Expert challenge: Earth Day

Clover Hogan has loved reading your comments on the Hub so much that she has decided to set you a challenge! Play the video to find out about what Clover would like you to discuss next.

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  • Great question! A climate café is a wonderful way to bring people together to discuss climate issues, share ideas, and learn from each other. Here are some steps on how we can organize and run a climate café

    1. Plan the event: The first step is to plan the event. I will choose a date, time, and location that is convenient for everyone. I could host it at school or find a local community center or library that has space available.

    2. Invite guests:I might Invite a diverse group of people who have something to offer on the topic of climate change. This could include experts, activists, scientists, educators, and local leaders.

    3. Prepare discussion topics: I will develop some discussion topics that will engage the group and spark meaningful conversations. I will consider asking questions like, "What challenges do you see in your community related to climate change?" or "What actions can we take as individuals and as a community to address climate change?"

    4. Provide snacks: Food always makes a gathering more enjoyable! So I will offer healthy snacks and drinks for everyone to enjoy while they chat.

    5. Encourage participation: Encourage everyone to participate and share their thoughts and ideas. I could use interactive activities and games to make the conversation more engaging.

    6. Set outcomes: I will define what Iwant to achieve from this event. This could be anything from gaining a better understanding of climate change issues to discussing actionable steps to mitigate it.

    The goal of a climate café is to foster an open dialogue and create a safe space for young people to learn about climate change issues and explore possible solutions. By bringing together a diverse group of people and encouraging open discussion, you can inspire action towards a sustainable future.

  • 1.How would you run a climate café?- First I really like the concept of running a climate Cafe. I would like to run a climate Cafe with senior citizens ,middle aged people and young people as the senior citizens could share their experience during their young age and how the world was during that time and the middle aged people could talk about how it was during their young age this will inspire the young people to get to know about how the world slowly changed and how the climatic crisis slowly increased giving Awareness to the young minds and in my climate café I even like to have homemade food so I will ask every participant of the cafe to bring their homemade food and we will sit together and share the homemade food and talk about the climate crisis.
    2.Who would you invite, and where would you host it?- I will invite my streetmates and few of my friends and also the street broomers and garbage collectors who really do a great job in keeping our area clean and I will mostly conduct my climate cafe during sundays and holidays to make sure every person is available during the time of the climate cafe and I would like to host my climate café below a big banyan tree because we could enjoy the nature's breeze during the discussion about the climate crisis and it will also provide the shade for us in which we could calmly conduct it during the summer times but mostly I would like to conduct my climate Cafe during evenings because the climate will be cool during that time according to me and also persons who are working during those days will return in the evening and join us.I will also have a very organised shedule in which every person will vote to choose the day when the climate Cafe would happen.
    3.What would you like the outcomes to be?- I would like the outcome of the climate cafe to be fun filled and useful in the end and I want the time which we spend in the climate Cafe to be very useful and give us some good information each and every time, we will also do some climate friendly things and try to change my street into a eco-friendly Street.

  • A climate cafe is really an excellent way to engage people to have a conversation about climate crisis and and I think the focus is on creating a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where everyone's voices are heard, and new ideas and solutions can be generated. I wanted to run a climate café in a theatre setting. The theatre can be a great venue for hosting events that are engaging and interactive, and that allow for creative and innovative presentations about climate change. I would like to incorporate theatrical elements into the presentations, such as storytelling, music, dance, or visual art. I could also use interactive technologies, such as virtual reality or augmented reality, to create an immersive experience for attendees. I think this can create a unique experience for the people and motivate them to engage more and make them continue the conversation. I would think about a theme that is relevant to the topic so that it targets the audience in a perfect manner. And I can engage them more productively like having Q&A sessions to participate. And can make them do performances related to the theme. When inviting speakers, it's important to choose and aim for divergence and openness. So I would like to invite members of the local community who are impacted by climate change, such as farmers, fishermen, and low-income residents, can provide unique perspectives on the issue. Attendees can connect with like-minded individuals, as well as experts and activists, and build relationships that can lead to ongoing collaboration and action. And by doing this, new solutions and ideas that no one could imagine can be generated. Like people can come up with ideas and solutions that may not be possible through individual efforts.Brainstorming sessions, open discussions, and interactive activities can be effective ways to generate new ideas and spark creativity.

