what would you do if you were a victim of nepotism at work? Forbes magazine suggested several tips, including making sure that you are really harmed and that there is real nepotism. You can make better use of your skills, continue to perform your duties professionally and with a great spirit to prove to everyone that you are up to the responsibility, do not let favoritism in your workplace make you lose your professionalism and profession,Do not blame the favored employee, but rather maintain a balanced relationship with him as much as possible. Be patient, as the manager may change this favoritism after discovering its dangers.
      Finally, we file a complaint with the Human Resources Department after making sure that things have broken all legal red lines.

  • We discussed in today’s class that nepotism is forbidden because it is not permissible for the rights of society, and this is unfair to them. Favoritism or nepotism as a definition: it is taking a person’s right in order to achieve what is in consideration for relatives
    For example . A man was arrested by the police, so he pays a sum of money and takes it out

  • Yes, we got a discussion on this topic. Most of the classes present a discussion on the subject of nepotism, as it is a social problem and is widely present, especially in the field of work. The most efficient of them to get the job means that they follow the policy (the right person does not reach the right place), as this matter harms societies greatly and works on their collapse, the collapse of relations between people, the spread of hatred, the weakness of their affiliation, the spread of negativity in society, and it makes the world look negatively at society

  • Dear readers,

    In a world that is full of favoritism and nepotism, the idea of consolation has become more important than ever before. The act of comforting someone in their time of need can help alleviate their pain and suffering, and provide them with the emotional support they need to move forward.

    However, when it comes to the issue of nepotism, the act of providing preferential treatment to family members or friends, I cannot in good conscience condone such behavior. Nepotism undermines the principles of fairness and meritocracy, and can lead to the exclusion of talented individuals who do not have the right connections.

    Instead, I believe that we must strive to create a world where individuals are judged on their merits and abilities, rather than their connections. By creating a level playing field, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or social status.

    Moreover, we must actively work to challenge the systems and structures that perpetuate nepotism and favoritism. This includes holding our leaders and institutions accountable, and advocating for policies that promote fairness and equal opportunity.

    In conclusion, while the act of consolation is an important aspect of our humanity, nepotism is not acceptable in our world. We must work towards a society that values merit and fairness above all else, and strive to create a world where everyone has the chance to succeed, regardless of their connections. Only then can we truly create a just and equitable world for all.

  • I had a class discussion with the students and they wanted me to ask you a question and they wanted an answer. Do people have to revolutionize in order for everyone to be equal?? And if it is necessary, why don't people make a revolution?

  • "Nepotism in the Workplace: Fair or Unfair?"

    Nepotism, the practice of favoring relatives or close friends in professional or business relationships, has been a long-standing issue in various industries. Some argue that nepotism can be a positive force, helping to create strong, loyal teams with a shared sense of purpose and trust. Others contend that it is unfair and creates a culture of privilege that undermines merit-based decision-making and diversity in the workplace.

    On one hand, proponents of nepotism argue that it can have benefits for organizations. Family members or close friends who work together may have built-in trust and understanding, which can lead to greater collaboration, productivity, and loyalty. This can create a more positive and supportive work environment that benefits both the organization and its employees.

    On the other hand, critics argue that nepotism is inherently unfair and discriminatory. It can lead to talented and qualified individuals being overlooked for promotions or job opportunities in favor of less qualified family members or friends. This can create a culture of entitlement and privilege, which can breed resentment and a lack of motivation among non-favored employees. Furthermore, it can result in a lack of diversity in the workplace, as insiders tend to recruit or promote those who are like themselves, rather than those who may bring different perspectives and experiences to the table.

  • According to my perspective, nepotism starts from the home where a parent favour one child over the others making them feel alone.

    This can cause depression,low self esteem, it also makes them to go into bad vices like smoking and drinking alcohol. Nepotism starts from when children are little kids to adulthood and teenage especially

    Nepotism makes parent abandoning their children and causing them to have a bad childhood and will make them seek advice from wrong vices and making them a nuisance to the society.

