stellar_lion has not published standpoints yet. Comments by stellar_lion Comment Post Date Comment: Art is a simple way to express yourself, because drawing, painting, and even modelling can show... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 05/6/20 Comment: I chose in the middle because, politicians are well educated people who have been chosen by the... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: I agree with you because talking nicely to people is just basic manners, but it makes a big... Post: #20 - What One Change....? Date: 28/1/20 Comment: When I hear the word power, I think of kings, queens and prime ministers, because they have many... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 21/1/20 Comment: I would choose: NASA bringing the universe to your hands, because it shows that NASA are trying... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 15/11/19 Comment: I think space travel is useful because we may be able to discover something that could help with... Post: #10 - Brain-stand! Winners Announced Date: 15/11/19 Comment: I believe that mystical, colossal, and fascinating are the best three words to describe space,... Post: #8 - Three Words And Why Date: 31/10/19 Comment: Once I changed my mind because I thought that somebody would be grateful if I gave them a... Post: Weekly Competition #24 Date: 05/3/19 Comment: The police would look into the crime to see who committed it. If they find out that the criminal... Post: Weekly Competition #20 Date: 05/2/19 Comment: I pick B because if you punish somebody and they change their behaviour the victim might know... Post: Weekly competition #19 Date: 31/1/19 Comment: "Bloodbath Britain" is very worrying because it shows that Britain has had a lot of murders. It... Post: Weekly Competition #18 Date: 22/1/19 Comment: I would have no friends. Very lonely. Post: Weekly Competition #17 Date: 15/1/19 Comment: Money matters to everybody because rich people like to be extra rich and poor people don't want... Post: Weekly Competition #13 Date: 04/12/18 Comment: Without money we could start trading items and using items that are not needed to get other... Post: Weekly Competition #9 Date: 08/11/18