Comments by students of Thurgood Marshall Elementary School | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
involved_hummingbird I think option B is the best because some prisons just train them a little bit. Next they should... Prison staff 21/2/24
sincere_apple I personally think that AI in the future could transform the medical industry in these emerging... Will AI transform the emerging world? 20/2/24
amazing_whale I think AI could be more good for the planet than bad. I say this because AI has all of the... AI and the planet 20/2/24
sincere_apple In my opinion, boycotts could be positive or negative depending on the situation and why the... Are boycotts helpful? 20/2/24
rational_hippopotamus I choose option D. I chose option D because if the government increased the number of Prison... Prison staff 20/2/24
excellent_spring Hi Today we did a lesson I have been looking forward to which is: Business and Politics what... Topical Talk in your classrooms 20/2/24
buzzing_river In my opinion the brand should have some control because the brand can't just take full of a... The “face” of a business 20/2/24
hopeful_history Today in my class we made a company with our groups. Next we talked about our company, what it... Topical Talk in your classrooms 20/2/24
steady_studio I chose Option A, because I think that all businesses should have the duty of helping with... Businesses v the environment 20/2/24
rational_hippopotamus In my opinion a brand should have only some control over what their face says or does.I say this... The “face” of a business 20/2/24
buzzing_river Should businesses be allowed to openly support one candidate over another? I'd say yes they... Businesses and elections 20/2/24
committed_speech I think that some challenges that journalists face when reporting local news in my area are, 1.... Challenges to journalists 20/2/24
excellent_spring 12/12! I was surprised in how much I know about politics. Most of the time I refer to these as... The business and politics quiz 20/2/24
introspective_grape In my classroom we got a paper to find all the things that may remind people about climate... Report back 20/2/24
hopeful_history Last week my class talked about prisons in Ecuador. First we were introduced to the escaping of... How did the lesson go? 20/2/24
allowing_starfruit I believe that B would be the best option for a brand. Having total control over the celebrity... The “face” of a business 20/2/24
amazing_whale I think option A is the best option out of all of them and overall the one that makes the most... Businesses v the environment 20/2/24
introspective_grape I'd say that boycotts can be helpful, but it can also cause some problems. Boycotts can be... Are boycotts helpful? 20/2/24
committed_speech In my opinion, I say that the brand should have some control over the celebrity. Instead of... The “face” of a business 20/2/24
steady_studio I think the business should only have some control over the celebrity. I think that if the... The “face” of a business 20/2/24