Comments by flowing_chocolate Comment Post Date I disagree because... limiting travel to only five trips per person, may not be practical or... Suggest a discussion 20/4/23 Yes, boredom can be a source of innovation and creativity. When we are bored, our minds tend to... Report back 20/4/23 There are alternative ways to address worker demands, such as collective bargaining,... Working conditions 20/4/23 While personal motivation is one factor that can influence why people follow laws, there are... Earth Day poll results! 19/4/23 My confidence when I am talking about metaverse is based on my knowledge and understanding of... Report back 19/4/23 Strikes can be viewed from different perspectives depending on one's position, beliefs, and... Lessons learned! 19/4/23 There can be several reasons why a government may be reluctant to grant the wishes of workers... Working conditions 18/4/23 Discussions can be made about: ●The impact of globalization on strikes: How has globalization... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 Some discussions can be made are: ●The ethics of striking: Is it ethical for workers to strike,... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 India has a complex and diverse labor market, with a wide range of conditions and challenges... Working conditions 17/4/23 Striking can be a powerful tool for workers to negotiate better terms and conditions, as it... Can everyone strike? 17/4/23 Every worker should have certain basic conditions to ensure they are treated fairly in the... Working conditions 17/4/23 What role do education and awareness-raising play in promoting sustainability, and how can we... …Clover Hogan! 17/4/23 What are some examples of successful sustainability initiatives, either on a small or large... ...Ben Mango! 17/4/23 What steps can organizations take to ensure that they promote equality and prevent nepotism in... …Joe Burton! 17/4/23 Questions I am curious about: ●How can we ensure that the metaverse is accessible and inclusive... ...Matthew Ball! 17/4/23 A few alternative ways to approach a discussion on climate change: Cultural perspective:... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 Certainly, here are some hypothetical and creative ways to suggest climate laws: ●Implement a... Classroom spy... 17/4/23 Law 4 can be implemented positively. Because not everybody in the country is using cars on a... The law in your hands? 17/4/23 If I were given an opportunity to create an avatar in the metaverse I would like to be a female... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 >