Comments by students of Boutcher CofE Primary School A | United Kingdom Student Comment Post Date ambitious_groundhog I think if a prison is bad then the prisoners should be taken to a better prison located... What if prisons aren’t working? 22/2/24 jolly_dragonfly Businesses have the right to vote. They should be able to encourage many people to see whether... Businesses and elections 22/2/24 magical_tennis I would like to see things like not being enemies with your component. To adapt on my point is:... How could businesses make positive change? 22/2/24 inspiring_peach i dont think it is fair that men see women as people who can only cook and clean and look after... Gender inequality: have your say! 22/2/24 lively_emotion I agree because the fight isn't over for women. There still are disagreements around the world... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24 champion_tangerine I think it's not fair because say football there are men's football cards but there aren't... Gender inequality: have your say! 22/2/24 awesome_speech I think illegal immigration’s is a problem as when crossing the border not only will it make it... Suggest a discussion 22/2/24 quiet_literature I don't think woman are repesented in the same way that men are and woman are not payed the same... Do you feel represented? 22/2/24 outspoken_reality Though there are things that are a lot of work to help climate change,the little things help... How to make a change 22/2/24 intrepid_drum I completely agree with you, how AI can help prevent hackers and can help people to be safe with... Jobs of the future 22/2/24 blissful_hummingbird i would feel curious because i want to know that how will AI change jobs and how will they react... What's your reaction? 22/2/24 constructive_statement If I had the choice to have an AI robot made just for me i would take the opportunity because i... AI companion 22/2/24 magical_environment AI is a worrying topic for me because as time goes on humans will begin to get lazy and soon... What's your reaction? 22/2/24 awesome_speech They can do good things like charity work or donations or just good wills to inspire people and... Gender inequality: have your say! 22/2/24 polite_moment International women's day is a day to remember things that women have done and tells us and... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24 steadfast_juniper I strongly agree with option A as there are many things that men cannot do and women can , for... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24 persuasive_tornado Hello! My class had a wonderful discussion about women in media. Everyone gave a example of... Did you do the classroom lesson? 22/2/24 ambitious_groundhog I agree with A as a good way to show that women matter just as much as men is a full day... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24 fair_hurricane I don't think gender on the media is fair because for example on the news more men are seen as... Do you feel represented? 22/2/24 selfreliant_maths I agree with A because women in the old days were treated badly compared to men.I think there... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 22/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 10 11 >