Comments by students of Elite Scholars Academy B | United States of America Student Comment Post Date free_armadillo I agree with your statement of political leaders always being scrutinize, but leaders are always... Your country in your hands! 10/3/24 courteous_honeyberry I think people have very different opinions on the subject of immigration for many different... Why so divisive? 10/3/24 spectacular_rock I disagree with Option A because the importance of an election depends on perspective. A person... How would you respond? 10/3/24 spectacular_rock Hi, I got an 8 out of 10. I was surprised to learn that 80+ countries are having an election... The elections quiz 10/3/24 courteous_honeyberry I think stereotypes are a huge problem in the world. Stereotypes can make people feel insecure... Stereotypes 10/3/24 free_armadillo By saying I would be up to leading around 2,000 people is to show that only in a dire situation... Your country in your hands! 10/3/24 hardworking_hippopotamus To me, business should definitely be influenced by politics. And vice versa. I think this... Should business be influenced by politics? 10/3/24 inspirational_opinion One discussion I would like to suggest is: "Ensuring free and fair elections." Elections could... Suggest a discussion 10/3/24 discreet_harmonica I think the media is bad for the elections because anybody could post anything on there. Whether... The media and elections 10/3/24 inspirational_opinion Suggest a voter lives in an isolated area with little to no access to the internet and news. How... The media and elections 10/3/24 engaging_twilight Hello blissful_technology, I hope your are having an amazing day. I would like to answer... Climate change and inequality 10/3/24 dependable_juniper I would agree with Abhinandan, because he has a point with how large industrial corporations... Who should fund news about elections? 10/3/24 engaging_twilight Hello Aimee!! The people can help with as much as they can. As letter A stated “EVERYONE”... Climate change and inequality 10/3/24 unparalleled_blueberry In my opinion, every single one of these options can give athletes more of an advantage.... Unfair advantage? 09/3/24 inspirational_opinion I agree because becoming a leader of any country comes with innumerable struggles and obstacles... Your country in your hands! 09/3/24 dependable_juniper Empathetic_opportunity, I completely agree with you, but I understand where chatty_fact is... Should countries hold elections during wartime? 09/3/24 courteous_honeyberry Although the media may be a good tool for elections, there are also plenty of downsides to using... The media and elections 09/3/24 courteous_honeyberry You can make sure that your news comes from a reliable source by checking for credibility by... The media and elections 09/3/24 spectacular_rock Hi Jason, Now I know I'm not the original commenter, but I believe I have a decent idea of... AI: and the future of war 09/3/24 hardworking_hippopotamus I agree with option A, because think about this, if your planet is a wasteland, or it's melting,... Profits or the planet? 09/3/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 38 39 >