loyal_violin has not published standpoints yet. Comments by loyal_violin Comment Post Date Dear Diary, Literally, what is the point of our existence if we are not going to get the human... #4 Diary Entry - Winners Announced! 04/10/19 I would try to to raise as much awareness about the issue and make people understand that they... #2 Editor for a Day Winners Announced! 16/9/19 Schools should allow students to miss lessons to protest be because Parliament is not taking it... Weekly Competition #36 12/6/19 Why wait? This is our future! Weekly Competition #35 05/6/19 Discrimination all over again... Weekly Competition #33 22/5/19 I disagree because every human deserves freedom and a second chance. However, I believe this to... Weekly Competition #32 15/5/19 Yes, they should because they might not want to be inside the area with the wall around it. They... Weekly Competition #30 02/5/19 Brexit is like a weighing scale because there are different people on different sides, and there... Weekly Competition #25 13/3/19 I changed my mind on who I hang out with during school. This is because the people I used to... Weekly Competition #24 06/3/19 Yes. Because home is a person's first image of life. If you have bad up-bringing, you have no... Weekly Competition #20 06/2/19 What can we do to reduce violent crime in the UK Weekly Competition #20 06/2/19 l chose E because if someone commits murder, and they are punished for it sufficiently and it is... Weekly competition #19 30/1/19 Revenge! I can’t believe them. What is our society turning into? Why are people so heartless, so... Weekly Competition #17 16/1/19 In 2019, I believe that Britain will start facing the consequences of leaving the European... Christmas Holiday Competition! 22/12/18 Money matters because it is a sufficient trade for all our needs in this world. Because of that,... Weekly Competition #13 05/12/18 I am sceptical about headline C because money can't buy you happiness. Some people win the... Weekly Competition #12 29/11/18 Gasping for breath, I stagger across the the sand, aimlessly looking for survival. I scream at... Weekly Competition #11 21/11/18 I would invest my £100,000 on trying to minimize deforestation. Did you know that we cut down a... Weekly Competition #10 15/11/18