  • Honestly, I am also interested in learning about the climate, and I aspire to form an organization like you that cares about this issue, as it is something beautiful and important that must be discussed, as I will start with some of my friends to revive a climatic cafe in the school as a first step by hosting teachers and people from the local community such as farmers, environmental specialists and young people whose interests and most important goals are environmental protection.
    I hope that the topic will be discussed in depth, and we hope that the results will be as follows:
    1. The spread of recycling, as it is one of the most important basics of preserving the environment.
    2. Spread of initiatives to educate people.
    3. Using mass transportation and bicycles to reduce gas emissions.
    Finally, climate change is one of the important issues that must be prioritized worldwide in order to avoid the resulting disasters.

  • A climate café is a great way to bring people together to talk about climate change. To run one, I will start by selecting a location that is comfortable and accessible for everyone, such as a community center or a park. I want to invite a variety of people with different perspectives on climate change, such as scientists, policymakers, and community leaders.

    During the event, I could have small groups of people discussing topics related to climate change, such as renewable energy, food systems, and carbon emissions. I could also offer snacks and drinks to create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

    The outcomes you would like to see from the climate café could include increased awareness and understanding of climate change issues, greater community engagement on these topics, and concrete actions that attendees can take to reduce their carbon footprint and advocate for climate action.

    climate café is a fun and engaging way to bring people together to talk about one of the most important issues facing our planet today.

  • To create a climate cafe, what we need is an idea that supports the climate and the environment. What I think is that everything in the cafe is recycled waste to encourage people and see how their waste turns into beautiful purposes. I want the cafe to highlight the beauty of nature by planting many trees around it This gave me an idea to make visitors grow plants and give them some of them to plant in their neighborhood, in addition to programs that we present about the importance of planting trees and preserving the environment, and we do not forget that children have a role in influencing their parents, so I am thinking of creating educational games, so this idea I will present to the authorities responsible for the environment To help me build the project and to hear the ideas of young people will help make it a better place.

    1. That sounds like an amazing idea! I completely agree that promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness through a recycled waste cafe is a brilliant initiative. The concept of encouraging visitors to grow plants and take them home to plant in their neighborhoods is also fantastic for spreading awareness and creating a positive impact on the environment. I wonder if there are any other ways to incorporate eco-friendly practices into the cafe's operations, such as sourcing locally grown and organic ingredients or using renewable energy sources for power? Regardless, this is a great start, and I am excited to see how it develops.

  • I believe a climate cafe is the perfect solution to generating ideas of how to look after the environment whilst also maintaining a positive attitude. I believe the 3 skills come into play and these are:

    Listening: You can listen to others to see what their thoughts and opinions are on various aspects in climate change. Not only can you listen to people in person but you can also be aware of the news going around and you can share a daily update of what is going on around the world at the cafe.

    Speaking: It is essential that you speak to others about the way you feel regarding this topic. Sometimes, letting your feelings out to another individual can help with relieving stress and knowing you have someone or several people there to help gives you a reassured mindset. As the saying goes: sharing your feelings is like sharing a piece of your grief. In the end, if you share it with several people, your sadness will dwindle.

    Problem solving: The team spirit generated at the cafe can enhance problem solving skills. If people are having a hard time dealing with this worldwide issue, they can come together to come up with ideas on how to address this top priority concern. It is important to listen to other people's views when doing this and by piecing every person's ideas, some can come up with exceptional ideas whether it is to reduce carbon emissions or raise awareness.


  • I would run a climate café in an underground, deep in the ground or i would like it to be up in the sky but not in space so that we can see how the atmosphere is affected more and how much smoke is released per day so, that might make us take the talk more seriously and work more harder and i would like it to be a huge place.
    I would like to invite people like the president so that he might band the using of vehicles that release a lot of smoke and i would also like to invite people from the Extinct Rebellion (XR) and i would also invite climate activist to share their ideas with us i will also invite mechanics to make us electric vehicles and i want the place to be like a lab where we can undergo our experiment.