    Nepotism has a very huge effect on a growing child , adult and especially teenagers.

  • A question I have is whether or not nepotism is legal, or is it a practice born out of corruption and a gross abuse of power?

    1. Well, nepotism is one of the forms of corruption, which means illegal exploitation.
      If nepotism is illegal, it works to oppress people who are suitable for work and not to hire them, and works to hire inappropriate people in places that are not suitable for them, and works to harm society and the nation.
      Favoritism is a monster that controls society, and there is no country without nepotism.
      I don't like the idea of ​​nepotism, it doesn't work unfairly and inequality between the members of the nation.
      Therefore, I hope that the society belongs to the loyal individuals in it, and not to the spoilers who sabotage the society and cause harm to it.

    2. Nepotism is wrong because it is based on choosing someone for reasons other than merit. However, the hiring of family members in and of itself is not always wrong. So nepotism is not legal but illegal.
      Nepotism in corruption is wrong because it is based on choosing someone for reasons other than merit. However, the hiring of family members in and of itself is not always wrong. I don't think it is an abuse of power.

  • A question I have is: what is the difference between nepotism and "putting in a good word" for a friend?

  • I'm excited to learn more about this new topic! Nepotism, also known as preferential treatment of relatives and friends during the recruiting process, regardless of whether others who are better qualified for such positions are available. This sounds pretty biased to me, yet it has merits and cons like any other topic.

    To maintain secrecy and protect what they consider a family legacy, private businesses frequently hire family members and other relatives.
    Hiring family takes less time and costs less money. Furthermore, absenteeism and turnover rates are low in efficiently managed firms.

    Nepotism is the practice of hiring people primarily on the basis of their relatives rather than their actual abilities and prospective contributions to the business. These are dangerous the organization's skill.

    Relatives in an organization can use power play to undermine non-relatives, advance their own interests, and disregard their obligations, similar to connivance against leaders.

    After conducting some research, I determined that nepotism is not tolerated and can create a perception of "special treatment" among other coworkers. Not only that, but it can also have a negative impact on production and morale. In my sociology class, we had an argument similar to this, and we were asked: "Should others be chosen over a close friend or relative if they are more qualified and willing to perform a particularly difficult or sensitive task?" Some indicated they would pick family because they could trust them more than others, while others said they would pick someone qualified, eager to work, and up to the task. Another question was asked, and I'd want to hear your thoughts on it: "Are there any fields or professions where you believe nepotism is more prevalent? Do you believe it's more common in public administrations or in private enterprises?"

  • Nepotism means favoring relatives or personal friends because of their kinship rather than their aptitude.
    I have other questions that I wanted to be a discussion until I get an answer
    * When a person with high qualifications is employed in a company, then the owner of the company has a relative of his relatives. Is it fair to take his relative
    A higher rank than a highly qualified person.
    It often happens in schools that there are teachers who have children in the school who give them extra marks unfairly.
    Do they have the right to do so or should there be laws and punishments?

  • I have a question that I think is acceptable for all festival topics: Is nepotism bad, and is the perpetrator punished, and are there laws for these matters, and how can these laws be applied? Thank you.

    1. Hello, of course nepotism is bad, because preferring relatives over employees who have high experience causes poor work efficiency, which leads to a decline in the level of work.
      I think it is good to punish those who deal with connections because it deprives employees who have higher degrees of jobs.
      Therefore, I think that laws should be put in place that talk about that issue and that nepotism should be reduced, because if we remain in this case, there will be many consequences for this issue.
      It is nice to encourage family and friends to work, but not through an intermediary, simply because it is illegal.

  • Favoritism: It is the means of favoritism, which means preferring relatives and friends over those with higher degrees and outstanding students, i.e. those who are more deserving than relatives.
    For example: a company manager promoted his friend for an employee who has a higher degree, even though his friend does not have sufficient experience in that position.
    If we ask what will happen then:
    First, the work becomes less efficient due to the lack of sufficient experience.
    Secondly, those with higher degrees and high experience will be deprived of jobs and their right to work.
    In the end, we must support our relatives and friends with guidance and guidance, but not through nepotism and favoritism over those who are more deserving of these jobs.
    Favoritism and work through connections must be reduced to give holders of higher degrees, graduates, competence and high experience opportunities at work, to develop work with their higher degrees and distinguished experiences so that our society becomes better and more developed.

