Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School C | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
lovely_wilddog Personally, the order I would have all 5 purposes of prison would be number one security. I say... What’s the purpose of prisons? 31/1/24
understanding_shark I think it is right to restrict people's freedom. I agree with it because to fear, safety is... Freedom v safety? 31/1/24
strong_jackfruit Hello! That is a great question you have asked. I feel like AI needs to be restricted to just... Jobs of the future 31/1/24
understanding_shark I chose to protect people from crime. I chose this because you cant stop crime all at once. If... Prevention or protection? 30/1/24
understanding_shark I feel as the robots will do all jobs better especially robots since their running off battery... People v robots 27/1/24
honorable_journalist Thank you for the reply. I would also like to comment on what you said about us being lazy. Yes,... An interview with Raman Rai 27/1/24
receptive_flight One piece of news about the climate that makes me feel good is the decrease from cold waves. ... Finding a balance 27/1/24
easygoing_redcurrant In my opinion, I agree because this can give you a high educational opportunity in life. This is... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
honorable_literature The training teachers might need to help them adapt to a world with AI is learning... AI and the future of education 26/1/24
genius_camel I have been thinking about this for a very long time. I believe a robot can do surgery better... People v robots 26/1/24
honorable_journalist First I would like to thank you for the words you have just added to my dictionary. Such as the... An interview with Raman Rai 26/1/24
understanding_shark How will ai change the future for the better? I think that is the most important thing for... Test your knowledge 26/1/24
reasoning_fig I believe that jobs that incorporate human interaction is best for humans instead of robots... People v robots 26/1/24
lovely_wilddog Personally I think there should be a discussion post about how AI is taking jobs all around the... Suggest a discussion 26/1/24
honorable_literature I am worried about the future of AI because in capitalist societies it might divide the rich and... What's your reaction? 26/1/24
receptive_flight One job robots can do better than people in the future is customer service. Now it may be crazy... People v robots 26/1/24
reasoning_fig I strongly agree with opinion C. With machinery doing everything that will leave humanity for... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24
lovely_wilddog In my opinion I feel that the impact that AI will have around schools is how now people will... AI and the future of education 26/1/24
unassuming_clementine In my opinion I think Ai will be taking teachers,waiters, and cashiers in the future, I think... People v robots 26/1/24
reasoning_fig One job I think Robots will do better than human beings would be building toys and equipment. I... People v robots 26/1/24