    First of all I will start by making everyone present at the climate café to state the problems climate change has caused in their various areas and how they would try to combat the problems. The aims of the climate café would be to bring the rate of climate caused disasters to a minimum and I would try my best to make sure everyone participates and everyone would have a chance to express themselves and would have a chance to voice their ideas because we need all the help we can get in order to save our planet.
    Well, I would host the climate café at maybe a tourist attraction site or maybe a place where people frequently visit like the park or the mall and some people might be surprised but I would invite children who have similar interest and also aim to save our planet from extinction. You might ask why I would decide to invite children? This is because a lot of children could be quite competitive and when they see that their age mates or children younger than them are trying to take steps to save their planet they would also be motivated to try and start caring for their planet. Also most adults are really moved when children are fighting for reasonable causes so this would encourage them to start aiming towards saving the planet earth.
    The goals I would aim to achieve would be to make people more aware about the importance of our planet and that if we don't try to save our planet in the next few years our planet would become extinct. My goal would be to make natural disaster and climate caused disasters a thing of the past.

    1. What is Climate Cafe?
      Climate Cafes can look like a big group that organizes speakers and events, or it can look like a small village effort with homemade cakes to encourage clean transportation. The core components of Climate Cafe are that it usually rises from an affinity group (a town, an organization, a church, or a civic group). It is intergenerational, inclusive, diverse, respectful and welcoming. It offers a chance for people to gather for meetings or events that they plan and enjoy together. It is flexible! A Climate Cafe may meet monthly, or it might meet only for certain events. A Climate Cafe might be in-person, or virtual, or both.
      Also one can say a climate cafe is an informal, open, respectful, confidential space to safely share emotional responses and reactions related to the climate and environmental emergency (i.e. a “container”).
      A space for exploration of thoughts, feelings and experiences.
      A quiet, reflective experience - a haven from usual busyness and activity.
      Not designed to lead participants to any conclusion or toward action (actions can be discussed, but reflection is paramount).

      This is how I will like to run a climate cafe:
      1. I would like to stick to One Concept.
      2.Create an Emotional Connection.
      3.Offer Exceptional Customer Service.
      4.Ensure my Customers' Daily Escape.
      5.Be Inclusive.
      6.Train my Baristas.
      7.Offer Live Music.
      8.Offer Outdoor Seating.
      I will host my climate cafe for everyone without nepotism it will be free for all either family, friends, school mate, colleagues, random people that will like to come so I will make my invitation go viral and if interested one can come.
      I will host the climate cafe in a museum because:
      The museum café complements the viewing experience.
      An exit through the gift shop has become part and parcel of a museum visit, but the real jewel of any gallery or museum is surely the café. In these hallowed halls, you’ll find salvation from the shuffling footsteps of exhibition rooms, respite from the highfalutin art criticism of strangers echoing through the corridors, and escape from the clusters of school kids sat on the floor scribbling pads of paper with smudgy pencils.
      Of course there’s the occasional clatter of lids meeting teapots too quickly and spilt sugar sachets might crunch under your elbows, but the museum café has space for everyone. Regardless of who you are, what you’ve gone to see, whether you understood it, liked it or cared about it, there’s something unifying about standing in a queue, with your tray, making a choice between an egg and cress sandwich and a scone (always the scone).


    A climate cafe is a wonderful way to allow people in your community or wider communities to share an inspirational conversation about the current climate crisis!

    To run a climate cafe I would set several dates for when it would take place and include snacks.

    I would invite many people to attend my climate cafe. This would include: celebrities (to gain publicity for my climate cafe- allowing people to be aware of the cause), the UK’s Government climate minister (Sir Alok Sharma), a range of seniors, adults, late-teenagers and activists/educators.
    I would host it at a well-known or local park, so it would not be in an enclosed environment and we would be surrounded by beautiful nature!

    The discussion topics I would prepare for people to engage in would be: Recycling, renewable energy sources, deforestation, the ocean, global warming and carbon footprint.

    I would like the outcomes to be focussed on developing and creating a safe environment for people to share their views on our climate. Also, I would want it to have a fun aspect as they would be able to brainstorm ideas together and display their feelings for climate discussions through performing arts.