  • Nepotism and equality are opposing ideas in the workplace. As a principle, equality encourages impartiality and fairness, with opportunities and promotions solely determined by merit, aptitude, and performance. Nepotism refers to the practice of giving family members or other close friends preference when it comes to work-related decisions like hiring, promoting, or awarding contracts. Nepotism undermines the idea of equality by fostering a sense of favoritism that may deter commitment and diligence from workers who perceive themselves to be at a disadvantage as a result of such actions. The privileges accorded to those with connections in higher positions can also cause resentment from those who have worked hard to achieve their career goals but are overshadowed by them As a result, businesses must work to create an environment where fair competition is valued and nepotism is discouraged due to its negative effects on employee morale and productivity. The promotion of equality at work is greatly aided by an open, competency-based recruitment and promotion process.y them .

  • My question for discussion Is hiring relatives at work considered nepotism?
    I will share my opinion, If I were the director of my own company, which I built with my own money and effort, of course I would prefer to hire my relatives, support them, and help them by providing a source of income for my family. And here there is no nepotism. Notice that I said I would prefer to hire them rather than hire them directly.. What does that mean? If two people apply for the job and both of them are competent, I will choose my relative and he will be subject to labor laws and abide by them.. But if I choose the employees just because of kinship and not competence, then this will lead to the destruction of my company, as most of them will be lazy in performing their duties and do not care about the interest of the work. And this will harm my interest first and foremost.. But if I were a manager in a government place, I would have to be completely fair and hire the right person in the right place without worrying about anything else.

  • Do you know what we mean by nepotism? Do you like to differentiate between people through bribery and nepotism? In this paragraph we will answer these questions.

    Favoritism is considered a phenomenon, a pest, and a serious disease in society. Favoritism eliminates equal opportunities in society. A successful society is one that is built on equal opportunities, not nepotism. Favoritism is a flagrant assault on the rights of others, because it is based on unequal opportunities, and it is unfair to individuals who enjoy high competence in their fields. A successful society
    It is the one who gives the opportunity to its members based on their competence and not nepotism, and the society must fight this phenomenon and strike with an iron fist on those in charge of it, because it is a cause of the spread of corruption in society and an assault on human rights.

  • I think this is a big problem and it should be ended, but how??! This is the question I asked myself when it became clear to me that nepotism is unfair to people, so I thought of a way to make people feel for each other, and this is not only a problem of nepotism, but for all aspects of life. The solution is for the manager to imagine himself in the place of this oppressed worker, and to imagine that he has great capabilities that qualify him to be a deputy to run the company, for example, and that he was rejected claiming that he is not qualified, that his certificates are not sufficient, or that he is still young in age. What does the manager feel at the time, because he gets angry, sad, depressed, and even hates himself? Therefore, the manager must be fair in choosing his employees well, and the first condition for hiring any person is experience, not age or lineage.

  • I discussed this with my friends, where we defined both equality and nepotism, and we mentioned that nepotism is the preference of relatives over other ordinary people because they are close to us, and we do not look at their competence, but rather at kinship

    For example, if the manager hires a person close to him, but leaves someone who is more qualified for this profession. In this situation, the manager has proven that he is unjust, but he has led to the loss of the right of the person who deserves the job.

    This is what is happening in my society. I do not support nepotism, as it does not contain positives, rather it contains everything that is negative. One of those negatives is the spread of hatred among the members of society. The person who is employed because of nepotism is neglected by his work because he is not worthy of that, which leads to the destruction of society, and the situation of people who are not Suitable for the place is not suitable for them, they migrate people with competence and knowledge to another country, which leads to a lack of knowledge in the state that operates with the patronage system, and many other negatives about that.

