Standpoints by zestful_deer Written by: zestful_deer Fast Fashion : PROS AND CONS 10 December 2022 4 comments Comments by zestful_deer Comment Post Date Yes it has a lot of carbon emissions but as compared to other sources like industrial waste or... Space: a positive human future? 08/12/22 Thanks it was a great opportunity for me to study something outside the syllabus. STEP ONE: pick a standpoint topic 05/12/22 *Well we discovered helium from the sun. *Above all that we are able to study about the fifth... Space: a positive human future? 05/12/22 ● Iam most passionate about the "space" topic.When it comes to space related topics i become... STEP ONE: pick a standpoint topic 05/12/22 Ok so by necessary i mean such occasions that are related to the game or tournament like "cheating". Sport and politics: do they mix? 22/11/22 My mother wanted to be a doctor but it was really difficult for her because what the doctor said... A doctor's words 21/11/22 It's sad to see that politics and sports are connected. I don't think any player should be... Sport and politics: do they mix? 21/11/22 I am a cricket lover and i live near the biggest stadium of Pakistan so if next T20 world cup... Coming to a town near YOU! Or not? 21/11/22 the statement that Billie said was very deep in meaning in my opinion it means that every person... Do you have to see it, to be it? 14/11/22 Should the food be free for children (0-5 years) Suggest a discussion! 14/11/22 Is sending the waste in space ethical ? Suggest a discussion! 14/11/22 I am in total agreement with you if cop27 isn't bringing a change to my local environment then i... Are COP events sustainable? 14/11/22 i am totally in love with it .What's the great part of it ? Physics is everywhere where ever you... Space: a positive human future? 14/11/22 So are young people political short answer is :YES . But there are few up and downs ## UPS:... Are young people political? 07/11/22 Fast fashion is providing a large number of clothes to people (which is good ) but they are... Who is responsible? 07/11/22 Ok i want to start with what it really is recently we've been observing that climate is showing... Are COP events sustainable? 07/11/22 my keen question is that are space elevators possible if yes how if no why not my idea about... ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! 07/11/22 No doubt ! it certainly is important for mankind on a long run. As a physics person i know that... Space: a positive human future? 05/11/22 the one who inspired me for space exploration was 'Carl sagan' .he is my real hero even though... Expert challenge: achieving dreams! 05/11/22