    Thank you.

  • The outcomes I will like in the climate cafe is:
    1. Educate People in the museum or gallery with the things we see around.
    2. Make people relax their minds
    3. Making new friends because I will be bringing people from different places.
    4. Sharing ideas even as we interact.
    5.They can engage with difficult truths whilst staying connected and grounded.
    6. A climate café aims to be such a structure - a container that is strong enough to allow the exploration of fear, anxiety, and other emotions such as anger, helplessness, sadness, grief or depression.
    This are the outcomes I would like when I host my won climate cafe.

  • 1. Running a climate café can be an excellent way to engage your community in discussions about climate change and environmental issues. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to organize and run a climate café:

    Define your purpose: Determine the goal of your climate café. Do you want to raise awareness, foster discussion, educate participants, or inspire action? Clarifying your purpose will help shape the format and content of your café.

    Gather a team: Recruit volunteers who are passionate about climate change and willing to help organize the event. Assign roles such as event coordinator, facilitator, speaker coordinator, logistics manager, and promotion lead.

    Choose a venue and date: Select a venue that can accommodate your expected number of participants. Consider a local community center, library, school, or even an outdoor space. Decide on a suitable date and time for the event, taking into account the availability of your team and potential attendees.

    Plan the format: Determine the structure and flow of your climate café. Common formats include panel discussions, guest speakers, workshops, or a combination of these. Consider incorporating interactive elements like small group discussions, Q&A sessions, or hands-on activities to encourage engagement.

    Invite speakers and experts: Identify knowledgeable speakers or experts in the field of climate change, sustainability, renewable energy, or related topics. Approach local scientists, environmental activists, policymakers, or representatives from environmental organizations to participate in the café. Ensure you have a diverse range of perspectives and expertise.

    Create promotional materials: Develop eye-catching posters, flyers, and social media graphics to promote your climate café. Clearly communicate the event's purpose, date, time, location, and any notable speakers. Utilize online platforms, local community notice boards, and social media channels to spread the word.

    Arrange logistics: Coordinate logistical aspects such as seating arrangements, audiovisual equipment, lighting, and catering (if applicable). Make sure you have a reliable internet connection if you plan to include virtual attendees or livestream the event.

    Facilitate discussions: During the café, assign a skilled facilitator or moderator to guide the discussions. Encourage active participation and respectful dialogue among participants. Use icebreaker activities or discussion prompts related to climate change to stimulate conversation.

    Document and share outcomes: Capture the key points, ideas, and insights discussed during the climate café. Record audio or video (with permission) and take notes on the discussions. Share these outcomes on your website, social media platforms, or community bulletin boards to extend the impact beyond the event.

    Follow up and inspire action: After the climate café, send a thank-you note to all participants and speakers, expressing your appreciation for their involvement. Consider organizing follow-up activities such as workshops, tree planting events, or collaborations with local environmental initiatives to encourage tangible action.

    Remember, the success of a climate café lies in creating an inclusive and safe space for open dialogue, fostering engagement, and inspiring participants to take action on climate change.
    2.When inviting guests to a climate café, it's important to consider a diverse range of perspectives and expertise related to climate change and environmental issues. Here are some potential individuals or groups you could invite:

    Climate scientists and researchers: Invite experts in climate science, sustainability, and related fields who can provide insights into the latest research, data, and trends related to climate change.
    Environmental activists and advocates: Reach out to local environmental organizations, activists, or community leaders who are actively working on climate-related initiatives. They can share their experiences, campaigns, and strategies for creating positive change.

    Policymakers and government representatives: Extend an invitation to local policymakers, elected officials, or government representatives who are involved in environmental policy-making. They can discuss current and proposed policies, regulations, and initiatives related to climate change.

    Industry professionals and entrepreneurs: Invite individuals from industries such as renewable energy, green technology, sustainable agriculture, or waste management. They can share innovative solutions, case studies, and success stories of businesses adopting sustainable practices.

    Community leaders and indigenous voices: Include representatives from indigenous communities or local leaders who have unique perspectives on environmental stewardship, traditional knowledge, and sustainable practices.