    We ended the discussion by solving the problem of nepotism
    We must put in place laws that prevent nepotism and spread equality, and before we do anything we must know its negatives and positives and try it on ourselves and how the effect will be.

    I read a phrase on the internet saying that he who made you equal by himself did not wrong you

    Finally, I will ask my question, in your opinion, what are the laws that should be put in place regarding nepotism?

    1. What laws do you suggest, assertive_introduction?

      1. Favoritism is dangerous because it stems from a high-ranking person, like a school principal, for example, and it is pervasive in my country. It is better not to employ unqualified relatives for this position. We must spread justice and equality, respect those who are qualified, and take advantage of their expertise. This will be a state-building factor, as opposed to nepotism that destroys the state.

        We must publish laws and penalties that will eliminate nepotism, as it is expected that everyone will abide by the laws.

        The laws are as follows
        Any parents who discriminate and inequality between their children will be punished by depriving parents of their son for a certain period. I believe that this law and this punishment will not dare anyone to inequality between their children

        Equality between males and females, and not employing males and females by nepotism, and punishing those who do so by paying a fine

        Equality between healthy people and people with disabilities, and punishing those who violate this law by imprisoning them for a certain period

        I believe that by publishing these laws and penalties, we will eradicate this epidemic, which poses a threat to the state

      2. I suggest that the laws that should guide nepotism are:
        1. Employments and rewards should not be given because a person is one’s family member it is based on merit and worth:
        Nigeria strives to become a developed nation, this is impossible when Nepotism is allowed to take the center stage in the decision-making of people.
        This should also begin at a higher level to the lowest possible level. Relationships should never influence the choice of appointment and credits.
        When an appointment or credit is to be given, there should be a panel set to appoint the best candidate. The person from which the appointment or credit stemmed from his table should be out of the nomination process and should have no influence whatsoever in the whole process so that the nominees or candidates are chosen strict work environment should never be a place where Nepotism should have its grip lest it cripples the whole system. And as a boss, never employ two relatives in your work place based on merit and nothing else.
        2. It is also advisable that family members work somewhere else other than the place of work of other family members.
        This are the laws I suggest to be put in place regarding nepotism.

  • I have found that when people don't have certain privileges, they criticize those who do. When they do have such privileges, they defend themselves and others who are in the same circle with them. It all lies in whose point of view the criticism comes from.
    So my question is, think thoroughly about nepotism. Don't rush to give an answer, If you were a nepo-baby, enjoying so many privileges involved with being connected to influential people, would you object? Or would you defend yourself, saying that you are entitled to "family support"? Please think this through before you answer. Don't react immediately, but reflect, then answer. Thank you!!!

  • My question is, When does support become too much to the point of nepotism?

  • It is absolutely certain that equality is a human right and all countries must act upon it. Of course, there are many countries that achieve the principle of equality among their people, but what about the right to equality in the family? Why is discrimination between male and female (brother and sister) at home and also in schools? Why is discrimination Between a healthy student and a student with disabilities who are not in school, also in the workplace, in the streets, in malls and shops, and also people with black skin who suffer from discrimination and inequality Finally, my question is: How can the phenomenon of discrimination and inequality be reduced?

  • Why not put an end to nepotism? Or we put observers on the work and make sure of the files of the workers and their work that they do And we reduce unemployment because there are people who need this work more than those who obtained it through connections and bribes and work efficiently

  • Favoritism is a pickaxe that destroys the entire society, so what do we mean by nepotism? Favoritism means preferring people over others because of kinship and not because of competence, and this bothers me very much. For example, when some people come to offer a job, they say I am on the side of so-and-so who has a high position, and the problem is that they accept them without high competence. For this we see Whoever has a master’s degree is incapacitated without work, unlike the person who has not completed his school, but because his parents have a high position, he is accepted quickly without competence, so I hope that nepotism will go away

  • Equality is a really beautiful thing, but it does not exist in my country, Palestine. Today, on May 9, many men, women, and families were martyred, and I really feel sorry for all of them. But the one that touched my heart most is a 6-year-old girl who lost her mother, father, and older brother. I really cannot describe my feelings towards this child, but what I know most is that she must be supported at least in order to try to fill her sense of loss, and we must help her to overcome this situation she is in. I do not know how this child will cope, and she lost the most loved one. I hope Everyone should put himself in her position and imagine how he can continue his life in this way, and I really want to meet her in order to try to fill this void that appeared in her life, and she really has no fault .

