Comments by students of IES Francisco Salinas | Spain

Student Comment Post Date
quick_measurement I think it is important to listen to other opinions even if you don't agree with it, but maybe... Why so divisive? 16/2/24
contemplative_land From my point of view, the most important purpose of prisons is number 4 as prisioners are... What’s the purpose of prisons? 16/2/24
adventurous_raspberry To the world IS better to have good news,because It afects in a positive way to the people.I... Too much negative news? 14/2/24
careful_panther Hi, I agree the most with answer A, as the company made the robot and didn't looked if It was... AI accident: who is responsible? 10/2/24
steadfast_owl I chose the age of 8 because from my experience with myself and my family I can see that's the... Age restrictions 10/2/24
quick_measurement Well,I think that the media plays a so important role for supporting women in football or in any... Women's sport 10/2/24
hopeful_strategy Well on mi opinin prissions are for people who have make bad things such as crimes, also a... What’s the purpose of prisons? 09/2/24
amazing_outcome From my point of vew, I think that everyone is responsible for stopping climate change. I think... Climate change and inequality 09/2/24
brilliant_saxophone Climate change is severelly affecting people's mental health, there are some people that are... Climate change: regular reminders 09/2/24
fun_contribution As I see it, everybody is responsible for helping to stop climate change. Most of the time... Climate change and inequality 09/2/24
unparalleled_lake Prisions,a place where a lot of people fear to go,others are just used to it.But the real... What’s the purpose of prisons? 09/2/24
healthy_seal People don't change their point of view maybe because they think that what they do it's not... Why don’t people change? 09/2/24
brilliant_saxophone In my opinion, the best thing we can do to make people underestand this issue and make them want... Too much negative news? 09/2/24
trustworthy_honeyberry I agree with the opinion C, that says that school is not only for learning information, but aso... Will schools exist in future? 09/2/24
hardworking_petal In my case, I'm very courious of how would the AI be in the future. To be honest, I'm also... What's your reaction? 09/2/24
compassionate_science Usually people think "don't matter what I do, if the rest of the people doesn't do nothing, I'm... Why don’t people change? 09/2/24
dazzling_seagull Hello Well, this is a difficult discussion because I think animals should have a happier life... Animal rights 09/2/24
knowledgeable_cherry I think, that in the future the educational system probably it will be better than the nowadays,... Will schools exist in future? 09/2/24
fun_contribution AI will contribute to the creation of different jobs in the future, and probably all of them... Jobs of the future 09/2/24
healthy_seal I totally agree with you, AI is a robot, therefore not human, so it cannot understand us and... Classroom spy! 09/2/24