Comments by students of Thurgood Marshall Elementary School | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
upbeat_temperature I got 9/10. I learned that the world is changing and some people are worried about it. I also... Show what you know 07/3/24
playful_raisin I agree with B but I also agree with C.I agree with opinion B because using drugs is dangerous... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 07/3/24
plucky_signature In my class we talked about, if there was too much bad news about eco-anxiety but with a twist.... Report back 07/3/24
positive_engineer In my opinion, I believe that people should report on the athletes that are using performance... Should people know? 07/3/24
dependable_cricket If I had to pick to either have my very own robot or do things myself,I would pick to do things... AI companion 07/3/24
upbeat_climate In my opinion, I disagree with opinion A because in the future AI is definitely going to develop... Will schools exist in future? 07/3/24
lovable_camel I think It would be a bad thing if all adults on the hub would be replaced with robots. If all... AI bots on the Hub? 07/3/24
consistent_crow I would say something else that can be enhanced is creativity.What I mean when I say this... Enhanced Games: what else can be enhanced and why? 07/3/24
involved_hummingbird The positives about AI is that they can help disabled people. For example if you are in a... Will AI transform the emerging world? 07/3/24
consistent_crow I say no one has to ever tell something that they don't want to.If I was a performance enhancing... Should people know? 07/3/24
involved_hummingbird I agree with C. I agree with C because if you are performing and you fall and possibly break... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 07/3/24
stupendous_snow I agree, the women in the community doesn't get as much representation, wealth, or even... How does the world treat women 07/3/24
stupendous_snow Hello, if I were to make my own game the 3 main rules would be these: 1. No enhanced drugs.... You make the rules! 07/3/24
steady_studio Thank you for this response, discreet harmonica, and I do agree that getting more training is a... Prison staff 07/3/24
steady_studio I do agree, polite king, if a business is directly producing products that put the ecosystem at... Profits or the planet? 07/3/24
hopeful_history If I were to meet Emma Hogan I would ask her, what caused the prison systems in Ecuador to be so... Emma Hogan 07/3/24
committed_speech In my opinion I say C. I think this because I feel like businesses should take part in taking... Profits or the planet? 06/3/24
rational_hippopotamus I agree because I cannot stand when I am in a dirty place it just throws me off balance and I... Cleanliness or hygiene's of prisons 06/3/24
steady_studio I do agree with this statement, because even if the person is a prisoner, everyone deserves to... Cleanliness or hygiene's of prisons 06/3/24
rational_hippopotamus Hi reliable lobster that is a very good point I did not think about that.You actually changed... Profits or the planet? 06/3/24