  • Nepo-babies never had the decision to join a famous family so the substantial amount of criticism they receive is not fair but biased towards them. Some are benefited with advantages since the day they are born by having exceptionally talented parents; others are bullied because people say they do not deserve the glory and fame. So, I would like to suggest a discussion: where does nepotism originise from? What feelings do you think causes someone to arouse nepotism? What are the positives and negatives a nepo-baby will face?

  • A creative question that carries a lot of meanings. Supporting family members is a beautiful thing and a duty. But the question is how do I support them? Support is by teaching them to set their goals and work to achieve them and get grades in effort and perseverance, not at the expense of others.

  • "Yes, I have a question that could lead to a great discussion about this topic:

    "Can favoritism towards relatives be justified in some cases? For example, in family-owned companies where the family operates the business, is it necessary to employ family members even if they are not as qualified?"

    Answering this question requires thinking about when favoritism towards relatives can be justified in some cases, and when it becomes unacceptable. The discussion can touch on ethical principles, fairness, and sustainability in both family-owned and non-family organizations, and how to strike a balance between business requirements and family interests."

  • There was a question in my mind that I hope will be applied in the whole world, which is that why people do not reject nepotism, feeling the feelings of others, and altruism in the world, and thus we have analyzed part of nepotism and spread love

  • I have two questions:
    *1 What is the reason for people using favoritism and not thinking about the future of their children? And the negative side of it
    *2 Why do people not prefer equality?

  • The word equality may be small in its letters, but it is great in meaning and great for many people because it gives the souls reassurance and psychological comfort.
    When we say equality, we mean justice everywhere at home, school and work
    The father must be equal among his children in rights and duties, and the teacher must treat her students with fairness and love and equal opinions between them, especially in work.
    Equality is the cause of happiness and it has many positive effects on human beings.

  • Nepotism is when a person in power favors a person he/she likes and usually a relative or friend.
    Nepotism could occur in politics, getting a job or even getting fame.
    This nepotism is a very bad because, it depletes the self esteem of the person cheated because, if a person is qualified for a particular post, and he/she is denied, this person would have low self esteem and it could cause diversity.
    Secondly, nepotism is bad is because it causes corruption, people would be forced to bribe officials so that they are chosen for some particular posts i.e when getting a job.
    Lastly, nepotism is a bad because it could make people get into bad practices just to get favour things like kidnapping the favoured one.

  • Favoritism is one of the biggest reasons that push the individual to strike, because its principle raises injustice among members of society or work, for example when the boss of work employs the son of highness or the position to fulfill a personal interest for him with the father of this person, and thus grants him all appropriate and comfortable working conditions Treating him better than the rest of the workers, and giving him all the requirements of the work according to his desire, so that event makes the worker feel that he is less valuable than others and that there is no equality in work between workers because of their different positions, and he also makes him feel that his work and diligence in providing his livelihood corresponds to the sitting and comfort of another worker Without toil and fatigue, but the head of work for which he works,therefore, this thing makes the worker feel jealous and different, so I would like to say that favoritism has become a cause of everything bad in society, such as being the biggest cause of corruption and the biggest cause of labor strikes, but we often wonder why??? and how long will we remain under corruption?? In what year will we get rid of nepotism and its effects??

  • In some countries there are many examples of nepotism.
    In the employment exams, there is a mediator for the son of a senior official, for example, he is employed without getting tired of reading.
    This is not fair...
    In our school, my teacher has a son. She treated him as she treated other students.
    I support this treatment because it is an example of equality.