    Youth activists and student organizations: Engage with youth activists or student organizations that are passionate about climate change. Young voices bring fresh ideas, energy, and a sense of urgency to the conversation.

    NGOs and non-profit organizations: Collaborate with local or national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that focus on environmental conservation, climate justice, or sustainability. They can provide valuable insights into their ongoing projects and community-based initiatives.

    Choosing the right location for your climate café depends on various factors such as the size of your expected audience, accessibility, and available resources. Here are a few options to consider:

    Community centers or town halls: These venues often have adequate space and facilities to accommodate a sizeable audience. They may be available at a reasonable cost or even free of charge for community events.

    Libraries or educational institutions: Approach local libraries or educational institutions that have meeting rooms or auditoriums where you can host your climate café. They can provide a conducive environment for learning and discussion.

    Outdoor spaces: Consider hosting your climate café in parks, public gardens, or open-air venues if weather permits. Outdoor locations can create a more relaxed and informal atmosphere and help participants connect with nature.

    Virtual platforms: In cases where physical gatherings may not be possible or preferable, you can host the climate café online using video conferencing platforms or virtual event platforms. This allows for broader participation and accessibility.

    Choose a location that aligns with your goals, audience and responses.

    When establishing a climate café, the desired outcomes can vary depending on your specific goals and the needs of your community. Here are some potential outcomes you might aim for:

    Increased awareness and understanding: One key outcome is to raise awareness about climate change and related environmental issues. The climate café should provide participants with a better understanding of the causes, impacts, and urgency of climate change, as well as the interconnectedness of various environmental challenges.

    Informed and engaged participants: The café should empower participants with knowledge and information, equipping them to make more informed decisions in their daily lives. It should inspire them to take action and adopt sustainable practices, whether through individual lifestyle changes, community initiatives, or advocacy efforts.

    Meaningful dialogue and collaboration: Foster a safe and inclusive space for open dialogue and exchange of ideas. Encourage participants to engage in respectful conversations, share diverse perspectives, and find common ground. The café should facilitate connections and potential collaborations among individuals, groups, and organizations working towards climate solutions.

    Inspired action: Encourage participants to translate their newfound awareness and knowledge into concrete actions. The climate café should motivate attendees to implement sustainable practices, support renewable energy, engage in local environmental initiatives, or contribute to broader climate action campaigns.

    Community involvement and mobilization: Strengthen community engagement by involving local organizations, businesses, schools, and community leaders in the climate café. The outcome should be a more connected and mobilized community, with increased collective efforts to address climate change at the local level.

    Long-term impact: The climate café should have a lasting impact beyond the event itself. Encourage participants to share what they've learned with their networks, creating a ripple effect of awareness and action. Measure the long-term impact through follow-up activities, tracking individual and community-level changes, and monitoring the influence of the café on local climate-related initiatives.

    Remember that outcomes may not be immediately visible or quantifiable. The true impact of a climate café often emerges over time as participants internalize the discussions, build networks, and implement changes in their lives. It's essential to evaluate the outcomes through post-event feedback, ongoing engagement, and tracking of participants' actions and contributions to the broader climate movement

  • A climate cafe is a place where people meet and share ideas in order to find solutions to protect the earth.
    I will like to run my climate cafe in the metaverse because the metaverse is a safe place and will give us the opportunity to get more information about how to protect the planet.
    If I have the opportunity I will invite Clover Hogan, Ben Mango, and other climate activists together with some of my school teachers and friends. We can all meet in the metaverse using our VR headsets to try out new things by sharing different ideas, testing these ideas and finding solutions that will reduce the climate crisis. This will enable us to come up with sustainable ways to protect the planet in a fun way.

  • If I run a coffee shop, I will make sure that: 1- Solar panels must be used, otherwise electricity will be used. 2- The food should be healthy and not contain preservatives. 3- To take into account the possibility of recycling dishes or cups (after sterilizing them, of course). I will distribute papers to everyone who visits my coffee shop showing how dangerous climate change is and to educate people about what they should do. As for who I will host, I will welcome everyone because this is a global issue that everyone should take caution and beware of.

