Comments by students of Rajagiri Public School A | India

Student Comment Post Date
charming_context As you said nowadays schools lack media education which helps them to navigate the complex media... The media and elections 20/3/24
charming_context Media has a great influence on the people. It can change the perspective of how the people will... The media and elections 08/3/24
charming_context yes i totally agree with you. Nowadays most business forget to check the safety of the... Businesses v the environment 25/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi Topical Talkers, I believe boycotts can help bring about change...As it is given,boycotts... Are boycotts helpful? 18/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi everyone, So,If a developer were to create an AI robot specifically for me,I would like it... AI companion 18/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi Everyone, I think the should be a hub post on "How political influence impacts the quality... Suggest a discussion 17/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi Arushi, Yes,I do think companies can stay neutral in situations where business and politics... Countries behaving badly 16/2/24
jubilant_leaf I think young people should focus on learning more about sustainability, waste reduction, and... Are green skills the future? 15/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi guys,regarding the 1st question,studies have shown that attempts to influence voters can have... Businesses and elections 15/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi Topical Talkers,i think it is reasonable for brands to expect their celebrity ambassadors to... The “face” of a business 15/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi everyone,I think the spell which should be brought to life is 'Anapneo' which clears... Competition #4 winners 15/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi guys,There are several issues currently making headlines in both local and national news that... Report back 14/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi calm_cloud, i understand that you are not supporting country A because the total population... Countries behaving badly 14/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi everyone,if I was business owner with branches all over the world with the recent news of... Countries behaving badly 14/2/24
industrious_chemistry O ne job which AI might not be able to take over is as a journalist. A role of a journalist is... People v robots 12/2/24
industrious_chemistry Some of the ways in which people might be able to help out is by using more public transport,... Why don’t people change? 04/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi Harriet, I apologize for not citing my sources properly...I found the statistics on the... Prevention or protection? 02/2/24
industrious_chemistry I disagree about the part of writing as an AI cannot possibly write a book which itself,... Jobs of the future 02/2/24
jubilant_leaf Hi,Marie To me,the topic of whether convicted individuals should be denied their right to vote... Show what you know 02/2/24
jubilant_leaf One piece of information that shocked me was about prisoners' voting rights and out of curiosity... Show what you know 30/1/24