Comments by selfassured_journalist Comment Post Date Picture D sums up my conversations on Gender Bias perfectly. Usually we discuss gender... #28 Pick a pic! 31/3/22 My message to women and girls is: Stand up for yourself, for your rights. You deserve to be... #23 What should they hear? 28/2/22 My fictional character is Amelia Bones from the Harry Potter series. In Harry Potter and the... #22 Escape the pages! 23/2/22 If I was a news reporter,I would report on the current Winter Olympics. This topic is important... #21 You choose the news! 14/2/22 What will you do to learn more about the news in 2022? I will subscribe to a newspaper, to keep... #16 Wheel decide! 06/1/22 My competition links to the Issue Cancel culture. I would challenge people to research stories... #44 The competition competition 16/7/21 I believe that Inge is the odd one out. Her situation is different to the others as she is... #43 Odd one out 12/7/21 One piece of advice that I would give to someone who has been cancelled is that if they see... #42 Good advice 05/7/21 Nice #41 Picture this! 29/6/21 I think Picture B shows cancel culture the best as it shows a small boy pushing at a huge... #41 Picture this! 28/6/21 Ingredients for justice: -Unfair problem -Listening skills -Unbiased... #40 Recipe for justice 23/6/21 I agree with OPINION C the most because if we don't disagree, we will never learn about... #39 Pick one! 11/6/21 I too the quiz and found that problem-solving is the skill that comes to me most naturally.... #37 Skill quiz! 28/5/21 Great idea! #36 Work for the world! 28/5/21 I would become an explorer who goes on many expeditions around the world. I would see the... #36 Work for the world! 24/5/21 Hi smart_tomato, Your rule is really great and you clearly know the steps in making your rule... #35 Make a rule! 18/5/21 My rule is: Do 5 actions to save our planet from being destroyed. My rule might seem small, but... #35 Make a rule! 17/5/21 The Earth is like a newborn bird. If we don't care for it, greenhouse gasses will attack it like... #34 Caption this! 10/5/21 This is a really inspiring caption comfortable_yuzu! #34 Caption this! 10/5/21 I would invent a flying machine which can quickly pick up litter and non-biodegradable objects... #33 Invention test! 30/4/21 1 2 >