  • We know that nepotism is a bad way to help our family and friends, and we know that nepotism is widespread, but do you think it will disappear at some point ? when ?and how ?

    1. It is unlikely that nepotism will disappear at some point. Nepotism arises from human nature, where people want to help their loved ones or close associates. Additionally, there are social structures or power dynamics in different societies that also contribute to nepotism. While there have been attempts to enforce laws and regulations to curb nepotism, it is challenging to erase nepotism completely. In my perspective, I think that it is unlikely that it will disappear completely. Although I am sure that we can reduce it to a good extent. Society just needs to create and recognize a more transparent society where people are receiving recognition and rewards based on their capabilities rather than relationships.

  • I have a question that I think is good.
    It works through intermediaries and are there laws to prosecute for nepotism?

  • The phenomenon of nepotism and nepotism reflects a painful reality, and it is the most common corruption in the administrative milieu. It is a crime punishable by law because it involves an assault on the rights of others and an assault on the foundations of justice, equality, and equal opportunities. It can nullify a right or achieve nullity. Wasta is known as a form of administrative corruption that results It has negative results, including (negligence at work, repeated mistakes, and poor production): because it includes inequality for people and not giving them the rights due to them, and there is great injustice in it
    The thing I am most shocked by is nepotism, because this is forbidden for human rights, and what he does transgresses the rights of others, and this is not in our origin, for example, that a person is brave in studying and is one of the first, and they could not hire him, and another person is unable to study, and he is their relative or friend and employs him This is not fair because it leads to the corruption of society and the sabotage of relations. Favoritism is also the exchange of goods in exchange for political support. This is why nepotism is a great injustice to the weak. We discussed in today’s chapter that nepotism is forbidden because it is not permissible for the rights of society, and this is an injustice to them. In order to achieve what is in mind for relatives
    For example . A man was arrested by the police, so he pays a sum of money and takes it out
    Over the years, there is great corruption in society, and this corruption is considered a form of nepotism or nepotism, for example, which leads to killing a person in order to achieve what he wishes for another person, or causes many disturbing morals.

  • I think it is good for the family to support each other, why not today, no one interferes with one of the families and supports themselves, as they own this small company that is owned by them and we benefit from them, and the benefit may accrue to the rest of society. The young man who wanted to work may be working in his father’s small company because he has found it difficult In finding a job..and the success of the company and the rise in the company's shares may lead to the company's growth, which will push the manager to some workers, which will provide job opportunities to the rest of the society...

  • Here's a question that could spark a great discussion on equality and nepotism:

    "What is the impact of nepotism on achieving true equality in society?"

    Nepotism, or favoritism shown to family or friends in business or politics, can have significant negative effects on equality. It can undermine meritocracy, where people are rewarded based on their skills and abilities rather than their connections. This can lead to less diverse workplaces and political systems, where certain groups have an unfair advantage.

    On the other hand, some students argue that nepotism is simply a natural tendency for humans to favor those they know and trust, and that it can actually be beneficial in some cases. For example, a family-run business might have stronger values and a more cohesive team than a company with no personal connections among its employees.

    this is topic with many different perspectives. It raises questions about the values we hold as a society, and what we prioritize when it comes to fairness and opportunity.

    As for a smaller discussion on the topic, I recently came across a thread on social media where people were sharing personal stories of experiencing or witnessing nepotism in their workplaces.

  • I think we should suggest talking about where the line is drawn. To be honest parents should be able to use their fame and money to help their children succeed in life. But where the line is drawn could vary. Many would think if a parent gives their child a role in a film, that's where the line is drawn. But, what if they were the best qualified?, or could actually have a huge impact in the film industry? That is the side we are not hearing. What if they actually can be a fit for that job and not think that their parents just gave them the job. But , alas this could have various responses. This is because it could easily damage the amount of fairness and equality in the world. Many people do not have the same opportunities as others. So those who are privileged enough to have a job in the film industry did not have to go through the hard work and determination to get there. Which strikes many forms of hatred towards that person or group of people.

