Comments by students of Rhemaville Christian Academy | Nigeria

Student Comment Post Date
intelligent_orchard Hello dazzling_computer You have a good point, AI won't be able to convey the needed emotion.... AI and the future of education 25/1/24
devoted_television Firstly, I want to thank you for this opportunity to be on this platform, and for the questions.... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
grounded_seal I agree because every person on this planet that have created an AI had to go through school in... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
stellar_reflection AI are capable of treating human beings but at the same time, they are not. Humans can keep... An interview with Raman Rai 25/1/24
jazzed_tamarillo I agree with you centered_lynx that AI's are helpful in construction because they are stronger... People v robots 25/1/24
glad_outcome The fact that the ozone layer is healing just makes me feel so happy and glad because... in my... Finding a balance 25/1/24
allowing_peach In my opinion , I feel the government and able individuals can help those who do not have access... AI and the future of education 25/1/24
ineffable_wasp I really understand your fears and doubts about AI and honestly i had the same feeling. I mean,... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
reflective_cymbals Hi everyone, Well I think that there if no job that AI can do better than us after all we were... People v robots 25/1/24
reasoning_knowledge In addition to what you have said the AI cannot replace the work of a lawyer because most... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
gutsy_blackcurrant Teachers should learn to work with AI because the world is advancing and everything is becoming... AI and the future of education 25/1/24
fierce_parrot Hey Henrietta, For my part humans remain the best at cooking, it might sound weird ,but yes!... People v robots 25/1/24
straightforward_beaver I disagree because...increasing reliance on AI-powered robots could lead to a decline in... People v robots 25/1/24
straightforward_beaver I'm not sure about this where you said that AI not having emotions will make it not to get angry... People v robots 25/1/24
jubilant_accordion Hi coherent_perspective, Honestly speaking I understand your point of view but I beg to differ.... Too much negative news? 25/1/24
fierce_parrot Hi ,giving_snail I agree with you that fake news can serve as a very big threat. I also feel ... What's your reaction? 25/1/24
intelligent_orchard I'm not sure about this because... I believe that they have a particular reason why they feel... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
helpful_personality In order to ensure AI is not overused or given much power ethical and responsible use is vital... Jobs of the future 25/1/24
clever_redcurrant I agree because AI can't be manipulated or bribed but can. This is why AI is amenable to take... Classroom spy! 25/1/24
helpful_personality AI can help make your daily task easier by helping you remember appointments to prioritizing... Jobs of the future 25/1/24