  • I was not so interested about climate change but after reading about Earth day I very sincerely started to think about whats my roll in making environment better. I found myself on the spot where I was niether doing anythingto improve our environment.
    As on a small scale I cannot call a cafe because I am a student in a school. In the break time I can call some girls and tell them my opinion as well as listen their points.
    Induvidually we can stop spreading litter by our selves and promote this in our house as throwing rubbish on open places has become a ritual in Pakistan .As stopping any when for dumping junk results in taunting that where do you think I should dump it.
    As Ms.Clover asked where would you run it so my answer is I'll start it in my school and slowly but steadily I will show it on a larger platform.I would invite all my school and class fellows after asking permision from my teacher.
    My expectations for outcomes would be all of the girls who listened to me start implementing on rules which I told and also guide their parents and families .
    So know I hope Clover would be satisfied from my side.

  • I liked the questions very much, and I thank the expert Clover very much .... • How do you run a climate café?? Via: Post Banners This is very important. Spreading wastebaskets everywhere and serving healthy food to customers. Reducing the use of plastic and using recyclable materials. Reducing the provision of animal production and the use of electricity instead of using oil "cooking gas" Who will you invite and where will you host it?? I think that I will invite everyone without exception, but there will be a dress for the cafe, and this dress will be environmentally friendly, and I am thinking of hosting them in a place full of flowers and trees so that they can see the results of preserving the environment and encourage them to preserve it. • What do you want the results to be? Well... I hope that my name is on the Sunnah, everyone is good, not for fame, no... Rather, I feel that I have made something that benefits people and the surroundings, and I hope that I will be a lesson for all people. In the end, thank you all

  • First learn more, reach out to people, try to get a diverse mix of people. It would be an open place where people have right and freedom to voice out their opinions either as a suggestion on paper or as an observation.
    I would Invite mostly students, the working class and the youths.
    I would love a high turn out of students with helpful contributions that can be Improved upon to better people lives.

  • According to my view point , as climate is facing disastrous changes due to global warming.As a result human beings are facing a lot of problems like rise in temperature of earth,melting of snow,skin diseases,floods. I agree that a climate cafe is an appropriate solution to generating ideas of how to look after the environment although also maintaining a progmatic attitude. I accept the 3 skills come into play and these are as follows:
    Listening: You can listen to others to see what their ideas and thoughts are on various characteristcs in climate change . Not only you can listen to people in person but you can also be aware of the news going throughout and you can share a daily upgrade of what is going on around the globe at the cafe.
    Speaking: It is necessary that you speak to others about the way you identify regarding this topic. Sometimes, letting your feelings out to another individual can help out with diminishing stress and knowing you have someone or several people there to help gives you a encouraged mindset. As the saying goes: sharing your feelings is like sharing a piece of your grief. In the end, if you share it with several people, your sadness will diminish.
    Problem solving: The partnership spirit generated at the cafe can enhance problem solving skills. If people are having a long and hard time dealing with this worldwide issue, they can discuss together to come up with ideas on how to address this top priority concern. It is important to listen to other people's views when doing this and by piecing every person's ideas, some can come up with extraordinary ideas whether it is to reduce carbon emissions or raise recognization.
    …………………….. TEAMWORK BRINGS FRUITFULL RESULT ………………………..

  • The ones I will host to the café are the youth in society because they are the productive category and the most aware and the most gaining benefit for it. As for the area in which I will host them, it is an area that will be full of green grass and clear blue skies so that they feel that they are in the bosom of nature and I will publish lessons to raise awareness about the crisis climate and its solutions

  • As a student I can set a climate cafe with few members, first of all I will try some interesting ways to attract other fellows such as recycling waste materials by making recycle bins, use of non plastic instead of plastic things like paper bags ,minimizing paper waste to make my school eco friendly, with the help of my cafe fellows I will designate a drawer for scrap paper, and students will be able to use that paper again for rough drafts, notes, spelling tests etc. , Eco friendly lunch boxes by preventing excessive packaging such as foil wrapped sandwiches and cling film wrapped fruits and foods.* Swap and donate corners for students.
    that will also create and motivate other students and cafe and members will grow and participate by being motivated and active member, that will later grow into community also.