Comments by grounded_seal Comment Post Date AI has had unimaginable impacts on our modern day lives. Today, many jobs that did not exist... Jobs of the future 28/1/24 Hello, I'm grounded seal from Rhemaville Christian Academy. In my school, we have amazing,... Meet our school communities! 28/1/24 I agree because, I have also seen and noticed all their efforts of bringing people from... Meet our Skills volunteers! 26/1/24 I disagree because when people are only being shown bad news constantly, it can discourage them... Too much negative news? 26/1/24 I agree because a school is a place where learning takes place and knowledge to improve our... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24 I completely agree with you because this is the planet that God gave us to live in and it is... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24 Yes I honestly agree with you because robots do things accurately without error but robots only... People v robots 25/1/24 I agree because every person on this planet that have created an AI had to go through school in... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24 I also voted on showing people bad news because when people see what is happening around them... Too much negative news? 24/1/24 You are right about the fact that says people should be shown bad news. Good news can also be... Too much negative news? 24/1/24 I agree because there is now something called cyber law. This is a kind of law that involves... Classroom spy! 24/1/24 I agree schools and other aspects of learning, AI is being used. For instance, when... AI and the future of education 23/1/24 I like the what invigorative_anteater said about using bad news to motivate people to care for... Too much negative news? 23/1/24 After this quiz, I learnt that it is not every news about the eco system that is always negative... Show what you know 23/1/24 In our society, many lives have been lost and properties have been destroyed due to pollution.... Suggest a discussion 22/1/24 I agree because due to the creation and invention of Artificial Intelligence, many companies... Jobs of the future 22/1/24 Nowadays, AI has had great impacts on our world both positively and negatively in various ways.... Jobs of the future 22/1/24 How many jobs do we think will exist as AI develops, for me AI is not created to take the jobs... Jobs of the future 22/1/24 Due to the development of AI, many jobs have evolves in miraculous and marvelous ways. For... Jobs of the future 22/1/24 < 1 2 3 4 5