Comments by students of Kassie Braun Memorial Schools A | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
nice_eagle Well am a Nigerian, Nigeria is the richest country in Africa and one of the top ten richest... Meet our school communities! 26/1/24
talented_cicada Wow glad outcome! That was a great move. But you confused me when you said that the ozone layers... Finding a balance 26/1/24
unbiased_planet Thanks a lot for understanding me precious swan. I really felt a kind of heartbroken with the... Meet our Festival topics! 26/1/24
educated_harmonica Honestly, this is very hard decision for me to make. But at last after some reasoning I have to... Too much negative news? 26/1/24
bright_philosophy I agree because... If teacher is being replaced by AI we they students and the teacher will not... AI and the future of education 26/1/24
unbiased_planet Thank you so much Katie I really did enjoy the class because I was paying a Very good attention... Report back 26/1/24
polite_pomegranate Hey, I scored 11 out of 16 which shows that I need to put more effort in studying more about... Test your knowledge 26/1/24
unbiased_planet Greetings Katie It was really enticing in our class today. First of all, different steps was... Report back 26/1/24
intelligent_nectarine Hi everyone, Reminders of climate change makes me have a balanced emotion that is the positive... Climate change: regular reminders 26/1/24
polite_pomegranate Okay, I think the question should go these way, should there be lesser use of generators and... Suggest a discussion 26/1/24
prodigious_globe Hi Katie, This is a gladning report I've just brought back from my class discussion. Eco... Report back 26/1/24
witty_cheetah Hi, Thoughts and reminders about climate change makes me feel the sense of awareness that one... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24
talented_cicada That was a motivational comment motivated elephant because the more we get to know the impact of... Climate change: regular reminders 25/1/24
bright_philosophy I learnt that every good thing has side effects and every bad thing also has the it's good side.... An interview with Caroline Hickman 25/1/24
motivated_elephant To me I don't think there will be any downside to showing only the good ones. To add to what I... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
talented_cicada I solidly supportes you phenomenal technology because I myself never knew that for every moment... Finding a balance 25/1/24
enigmatic_singer Hi Caroline it's so great to hear your wise words. You have spoken so well and you have also... An interview with Caroline Hickman 25/1/24
talented_cicada Well that was a marvellous comment straightforward King but I will like you to throw more light... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24
resourceful_leopard as you said they would be programmed to perform a specific task and in your own opinion what do... An interview with Raman Rai 25/1/24
motivated_elephant To me people should be shown only good news about eco anxiety because if they are shown the bad... Too much negative news? 25/1/24