Standpoints by awesome_speech Written by: awesome_speech The Enhanced Games:is doping fair? My opinion. 20 March 2024 9 comments Comments by awesome_speech Comment Post Date Comment: I think PED's shouldn't be used as although it can increase your ability . you arent performing... Post: The Enhanced Games - Both sides of the story Date: 27/3/24 Comment: I think prisoners should have a right to good food education and welfare and probation as it can... Post: How can prisons make prisoners better citizens? Date: 27/3/24 Comment: I think stereotyping is something that happens a lot for instance women and men having certain... Post: Stereotypes Date: 18/3/24 Comment: I think there should be a hub discussion if companies and organizations should be able to say... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 07/3/24 Comment: I think AI soon will have the reliability and power to change aspects of our world from... Post: Will AI transform the emerging world? Date: 06/3/24 Comment: Perhaps if they were all taking the same drugs yet different ones could have different side... Post: Should people know? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: I think they have the right to as one who can stop them and although it could either increase or... Post: Businesses and elections Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I think that using preformance enhancing drugs is unacceptable as it raises an unfair advantage... Post: Should people know? Date: 04/3/24 Comment: I think illegal immigration’s is a problem as when crossing the border not only will it make it... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 22/2/24 Comment: They can do good things like charity work or donations or just good wills to inspire people and... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I don't think sexism misogyny or any type of gender inequality is acceptable whether you're a... Post: Gender inequality: have your say! Date: 21/2/24 Comment: I think it is unfair as already the asylum seekers are in desperate need and sending them to... Post: Fair or unfair? Date: 17/2/24 Comment: I think we should discuss the health benefits in food but the dangers in some like fast foods... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 09/2/24 Comment: personally I feel 50/50 about AI as although it is very practical and intelligent our current... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 08/2/24 Comment: Our environmental state is becoming a major concern and is not only a threat to us and living... Post: How to make a change Date: 08/2/24 Comment: I believe should have some control when the celebrity does something perhaps in their contract... Post: The “face” of a business Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I think the fact of AI is quite scary as if you ignore the physical aspects AI could in certain... Post: Jobs of the future Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I agree with companies withdrawing from their partnerships with countries as if the countries... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 06/2/24