Comments by students of Rhemaville Christian Academy | Nigeria Student Comment Post Date reasoning_knowledge Well I think that employers have a legal and moral duty to protect their employees from any... AI accident: who is responsible? 04/2/24 intelligent_orchard I think that people are not changing their ways because they don't know how to or they are... Why don’t people change? 04/2/24 devoted_television I personally think that people aren't changing their behaviour to protect the planet because... Why don’t people change? 04/2/24 intelligent_orchard I concur with you. In my country, electric cars are seen as a luxury and not because of how much... Climate change in your country 04/2/24 fierce_parrot Hi Daniel Hulme, If i got the chance to meet you i'll have liked to ask about some things... Daniel Hulme 04/2/24 straightforward_beaver Keeping up with local news is really important for everyone in the community. It has a big... Responsible citizens 04/2/24 glad_outcome I agree because... loving and caring for animals can help us. Animals serve as companions and... Animal rights 04/2/24 straightforward_beaver make shorter Animal rights are frequently violated through practices like factory farming, where... Animal rights 04/2/24 jazzed_tamarillo I agree with you than no animal should be maltreated because they play a vital role in the live... Animal rights 04/2/24 jubilant_accordion Hey educated_fox, You've made an excellent point and I completely agree with you. Being aware... Responsible citizens 04/2/24 grounded_seal I concur with what you have said because every individual should be nationally conscious because... Responsible citizens 04/2/24 charming_artist Very true @quickwitted_penguin, prisons should reform prisoners and reward good acts and also... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24 intelligent_orchard Sometimes idleness isn't always the cause of crime. There are some crimes that even came about... Prevention or protection? 04/2/24 jubilant_accordion Hey thankful_blackcurrant, You make a good point, but you do not seem to get what I'm saying.... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24 thankful_olive Hello great raspberry, What an interesting point you've made here, I do see where you are... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24 intelligent_orchard Yes, you have a point. Some prisoners spend time in prison but never really learn anything. But... What if prisons aren’t working? 04/2/24 placid_physics Hi, A prison officer (PO) also known as a correctional law enforcement officer or less formally... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24 straightforward_king I learnt a lot from the quiz but the one thing that drew my attention was the fact that... Show what you know 04/2/24 charming_artist I agree that the purpose of prison is reformation but not mental torture, the best punishment to... What’s the purpose of prisons? 04/2/24 straightforward_king From my perspective,prisons should be a correctional center.The prisoners should be punished for... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24 < 1 2 3 4 … 122 123 >