  • A question I have had about the topic of nepotism is if a successful parent chooses their child for a position or job to they know exactly that their child is the right fit or do they always know that their is better but rather choose family over talent? How would a situation like this make the person who was deserving of a position feel when it was taken away to them due to nepotism. How would a child of nepotism feel that they never worked for a role or position but it was given to them with no hard work involved.

  • Nepotism from the good side takes advantage of relationships with respected employees and colleagues to help find and hire employees with similar traits.
    And from the bad side nepotism In The Workplace experience negative Impact for instance;
    People who feel entitled to a job due to nepotism resort to unprofessional behavior.They do not respect other people in the team and tend to speak anything they want. Moreover, they take advantage of the situation as they know they will not be held accountable for their actions.

  • My question is that how do we find whether a Nepo baby really posses talent or not?Is their a way to measure talent?if not how are we considering them as a Nepo baby?

  • Equality is not limited to a person, a city, or a country, but rather it includes everyone, and there must be equality and fairness for everyone so that everyone can enjoy his rights in his home, work, and country.

  • Hey there 🤍!
    Let's talk about nepotism . It's a pretty topic these days, and there's a lot to unpack. But instead of just droning on about it, how about we spice things up a bit? I'm thinking we take a cue from Hollywood and create our own version of the Golden Razzies, but for the most outrageous examples of nepotism we come across. Or, we could challenge each other to come up with better ways of networking and hiring that don't rely on family ties.

    But let's get deeper . Are some families just naturally gifted in certain areas, or is it all just a matter of privilege? And what about the impact of nepotism on society as a whole? Is it really fair for an elite class to rely on their connections rather than their own skills to get ahead?

    And let's not forget the juicy scandals involving famous folks giving jobs to their loved ones. What motivates these actions, and how do they affect careers and public perception in the long run?

    These are the kinds of questions that really get the brain juices flowing, and I guarantee we'll be thinking about them long after we've said our goodbyes. So, what do you say? Let's dive into the world of nepotism and see what we can uncover 🔥!

  • Hi Kim
    First, I believe that favoritism is a major crime because it violates the rights of others
    I have two questions and I hope you will answer them
    What procedures does the government follow in controlling nepotism?
    What is the most famous penalty imposed by the government for the crime of nepotism?

  • I think nepotism becomes worse when a certain political party supports its followers and their families to get the jobs and take advantage of all privileges that it offers and deprive others who are not belong to it from jobs and other supports even if they are skillful and talented. Of course this is unacceptable. But what would be the solution in this case if the government is corrupted? Would a global rule would be set or what?

  • So called 'nepo-babies' are often taught how to do the profession they are in by their successful parent and are often taught very well, becoming very good in that profession, but if their parent is very well known, especially in acting, they will almost always have a leg up due to they being the child of the successful parents. Many 'nepo-babies' in acting are also often in media with their parent, further making them more likely to succeed.

  • Do you think that country should put rules to stop nepotism? do you think that nepotism will stop by this way ? what are the rules they should put?

  • Hello topical talkers!
    My question is, when can you tell if a child of famous people became famous because of their parents, or because of their talents? And when can you tell that famous people like actors are supporting their children and when they use nepotism?
    Take Jaden Smith, for example. He has acted about two movies with his dad, Will Smith. But you can't exactly say whether nepotism got him there, or whether his talent was just spotted earlier because of his dad's fame. People also say a lot of stuff without finding out both sides of the matter. They talk and judge from their own perspective. So while some say it's nepotism, it may not actually be that way.

  • We know that nepotism is bad thing , it can make many problems for the people who use it such as (if a family has a big successful company, and they give jobs in this company to their friends and family, and they don't give anyone else chance even he is the best for this job, what will happen for them , people will hate them maybe )
    In your opinion what will happen to the people who use nepotism? what should they do to stop the things which will happen to them ? if bad things happen they will stop use it ?